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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Sarjana

Pendidikan at English Language Education Department










Adelia Novrianti
A1M2 18 036

This thesis has been approved by the thesis examination committees as the
requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in the department of English
Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Halu Oleo University.

Kendari, October ,2022

Approved by:

Supervisor Co Supervisor

Drs. Alimin, M.Hum Desy Liliani Husain, S.Pd., M.Hum

NIP. 19631201 198803 1 001 NIP. 19891219 201504 2 001

Head of English Education Department

Dr. Aderlaepe, S.S., M.Hum

NIP. 19711231 199702 1 001





Adelia Novrianti

A1M2 18 036

This thesis has been approved and accepted by the Thesis Examination
Committees of English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Halu Oleo University Kendari based on the Dean Decree.

Number : 10266/UN29.5.1/PP/2022

Day, Date : Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Thesis Examination Committee are:

1. Chairman : Dra. Lelly Suhartini, M.Hum (.....................)
2. Secretary : Wa Ode Fatmawati, S.Pd., M.A (.....................)
3. Members : Drs. Alimin, M.Hum (.....................)
Desy Liliani Husain, S.Pd., M.Hum (.....................)
Dr. Kamaluddin, M.Pd (.....................)
Dr. Aderlaepe, S.S., M.Hum (.....................)
Siam, S.Pd., M.Ed. TESOL (.....................)

Kendari, October , 2022

Known by:
Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty

Dr. H. Jamiludin, M.Hum

NIP. 19641030 198902 1 001


Saya yang bertandatangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Adelia Novrianti

NIM : A1M2 18 036

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Menyatakan dengan sebenar-benarnya bahwa Skripsi yang berjudul:



Adalah benar-benar hasil karya saya sendiri, bukan merupakan pengambilan

tulisan atau karya orang lain yang saya akui sebagai hasil tulisan atau karya
sendiri baik seluruhnya maupun sebagian. Segala materi yang diambil dari karya
orang lain, hanya digunakan sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti aturan dan tatacara
penulisan karya ilmiah.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan jujur dan benar. Apabila pernyataan ini
tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada, maka saya selaku penulis bersedia menerima
sanksi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku di lingkup Universitas Halu Oleo.

Kendari, Oktober 2022

Yang membuat,

Adelia Novrianti
A1M2 18 036




Adelia Novrianti

This research aims to investigate the teacher strategies to cope problems faced by
the students in writing descriptive text at grade ten of SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano.
The design of this research was descriptive qualiatative research. The subject of
the study was the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. The instruments
to collect the data were observation, questionnaire and interview to analyze the
teacher strategies to cope the vocabulary, structure and generic structure problems
by the students in writing descriptive text. The result of this research related that
the English teacher used four strategy namely t-chart strategy, Idea-details
strategy, mind mapping strategy and tell-show strategy. First, t-chart strategy is
focused of the vocabulary problems by the students. Second, mind mapping
strategy is focused of the structure problems by the students. Third, tell-show and
idea-details strategy are focused of generic structure problems by the students.
The last, the strategy that is not applied by the teacher through the three
instruments is draw label caption.
Key Words : Teacher strategies to cope vocabulary problems, structure problems
and generic structure problems


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin, praise to the Almighty Lord the Greatest

God, Allah SWT who gives guidance and blessings to the researcher to
accomplish this thesis. Sholawat and Salam are also delivered to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW who has brought Islam as the Rahmatan Lil Aalamiin. The
deepest gratitude and appreciation of the researcher to her supervisors: Drs.
Alimin, M.Hum and Desy Liliani Husain S.Pd., M.Hum for the time spent and
kindness in giving guidance, suggestion, ideas, positive advices, support and
persistent help so the thesis can be accomplished properly. The researcher‟s
thankfulness also goes to Drs. Alimin, M.Hum., as the chief of the examiners,
Wa Ode Fatmawati, S.Pd., M.A., as the secretary of the examiners, and the
members of the examiners:, Dra. Lelly Suhartini, M.Hum., Yustih Yasin,
S.Pd., M.Pd., and Asna Wirayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., who have given their
invaluable suggestions to the researcher to accomplish his thesis.
Moreover, the researcher would like to thank Dr. Aderlaepe, S.S.,
M.Hum., as the head of English Education Department, one of the lecturers as
well as the examiner of the researcher, and Dr. Wawan Marhanjono Mustamar,
S.Pd., M.Hum., as the secretary of English Education Department, one of the
lecturers and the examiner of the researcher as well. In addition, the researcher
extends his gratefulness to his lecturers in English Education Department. Thank
you for knowledge, insights, advices, stories, and everything you have been
sharing to the researcher. May Allah fulfill everything you all are dreaming of in
Besides, the researcher would like to express her sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun Firihu, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc., Rector of
Halu Oleo University.
2. Dr. Jamiludin, M.Hum., Dean of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty of Halu Oleo University.

3. Dr. La Ode Nggawu, S.Pd., M.Si., Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for
the encouragement, so that the researcher can finish this research
4. The great and deep gratitude are also dedicated to her beloved parents:
Arsad and Wa Ode Hartina for the endless love, caring, prayers,
blessing, encouragement, mental and financial support given to the
researcher. Special thanks are also addressed to her beloved brother,
Brigadir Deni Purnama Arsad who always give his support and love
during the arrangement of the thesis.
5. The headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano, Safiudin Mada, S.Pd. and
the English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano, Sitti Narni, S.Pd. for the
guidance, help, and time sacrificed to help the research in collecting the
data for this research.
6. Researcher’s lovely family, my grandfather, my grandmother, Aunt
Samana, Aunt Harsipa, Uncle Sariat , Uncle Pemilu, Uncle Halimin
(alm.) and all of the members of her Family for the love and prayers given
endlessly to the researcher for finishing her study.
7. Her prudential agents, Siti Inayah Fahmi, Nabilah Nur Rahma Rais Majas,
Yusron Fadil and Raynald Engka for the laughing, crying, helping and
caring during the study in English Education Department. The researcher
feels so blessed for the beautiful and crazy experience they shared together
in this journey.
8. Her beloved friends in English Education Department, Erlina dwi Setiani,
Sri Wedya Ningsih, Lilin Deswia Ramli, Irma Nurlaila Sari, La Ode Arif
Wirawan, Muhammad Imran and Tasnim Idul haji who always give their
support, loves, positive advices and help to the researcher during the
struggle day in arranging this thesis.
9. Another her best friends forever of USS, Intan Mahani Marakerma
A.Md.Keb., Yusria Putri Muslimin, Nunung Purwanti, Wa Ode Endriyani,
Tri Amalia, Heni Mangun Effendy, Deni Apriliansyah, Idi Amin,
Asrullah, and La Ode Amdar who always give positiveness, always be a

good listener, thankful for their help, cheers, kindness, and time spent for
sharing and caring.
10. Last but not least, all of the ACTION members of English Language
Education Department of 2018 for the beautiful and memorable journey
they spent together.
The Researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. In the other
hand, the researcher hopes this thesis will be beneficial and useful for anyone who
is interested in reading this thesis. Therefore, any suggestion and correction are
expected to make this thesis better.

Kendari, 2022

The Researcher



APPROVAL SHEET.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................ix

LIST OF APPENDICES........................................................................................xii

LIST OF PICTURES.............................................................................................xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1

1.1 Background....................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Question....................................................................................4
1.3 Objective of the Study..............................................................................4
1.4 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................4
1.5 Significance of the Study..........................................................................5
1.6 Definition of Key Terms...........................................................................5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................6

2.1 Writing.....................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Definition of Writing.........................................................................6
2.1.2 The Components of Writing....................................................................7
2.2 Writing Descriptive Text...........................................................................9
2.2.1 Purposes of the Descriptive Text...........................................................10
2.2.2 The Schematic Structure of Descriptive Text........................................10
2.2.3 Language Features of Descriptive Text.................................................11
2.3 Problems faced by the Students in Writing Descriptive Text.................11
2.4 Teacher Strategies...................................................................................13
2.4.1 The Concept of Teacher Strategy.....................................................13
2.4.2 Variable of Teaching Strategies.......................................................14

2.4.3 Comprehension of Teacher Strategy................................................15
2.5 Teacher Strategy in Writing....................................................................17
2.6 Review of Previous Studies.....................................................................19
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHDOLOGY.....................................................21

3.1 Research Design......................................................................................21

3.2 Subject of the Study................................................................................21
3.3 Instruments of the Study..........................................................................21
3.4 Technique of Data Collection..................................................................22
3.4.1 Observation......................................................................................22
3.4.2 Questionnaire...................................................................................22
3.4.3 Interview..........................................................................................22
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis....................................................................23
3.5.1 Data Reduction.................................................................................23
3.5.2 Data Display.....................................................................................23
3.5.3 Verification......................................................................................24
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION.....................................................25

4.1 Findings........................................................................................................25
4.1.1 Teacher Strategy to Cope Vocabulary Problem in Writing Descriptive
4.1.2 Teacher Strategy to Cope Structure Problems in Writing Descriptive
4.1.3 Teacher Strategies to Cope problem by the Students about Generic
structure in Writing Descriptive Text.............................................................37
4.2 Discussion..................................................................................................47
4.2.1 Teacher Strategy to Cope Vocabulary Problem in Writing Descriptive
4.2.2 Teacher Strategy to Cope Structure Problems in Writing Descriptive
4.2.3 Teacher Strategy to Cope Problem by the Students about Generic
Structure in Writing Descriptive Text............................................................50
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION...............................53

5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................53
5.2 Recommendation.....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



Appendix 1: Observation Sheet on the First Meeting.................................................57

Appendix 2: Observation Sheet on the Second Meeting..............................................61
Appendix 3: Observation Sheet on the Third Meeting................................................64
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for the English Teacher...................................................68
Appendix 5: Blueprint of Questionnaire......................................................................72
Appendix 6: Questions Answer Interview of the English TeacherError! Bookmark not
Appendix 7: Documentation..........................................................................................77
Appendix 8: Example of Descriptive Text........................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Picture 1: The Learning Process on the First Meeting......................................................77

