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A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial
National High School Senior High School Department
Cadiz City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 1



May 2024
T vii

The Research entitled (“TITLE”), submitted by Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) Gantt, led by (GROUP MEMBERS), in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the subject Practical Research 1 of Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial
National High School has been evaluated and approved by a panel of evaluators.



Member Member

Accept and approve in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical
Research 1 with a grade PASSED.

Practical Research 1 Teacher

May 2024
The following important people, who have not only assisted us throughout RGE
research but also contributed immensely, are acknowledged and recognized with MA the
T vii
utmost gratitude.

Firstly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our research teacher,

Mrs. Russel V. Apiladas for unfailing support, wisdom, and guidance throughout this

research project.

In addition, we would like to thank the panelists, Mr. Neriel V. Cañete, Mr.

Nilbert L. Magno, and Mr. Bernie L. Fuentes for their insightful comments and

suggestions on how to improve our study.

We also would like to thank Mrs. Ronela Deriada, Ms. Jessa Mae Gepana, and

Mr. Nilbert L. Magno for spending their valuable time correcting and validating our

research instrument.

To Mrs. Lovella A. Diosana- Senior High School Assistant Principal For

Academics Designate, for allowing us to conduct our research study.

The participants, who cooperated, accepted our request for an individual face-to-

face interview and volunteered to take part in our study giving their precious time to

answer the questions necessary for our research study.

And finally, we want to express our gratitude to our beloved family for their

generosity, understanding, support and the assurance that we could remain focused to

complete this study.

Thank you, above all else Lord for the gift of life. For all the blessings,
knowledge, kindness, and love you have always shown us.
The Researchers
T vii
(SUMMARY OF THE STUDY) only 250 words


T vii







Background of the Study

Objectives of the Study 2

Theoretical Framework 2

Scope and Limitations 3

Significance of the Study 4

Definition of Terms 4

Review of the Related Literature 5

Synthesis 9


Research Design 11

Participants of the study 11

Research Instrument 12

Reliability and Validity 13

Data Gathering Methods 13

Data Analysis Plan 14 \*
Ethical Considerations 14 RGE
T vii




Appendix A - Letter to the School Head 33

Appendix B - Letter to the Validators 34

Appendix C - Interview Questionnaire Validation Tool 37

Appendix D - Letter to the Participants 40

Appendix E - Statement of Informed Consent 41

Appendix F - Research Instrument 43

Appendix G - Transcriptions 45



1. Inclusion Criteria 12

2. Themes generated from the analysis of participants' responses 16



A. Letter to the School Head 33

B. Letter to the Validators 34 \*
C. Interview Questionnaire Validation Tool 37 ME
D. Letter to the Participants 40 FOR
E. Statement of Informed Consent 41 T vii
F. Research Instrument 43
G. Transcriptions 45


Background of the Study

Start with a general overview: Briefly introduce your topic and its significance. Explain

why it's important and relevant to your field.

Move to the current state of research: Summarize relevant existing studies and findings.

Highlight key discoveries and contributions made by others.

Identify gaps and controversies: Point out areas where existing knowledge is limited,

inconclusive, or contradictory. This justifies the need for your research.

End with your research's rationale and objectives: Clearly explain why you're

conducting this study and what specific questions you aim to answer.

Be concise and focused: Avoid rambling or including irrelevant information. Keep the

focus on directly related research and context.

Use proper citations and references: Acknowledge the work of others while showcasing

your understanding of the field.

Maintain a formal academic tone: Avoid informal language, slang, or personal


Structure your writing logically: Use transitions and clear headings to guide the reader.

Consider your audience: Tailor the level of detail to their expertise, avoiding overly

technical jargon or assuming prior knowledge.

Research Objective: (3 objective only)


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the following theories: (1) Fred Davis’ Technology

Acceptance Model Theory, (2) Ajzen and Fisbein’s Theory of Reasoned Action, and (3)

Thomassen’s Customer Satisfaction Model.

Scope and Limitation

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

Future researchers. This study may provide them with a guide if they are

planning to conduct research related to a similar field.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to facilitate the learning of the study.

Era. A period of time of which particular events or stages of development are

typical (Cambridge University, 2023).

In this study, it is used to the phenomena of online shopping.

Review of Related Literature




This chapter presents and discusses the research design, participants of the study,

research instrument, data gathering methods, data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study used a (TYPE OF DESIGN) qualitative research design wherein the

participants shared their lived experiences in

Participants of the Study


Parameters Inclusion criteria



Grade Level of Grade 11 Students particularly two (2) from each


Table 1: Inclusion Criteria

Research Instrument

The researcher-made open-ended guide questionnaire was constructed after a

thorough investigation of the study, especially, those which were cited on the objectives

of the study. The guide questionnaire was open-ended; these are questions that do not

provide participants with a predetermined set of answer choices, instead allowing the

participant to provide responses in their own words (Albudaiwi, 2017). It sought to

answer the research problem and objective and was validated by experts using the criteria

developed for evaluation of the interview questionnaire set forth by Lawshe (discuss).

