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Ardianto, Dicky. 2023. The Implementation of the Process Skills Approach to Improve
Social and Science Learning Outcomes in Class IV A Students at SDN 002
North Samarinda in the Academic Year 2022/2023. Undergraduate Thesis:
Primary Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, University of Widyagama Mahakam, Samarinda. Advisor I:
Samsul Adianto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Advisor II : Annisa Qomariah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

This research was conducted at SDN 002 North Samarinda. The aim was to improve
social and science learning outcomes by using the process skills approach in the academic
2022/2023. The subjects were students of class IV A. The data collected in this study
consisted of observations, tests, and documentation. The method in this research was
classroom action research (CAR).

By implementing the process skills approach in the topic of substance form and its
changes in cycle I was 77.67 (good). There was an improvement in cycle II to 90.74 (very
good). Student activity in cycle I was 76% (good), and there was an improvement in
cycle II to 90% (very good). In cycle, I, the process skills approach to student learning
outcomes was 75.66% (good) but it has not been completed yet. In cycle II, it increased
to 92.41% (Very Good) and achieved completeness. The completeness was caused by the
following ways: 1) Adjusting the students and utilizing interesting learning materials to
increase enthusiasm. 2) In cycle I, the teacher gave motivation to students, whereas this
did not exist. 3) Rearranging student seats because was the main weakness so they did not
talk to their friends when the teacher was explaining.

Keywords: Process Skills, Improve, Learning outcomes

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