Picture 2: The Learning Process on the First Meeting......................................................77
Picture 3: The Learning Process on the Second Meeting.................................................78
Picture 4: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting....................................................79
Picture 5: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting....................................................79
Picture 6: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting....................................................80
Picture 7: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting....................................................80
Picture 8: T-Chart Strategy..............................................................................................81
Picture 9: T-Chart.............................................................................................................82
Picture 10: Mind Mapping...............................................................................................83
Picture 11: Idea Details Strategy......................................................................................84
Picture 12: Idea Details Strategy......................................................................................85
Picture 13: Student’s Work..............................................................................................86
Picture 14: Student’s Work..............................................................................................87
Picture 15: Student’s Work..............................................................................................88
Picture 16: Student’s Work..............................................................................................89
Picture 17: Student’s Work..............................................................................................90
Picture 18: Student’s Work..............................................................................................91
Picture 19: Interview Documentation...............................................................................92
Picture 20: Interview Documentation...............................................................................92


1.1 Background
In language learning, writing is one of the significant skills because it is the
most precise way to show English proficiency of someone, difficulties, and ability
(Ren, 2009). Most of the students suppose that writing is a difficult skills in
English. In this case, it constructs writing to be a significant issue. Consequently,
it is challenging for teachers to teach students about writing components. Several
components include choosing the right vocabulary, using correct spelling, and
arranging words into sentences to develop ideas to create coherent paragraphs.
Furthermore, students must think about how to make a good title before
elaborating the idea in a paragraph. These components should be mastered in
order to product the best writing.
In addition, there are several types of writing. These are descriptive writing,
expository writing, persuasive writing, creative writing, and narrative writing.
Every type of writing requires an effective way to produce good writing. One of
the types of writing that students learn in Senior High School is descriptive text.
Factual genres can be a part of descriptive text. In writing descriptive text, there is
a social function that describes a particular person, thing or place (Wardiman,
2008). Writing description text can be a process of creating visual images through
words. Moreover, descriptive text can recreate a reasonable impression through
words arranged in sequence. In the descriptive text, students are required to be
able to describe something. It will cause students to have to understand several
concepts in describing something in order to be able to produce good and correct
writing. It is not only able to describe something in a text but also to link sentence
by sentence so that it becomes a unified whole and coherent. It has also become a
requirement in the 2013 curriculum, which requires students to create writing
descriptive text by developing the ideas that the students have.
Based on the existing concept of the descriptive text material in English
learning, students at school have many problems faced in writing. Students find it

difficult to create a descriptive text that fits the existing concept in this problem.
The difficulties experienced by students also vary. This case builds that student
interest in writing descriptive text is relatively low. As evidence, some of the
students have problems writing descriptive text in SMAN 1 Napabalano. It is
located in Muna Regency. The researcher observed the teacher of English grade X
in pre-research. The are several problems in writing descriptive text, such as
vocabulary problems, structure problems, and generic structure (distinguishing
between identification and description).
Firstly, many students are still low of vocabulary mastery, particularly in
writing. They are not able to develop the vocabulary they have. When students
write a sentence, they cannot put the correct conjunctions because they do not
know the vocabulary of the connecting words. In addition, they still have
difficulty distinguishing verb and noun. Then, they always use repeated adjectives
because they also have low mastery of adjectives. In addition, their lack of
mastery of verbs makes their writing less than optimal. As we know, mastery of
verbs is very important in writing various texts, incredibly descriptive texts. In the
descriptive text, a student will describe something or someone using the right
verb. Vocabulary is very influential on the students' writing results.
Secondly, the structure problem is the next problem faced by most of the
students. When a teacher asks about writing description text, the students do not
pay attention to the structure. One of the mistakes students often make is the use
of tenses. When students make a sentence, for example, in a positive correction in
the simple present, they ignore the rules of adding s or es to verbal sentences.
They often make mistakes in arranging words according to the applicable
grammar. They are wrong in adding -s or -es to verbal sentences, they are also
wrong in using the simple present in descriptive text. Some students use verbs in
the past tense. In fact, in writing descriptive text, the writer should use a simple
present. It is crystal clear that students' mistakes in sentence structure are a
problem that students often face in writing.
Thirdly, the problem that often occurs is the generic structure. The students
only make an identification, and there is no description. In this case, students do

not elaborate more deeply. In fact, students sometimes only make a short report,
not description text. They do not know how to elaborate the idea. In the
description text, the students should make a description that relates to the topic.
However, they only talk about things in general, not specific. It is clear that
identification and description must be made explicit in making descriptive text.
Based on the above phenomenon, a teacher is obliged to make a strategy in
overcoming the problems faced by these students. It is also supported by the 2013
curriculum, which requires a teacher to provide a stimulus to students to be able to
achieve a goal. The stimulus is in the form of a plan that will be implemented by
a teacher to support the success of a student, especially in writing descriptive text.
The plan that will be followed up by the teacher is usually called a teaching
Furthermore, teaching strategy is a generalized plan that involves structure,
planned tactics, and instructional objective that is included by the intructional
system for lesson learning activity (Issac, 2009). The teaching tactic in question
is that a teacher manifests behavior in the form of teaching strategies that have
been designed in such a way. Then, a teacher provides a stimulus to students for
the correct response when learning takes place. Moreover, providing tactics in
providing different responses, especially in writing descriptive text. It is crystal
clear that teaching strategy can lead students to be able to understand the concepts
in writing well.
Teaching strategy means accurate planning which very significant for
teachers. It is because a teacher can develop teaching skills in the classroom. In
addition to overcoming the problems faced by students, a teacher will gain more
teaching skills after implementing a strategy that is owned in the form of a
teaching strategy. Besides, teaching strategies also can generate a learning
atmosphere in the classroom so that learning is more effective. In this case,
effective learning will encourage student success, for example, minimizing
student errors in writing. Thus, a teaching strategy is needed so that a learning
outcome even the problems experienced by students can be resolved and learning
becomes more productive.

In previous studies, there were several strategies that could be applied by
teachers and these strategies were able to overcome the problems students faced
when writing descriptive texts. Fadholi (2016) conducted a study and he had got
three strategies. These are applying cooperative learning, discussion by making a
group and analyzing the picture. Moreover, Muzaro'ah (2020) conducted a study
and she got some strategies. The first teacher used three strategies namely
imaginary strategy, describing something, and QAR (Question answer
relationship). The last teacher used two strategies namely scaffolding and QAR.
In contrast, this research will describe the teacher's strategy in dealing with
student problems detailly. In this study, the focus is the teacher's strategy that is
given detailly in particular of problems faced by the students and clearly related to
the procedures given by the teacher to students in the classroom.
Based on the description above, the problems faced by the student are very
crucial to be identified because they can affect the achievement of a student in
learning. Therefore, a teacher provides more actions to minimize these problems.
That is why, the researcher is interested in analyzing teacher strategies to cope
with student problems in the classroom. This research focuses on students'
problems in writing descriptive texts and the teacher's strategies applied to
overcome these students' problems.
1.2 Research Question
Based on the research background above, the researcher formulates the
research question as follow: What are the teacher’s strategies to cope with the
problems faced by the students in teaching writing descriptive text at grade ten of
SMAN 1 Napabalano ?
1.3 Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out the teachers’ strategies to cope the
problems faced by the students at grade ten of SMAN 1 Napabalano of teaching
writing in descriptive text.
1.4 Scope of the Study
This research focuses on analyzing five teachers’ strategies in grade ten of
SMAN 1 Napabalano that teach about writing descriptive text in the classroom.

The scope of the study is the five strategy. This research focuses on the teacher's
strategy in overcoming students' writing problems which are divided into three
aspects in writing descriptive text. Those are vocabulary, structure and generic
structure. These strategies were identified based on the five strategies (Peha,
2003). The five strategies are T-Chart strategy, Idea Details strategy, mind
mapping strategy, tell show strategy and draw label caption strategy.
1.5 Significance of the Study
In term of the significance of the study, there are two significance,
including theoretical and practical. Therefore, the researcher hopes this study will
be beneficial in theoretical and practical.
1. Theoretical
In terms of theoretical, this study will be useful as a reference for a further
researchers to conduct the similar research on analyzing the teachers’ strategies of
writing descriptive text in the classroom.
2. Practical
This research can give advantages for English teachers, and they can
develop the best way of teaching English by using suitable strategies and increase
the quality in the teaching learning process.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
There are several key terms found in this research. Those key terms will be
defined as follow :
1. Teaching strategy is a plan during the learning process which means the
actions of a teacher in implementing several learning variables in order to
achieve the goals set.
2. Writing is one of the skills in English that very complex because it obliges
students to master the several components such us, choosing the good
vocabulary, using of effective sentences and making paragraph to be
3. Descriptive text is a text that describe about people, places, object, or events
using appropriate details and it contain varied and elaboration of details to
communicate a sense of the subject.


This chapter presents the relevant literature related to this research. It will
provide several theories about writing, writing descriptive text, problems in
writing descriptive text, teacher strategies, and teacher strategies in writing
descriptive text. Furthermore, the previous study also will be explained in this
2.1 Writing
2.1.1 Definition of Writing
Writing is one of the English skills that involve the capability to express
ideas to show in public through words. The writer can convey what is they are
going to say. It means that writing can be a communication when the writer
desires to indicate opinions or realities. This can be supported by Harris (1997) in
Mayekti reveal that writing can be used by the students to express what they are
going to say through their ideas, opinions, realities, and point of view. In addition,
the same with both of researchers that Nunan (2003) also stated that writing is an
intellectual activity to find out the ideas and think about how to express even
arrange them into a good statment and paragraph. The reader can understand what
the idea is that the writer includes if the writing is arranged more clearly. It is
crystal clear that writing is a way to interact all the time with the concept of an
In language learning, writing is a very comphrehensive skill that becomes
one component that relates to the four language skills of speaking, reading,
listening, and writing. It supplies the crucial aspects and the students must
adequate number of words, and they should know how to arrange them accurately
in the context (Harmer, 2004). Similarly, according to Nunan (2002), writing is
clearly a complicated process, and competent writing is frequently accepted as the
last language skill to gain. Jacob supports it said that students should treat the
several aspects such as content, vocabulary, organization, language use, and
mechanics because writing is a complex skill to learn.