Their answers were divided and categorized into themes, depending on the similarities

and differences of their answers.

Reliability and Validity


The researchers adopted the standards established by Lawshe for assessing the

interview questionnaire. The constructed research instrument underwent an evaluation

process to ensure its quality and validity. It was presented to three (3) evaluators who are

experts in the field of education, research, and language. They reviewed the questionnaire

and provide feedback on its relevance, clarity, and appropriateness. The researcher

carefully considered their input and made necessary adjustments to improve the

instruments quality. Before testing, the instrument was critiqued by the research adviser

and also provided feedback. To test the validity of the instrument, criteria developed for

evaluating survey questionnaire set forth by Lawshe was used, and the result was


Data Gathering Methods

The researcher asked permission from the school principal to conduct the study

involving the students. After accepting the letter of consent from the principal, a letter

explicating the study and asking permission for students' participation was given and

shown. The researcher selected six (6) students aged 16 and 17 years old who are

purchasing online. The researchers conducted an individual face-to-face interview to

gather data. Face-to-face interviews are the most commonly used qualitative gathering

technique and purposive conversations between the researcher and the participants to find

out its experiences, understandings, and opinions (Deakin University, 2023). The

instrument was given and read by the researcher and the answers of the participants were

recorded and written with the consent of students. They were asked about their

experiences in shopping online and only the researchers knew the content of the


Data Analysis Plan

In this study, the researchers used the methodological approach in which the

results were discussed using themes. The collected data were analyzed using an inductive

approach under thematic content analysis. Thematic analysis is a qualitative analysis that

involves reading through a data set such as transcripts from in-depth interview or focus

groups (Delve and Limpaecher, 2020) and is an appropriate method of analysis for

seeking to understand the people’s experiences, thought, or behaviors across a data set

(Kiger and Varpio, 2020). There are two approaches to thematic analysis inductive and

deductive approaches. Inductive approach allows the data to determine themes, while

deductive approach is coming to the data with predetermined themes based on existing

knowledge or established evaluation questions (Jones, 2022). The researchers used an

inductive approach as it involves and allows the data to determine themes. Choosing the

data collection and sampling method, as well as the analysis unit, came first. The second

stage involved data abstraction, categorization, interpretation, and validation of the

representativeness of sample data. Finally, the abstractions were presented in a logical

and systematic manner.

Ethical Considerations

The researcher asked permission from the school head of one of the Public School

in Cadiz City to conduct the study involving the students. The researchers ensured the

quality and integrity of the study. Informed consents were asked from the participants

subsequently after they agreed to be in part of the researchers’ study. The researchers

want the acceptance and permission of the students for their involvement in the conduct

of the study. The researchers observed confidentiality and anonymity of the participants.

The researchers also ensured that the participation of the participants in this study is

completely voluntary to avoid harm. They were not obliged to share some pieces of

information or details that would cross their privacy. The researchers made sure that the

data gathered in this study were used for academic and research purposes only. Lastly,

the researchers ensured that this study is independent and unbiased.



The presentation and analysis of the gathered data in the study are covered in this

chapter. In order to supplement this discussion about the results, table is provided.


During the data collection and explication, the participants vividly recounted their

encounters and journeys within the realm of online shopping. Their responses served as a

rich source of valuable insights, revealing profound aspects of online shopping. From the

sharing of participants, the results were analyzed using the thematic content analysis and

four essential themes arose; a.) Expectations vs. Reality, b.) Convenience and

Accessibility, c.) Trust and Delivery Concerns, and d.) Dealing with Sellers and Delivery

Personnel. Table 2 shows the themes generated from the analysis of participants'


Generated Selected Transcript/Codes Description of Themes


1.0 1.1 Clothes are thin and May Participants express positive and
Expectations quality is not good. Before negative experiences about the
vs. Reality I add to the cart I check quality of products. They have
the comments first. concerns about receiving items that
differ from their expectations, such as
1.2 The best experience I Jene wrong products. Checking reviews,
had was when a good ratings, and comments from other
quality product arrived, buyers is essential in evaluating
and the bad experience product trustworthiness.
was when I received a
wrong item.
I’ll look for good
recommendations and
reviews on that product

1.3 I received the product Lisa

exactly what I saw in the
picture. But sometimes, I
have also received a
different product.

I’ll check the reviews of

that product first.

1.4 The quality of the Josh

products, it matters, for
me that is. The quality is
what I like the most.
I simply just check the
comment about the
product and the rating of
it. It makes me believe if it
has a good quality.

1.5 I received the item in Ryan

good quality.

2.0 2.1 Browsing throughout Josh Participants appreciate how online

Convenience the internet because it has shopping allows them to avoid the
and everything for daily needs. need to travel or leave their homes
Accessibility and the ability to browse a wide range
2.2 You just need to type Lisa of products easily and quickly.
what you want to buy then
it will show up

2.3 It’s no longer a hassle May

to travel to the markets.

2.4 It's convenient, like for Jene

me who's far from the city.

