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English 1 90008A_1144

Task 2 - Writing Down Forum

Andrea Carolina Rangel Prieto

Group code_21

Angela Milena Rodríguez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD

Technology in pharmacy regency
ZCAR-CEAD Santa Marta
September, 2022
Stage 1:

Describing my best friend:

My best friend’s name is Ney Tejeda Perez, he is 20 years old, he is Colombian and lives
in the city of Barranquilla; and he has a girlfriend. He is a student in a computer science
course at SENA and does Beatbox his free time.

He is very tall and thin, he has straight black hair, he has brown eyes, he also has a scar
on his forehead. He sometimes resembles the actor Theo James from Divergent to me.

Ney is usually very funny and friendly, he always has a joke for every occasion, he makes
me laugh all the time, plus he is supportive and very competitive when it comes to
Beatbox contests.

He really likes rap, freestyle and beatbox, ¡as I said before he attends competitions on
this and he is the best! He told me that he prefers the beach, the sun and hot days.
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
A year ago, Luis, a psychology student at the National Open and Distance University- UNAD, met
Luciana in a very strange way. He was walking towards the cafeteria and some notebooks fell
down. When he turned to pick them up, Luciana appeared there to help him, but when he beed
bend down they both hit their heads when going down at the same time. After several months,
Luis and Luciana went out on dates as a romance arises between the two. Luis, before being with
Luciana, met a witch named Lissa, he asked her to make a spell to make it rain during exam
week at UNAD. When this happened, Luis did not have classes and therefore they did not take
exams, but he did not know that the witch had fallen in love with him and that she could know that
Luciana and he were dating. One day, Luis invited Luciana to travel to another city in Colombia
where she was going to complete her thesis degree, but he does not know that Luciana has
aerophobia, it generates fear, anxiety and sweating just thinking about airplanes. So, Luis
scheduled an appointment for Luciana with a psychologist to treat her phobia. After a week,
Luciana managed to overcome a large part of her phobia and told Luis that if he was going to
travel to with him for his graduation. They also did not want the witch to know about everything
they did. What she did was cast a bad weather spell for a week. But Luis had already traveled a
day before so he was able to graduated. Although he was alone what he did was call Luciana and
tell her about the witch and apologized and told her everything. Luciana apologized for doing
something like that, Luis then talked to the witch Lissa, the witch told him that she had always
been in love with him since she made the first weather spell on him, then Luis said a few words
that made her recognize that what did not right. In the end, Luis and Luciana were able to fix
everything and maked a trip to another city. So Luciana was able to overcome her phobia with of
Luis and the psychologist´ help and they never heard from the witch again.
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