Based on those defenitions, writing is considered the English skill that
connects writer and reader through expressing the idea. The writer must
comprehend about how to arrange the best paragraph composition. It is vividly
that writing is not only a learning process in English skill that indicate the several
aspect but also a form of communication that can be used by the human.
2.1.2 The Components of Writing
In language learning, writing has several aspects to be mastered by the
students. It means that writing can improve their thingking skill even develop
other language skills. According to Nation (2009) who states that writing is a
work that can be meaningful and it preferred for activity in other skills of reading,
speaking and listening. It is clear that writing is to be influenced when the
students desire to learn other skills in language learning. Moreover, the students
must comprehend the components of writing to build the best writing in learning.
Components of writing are divided into five main areas (Eva 2013). These are
content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics.
First, the content of writing describes a student's creative thinking ability
and it develops their thought. The content includes everything related to relevant
information, and the information must have a clear direction. This affects the
reader, because the reader will be carried away by the information presented if the
writer clearly displays the information. Therefore, the content must be unified to
become a good whole. The best writing should have the main idea and supporting
sentences. If the writer desires the writing to be a unified whole, then it is not
allowed to include sentences that are not related to the main idea. Besides unity,
completeness refers to the main idea when it has been fully explained in a text.
Writing can also be said to be completeness if the controlling idea has been fully
developed. Thus, unity and completeness are contained in a text to construct the
written content clear er and easier for readers to understand.
Second, grammar is crucial aspect in writing and it is related to the
structure of sentences in English. Then, grammar is related to good sentence
structure to form a complete paragraph. In grammatical rules, the use of
conjunctions plays an important role in the preparation of a sentence. In addition,

the correct use of verbs and adjectives in a sentence also determines the formation
of a directed sentence according to grammatical rules. All the elements contained
in the sentence are contained in the understanding of the part of speech material.
In addition, the use of the proper tenses when writing is something that needs to
be considered. By mastering the concept of grammar material, you can build
quality writing.
In addition, vocabulary is an aspect in language learning that plays a full
role in creating actual writing. The choice of words in the preparation of sentences
is adjusted to the direction and intent of the sentence. If the author uses words that
are easily understood by the reader, then the writing is considered to have the
right choice of words. Besides choosing good words, mastery of words is also
very influential in producing interesting writing. A writer who has a broad and
quality base of knowledge of words is able to create an interesting impression on
what is written. Therefore, vocabulary is one of the components in writing that
must be explored more deeply by the author.
Furthermore, the organization is the capability that concern with developing
of ideas and topics which is relevant in a united form. On the other hand, it
involves with the writer arrange the ideas so as to create a message that can be
captured by the reader. Organizing a language requires a maximum process in
order that the level of readability of a reading can increase. There are some ways
in writing process of organization such as making the paragraph to be coherence,
spatial pattern, chronological order, making the paragraph by general to specific
or specific to general.
The last in the component of writing is mechanics. Mechanical aspects need
to be considered because they affect the reader's understanding of writing. The
using of mechanics is due to capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
appropriately. For instance, the using of dot mark is a very significant period that
functions in ending a sentence because this can affect the reader for understanding
a sentence. Many writers underestimate the full stop or comma, but small things
like this are very important to note. Therefore, all elements included in the

mechanical aspect also create writings that are easy to understand if used properly
and appropriately according to their respective functions.
2.2 Writing Descriptive Text
Descriptive or description is derived from the word ‘describe’, which means
to draw. According to Gerrot and Wignell (1994) state that descriptive text is a
text that describe defenite people, places, or objects. Then, Dila (2018) said that
descriptive text says what a thing or place is like by the people and reveals a
particular object and its purpose is to describe it more specific. This statement is
backed up by Urunami et al. (2017), who emphasize that descriptive text is a text
to show information about a particular thing, such as a written description of an
object. It is clear that descriptive text is one of the types of the text that describe
something such as person, place, or objects clearly.
Descriptive text is also has a meaning about a part of factual genres. Its
social function describes a particular person, place or thing ( wardiman, 2008).
More often, according to Dila (cited in Woodson, 1982) states that description is a
part of another place of writing and is used to persuade an audience to see
something by the writer’s point of view or to announce an audience about
something or someone looked. It means that descriptive in writing is a process of
creating something like an image and sensory trace through words.
Furthermore, according to Yoandita (cited in Clause, 2004) states that
description adds a significant dimension to our lives because it activates our
emotion and expands our experience. Our emotions can utter about what we can
think something. Then, Dila (cited in Wishon and Burks, 1980) said that emotion
that incquired may be describing too, feelings such as happiness, loneliness to
understand a sensation or to reflect a scene or a person. Description escalates our
experience by taking us to a place we might otherwise find out much about, which
popularity of descriptive travel newspaper or magazine. However, understanding
by the reader is very important to achieve the purpose of the writing descriptive

2.2.1 Purposes of the Descriptive Text
Every text or type of writing written by the author must have a purpose. In
writing descriptive text, there are several kinds of goals that can be known by
many people. These goals are to show someone based on the topic being
explained, explain to the reader about the topic being discussed and invite the
reader to be interested in what is explained. Fred (1986) said that there are
several aims of descriptive text.
One of the purposes of the description text is to help the reader to be able
to see objects, people and situations are conveyed by the author through words. A
reader will be able to understand what the author will convey through descriptive
text. Therefore, the purpose of descriptive text is to show the reader about objects
that are arranged through words and put on paper. Then, the descriptive text also
has a purpose to explain about the object that will be explained by the author. This
goal is very clear, namely to describe or describe something or someone.
Explaining is one of the characteristics of descriptive text.
In addition to describing and showing an object, the descriptive text also
provides an explanation to the reader so that the reader is interested in the object
being described. The various objectives described above prove that descriptive
text invites the reader to know the description of what the author wants to
describe. So, descriptive text is a text that is described through characteristics or
something related to the object.
2.2.2 The Schematic Structure of Descriptive Text
In writing descriptive text, there are some generic structure for our writing
to be true and it is arranged in systematic. Descriptive text has identification and
description as a form of generic structure (Gerrot and Wignell, 1995). The generic
structure bersifat real and it not mandatory. Those are identification and
First, identify the phenomenon to be described. In this section, students
experience problems in identifying which parts should be included in the
introduction. The writer must put the sentences into the introduction clearly and
precisely. When the reader starts reading descriptive text, the reader will

understand the purpose of what the author wrote in the text. In this identification,
the author leads the reader to enter into the core or content of the text specifically.
Therefore, the writer is obliged to compile identification using language that is
easy to understand and sentence structure rules that are in accordance with
grammatical rules.
Second, a description of features must be included in writing descriptive
text. In this section, the text is explained coherently and clearly. The author
describes clearly using words that match the objects or things that are displayed.
Physical appearance is one of the important parts included in the description of
features. Then, the quality of the object described is also an important part of the
description sentence, for instance, degree of beauty, excellence, or worth or value.
In addition to the description of features is other characteristic, it means that a
prominent aspect that is unique. Thus, description and identification must be
included in the descriptive text to construct a best of writing.
2.2.3 Language Features of Descriptive Text
In writing descriptive text, there are some language features when the
writer writes about object, person, place or things (Dila, 2018). Specific
participants are included in the language features that have a certain object. This
object means unique and not general. Then, it use of the adjective to clarify the
noun such as a beautiful beach, the famous place in Bali, a handsome boy, etc.
Besides of the adjective, there is the using of simple present tense because it tells
the fact of the object described. In the last, action verb is also language features in
writing descriptive text. In this verb refer the activity (for instance, run, read,
write, etc..)
2.3 Problems faced by the Students in Writing Descriptive Text
In language learning, writing challenges students to think critically in
developing ideas by using words that match the topic. If developed more deeply,
many students experience writing problems in terms of the level of
communicative competence, learning level, and status of English use of English in
their respective countries, either as a first language (L1) or a second language
(L2). According to Yates and Kenkel (2002) define writing problems appear

because there are some cause related of deviations from grammar, syntax
(sentence construction), and the meaning of the target language. Then, Kho,
Wong, and Chuah (2013) mention that behind writing problems there are two of
the reasons that some students think in their L1 and they incline to perceive
formal writing as hard due to its complication in terms of conventions and
Based on those descriptions, writing will cause problems for students if
they do not understand how to write well. A good way must be mastered in order
to be able to produce clear writing and avoid problems when writing. Bryne
(1988) divided the problems that make writing to be significant inti three
catgories. These categories construct some problems to students when they write
in language learning.
The linguistic difficulty is the first of problem faced by the students in
language learning. The process of including words down on paper make a writing
confusing in the same structure as a sketch prepared with suitable style,
vocabulary the major ideas organized in some often on the correction of
grammatical errors and mechanical (Jordan, 1997). Aspect like grammar is one of
the significant problems when the students make a good sentence. For instance,
students have difficulty using the correct tenses according to the rules of grammar
in writing descriptive text. Students should use the simple present tense in making
sentences in descriptive text. Inadequate mastery of tenses confuses students'
ability to compose appropriate words. Then, mastery of vocabulary also affects
the level of difficulty of students in producing sentences correctly. They often
experience problems in the vocabulary aspect, because of their poor vocabulary.
The last aspect of the difficult by students is choosing of a sentence in writing
must have fully monitoring.
The second is psychological difficulty, which focuses more on the writer's
difficulty because there is no direct interaction. Students need direct
communication to consult in detail the writings they create. In this case, the
treatment in the form of communication given to students can affect their
optimism in writing. Most of the students desire an interaction to stimulate their

thinking when writing text. Then, they require the feedback from the reader when
they are writing. Thus, problems with psychology also affect students' ability to
dig deeper into writing skills. It is clear that not only mastery of aspects of
grammar and vocabulary, but also about the psychological condition of a student
which is the problem they face in writing.
The last is cognitive of difficulty. Writing has to be thought through
formal instruction like spelling, because this aspect can be influence of the best
writing. In addition, the using of punctuation is the crucial aspects when the writer
arranges the sentence in paragraph. Sometimes, the students ignore the use of
correct punctuation when writing. Some students have problems in using
punctuation marks, because they do not know the function of the punctuation
marks they use. Furthermore, the using of capitalization is one of the problems
faced by students when writing certain words. Capitalization is an aspect that is
not paid attention to by students so that it makes the sentences written wrong.
Small things like this should be an essential part of compiling a sentence or