2.5 Don't have to go out of Ryan

the house to buy what you
need because with one
search, you'll see it right

2.6 When I search for Francis

what I'm buying, it will
show up right away.
Sometimes the things I'm
looking for are not
available in this place.

3.0 Trust and 3.1 The product I ordered May Participants have mentioned about
Delivery is different from what I online scams, fake products, and
Concerns received. issues related to delivery, including
delays, damaged items, and
3.2 Receiving damaged Ryan difficulties in finding the delivery
items and they took a long location. Participants put the
time to arrive. importance of trust in the online

shopping experience.
3.3 My parcel sometimes Francis
doesn’t arrive on the
tentative date. Sometimes
it takes up to 3 weeks to

3.4 The delivery guy Lisa

didn’t deliver it to our
house because he said it
was difficult to find.

3.5 It is already to be Jene

delivered and I am not in
the house.

3.6 A lot of scammers Josh

faking the products that
I’m purchasing.

4.0 Dealing 4.1 I chatted with the shop May Participants their strategy for
with Sellers dealer. handling the problems or
and Delivery inconveniences they experienced
Personnel 4.2 We messaged the shop Lisa from purchasing online, including
and they talked to the contacting and communicating with
delivery person. the online shop and delivery
4.3 I will text the one who Jene
will deliver.

4.4 I complained to the Ryan


4.5 I messaged to the Francis

Table 2. Themes generated from the analysis of participants' responses.

Expectations vs. Reality

When it comes to the quality of the products they purchase online, the student

participants expressed both their positive and negative experiences. As well as receiving

incorrect goods that does not meet their expectations. Because of this, it's crucial that they

read product reviews before making a purchase. The responses are:


“Ang indi manami na ang ginaorder ko nga clothing nipis kag ang quality indi

nami (The bad thing is that the clothes I ordered are thin and the quality is not

good either)” May.

“Before ko iadd to cart ginalantaw ko danay ang comments (Before I add to the

cart I check the comments first)” May.

“Ang manami nga naeksperyensyahan ko ang good quality ang nag abot nga

product kagi ndi manami naman ang lain nga color or wrong order or wrong

item and nag abot sakon (The best experience I had was when a good quality

product arrived, and the bad experience was when I received a different color, or

wrong order, or the wrong item.)” Jene.

“I usually uhmm mangita ko anay good recommendation kag mga review sa sina

nga product (I’ll look for good recommendations and reviews on that product

first)” Jene.

“Ang manami ko nga na experience sa pag order online is nami ang nag abot…

ang kung ano gid ang nakita ko bala sa picture amo gid ang nag abot. Tas pero

may ara man kis-a nga lain ang imo gin-order lain man ang like ang ihatag

saimo pag abot like amo gid na ang akon wala nanamian (The good experience

that I had when buying online is that I received the product exactly what I saw in

the picture. There are also times that I ordered a different product and I will also

receive a different product, that’s what I don’t like)” Lisa.

“Uhm..arang ano..ginalantaw ko danay ang reviews sang amo na nga product

antis ko mag-order kay basi bala law ay ang mag abot or scam lang gali ang sa

picture (I’ll check the reviews of that product first before placing an order

because the product that will be delivered to me might be of poor quality or it

could be scam, as shown in the picture)” Lisa.

“Uhh.. the quality of the products, it matters, for me that is. The quality is what I

like the most” Josh.

“I simply just check the comment about the product and the rating of it, by doing

this it make me believe if it has a good quality or not” Josh.

“Ang nami ko nga naeksperyesyahan sa pagbakal ko sa online is nag abot ang

item nga in good quality (The good experience I had from buying online is that I

received the item in good quality)” Ryan.

Convenience and Accessibility

Participants’ responses were convenience and accessibility as reasons for their

decision to engage in online shopping. They value how it allows them to avoid the need

to travel or leave their home and the ability to browse a wide range of products easily and

quickly. The responses are:

“Kay indi na hassle na magbyahe pa pakadto sa mga balaklan (It's no longer a

hassle to travel to the markets)” May.

“Convenient sa, like sakon nga layo pa ang city samon (It's convenient, like for

me who's far from the city)” Jene.

“I really enjoy browsing throughout the internet because it has everything I need

for my daily needs”. “Well.. it has a feature where you can categorize what you

really want to see or review and.. that way I won't worry losing my tracking on

the things that I want just by simply adding it to a feature called.. add to cart

unlike where you have to go individually to a shop to find something what you

really want. Uhmm.. shopping online is more convenient than shopping in-

stores” Josh.

“Mas gusto ko gid ya ang sa online kay diba malantaw ka nalang simo cellphone

kag ara na da tanan nga..itype mo nalang kung ano ang gusto mo baklo nmagwa

na dayun. Ara ya kung in-person ka libot libuton mo pa ang mall (I prefer online

shopping because you can just look at your cellphone and everything's there. You

just need to type what you want to buy, then it will show up immediately. Unlike

if you go in person, you have to roam around the mall)” Lisa.

