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Dream or nightmare?

You are all vastly asleep/meditative state in your own home world/plane (everybody rolls a charisma
save.) On save u are semi-conscious on you see yourself laying on the bed and you slowly levitate up
and seem to accelerate more and more. Improve what they see depends on their home world. The
ones who didn’t make the save just wake up on an surface made of material you don’t recognize.
Give them now the time to introduce their characters. Glasya lord of the sixt appeared as a 9 ft
(2.7 m) tall black-haired figure similar in form to a Succubus. She was well-built and of unearthly
beauty that remained undiminished by the small horns, large, leathery wings, and forked tail that
gave away her diabolical origins. Notably, her skin was of a copper hue, itself not an extremely
unusual trait for humanoids, but made prominent by its more metallic appearance. She was adorned
with jewels,sword, clothes, and various finery of incredible expense.

 Sealtiel – Known as the defender, Sealtiel is the ruler of Jovar, the 6th layer of Celestia
It’s strange to see a archdevil and tome archon together. It seems they have made a bet and you are
the players.Tell them what you expect from them and there is a key and portal in an asteroid.its very
simple the key opens the portal and it can bring you home. The caveat is that the portal need
powerful souls to empower it

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