2.4 Teacher Strategies

2.4.1 The Concept of Teacher Strategy
Teaching strategy is the teacher’s effort to use several teaching variables
that have a meaning of the teacher’s action in implementing the plan to achieve
the goals. It is supported by Istiqomah (2019) said that the teaching strategy is
teacher activity which mean a planning in learning process to achieve the desired
goals or objectives. Then, according to Winataputra (2001) said that teaching
strategy is a conceptual composition in organizing the learning experience that
describe systematic procedures, teachers in planning, and implementing the
something in learning activities. It is crystal clear that teaching strategy is obvious
action from the teacher or the teacher's practice carring out teaching in a sure way.
Furthermore, teacher strategy is significant for teachers to increase their
capabilities in teaching. According to Solihah (I990) stated that we predicted to
familiarize teachers with these strategies, then teachers know little about the

strategy applied by the students and how to teach them would be productive. The
teacher has a quality strategy in teaching then it can affect the level of success of a
student. It means that students' abilities in learning will be improved through the
strategies implemented by the teachers. On the other hand, it will also assist the
teachers in making the conditions on the classroom more effective.
Based on those definitions, teaching strategy is the teacher's action in
implementing the plan to achieve the objectives that use the best way in learning
activity. Teaching strategy is not only a good effect on students' abilities, but also
teaching strategy can improve a teacher's ability to be more proficient in preparing
lesson plans in class. Thus, teaching strategy provides many benefits that can
affect the activities of the student or teacher in the classroom.
2.4.2 Variable of Teaching Strategies
According to Wena (2011), teaching strategy is dissimilar ways to attain
the different result which is conducted in different condition of learning process.
It means that a teacher should be able to overcome the difficulties experienced by
students by changing the way of teaching by applying the strategies they have. For
this reason, as a teacher, it is obligatory to know the variables in the teaching
strategy. In the learning process, there are three variables of teaching strategy.
The first is organizational strategy. It is the way to organize the content of
a subject. This activity is about the material in the learning activities such as
arranging the content, making diagrams, etc. The activity of first reviewing the
content that will be displayed to students is an essential form of organizational
strategy. It consists of sequencing which means the way to make an order of the
subject's content, and synthesizing is the way to show the students in order that
they are able to correlate among facts, concepts, procedures and principles of the
subject content. It constructs the topic of the subject more rewarding for the
students. Thus, it makes students have a strong memory based on meaningfulness
from the action by the teachers.
The second is delivery strategy. It is the way that aims to deliver teaching
materials to students. Besides, this method aims to get students' responses. The
response that will be obtained based on the way the material is delivered is also

very important to note in order to achieve an expected learning goal. Three
components must be noticed. Those are teaching media which are included the
message that will be conveyed to students. The next student interacts with the
media that will be given by the teacher. It is a component of delivery strategy
which concerns student activity and the roles of the teaching media. The last is the
structure related to the student learning process whether in small group, big group
or individual.
The third is a management strategy. It is the way to regulate the interaction
between students and the variables included in the learning process. It means that
clearly compile the variables of teaching which are included in the organizational
and delivery strategy in the learning process. It relates to the choice of variables in
teaching strategy about scheduling, notes of learning progress, motivational
management, and learning control.
2.4.3 Comprehension of Teacher Strategy
Strategy is one of the important plans made by the teacher. The plans must
be adapted to a good and targeted understanding of the strategy. According to
Bouchard (2005), there are several kinds of comprehension strategies that can be
applied in the classroom in order to realize the learning objectives, as follows :
a) Using Illustrations to Interact With Text
This strategy allows students to summarize the steps in a lesson,
experience, or, event. Experience bythe students can make them to be easy to
summary through illustration. This strategy can be used by teachers that provide
the opportunity for them to ask question relating instructions or visuals contained
in text, prior knowledge and interact with information from the content textbook.
In this activity, students are given a copy illustration activity sheet and ask the
students what are they already know about the subject. Then, the teacher will ask
the students about their questions that they have after doing this activity. The
students can think about the questions based on their activity. In addition, this
strategy can build the student’s confidence and also the students more active in
class. Thus, students can comprehend the material of learning in this cognitive

b) Frame Sentences
Frame sentences can be used to assist students to understand and build
content vocabulary. This strategy also develops consciousness of sentence
structure in language learning. In addition, it can improve students' thinking
related to vocabulary. For the procedure, the teacher gives a topic to the students.
Then, the teacher constructs the frame sentence that allow students to use a noun,
adjective, verb, and prepositional phrases. For constructing the frame sentences,
the teacher gives some sentences that relate of the topic. In this activity can
increase students’ capability how to make a good sentence.
c) Summary With Illustrations
Summary with illustration is one of the strategies that enable students to
summarize the step in some phenomenon such as a lesson, experience or event by
linking visual with text. In this activity can provide the chance for students to
resign information in sequential order and declare themselves via two modalities
(written word and the visual). For the procedure, the teacher supply a simple
illustration process to students. Then, the students can construct the summary
sentence or vocabulary to match about the picture. Furthermore, it gives an
opportunity for beginning language learners to show a knowledge about the
specific topic. Thus, understanding with illustration is very significant to construct
this strategy to be clear.
d) About-Point
About-point is the strategy that enhances comprehension to silent reading
and It can be a tool to increase the reading learning process. Students can be
taught by this strategy to identify what the content information is “about” and the
“point” of the subject matter. While reading a text, students stop at logical points
and they give a response to the statement. This section is about..., and the point
is... For the procedure, the teacher construct the pattern that includes this section
and the point ( you may desire to highlight or write the words in a different color).
Then, the teacher supplies a paragraph of the text that students can read carefully.
Next, the students established some possible “about” statement and “point”
statement that was chosen as the best from the text. They fill in the pattern

sentence. Therefore, a teacher can apply this strategy to cope the difficult
information in reading.
e) Think Alouds
This strategy aims for students to monitor their thinking through the
problem of the difficult text. This method can assist the students to think well
about the material presented by the teacher by making a loud enough sound. In
addition, it can be helpful for English language learners who are learning a new
language. For implementing strategy, the teacher assigns reading selection or
specific tasks. The characteristic of the think aloud will vary based on the text and
content given by the teacher. Thus, think aloud can be applied to varied content
areas or learning task.
2.5 Teacher Strategy in Writing
As a challenging skill, writing must be done with accuracy in order to
create guided writing. It makes teachers have to be able to apply the strategies
they have to overcome the problems faced by students. Hence, some teacher
strategies can be applied to cope with problems students in writing (Peha, 2003).
The first is T-Chart strategy. This strategy is writing strategy that can
assist the students to choose the topic when they write something. In writing
learning, finding a good topic is one of the crucial parts to write. For
implementing this strategy, the students make a list the things for the topic to
write. The things can be related to things they like and thing s they hate. Then, the
students can make a list about typical experiences that happen every day. When
the students have a lot of topic to write, they can apply the topic for every time. In
addition, this strategy can be used for research writing when the researcher is
confused about how to find the best issue. Thus, this strategy is practical to use in
writing that to help the students to build a best topic and also it increase the
vocabulary of students.
The second is Idea-Details strategy. This strategy is the simple strategy
that can use by teacher to teach students in writing. For this strategy, the teacher
teaches to focus on how to make the good details. A detail mean that the answer to
a questions a reader might have. Details are an extremely significant part of

writing because details show to the reader what a writer is attempting to say. To
implement this strategy, the teacher gives the directive to students to take a single
sentence about the single idea and write it on the ‘ideas’ side of the chart. Then,
the students make a list on the ‘details’ side of every detail that they can think of
the goes with it. These lists facilitate the student to find out the details when they
write after make a good idea. However, Idea-Detail strategy can assist the students
to add details but can also can be used to build an entire piece of writing.
The third is Tell-Show strategy that can add rich, descriptive details. This
strategy is one of the sophisticated techniques that writer can apply in teaching
writing. It also can assist the studenta to find out new ways to say things. For
impementing this strategy, the teacher gives direction to take any simple sentence
from a piece that mentions something and the students write it down on the “tell”
side of the chart. Then, the student make a picture in their mind and they write
down all the things they see in that picture on “show” side. This is a simple way
to bring the students to complete their writing with the elaborating the sentence.
When the students do this, It feels like they are creating a mini story about a
particular thing. It can open their mind to think about more descriptions after they
build a simple sentence in the beginning of the writing. Thus, Tell-Show strategy
is effective way to construct visual components to their writing in learning.
Furthermore, Draw-Label-Caption is one of the strategies in teaching of
writing. For the implementing this strategy, the teacher gives direction to students
about making a simple sketch that is in the form of an outline of an image and is
not a perfect illustration. After that, students label each item in their drawing. This
method leads students to produce some words that become the basis for students
to write. Finally, students make a caption for what they have drawn. The caption
relates to the most important of the picture. Thus, this strategy makes it easier for
students to find words based on their thoughts through what they have drawn
before. It will help students in arranging words in sequence through the stages in
this strategy.
In addition to the several strategies above, there is one strategy that was
found by a scientist to improve students' grammatical abilities. Mind mapping is

one of the strategies in writing, especially to improve students' grammar skills.
This strategy was developed by Toni Buzan (1975) as a way to train students'
thinking. This strategy can be used to improve students' understanding of the
grammar taught by the teacher in the classroom. This strategy is carried out by a
teacher giving directions to students to prepare blank papers. Then, students start
to make a circle in the middle of the paper that contains writing about
grammatical. Next, students draw the branches that are tied to the circle. The
function of these branches is to deliver the student's brain in understanding
learning material effectively.
Based on those strategies, students' ability to write descriptive text can be
overcome by different learning methods. The effort made by a teacher is one form
of the teacher's strategy in learning. It is clear that it will also improve the quality
of a teacher in providing lessons in class through strategies that are applied,
especially in teaching writing.
2.6 Review of Previous Studies
This section will provide several studies which had conducted to analyze
teacher strategy in writing descriptive text. The researchers who analyze the
teacher strategy to cope with the problem faced by the students are Fadholi (2016)
and Muzaro’ah (2020).
Fadholi (2016) had conducted a study entitled Teacher’s Strategies in
Teaching Writing in Descriptive Text at MTS N Sukoharjono in 2015/2016
Academic Year. This research was descriptive qualitative research. This research
aims to describe teacher’s strategies in writing descriptive text. The subject of this
research was the teacher of eighth grade students and 2 classes of the eighth grade
students namely class VIIIB and VIIIC of MTs N Sukoharjo, the number of
students in VIII.B class as thirty six and VIII.C as thirty-eight. Then, the data
collection from this research was observed. The result of this research showed
three strategies. These are applying cooperative learning, discussion by making a
group and analyzing the picture.
Muzaro’ah (2020) had conducted a study entitled An analysis of Teachers’
Strategies in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text at M Ts Assalam Balingan.