“Ginpili ko magshop-online kay barato kag okay ang quality kag indi mo na

kinanlan maggwa sa balay para mabakal mo ang mga kinanlanon mo kay isa mo

lang ka search makita mo na dayon (I chose to shop online because it's cheap and

the quality is okay and you don't have to go out of the house to buy what you need

because with one search, you'll see it right away)” Ryan.

“Ang nanamian ko lang sa online kay pagsearch ko saakon mga ginapang bakal

ara dayun. Kis a bi ang mga ginapangita ko waay sa..diri nga lugar ti amo na

gipili ko ang online (The thing I like about online is that when I search for what

I'm buying, it will show up right away. Sometimes the things I'm looking for are

not available in this place, that's why I chose to buy online)” Francis.

Trust and Delivery Concerns

The problem and inconveniences experienced by the participants relate to trust

and delivery. They responded that they encountered online scams, fake products, and

delivery issues such as delays, damaged items, and difficulties in finding the delivery

location. The retorts are:


“Akon product nga gin-order lain kay sa sakon nabaton (The product I ordered is

different from what I received)” May.

“Inang delivery natapos wala ko sa balay, sa location nga ginbutang ko kag

uhmm.. delivery is ara na (It is already to be delivered and I am not in the house,

on the location I put)” Jene.

“Well, there is something I don't like about shopping online, a lot of scammers

faking the products” Josh.

“Ang mga problema lang bala kis a indi man sa shop ah, kis a sa mga naga

deliver man kay parehos nagligad, nag order ko product sa amo na nga shop

tapos ang delivery guy waay sa nag deliver saamon balay kay tam-an daw ka

sulodlon (The problems are sometimes not just in the shop but also with the

delivery personnel. Like what happened before, I ordered a product from a shop

and the delivery guy didn't deliver it to our house because he said it was difficult

to find)” Lisa

“Ang mga hassle nga na experience ko sa pagbakal online is nadeliver saakon

ang gub anga items kag dugay-dugay gid ya mag abot (The various hassles I

experienced in buying online were receiving damaged items and they (items) took

long time to arrive) Ryan.

“Waay gaabot kis a akon parcel sa tentative nga date. Ti kis a galab ot sa 3

weeks (My parcel sometimes doesn't arrive on the tentative date. Sometimes it

takes up to 3 weeks to arrive)” Francis.

Dealing with Sellers and Delivery Personnel

To surpass the concerns and inconveniences they encountered when purchasing


online, the participants stated that complaining on the online platform and contacting the

shop dealer and delivery personnel as their ways to handle such situations.

“Ginachat ko ang shop dealer tungod saakon nabaton (I chatted with the shop

dealer because of what I received)” May.

“Uhmm..ginatext ko ang naga deliver to inform nga pwede sa next day nalang (I

will text the one who will deliver to inform if it’s possible that it will be delivered

to me on the next day)” Jene.

“Bali gireklamo ni sa namon sa Shoppe gid, gin message gid to namon ang amo

to nga shop. Nag explain man sila nga sorry gid kuno kag gihambalan man to

nila ang nagdeliver (We complained about it to Shopee. We messaged the shop

and they explained that they were very sorry and talked to the delivery person)”


“Nahandle ko ang amo ni nga sitwasyon sa pagkalma kag nagreklamo ko sa shop

(I was able to handle that situation calmly and I complained to the shop)” Ryan.

“Nagmessage ko to sa shop kag ano lang gipalaba ko lang akon pasensya (I

messaged to the shop and I extended my patience)” Francis.



Based on the results and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn:


Based on the findings and conclusion of this study, the following

recommendations are made.






Appendix A
Letter to the School Head
Senior High School Department
Cadiz City
April 2023

Asst. Principal for Academics Designate
Senior High School Department
Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental

Dear Ma’am;


We, the ABM-Gantt, lead by Trisha Marie V. Masculino, are currently taking up
Practical Research 1 at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Senior
High School Department. A requirement of our subject is to come up with a qualitative
research study. In line with this, I would like to ask permission to please allow us to
conduct our study entitled “Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the
Era of Online Shopping”. We will conduct an individual face-to-face interview to
selected Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) students during the free time.

Thank you very much. Your approval is a big part in the success of our study.

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Approved by:

Asst. Principal for Academics Designate
Senior High School Department

Letter to the Validators


Senior High School Department
Cadiz City
April 2023

Senior High School Teacher
Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental

Dear Ma’am;


We, the ABM-Gantt, lead by Trisha Marie V. Masculino, are currently working on our
research paper entitled “Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era
of Online Shopping”. This research paper is one of the requirements in the subject
Practical Research 1 at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Senior
High School Department.

In this regard, may we have you as one of the validators of our research instrument upon
its administration. We believe that your expertise will be helpful in realizing the goals of
this paper.

For your reference attached herewith are the validation form and questionnaire.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Signature of Validator


Senior High School Department
Cadiz City

April 2023


Senior High School Teacher
Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental

Dear Ma’am;


We, the ABM-Gantt, lead by Trisha Marie V. Masculino, are currently working on our
research paper entitled “Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era
of Online Shopping”. This research paper is one of the requirements in the subject
Practical Research 1 at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Senior
High School Department.

