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Prayers of the Faithful

1. Let us pray for Granny (Marian): in baptism she died with Christ, in her life she lived
in Christ, may she now share in the fullness of his resurrection.
Lord, hear us.

2. Let us pray that the Lord who is full of mercy and compassion will remember all the
good things Marian has done helping the less fortunate among us, and forgive her sins:
may she now be admitted into the heavenly banquet. Lord, hear us.

3. Let us pray for those who care for the sick and dying, especially the wonderful carers
who looked after Marian during her illness and old age: that they may have the reward
of their goodness in this life and the next. Lord, hear us.

4. Let us pray for all who are ill at this time: that God may lay his healing hand on them
and give them courage and hope and strength in their weakness. Lord, hear us.

5. Let us pray for the elderly: that they may they receive love and care from their
families and friends, live life to the full and have the courage to give witness to faith
and to the hope of eternal life. Lord, hear us.

6. Let us pray for Granny's loved ones who have gone before her, especially her
beloved son Arthur and husband Kevin, her parents Tom and Annie and brother Jock.
Lord, hear us.

7. Let us pray for Marian’s family and friends: that they may be consoled in their grief
by the Lord who wept at the death of his friend Lazarus. Lord, hear us.

8. Let us pray for all of us gathered here today to worship in faith: that living our lives
in fidelity to Christ we may one day be united again with Marian in the joy of heaven.
Lord hear us.

9. Let us pray for all those we have loved and have died: that the Lord may reward
them for their goodness. Lord, hear us.

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