This research was descriptive qualitative research. This research aim to know
teachers’ strategies in teaching writing descriptive text. The subject of this
research were three teachers at one Islamic schools in Tuban, East Java. The result
of this research showed some strategies. The first teacher used three strategies:
imaginary strategy, describing something, and QAR. The last teacher used two
strategies namely scaffolding and QAR. There are some problems faced by
teachers’ in teaching writing of descriptive text at MTs ASSALAM Bangilan
Tuban. The first teacher’s problem was students’ limited writing skill, the second
teacher’s problem was students physical condition, and the last teacher’s problem
was the same with the first teacher about students’ limited writing skill.
Luthfi (2021) had conducted a study entitled English Teachers’ Strategy in
Teaching Writing Descriptive Text to Students of All-Grades at Junior High
School. This research was descriptive qualitative research. This research aims to
describe the strategy does the teacher use in teaching writing descriptive text at
Junior High School. The result of this research is the teacher showed one strategy.
The teacher’s strategy is theory Johns’ Scaffolding (2010). This strategy consists
of three types namely are, modelling, join negotiation, and independent
According to the previous study stated above, the researcher found some
similarities and differences of these studies from others. This first similarity is
researches analyzed the teacher strategy in writing descriptive text. The second
similarity is analyzed the teacher strategy using descriptive qualitative research. In
contrast, the difference of these studies in this research, the researcher analyzed
the difficulties faced by teacher in teaching writing descriptive text by Muzaro’ah,
and Luthfi. Then, Fadholi analyzed the difficulties faced by the students in writing
descriptive text. Moreover, we can say it is important to analyze the difficulties by
teachers and students. It can help the researcher to compare and summarize the
teacher's strategy in writing descriptive text. Thus, those are can contract the
concept in order to analyze teacher strategy in writing descriptive text.


This chapter the presents research design, subject of the study, instrument
of the study, technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.
3.1 Research Design
Considering the characteristic of this study, researcher applied a
descriptive qualitative research method to analyze the teacher using the teacher
strategy. Qualitative research is one of the types of research that has
characteristics of non-numerical data, which includes focussing on the
questionnaire, interview and observation. In this research, the researcher gathers
the data about the teacher strategy applied to cope with students' problems in
writing descriptive text. Based on the characteristic of descriptive qualitative, the
teacher strategy was presented in the form of a description for further analysis
through data analysis techniques.
3.2 Subject of the Study
The subject of this study is the English teacher of class I in SMA Negeri 1
Napabalano. The teacher is a graduate of the English Department. The teacher has
served in SMAN 1 Napabalano since 2006. It means that the teacher has been
teaching English for 16 years.
3.3 Instruments of the Study
In this descriptive qualitative, the instrument consisted of observation,
questionnaire, and interview to examine the result of this study. Researcher made
observation in classroom. Observation has some benefits in terms of
understanding the context of data in the social situation, getting direct experience
enables researchers to discover the things they need. After that, the research gave
a questionnaire to the teacher to collect the data about teaching strategy in writing
descriptive text. Then, in interview section, the researcher used an employee tape
recorder. When the researcher interviewed the teacher, the interview process
already recorded. It is intended the researcher to get accurate information and the
information is ready to be analyzed.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection
3.4.1 Observation
In observation, the researcher directed observation or looked at the class's
situation from the beginning until the end of teaching writing descriptive text by
checking the evidence. Observation is defined as the process of assembling
firsthand information by observing people and places at a research site (Cresswell,
2002). The content of observation gives an appraisal of the process of teaching
learning in the classroom. The researcher stood by in side of the teacher to
observe the learning process. In addition, the researcher had observed in two
classes which are X Mia 1 and Mia 2 class. Furthermore, the researcher had taken
some documentations in the teaching and learning process. The researcher
conducted research several meeting to obtain data related to the teacher's strategy
to cope with the problems faced by the students in writing descriptive text.

3.4.2 Questionnaire
In the questionnaire, the researcher constructed the arrangement of
questions related to a teacher's personal data and questions related to the strategy
applied by the teacher to students in learning of writing descriptive text. The
questionnaire contained twenty statments about the actions of the teacher in class
in teaching descripive texts. Furthermore, the data was taken through this stage
will be stored due to the data to be analyzed.
3.4.3 Interview
In qualitative research, interview is one of the crucial ways to collect the
data. In this research, the researcher interviewed the English teacher about the
strategy in writing descriptive text. Then, the teacher also described the problems
faced by the student in writing descriptive text. In collecting the data, the
researcher did the following steps : Firstly, the researcher met the English teacher
of ten grade to consult or confirm to do the interview. Secondly, the researcher
asked the teacher about the problems faced by the student in writing descriptive
text. Furthermore, the researcher had recorded the result during the interview with
the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis
In this study, the researcher analyzed the data descriptively. The data
analysis strategy started by collecting the data. The data collected through
observation of text description, after the researcher selected the data which related
to this research. When the data was already selected, next the researcher can see
the teacher strategy that implemented by the teacher to cope the problems faced
by the students. According to Sugiyono (2008), analyzing data in descriptive
qualitative can be divided into three activities. Those activities are data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.
3.5.1 Data Reduction
In data reduction, the data was reduced summary and focused on the main
point. Selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data are
refered by data reduction that seem in written-up field notes or transcripts (Miles
& Huberman 1994). The researcher summarized the teacher when the teacher
teached in writing descriptive text. Then, the researcher also made a category
about the teacher strategy based on the problem faced by the students when they
write the descriptive text. The critical and relevant data were determined by the
researcher so that the unnecessary data shall be minimized. Furthermore, relevant
data is data related to the teacher's strategy when teaching descriptive writing text.
This data was essential to obtain.
3.5.2 Data Display
In data display, the data collected in the form of a description by the
researcher. Rationally, the relevant data acquired through data reduction is
displayed in the form of a short description. This way may everything possible,
including understanding the situation of the study. In this step, the researcher
attempted to collect the relevant information into the data that can be inferred and
has a particular meaning. The process can be done by showing the correlation
between the occurrences and understanding what is happening and what needs to
achieve the research’s objectives.

3.5.3 Verification
The last step of the data analysis is verification or conclusion, which
answer the researcher's problem. The researcher temporarily arranged the
conclusion for the first time before getting the accurate findings that support data
collection. The researcher constructed the conclusion about teacher strategy in
teaching learning process. Therefore, consistent findings and valid were necessary
to arrange a credible conclusion.

This chapter presents the research finding related to the strategy applied by
the teacher when teaching writing descriptive text in class. Some strategies consist
of vocabulary, structure, and generic structure.
4.1 Findings
This research intents on investigate teacher strategies made by English
teacher at the ten grade of SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano in writing descriptive text.
In analysis the strategies, there are several aspects that have been analyzed by
researchers. These are vocabulary strategy, structure strategy and generic structure
(distinguishing identification/descriptions) strategy. Some of these strategies also
have their respective procedures in detail describing how a teacher's activities in
the classroom teaching writing, especially descriptive text. Furthermore, the
researcher presented several strategies that have been obtained through
observation, interview and questionnaire.

4.1.1 Teacher Strategy to Cope Vocabulary Problem in Writing Descriptive

There are several problems faced by the students in writing grade ten were
conveyed by the English teacher in writing descriptive text. Some of these
problems have also been explained clearly by the teacher through interview
section. According to the teacher, these problems are problems that often occur to
the students when she give assignment to write descriptive texts with various
topic. Furthermore, there are several research results related to the strategy owned
by the English Teacher which were obtained by researchers through observation,
questionnaire and interview. This research has also presented data through a table
containing the strategies that have been chosen by the teacher. Furthermore,
researcher can also observe to find out more about the procedures of the strategy
owned by the teacher in the process of learning writing in the classroom through
observation. Thus, there is a strategy to overcome the student's vocabulary
problem that has been obtained by the researcher, namely the t-chart strategy

a). Observation
Based on the observation, the researcher got some data to know teacher
strategies in writing descriptive text to cope with the problems faced by the
students. The researcher used an observation sheet that contains a design that will
be filled in from the beginning of the learning process to the end. This observation
sheet helped researchers in detail to observe teacher activities in the classroom.
The data through this observation sheet can be seen on the appendix. The teacher's
activities in the classroom when the teacher teaches writing descriptive text
related to vocabulary. Furthermore, there were three meetings that had been
observed by researcher related to the teacher’s strategy in overcoming students
problems especially writing descriptive text.
In the first meeting, the teacher gave material about descriptive text with
the theme of destination. She led the students to see how examples of descriptive
text, students read using printed books that have been distributed by the teacher.
The teacher said “open your book and read the text about destination”. At this
class meeting, the teacher gave the task of arranging scrambled paragraphs to
become a complete descriptive text. This is done by the teacher to introduce
students to the form of descriptive text with a certain topic in the textbook.
Researchers have not found a strategy issued by the teacher transparently, this is
because students have not displayed the results of their writing related to
descriptive text material. At the end of this meeting, the teacher gave assignments
to all students to make a descriptive text with a theme about everyday life. It is
clear that the research has not yet obtained data related to strategies to overcome
students' vocabulary problems.
In the second meeting, the teacher checked the students' writing related to
writing descriptive text. After knowing the problems faced by students when
writing descriptive texts, she saw the most prominent students' vocabulary
problems. Most students misplace the use of nouns and verbs. The teacher's
strategy in overcoming vocabulary problems was done by re-explaining the
correct vocabulary when writing a text. Then, the teacher directs students to make

a list of vocabulary in everyday life by classifying words according to function.
The vocabulary list made is a list consisting of several parts.
Daily activity
Noun Verb

