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Alhamdulillah2 Hirabbil A’lamin assalatu wassala mua’ala asyrafil ambiya

iwalmursalin . wa ala alihi wasahbihi ajma’in .

First of all , let’s say our thank to Allah the loard of the world . who has given us healty
and opportunity .so we can be in this special room.

Piece and Salutation don’t forget to send the propet Muhammad SAW , who has brough
the darknes to the darknes to the lightnes area, us we feel now.

Before I begint to deliver my spech . let me say : may honorable to the english teacher
and my belived friend .

Ok, today I would like to spech the title is “ MUSLIM SOCIETY “ .

Brother and sister...........

If we see our cociety with a trough look, we will not see but sinfulnees. Don’t fell but the
bitternes of life. So many cruel eyes crave for immorality. So many ears are greedy to hear
defective news. And so many braing of the intelectual think only about wickedness.

Ladies and gentlemen......

Is the muslim condition similar to that ? it’s true condition of the next generation who
consider that messenger as their model ?

No, the condition of the next muslim generation is not parallel to that. They are not like
that and never be like that. We are prohibited to have faulty characters.

In fact islam instructs us to have the noble characters. Islam aks to furnish ourselves with
good values. Islam insits us to behave in honorable ways.

Have all of you the noble characters ! Behave all of you with islamic characters. Really,
if the muslim don’t behave with islamic characters. If you don’t have the glorious characters.
You will become humble people.

Brother and sister.....

Be afraid of Allah and purify your heart and mind. If you do so , you will become people
who are loved By Allah.

We will never be able to have islamic character. Nor able to implement the noble
character, in our daily lives unless there is a strong desire in our hearts. Our hearts wan’t also
have a power unless we live it. With iman and strengthen it with islam.

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I think that’s all for me, i’m sorry if I made mistakes. Thank
for your attention and I finally I say :

Wassalamua’laikum wr.............wb.

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