In this regard, may we have you as one of the validators of our research instrument upon
its administration. We believe that your expertise will be helpful in realizing the goals of
this paper.

For your reference attached herewith are the validation form and questionnaire.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Signature of Validator

April 2023


Senior High School Teacher
Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental

Dear Sir;


We, the ABM-Gantt, lead by Trisha Marie V. Masculino, are currently working on our
research paper entitled “Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era
of Online Shopping”. This research paper is one of the requirements in the subject
Practical Research 1 at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Senior
High School Department.

In this regard, may we have you as one of the validators of our research instrument upon
its administration. We believe that your expertise will be helpful in realizing the goals of
this paper.

For your reference attached herewith are the validation form and questionnaire.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Signature of Validator

Interview Questionnaire Validation Tool

This tool asks for your expert evaluation of the interview questionnaire to be used in the
data gathering for the investigation to establish the validity of the study entitled,
"Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era of Online Shopping”.
This validation tool is based on lAWSHE validity instrument. The study aims to explore
and understand the lived experiences of selected students who purchases product through
online. The study has some specific objectives to be as follows: (1) to explore and
understand online shoppers’ experiences while shopping online, (2) to determinewhat
influences shoppers’ decision to engage in online shopping, and (3) to identify the
problems online shoppers encountered and how they surpassed them.

Validators’ Questionnaire Assessment

Interview Questions for Participants (Students) Assessment
Essential Useful, NOT Recommend
But NOT Necessary Revision (I
Essential any)
Objective #1. To examine and understand the
experiences of online shoppers
during the era of online shopping.

1. What are your good and bad experiences in

purchasing products through online?

(Ano ang imo mga manami kag indi

manami nga naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal
produkto sa online?)

2. What do you enjoy about shopping online

and what usual products do you purchase?

(Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online

kag ano nga mga produkto ang imo
kalabanan nga ginabakal?)

3. What are your shopping habits?

(Ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa
Objective #2. To determine the factors that
influences shopper’s decision to
engage in online shopping.

1. What are the reasons why do you prefer to

shop online?

(Ano ang mga rason ngaa mas gipili mo nga

mag-shop online?)

2. What made you satisfy to purchase

repeatedly the product from online sites?
(Ano ang nagpa-satisfy sa imo nga magliwat
bakal sang produkto sa mga online sites?)
Objective #3. To identify the inconveniences faced
by online shoppers and how they
surpassed it.

1. What are the problems or hassle situations

have you already experienced from
shopping online?

(Ano ang mga problema ukon mga “hassle”

nga panghitabo ang imo na
naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

2. How did you handle and surpassed these

kind of situations when purchasing online?

(Paano mo na “handle” kag nalampuwasan

ang mga amo ni klase nga panghitabo sa
pagbakal online?


Signature Over Printed Name of Validator

Date Validated: ____________________


Comments and Suggestions:




Letter to the Participants


Senior High School Department
Cadiz City

April 2023

Dear Ms./Mr.:


We, the ABM-Gantt, lead by Trisha Marie V. Masculino, are taking up Practical
Research 1 at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Senior High School
Department. A requirement of our subject is to come up with a qualitative research study.
In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our research participants for our study
entitled "Shopper’s Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era of Online
Shopping". To be part of our study, we would like to formally ask for your consent to
participate. We will conduct an interview on your free time schedule and preferred venue.

Kindly fill out the attached informed consent form. Thank you very much. Your
participation is a big part in the success of our study.

Respectfully yours,



Research Leader


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Signature of Participant
Statement of Informed Consent

Dear Participant,

You have been selected as a participant in this study being conducted by the
ABM-Gantt, leaded by Trisha Marie V. Masculino. This study is entitled “Shopper’s
Tale: A Phenomenological Study towards the Era of Online Shopping”.

This study is being conducted to explore the lived experiences of students

engaging on online shopping. The information that will be collected from this research
will assist in collecting baseline data and provide an intervention based on the results.

If you agree to participate in the study, you will be asked to be a part of the
individual face-to-face interview to be conducted on your preferred time and venue. An
individual interview is a face-to-face session with a researcher and a participant. The
possible benefits from this research could be a more in depth understanding of the
students lived experiences on online shopping.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are free to discontinue your
participation at any point in the data-gathering procedure. You are assured of
confidentiality and anonymity as you will be assigned pseudonyms in the entire data
gathering process. In case there is a need to cite or quote you in the actual body of the
paper, the same pseudonyms will be used to refer to your responses.

The data to be gathered in this study will be used for research purposes only. The
actual individual face-to-face interview will be electronically recorded and will only be
made accessible to the researchers and no one else.

There is also a possibility that the researchers will see you again in your most
convenient time to validate the data that were gathered during the interview.

Thank you.

The Research Team

As a research participant, I have read the above, have had any questions
answered, and agree to participate in the research project. I will receive a copy of this
form for my information.


