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I feel as if Law Spurn’s most iconic attribute is the inverted title and other inverted effects

present in the film festival postcard, that and both Arbeit’s bandaged sword and the vast desert.
All three of those qualities would probably be the vocal point in Law Spurn’s hypothetical
We highlighted the iconography of Arbeit’s sword in our branding by having most of it including
photos of Arbeit’s sword stuck in the sand. This is reflected in my bonus work for the
hypothesised movie poster and a hand drawn version of it as the Instagram profile picture.
Another part of it’s branding could be the rough sketch lines used in a more tense moment in
Law Spurn, where characters get thick sketched outlines to heighten the tensity of the moment.
The outlines are somewhat present in the branding because of them making up the border of the
profile picture on Instagram. Arbeit himself could be apart of the branding since he’s present in
both film festival postcards, looking off into a sunset.
Most of the palette revolving the branding would have a lot of uses of beige, orange, grey, black
and a contrasting use of blue for the inverted title. This colour scheme is mostly warm leaning
aside from the inverted aspects, which add a sort of counterbalance. A warm colour scheme is
most commonly used in post-apocalyptic settings, so the suggestion of the use of blue could
imply a slight subversion, suggesting there’s more than just a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and
this connects to Teras’ room at the end of Law Spurn being tinted in a blue colour, him being an
antagonist literally opposing the colour scheme of the first few scenes.

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