Drinking Drink

Reading Read

Chair Sit

The table above showed that the teacher directs students to make a list of
vocabulary related to students' daily activities which are classified as verbs or
nouns. According to the teacher that this strategy can solve the problem of
students who are often wrong in placing nouns and verbs when writing a sentence
or paragraph. The teacher said that “write the vocabulary on your book about your
daily activity and you classify the word”. Daily activities that were still embedded
in students' memories are one of the reasons why the teacher uses this aspect. In
addition, these vocabulary can be used in other English learning materials. The
teacher considered that this strategy can affect students' ability to learn English
lessons at the next level.
For procedure the strategy, the teacher directed students to record a list of
vocabulary that has been written in their respective books. The teacher directed
the students to make a table that categorizes two vocabulary words, namely verb
and noun as directed by the teacher. She also determines the number of
vocabularies created by students. The number of vocabularies made is only a few,
this is intended so that students are not bored to study at home. The teacher would
ask again the vocabulary list that had been made by the students. This vocabulary
list is used as material for student learning at home.
In the third meeting, the teacher also checked the students' writing related
to descriptive writing. She first gave an individual task to make a descriptive
paragraph with a topic according to the student's choice.
the teacher emphasizes to students to increase their understanding of vocabulary

that is often used by students, especially verbs and nouns. She also provided a
table in the form of two charts containing vocabulary forms that students will
follow as their assignments at home. The form of the table designed by the teacher
is as follows :

Verb Noun

Swim Sea

Play Ball

Watch Video

Run Road

Based on the table above, the teacher has a goal to increase students'
vocabulary because many students have problems in vocabulary. The students still
have difficulty distinguishing nouns and verbs. For this reason, the teacher
designs a table in the form of two charts so that students are familiar with the use
of noun and verb. In this strategy, the teacher hopes for students to change the
habits of students who previously lacked understanding related to nouns and verbs
to understand and have adequate vocabulary mastery. Therefore, this strategy
directs students to be able to write descriptive text with correct and complete
b). Questionnaire
Based on questionnaire filled by the teacher, the research could describe
that the teacher response was varied. The researcher found that the teacher had
some strategies to cope vocabulary problem by the students in writing descriptive
text. There is a strategy that included in the questionnaire and this strategy relate
with the vocabulary problems by the students in SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. In
the questionnaire, the teacher has chosen the characteristics of the strategy that is
in accordance with the strategy that she has. It is looked from the data as follow :

Blueprint Of Questionnaire

No Strategy Item Number Option Option Total

(Yes) (No)
1 T-Chart Strategy 4, 5, 2 and 13 4, 13 5, and 2 4
2 Idea-Details Strategy 10, 9, 16 and 8 10, 9, 16 0 4
and 8
3 Tell-Show strategy 15, 20, 18 and 19 15, 20, 18 0 4
and 19
4 Draw-Label Caption 12, 11, 14 and 16 12, 11, 14 0 4
and 16
5 Mind Mapping strategy 1, 7, 3 and 17 1, 3 and 7 4
Total 20

The table showed that the teacher's strategy at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano
grade ten to overcome students' vocabulary problems when writing descriptive
text was to use the T-Chart Strategy. The data contains several statements related
to the characteristics of the one strategy. The teacher had chosen by putting a
check mark in the appropriate section according to the strategy that she applied in
Based on the data above, the data shows that the teacher has chosen
statements number 4 and 13 on the T-Chart strategy. Then, the teacher does not
choose statements 5 and 2 against the T-Chart strategy statement. Some of these
statements are characteristics of the two strategies to overcome students'
vocabulary problems. The data showed that using both strategies included in the
questionnaire. However, there are several characteristics that were not selected by
the teacher in the questionnaire.
c). Interview
In the interview the teacher explained about the teacher strategy to cope
with vocabulary problems faced by students. Based on the data obtained from the

interviews, the teacher told the researcher that the teacher directed the students to
make a list of students' vocabulary related to everyday life. In interview, the
teacher said :
“I asked students to make a list of vocabulary related to their daily life.
Then, the vocabulary included in the list is in the form of nouns or verbs. I
did it because the strategy in vocabulary was quite effective for students in
increasing their vocabulary when writing, so that when they faced the
same theme, they were able to write with the vocabulary they had before.”
Based on the explanation by the teacher above, the teacher has used the T-
Chart strategy. This strategy refers to the activity of students in overcoming the
problem of students who are wrong in the use of nouns and verbs when writing.
Since the teacher taught about writing lessons in class, the teacher had choosen a
learning concept that has a big influence on students' English language skills in
the future. According to the teacher, she considers that the strategy that she has
been running so far can be carried out by the students freely. In this case, the
teacher uses a strategy that can be used in other English lessons. In the interview
data, it can be seen that the teacher carries out the strategy confidently for the
success of the learning objectives to be achieved.
Furthermore, the teacher also provided motivation to students in every
learning process in the classroom. It is intended that students are always
motivated to continue learning, especially vocabulary is one of the most important
problems to master English. The teacher said that :
“I direct them to increase their vocabulary in their daily life. I keep this in
mind because vocabulary is very important in improving English language
The teacher reminded the students about the assignments that have been
given. The teacher has conveyed the importance of vocabulary that students must
learn to improve their ability to speak English. Thus, the teacher applied the given
strategy to support teaching to achieve the expected learning objectives.
Based on the three instruments above, there were several implementations
of different strategies for one instrument and another. The researcher found the T-

Chart strategy through the data during the observation. The researcher found a
strategy that was owned by the teacher when the teacher taught related to the
material of writing descriptive text. However, the result in the interview showed
that different results in the data through observation. In conclusion, the researcher
has obtained a same strategy through the three instruments.
4.1.2 Teacher Strategy to Cope Structure Problems in Writing Descriptive
There are several problems faced by the students in writing grade ten were
conveyed by the English teacher in writing descriptive text. some of these
problems have also been explained clearly by the teacher through interview
section. The structure problem that the teacher explained earlier is a problem that
the teacher always encounters when teaching writing in class X Sma Negeri 1
Napabalano. Then, students' problems related to structure focus on tenses,
especially the simple present. Simple present is the main characteristic of
descriptive text. The teacher's strategy to overcome student problems related to
structure has been obtained through observation, questionnaire and interview.
Thus, there is a strategy to cope problems faced by the students about the
grammatical which is mind mapping strategy.
a). Observation
The data obtained by the researcher is supported by observation made
during class learning. The researcher used observation sheets to help researchers
record the most important parts during class learning. Based on the data from the
observations at the first meeting, the researcher has obtained a strategy that is
applied by the teacher after assigning students to arrange randomized paragraphs
into a complete descriptive text. The teacher teaching writing begins by directing
students to read a paragraph of descriptive text in a printed book that has been
distributed. After the teacher checked the results of the student's paragraph
arrangement, some of the students were asked again by the teacher regarding what
tenses were used in the descriptive text. The students in the class were silent and
there were even students who answered incorrectly. The teacher said “what tenses
are used in descriptive text?”. The researcher saw the faces of the students who

were hesitant to answer the teacher's questions. The teacher re-explains the simple
present used when writing descriptive text.
In the first meeting visited by the researcher, the researcher found the
application of a strategy related to the structure with the concept of learning
carried out by the teacher. Before the researcher gets a strategy to overcome the
structure of the students, the teacher gives the task of arranging random
paragraphs into whole paragraphs. Then, the teacher asked the students again
about the tenses used in the descriptive text. Some students answered the teacher's
questions incorrectly. Thus, the teacher provides a detailed explanation of the
simple present tense in class. The concept of learning that is owned by the teacher
is to explain the pattern of simple present sentences clearly. With a loud voice, the
teacher had a planning to make students focus on the examples, she also showed
in the descriptive text model. The teacher also asked the students whether the
students have understood the tenses that have been explained or not. In
conclusion, the teacher had taken action to solve students problems in the
structure by asking questions directly and reminding students about the material
about the simple present tense.
In the second meeting, the researcher found the data related to the teacher's
strategy in overcoming the problem of structure in students. The teacher has
assigned students to make descriptive texts for the previous meeting. At this
meeting, the teacher plans to examine the students' writings and identify problems
related to structure. The problem of structure focused on the tenses used in writing
descriptive text. The researcher observed the movements made by the teacher in
overcoming students' difficulties when determining tenses in making sentences in
descriptive text. The teacher uses a strategy by making a picture design that
contains material about the simple present tense. The teacher makes branches that
show directions about important things related to the simple present tense. For
example, the first branch shows verbal sentences accompanied by patterns, then
the second branch shows nominal sentences also accompanied by nominal
sentence patterns. The teacher's image design can be seen as follows:

Verbal Nominal
sentence sentence

present tense

(She,he,it)+V s/es+o/c (she, he, it)+is+o/c

(They, we, you, I)+V+o/c (they,we,you)+are+o/c


Based on the picture above, the teacher has included examples of tenses in
the center of the circle. Then give the branches in the circle related to the simple
present material that has been taught by the previous students. One of the
branches is written "verbal sentence", this means that in the present simple
sentence there is a verbal sentence. After writing the verbal sentence on the
branch, the teacher gives an important marker in the verb used in the verbal
sentence which can be seen in the picture above. Likewise in nominal sentences,
the teacher provides simple sentence patterns that can be captured easily by
students through the image designs that have been made. In addition, the teacher
gives examples of simple sentences related to the classroom. She also gave the
task of making verbal and nominal sentences to students to train students' abilities
in mastering tenses. Thus, the strategy of designing a like a map design is believed
by the teacher to be able to lead students to recall and understand the simple
present tense.