Date: ____________________

Appendix F
Research Instrument

Face-to-Face Individual Interview

Dear Participants,

The undersigned is currently on going a qualitative research study entitled “Shopper’s

Tale: A Phenomenological Study Towards the Era of Online Shopping” in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 1. This qualitative
research aims to explore and understand the lived experiences of students who purchases
online and determine what influences their decision to engage in online shopping.

As a pasticipant of this study, may we request you to answer this questionnaire as

honestly as possible. Rest assured that your responses will be kept confidential and will
be used for research purposes only.

Sincerely yours,


Research Leader





Participant 1

Reseacher: Mayong aga Ms. May, salamat kay nag sugot ka nga maging isa ka
participants samun study.

May: Mayong aga man okay lang oy

Reseacher: So are you ready?

May: Sege larga

Reseacher: Question number 1, what are your good and bad experiences in purchasing
products through online? or ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga
naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal produkto sa online?

May: Ang indi manami na ang gina order mo nga clothing nipis kaysa sa ara saila nga
ginapakita tapos ang manamian dasig sa mag abot.

Reseacher: Okay next question, what do you enjoy about shopping online and what usual
products do you purchase? Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano ang mga
produkto ang imo kalabanan nga ginabakal?

May: Damo sila interesting nga mga products ka ang kalabanan ko nga ginabakal bayo.

Reseacher: What are your shopping habits? Ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa

May: Before ko iadd to cart ginalantaw ko danay ang mga comments.

Reseacher: What are the reasons why do you prefer to shop online? Ano ang mga rason
ngaa mas gipili mo magshop online?

May: Kay indi na hassle na magbyahe pa pakadto sa mga balaklon.

Reseacher: What made you satisfy to purchase repeatedly the product from online site?
Ano ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa mga online sites?

May: Ang mga good products nga akon nabaton.

Researcher: What are the problems or hassle situations have you already experienced
from shopping online? Ano ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga panghitabo ang
imo na naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

May: Akon product nga gin-order lain kaysa sakon nabaton.

Researcher: How did you handle and surpassed these kind of situations when purchasing
online? or paano mo na "handle" kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga
panghitabo sa pagbakal online?

May: Ginachat ko ang shop dealer tungod sa akon nabaton.

Reseacher: Thank you gid sa pag sabat sa akun mga pamangkot.

May: Salamat man.


Researcher: Good morning Jen thank you sa pag sugot nga maging isa ka sa amon nga
participants, masugod nata.

Jene: Sige

Reseacher: What are your good and bad experiences in purchasing products through
online? Ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga naesperyensyahan sa pagbakal
produkto sa online?

Jene: Ang manami nga naesperyensyahan ko ang good quality ang nag-abot nga product
kag ang indi manami naman ang lain nga color or wrong order or wrong item ang nag
abot sakon.

Reseacher: What do you enjoy about shopping online and what usual products do you
purchase? Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano nga mga produkto ang imo
kalabanan nga gina bakal?

Jene: Like ang mga needed nga mga products kag ang usually products nga akun gina
purchase is ang sunscreen, amo lang na hahaha

Reseacher: What are your shopping habits? Ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa

Jene: I usually uhmm mangita ko anay good recommendation kag mga review sa sina nga

Reseacher: What are the reasons why do you prefer to shop online? Ano ang mga rason
ngaa mas gipili mo nga magshop online?

Jene: Para convenient sa, like sakon nga layo ang city samon.

Reseacher: What made you satisfy to purchase repeatedly the product from online sites?
Ano ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa mga online sites?

Jene: Base on my experience ang mga na order ko is very effective like ganorn hahaha

Researcher: Ahh hahaha. Ano naman

Reseacher: What are the problems or hassle situations have you already experienced from
shopping online? Ano ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga panghitabo ang imo na
naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

Jene: Inang delivery na tapos wala ko sa balay, sa location nga ginbutang ko kag uhmm..
delivery is ara na.

Researcher: How did you handle and surpassed these kind of situations when purchasing
online? Paano mo na "handle" kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga panghitabo
sa pagbakal online?

Jene: Uhmm.. ginatext ko ang naga deliver to inform nga pwede sa next day nalang.

Reseacher: Ah sige sige. Thank you so much sa pag cooperate and also sa pag sabat
sakun tanan nga pamangkot. Okay na tapos na aton interview. Thank you liwat.


Reseacher: Sugod na ta? (nag hando ang participant) so ng first let me introduce myself
(gistate sang researcher iya name) from 11 ABM Gantt. So and you are?

Josh: I’m Josh from HUMSS

Researcher: Thank you haha. Thank you for accepting sa sini nga interview kag ng ini
nga interview all about lang ni sya sa online shopping lang gid. So first question

Reseacher: What are your good and bad experiences in purchasing products through
online? Or ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga naesperyensyahan sa
pagbakal produkto sa online?

Josh: It was risky knowing that internet has a lot of scammers by faking the product that
I'm purchasing, the good this is I can review the product through comments and rating,
the bad thing is, is it trusted or not.

Researcher: What do you enjoy about shopping online and what usual products do you
purchase? Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano nga mga produkto ang imo
kalabanan nga gina bakal?

