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UU-COM-1010 Introduction to Information Technology

UU-COM-1010 Introduction to Information Technology

Assignment 1

 WEEK 2 – 30% of the Total Course Grade
 You have to answer all the following questions. Please give clear answers.
 All questions worth equal marks. Total 100 marks/ maximum total 1200 words.
 Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and the APA Referencing standard. Be
sure to adhere to Academic Integrity Policy by avoiding plagiarism through text-
citing and acknowledging other author's work.
 Upload your assignment using the submission link by Sunday 11:59 pm (23:59 hours)
VLE (UTC) time on the due date at the latest.

Marking Criteria:
Element Weight %
Presentation (General Presentation and APA referencing) 10
Essay content 60
Essay structure and organization 20
Language clarity and accuracy 10


1. Which is more important software or hardware?

2. How do you distinguish between hardware and a software problem?
3. What are the 3 main types of Hardware?
4. What are the two types of software?
5. What are the 4 types of system software?
6. What is the biggest part of system software?
7. You are asked to explain what a computer virus is and if it can affect computer’s
hardware or software.


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