Josh: I really enjoy browsing throughout the internet, because.. it has everything I need
for my daily needs, and I mostly purchase some shoes and bag, well most of the time I'll
just.. browse.

Reseacher: What are your shopping habits? Ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa

Josh: My shopping habits is just scrolling throughout the internet until I found something
that pokes my interest.

Researcher: So to determine the factors that influences shoppers’ decision to engage in

online shopping.

Reseacher: So what are the reasons why do you prefer to shop online? Ano ang mga
rason ngaa mas gipili mo nga magshop online?

Josh: Well... It has a ... feature where you can categories what you really want to see or
review and... that way I won't worry losing my tracking on the things that I want just by
simply adding it to a feature called..." Add to cart" unlike where you have to go
individually to a shop to find something what you really want. Uhmm... shopping online
is more convenient than shopping in real life.

Reseacher: What made you satisfy to purchase repeatedly the product from online sites?
Ano ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa mga online sites?

Josh: Uhh.. the quality of the products,it matters, for me that is, the quality is what I like
the most.

Reseacher: So what are the problems or hassle situations have you already experienced
from shopping online? Ano ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga panghitabo ang
imo na naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

Josh: Well... there is something I don't like about shopping online, it's the fake products
and the mostly case of... of getting the product to out of stock.

Reseacher: How did you handle and surpassed these kind of situations when purchasing
online? Paano mo na "handle" kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga panghitabo
sa pagbakal online?

Josh: Uhm I simply just check the comment about.. about the product and the rating of it,
by doing this it makes believe... if it has a good quality or.. not.

Reseacher: Thank you gid.


Researcher: Good morning, salamat kay nag sugot ka nga maging isa ka participant
samun study so let's proceed.

Researcher: So for.. for our first objective may ara kami is to examine and understand the
experiences of online shoppers during the era of online shopping. So we have three
questions. Ang una nga question is.

Reseacher: What are your good and bad experiences in purchasing products through
online? So ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga naesperyensyahan sa
pagbakal produkto sa online?

Lisa: Ang manami ko nga na experience sa pag-order online is nami ang abot... ang kung
ano gid ang nakita ko bala sa picture, amo gid ang nag-abot . Tas pero may ara man kis-a
nga lain ang imo gin-order lain man ang like ang ihatag saimo pag-abot like amo gid na
ang akon sala nanamian.

Reseacher: Sa ikaduwa nga question. What do you enjoy about shopping online and what
usual products do you purchase? Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano nga
mga produkto ang imo kalabanan nga gina bakal?

Lisa: Nanamian ko mag... bakal online kay para ano malantaw kana lang bala sa imo
cellphone, indi ka na maggwa, dira ka nalang saimo cellphone ma add to cart ka
nalang,kag may ara man COD,mabayad ka nalang sang delivery kung mag abot. Permi
ko da nga ginaorder is ang mga.. ano... kis-a wala, ang mga ginaorder ko du waay man
pulos pero like ang kalabanan ko na order mga bayo.

Reseacher: Sa last nga question for our first objective. What are your shopping habits?
Or ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa online?

Lisa: Uhm.. arang ano.. ginalantaw ko danay ang reviews sang amo na nga product antis
ko mag-order kay basi bala law-ay ang mag-abot or.. scam lang na gali an sa picture.
Thank you.

Reseacher: Thank you. Maproceed ta sa amon.. amon nga second objective.. we have
here nga to determine the factors that influences shoppers decision to engage in online
shopping. May ara lang kami duwa ka question. So ang una nga question is.

Researcher: What are the reasons why do you prefer to shop online? or ano ang mga
rason ngaa mas gipili mo nga magshop online?

Lisa: So bali sa gihambal ko kagina daw mas gusto ko gid ya ang sa online kay diba
malantaw ka nalang simo cellphone kag ara na da tanan nga... itype mo nalang kung ano
gusto mo baklon magwa na dayun. Ara ya, kung in-person ka libot-libuton mo pa ang
mall tapos amo na. yeah amo na.

Researcher: Okay. Sa ikaduwa nga question may ara kami nga.

Reseacher: What made you satisfy to purchase repeatedly the product from online sites?
Or ano ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa mga online sites?

Lisa: Uhm.. kay.. kung magbakal ko saila like kunwari bi sa amo na
ginapicturan danay nila ang product nga gibakal ko antis nila iship tapos pag-abot sa
balay secured gid ya nga ang product nga indi maano nga maguba bi like that kay nami
ang packaging kag isa pa kung amo ang na nakita ko sa picture amo gid na ang.. gihatag
nila sa akon.

Reseacher: Thank you. Sa amon last nga objective is to identify the inconveniences faced
by online shoppers and how they surpassed it. May ara lang pod kami liwat sang duwa ka
question. Ang una,, what are the problems or hassle situations have you already
experienced from shopping online? Or ano ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga
panghitabo ang imo na naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

Lisa: Ang mga problem lang bala kis-a indi man sa shop ah,kis-a sa mga nagadeliver man
kay parehas sang nagligad,nag-order ko sa ila ano ng product bi sa amo na nga shop tapos
ang delivery guy waay sa nagdeliver samon balay kay tam-an daw ka sulodlon nga pirme
man na da ginadeliveran samon. Amo lang na ang waay nanamian ko kag nainit-init gid
ko to.

Reseacher: *Nagyuhom* Okay thank you sa ikaduwa nga question. How did you handle
and surpassed these kind of situations when purchasing online? So paano mo na "handle"
kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga panghitabo sa pagbakal online?

Lisa: So bali gireklamo ni sa samon sa shoppee gid like ging message gid to namon ang
amo to shop, nag-explain man sila nga sorry gid kuno kag uhm.. ginhabalan man to nila
ang nagdeliver , amo nga giorder nalang to liwat kag nagpasugot nalang ko e kay ano
man mahimo ko. That’s all

Reseacher: Thank you. Tapos na aton nga interview, thank you gid sa pagparticipate haha


Reseacher: Hello, good morning thank you so much sa pag sugot nga maging participants
ka samun study. Masugod nata ? ok?

Ryan: Sige sige

Reseacher: Ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga naesperyensyahan sa
pagbakal produkto sa online?

Ryan: Ang nami ko nga naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal ko sa online is nag-abot ang item
nga good quality kag.. sa bad,bad experience naman.. so far wala pa kag ok.

Reseacher: Ano ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano nga mga produkto ang
imo kalabanan nga gina bakal?

Ryan: Ang manamian ko magbakal sa online kay barato tapos . same lang gid ang quality
kung mag bakal ka sa mga mall, kag sa mga mall, ang sa mall medyo pricey,kag ang
pirmi ko ginabakal sa online either shorts or bayo.

Reseacher: Ano ang imo habits.. ay ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa online?

Ryan: Ang akon habits bakal lang nga bakal samtang may kwarta *nagkadlaw*.

Reseacher: Ano ang mga rason ngaa mas gipili mo nga magshop online?

Ryan: Ginpili ko magshop-online kay barato kag okay ang quality kag indi mo na
kinanlan maggwa sa balay para mabakal mo ang mga kinanlanon mo kay isa mo lang ka
search makita mo na dayon.

Reseacher: Ano ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa mga
online sites?

Ryan: Ang nagpasatisfy sa akon kay nami ang quality kag dako ma less mo sa gasto.

Researcher: Ano ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga panghitabo ang imo na
naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

Ryan: Ang mga hassle nga.. na- experiyko sa pagbakal sa online is.. nadeliver sa akon
ang guba nga items kag dugay-dugay gid ya mag-abot.

Reseacher: Paano mo na handle kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga
panghitabo sa pagbakal online?

Ryan: Nahandle ko ang amo ni nga situation sa pagkalma kag nagreklamo ko sa shop.

Reseacher: Okay Thank you gid, dira na maend aton intervie. Salamat gid


Reseacher: Good morning salamat kay nag sugot ka nga interviewhun subong kag sa pag
baton sa sini nga interview, sige start na para dasig.

Reseacher: Ano ang imo mga manami kag indi manami nga naesperyensyahan sa
pagbakal produkto sa online?

Francis: Ang nami ko lang nga naesperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online is naka - free
shipping ko sa akon pagbakal. Kag so far, waay pa man ko ka- experience sang malain
nga pagbakal sa online.

Reseacher: Ano naman ang nanamian mo sa pagbakal online kag ano nga mga produkto
ang imo kalabanan nga gina bakal?

Francis: Ang nanamian ko lang sa online kay.. kay pagsearch ko sa akon nga
ginapangbakal nga mga piyesa sa bike ara dayon.

Reseacher: Ano ang imo mga habits sa pagbakal sa online?

Francis: Mga balik-balik lang nga produkto akon.. ginabakal.

Reseacher: Ano naman ang mga rason ngaa mas gipili mo nga magshop online?

Francis: Uhh ano kis-a bi ang mga ginapangita ko waay sa diin nga lugar ti amo na gipili
ko ang online.

Reseacher: Ano naman ang nagpasatisfy sa imo nga magliwat bakal sang produkto sa
mga online sites?

Francis: Ang product bi nga ginabakal ko is.. well ipacked and ga arrive on time kis-a.
Kag ang quality is very good kag proven and tested , waay problema.

Reseacher: Ano naman ang mga problema ukon mga "hassle" nga panghitabo ang imo na
naeksperyensyahan sa pagbakal sa online?

Francis: Waay gaabot kis-a akon mga parcel sa.. tentative nga date. Ti kis-a galab-ot sa 3

Researcher: Paano mo naman na "handle" kag malampuwasan ang mga amo ni klase nga
panghitabo sa pagbakal online?)

Francis: Nagmessage ko to sa shop kag ano lang - gipalaba ko lang akon pasensya.

Reseacher: Thank you gid sa pag sabat sakun mga pamangkot. Salamat gid sa
pagparticipate para samon research.

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