In the third meeting, the researcher found the result that the strategy
applied by the teacher was similar to the strategy applied in the previous meeting
in class X Mia 1. At this meeting, the researcher observed the teacher strategy
applied in class Mia 2 with the same teacher. In the beginning of the class the
teacher provides material related to writing descriptive text as an introduction to
learning. The teacher directs students to read examples of descriptive text so that
students know the model of descriptive text. Before observing the strategy given
by the teacher in the classroom, the teacher first checked the results of student
work to identify errors that students often made regarding the structure.
At this meeting, the teacher made a drawing design such as a map plan
containing the material tenses as an example is the simple present tense. The
teacher included simple present material because most of the students in the class
did not fully understand the correct sentence patterns when writing texts,
especially descriptive texts. In this strategy, it is similar to the previous strategy,
the teacher only uses different examples in making sentence patterns.
b). Questionnaire
Based on the questionnaire, the teacher found response by the teacher
about the strategy to cope with the structure problem in writing descriptive text by
the students. The teacher has filled out the questionnaire on several sheets of
paper that have been provided by the researcher. The teacher has filled out the
questionnaire for 15 minutes. The teacher's responses to the questionnaires varied
related to the actions of a teacher or the teacher's plan in overcoming the problems
or difficulties the students faced when writing descriptive texts. The results of
filling out the questionnaire related to the strategy in overcoming the structure
problem can be seen in the following table:
Blueprint Of Questionnaire
No Strategy Item Number Option Option Total
(Yes) (No)
1 T-Chart Strategy 4, 5, 2 and 13 4, 13 5, and 2 4
2 Idea-Details Strategy 10, 9, 16 and 8 10, 9, 16 0 4
and 8

3 Tell-Show strategy 15, 20, 18 and 19 15, 20, 18 0 4
and 19
4 Draw-Label Caption 12, 11, 14 and 16 12, 11, 14 0 4
and 16
5 Mind Mapping strategy 1, 7, 3 and 17 1, 3 and 7 4
Total 20

Based on the table above, the teacher has a mind mapping strategy that can
be shown in the response results. Several statements related to the characteristics
of mind mapping have been checked by the teacher. The table showed that
statement numbers 1, 3 and 17 are characteristics of the mind mapping strategy.
There is one statement that was not chosen by the teacher, namely number 4.
Thus, the teacher chose 3 statements and did not choose one statement on the
questionnaire. Thus, there were several kind of statment options they have been
selected through questionnaire especially structure strategy about tenses by the
English teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano.
c). Interview
The researher has obtained data supported by data through interviews.
Based on the interview, the teacher has explained about the strategies they have in
overcoming the problem of structure in students, especially the problem of tenses.
The teacher explained that the condition of the students who still did not
understand the simple present tense made the students wrong and made the wrong
pattern in making sentences in a text correctly. To find out the students' mistakes
or problems when making a pattern of a sentence, the teacher gave the task of
making a descriptive text as an example to be identified. Thus, the teacher gave a
strategy in the form of a comfortable learning concept.
The teacher explained that in the process of teaching, the teacher must
provide a good strategy so that students can follow the lesson well too. Moreover,
in overcoming problems, teachers are required to provide the best way in the form
of a design regarding a material by considering several things. For example, the

strategy in overcoming student problems in overcoming structural problems must
be more varied in order to avoid the boredom that exists in students. The teacher
said that :
"I re-explained the tenses according to the learning material. I explain in
detail how to use verbal and nominal sentences, for example in making
descriptive text. To avoid boredom experienced by students, I use simple
drawing designs such as floor plans to help explain the tenses material
that I give in class. Finally, I make assignments for students to make
sentences related to the tenses that I have given”.
Based on the explanation by the teacher above, she ran a strategy by
changing the monotonous form of explanation to make it more varied. Th teacher
uses a strategy that he considers more interesting to look at. Then, the teacher said
that :
"I also give assignments to students to make sentences such as simple
present sentence patterns then I will check if an error occurs I will explain
it back to them on the sidelines of learning time".
For example in descriptive text, the teacher directed students to re-record
verbal sentence patterns and nominal sentences in their notebooks. In the image
design made by the teacher, it is a design in the form of a circle that has several
branches. The branch can be in the form of things related to the tenses being
studied. To support the explanation, the teacher also gives examples of sentences
in everyday life.
Furthermore, the teacher also provided motivation to students in every
learning process in the classroom. It is intended that students are always
motivated to continue learning, especially vocabulary is one of the most important
problems to master English. The teacher said that :“I directed them to increase
their vocabulary in their daily life. I keep this in mind because vocabulary is very
important in improving English language skills”
The teacher reminded the students about the assignments that have been
given. The teacher has conveyed the importance of vocabulary that students must

learn to improve their ability to speak English. Thus, the teacher applies the given
strategy to support teaching to achieve the expected learning objectives.
Based on the three instruments above, the researcher found that mind
mapping is the teacher's strategy at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. The researcher
obtained the same data through observation, questionnaire and interview data. The
teacher does not say that mind mapping is a strategy that is applied in class. Thus,
the researcher determined the mind mapping strategy was the strategy used. This
was because the researcher has observed the teaching process in the classroom.
Then the data was supported by interview with the teacher and filling out the
questionnaire by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. In conclusion, the
strategy that has been identified by the researcher is the mind mapping strategy
obtained based on the three instruments above.
4.1.3 Teacher Strategies to Cope problem by the Students about Generic
structure in Writing Descriptive Text
There are several problems faced by the students in writing grade ten were
conveyed by the English teacher in writing descriptive text. Some of these
problems have also been explained clearly by the teacher through interview
section. The strategy that has been obtained by the researcher focuses on the
teacher's strategy in overcoming the problems of students who have difficulty in
developing paragraphs and even difficulties in making the introduction part in
descriptive texts. The teacher's strategy has been presented through observation,
questionnaire and interview. Thus, there are two strategy to cope with students
problems in writing descrptive text which are idea-details startegy and tell show
a). Observation
Observation in the classroom has been carried out by the researcher to
obtain a strategy applied by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano grade ten in
overcoming student problems, especially in writing descriptive text. This
observation focused on the teacher's actions to overcome students' mistakes when
making the introduction part of the text. The researcher made observations for
three meetings in two classes, namely X Mia 1 and Mia 2. In addition, the

teacher's plan in overcoming student problems is in developing the description in
writing descriptive text section.

In the first meeting, the researcher made observation in class X Mia 1.

Based on observation, the researcher observed the teacher's movements from the
beginning to the end of the lesson to be able to obtain the desired data. In the core
part of learning, the teacher provides material about writing descriptive so that
students know the correct descriptive text model. The teacher also gave
assignments to students to arrange random main idea into whole paragraphs. In
this activity, the teacher asks students about the identification and description
section. Some students did not understand the introduction and description of
writing descriptive text. Thus, the teacher explained again by showing the
difference between the identification section and the description section of the
textbook used. The teacher leads the students to recall how the differences stand
out between the two parts in the descriptive text.
In the second meeting, the researcher has obtained data related to a similar
strategy at the first meeting. In this meeting, a teacher re-explained how to
distinguish between the identification and description sections of descriptive text.
In this observation, the teacher has given the task of writing descriptive text to
students at the last week's meeting. After examining the writings of the students,
the teacher concluded that there were still many students who did not understand
the paragraph structure to produce a good and correct descriptive text. Thus, the
teacher provides an explanation that can lead students' minds to remember how to
determine the identification and description sections of descriptive text. The
teacher mentions how the descriptive text model is in the introduction section and
also in the descriptions section. The teacher said that “you should remember about
the part of introduction and description in writing descriptive text”. In this
statement, the teacher tries to lead the students' minds by giving an example. As
an example, the teacher took one of the students' work and then explained in front
of the class the errors that occurred in the problem of arranging supporting
sentences in a paragraph. Furthermore, the teacher attracted students' attention by

directing their eyes to the blackboard. The teacher emphasized the students to be
able to create the descriptive part correctly. In this concept, she expected students
to imagine a main idea, then from the main idea students get used to creating
supporting sentences well. In this strategy, the teacher directed students to create a
table containing the main idea and supporting sentences. The following is an
example that the teacher gives to students in overcoming student problems about
generic structure.

Main Idea Supporting Sentences

My hobby is football I like playing football so much
I do it after school
I join football club in my school
I like football because I want to learn
about teamwork

Based on the table above, the students can create another example to
overcoming their problem about generic structure in writing descriptive text. The
table has two parts, namely the main idea and the supporting sentence. The
researcher observed the teacher who emphasized the students to be able to make
tables as seen above. The example of playing the idea "my hobby is football" will
lead students to be able to think about what can be translated from this idea. The
teacher has the view that the elaboration of this main idea will be a supporting
sentence that can be used as a basis for students' thinking to be able to create
descriptive paragraphs. Thus, the teacher used tell show strategy and Idea Details
strategy to cope students problems about generic structure.
In the third meeting, the researcher has obtained data for class X Mia 2
related to the teacher's strategy in overcoming student problems that are difficult
to determine the introduction and description of the writing descriptive text. In the
beginning of the class, the teacher gives an explanation as an introduction to the
descriptive text material according to the existing learning objectives. Then, the
teacher assigned students to make descriptive text for a few minutes. Next, the

teacher checks the students' work by looking at the generic structure errors that
have been written by the students. According to the teacher, some students made a
mistake in writing the introduction. Thus, let me explain again by providing an
explanation regarding the meaning of the introduction and description sections.
The teacher said that "the introduction part is the part to identify the topic to be
described in a text". The researcher observed the teacher interacting with the
students to provide understanding regarding the descriptive text model.
Furthermore, the teacher saw some student problems related to the generic
structure that must be present in writing descriptive text. She provides a strategy
that can familiarize students to be able to write descriptively well. At this meeting,
as in previous meetings, the teacher emphasized to students to think critically
about the form of identification and description (generic structure). The teacher
also makes a table form that students can use to get used to making details about
the main idea.
In this meeting, the teacher also explained examples of the induction and
description sections by describing something related to the lives of students. For
example, the teacher describes the classroom. The teacher gave an example of the
identification section related to the topic of Class X Mia 2 that she gave. The
teacher explains and identifies class X Mia 2 which is located at the side of the
office. The teacher said that “class X Mia 2 is a class located next to the office at
SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano”. The explanation from the teacher was intended to
give students an understanding of the identification part of descriptive text. In the
description section, the teacher provides suitable characteristics to be included in
the description section. She explained about the objects in the class. In conclusion,
the teacher considers that this strategy is too easy for students to accept. In this
case, the teacher provides a strategy of describing something to overcome the
problem of students who do not understand or even make mistakes in writing the
introduction and description sections.
Furthermore, there is another strategy by the teacher toovercoming the
problem faced by the students about generic structure. She provided a strategy that
can familiarize students to be able to write descriptively well. At this meeting, as

in previous meetings, the teacher emphasized to students to think critically about
the form of identification and description (generic structure). The teacher also
makes a table form that students can use to get used to making details about the

main idea. The table contains the main idea and supporting sentences that are
adapted to the activities or experiences of students that they often do. This is one
form of tactics owned by the teacher. The form of the strategy table made by the
teacher can be seen as follows:

Main Idea Supporting Sentences

My favorite food is meatball I like to food meatball so much
My mother often makes meatball for
I also help my mother to make
I like meatball because it is so delicious

Based on the teable above, the teacher directed students to create a simple
mind idea. Mind ideas related to everyday life can open students' thinking patterns
to be affected when creating an idea in writing texts. This is done by the teacher
because students find it difficult to determine the idea that will be described in
making descriptive text. Then, the teacher also emphasized the students to be able
to describe things related in detail after making the main idea. The teacher took
the initiative to make it in the form of a table so that students could easily pay
attention to the ideas and supporting details.

b). Questionnaire
Based on the questionnaire, the researcher found a response about the
teacher's strategy in overcoming the problem of students who have difficulty in
distinguishing identification and description in writing descriptive text. The data
on the questionnaire results show that the teacher has a strategy that is directing
students to make pictures and then from the pictures students give ideas and

describe them back in a text. The strategy shown by the teacher in the
questionnaire is a strategy that leads to student activities so that they are active in
developing ideas, especially in writing descriptive text. The results of the teacher's
response can be seen in the following table:

Blueprint Of Questionnaire

No Strategy Item Number Option Option Total

(Yes) (No)
1 T-Chart Strategy 4, 5, 2 and 13 4, 13 5, and 2 4
2 Idea-Details Strategy 10, 9, 16 and 8 10, 9, 16 0 4
and 8
3 Tell-Show strategy 15, 20, 18 and 19 15, 20, 18 0 4
and 19
4 Draw-Label Caption 12, 11, 14 and 16 12, 11, 14 0 4
and 16
5 Mind Mapping strategy 1, 7, 3 and 17 1, 3 and 7 4
Total 20

Based on the table above, the strategy related to the teacher's strategy in
overcoming student problems related to generic structure is the Tell-Show
Strategy and Draw Label Caption. The researcher found that the teacher filled out
the questionnaire at numbers 15, 20, 18 and 19 for Tell-Show Strategy. It is the
same with Draw-Label Caption strategy, the teacher chooses the numbers 12, 11,
14 and 16. The teacher selects all the related statements from the two strategies.
This shows that according to the data generated, the teacher has a tell-show
strategy and a Draw-Label Caption strategy to overcome students' problems in
writing descriptive text. In conclusio, the teacher has selected several statements
which are the characteristics of the Draw Label Caption strategy.

c). Interview
Based on interview, the researcher explained about the strategy in
overcoming students' problems related to compiling descriptive text correctly.
This strategy focuses on the teacher's actions in dealing with students who are still
lacking in understanding the identification and description sections in writing
descriptive text. Some problems that are often experienced by students have been
explained previously in the pre-research and have been presented in the
background of this research. Thus, in this interview, the focus is on explaining
how the strategy or plan is given to students in the classroom in the process of
learning writing, especially descriptive text. Some of the statements that have
been expressed by the teacher are related to matters relating to teacher planning
carried out in order to realize effective and efficient learning objectives. The
teacher said that “I explained again about how to compose descriptive text well.
Then I explain and give directions in front of the class about how descriptive text
is and make identification and description parts in making descriptive text".
Based on that explanation above, it shows that the teacher made a decision
to deepen the explanation of students' understanding regarding the descriptive text
material by showing again how the identification and description sections are in
the text. The teacher also explains about strategies that are often used in
overcoming student problems related to generic structure problems. In addition to
she explained again, the teacher gave a strategy to describe something to students
by taking one simple topic. It only takes a short time for the teacher to give an
overview to the students regarding the identification and description sections. The
teacher said that :
“I also give examples to students by describing the pictures in printed
books, for example, I direct students to be able to distinguish between the
introduction and description parts of descriptive text. In addition, to help
students understand more in the descriptive text model, I give examples by
describing something that is in the lives of students, such as the school

Based on the explanation above, the teacher uses a strategy to describe
something that is close to students' lives, this is intended to make students more
interested in understanding descriptive text material in the generic structure
section. She also sometimes shows pictures in books to be described as a form of
distinguishing between the identification and description sections. For instance,
the teacher showed the picture about destination to students, then she explained
about the part of identification and description as a descriptive model. Besides
explanation from the picture, the teacher asked the students again about
understanding about descriptive model especially generic structure. Furthermore,
the teacher had explained that she used of Idea Details strategy to cope the
problems faced by the students. The teacher said that “I direct students to make a
table that contained the part of idea and the supporting sentences”. The teacher
has interested to use this strategy because this strategy very simple and can make
the students to get some idea and supporting sentences. In conclusion, there are
two strategy by the teacher that explained by the teacher to overcome the generic
structure problems by the students in writing descriptive text on interview section.
The researcher has obtained results that several strategies have been
applied by teacher. The teacher has used a t-chart strategy to overcome students'
problems related to vocabulary specifically leading to students' understanding of
several elements in the vocabulary. Then, the teacher has used a mind mapping
strategy to solve students' problems related to grammatical. The using of tenses
are still wrong is the center of the problems faced by students in this aspect. In
addition, the teacher's strategy for dealing with student problems related to generic
structure is the tell-show strategy and the idea-details strategy. In conclusion,
there is a strategy that was not applied by the teacher in this study, namely the
draw label caption. This has been decided by the researcher because this strategy
is not seen in some research instruments.
Based on the result above, the resarcher has obtained different data,
namely the teacher's strategy related to the generic structure through the three
instruments. The data generated in the observation and questionnaire show
different strategies that are owned by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano grade

ten. On the data through the questionnaire, the teacher has a Draw Label Caption
strategy in overcoming the problem of students' generic structure. However, on
the data through interviews and the results of observations in class, the researcher
did not find this strategy. It meant that the teacher did not used all of her strategy
in the class. In conclusion, the results that have been obtained by the researcher in
this study have differences in the three instruments.
At the end of these results, the researcher concluded that the strategy
applied by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano was able to overcome
students' problems related to writing descriptive text. This can be proven in
creating by the students related to strategy idea details in the appendix. The
researcher has also observed several other strategies through observations in the
classroom as described previously in this chapter. Furthermore, the researcher
considers that with the existence of several strategies by the teacher can help
students in overcoming problems that need to be considered in order to achieve
the expected learning objectives.

The table of the teacher strategy and problems by the students

No Problems by the students Strategies by the teacher
1 Students find it difficult to The teacher invites students to fantasize
answer questions from the by describing the characteristics of the
teacher regarding the meaning of vocabulary
vocabulary in a text

2 students make a mistake in the teacher asked the students again,

answering the teacher's "what is a noun? and what is a verb?
questions regarding the
classification of vocabulary in
the form of nouns and verbs
3 students make a mistake in the teacher directs students to make a
placing verbs and nouns in a list of verb and noun vocabulary in the
sentence when writing notebook

descriptive text

4 Some of the students wrote the teacher directs students to be careful

wrong in some vocabulary when in writing vocabulary when writing text
writing descriptive text

5 students forget when asked by the teacher re-explains the tenses used
the teacher regarding the tenses in the descriptive text
used in descriptive texts

6 students are wrong in answering the teacher tries to restore students'

the teacher's questions regarding memories by asking one of the students
the use of to be in nominal who is considered to remember the
sentences tense material
7 students are wrong in using the teacher directs students to make
tenses when writing descriptive simple pictures to map parts of simple
text messages

8 students are confused when the the teacher leads students' minds by
teacher asks the generic structure giving directions that identification is at
in writing descriptive text the beginning while description is a few
paragraphs after identification
(using of tell show strategy )
9 students find it difficult to make the teacher directs students to create a
the description part clearly when table containing the main idea and
they write descriptive text supporting sentences (using of idea
details strategy)
10 students find it difficult to find the teacher directs students to choose
ideas to arouse the reader's appropriate vocabulary and
emotions so that readers feel the conjunctions so that readers are able to
feeling in the written text dissolve in reading

4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Teacher Strategy to Cope Vocabulary Problem in Writing Descriptive
Vocabulary problem in writing is one of the aspects that is often faced by
students at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. Based on the result above, the teacher has
a strategy in overcoming student problems related to vocabulary in writing
descriptive text. This is T-Chart strategy. This strategy is strategies owned by the
teacher that can be implemented in the classroom to make students more active in
overcoming the vocabulary they have. Furthermore, this strategy has their
respective benefits in teaching a teacher to achieve the desired learning objectives.
The researcher found T-chart strategy has been used by the teacher in class
X SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. The teacher used this strategy because this strategy
requires students to think critically, students become more active in learning,
students' vocabulary skills can increase. In particular, this strategy is used by the
teacher so that students are able to recognize deeper and even be able to remember
vocabulary well such as the difference between nouns and verbs, if students are
serious in carrying out the directions from the teacher. According to Peha (2003)
said that by making and saving several different lists, you can generate enough
vocabulary to last an entire school year. The students can use the vocabulary they
have after making a vocabulary list. In addition, the students strategy from this
teacher is to overcome the problem of students who are lacking in vocabulary
mastery. Vocabulary is one of the most crucial things in writing something. In the
problems described above, students at this school are required to collect and
understand vocabulary related to verbs and nouns. This can be related to the
mistakes students often make when writing descriptive texts, students often use
verbs and nouns incorrectly.

Furthermore, in the application of the T-Chart Strategy carried out by the
teacher in the class, the teacher carries out concepts related to planning by
carrying out activities such as giving directions to students to make a list of
vocabulary such as verbs and nouns so that students can write texts properly
according to with the learning objectives to be achieved. It is supported by
Istiqomah (2019) said that the teaching strategy is teacher activity which means a
planning to achieve the desired goals in the learning process. In this strategy, the
teacher has a plan to overcome students' problems in vocabulary by planning other
ways to increase students' vocabulary.
Based on the three instruments above, there were several implementations
of the same strategy for one instrument and another. The researcher found the T-
Chart strategy through the data during the observation. The researcher found a
strategy that was owned by the teacher when the teacher taught related to the
material of writing descriptive text. Then, the research has obtained the same
strategy at the time of observation through questionnaires and interviews. In
conclusion, the researcher has obtained the same strategy through the three
instruments which is T-Chart strategy.
4.2.2 Teacher Strategy to Cope Structure Problems in Writing Descriptive
The problem of structure is a problem that often makes students of SMAN
1 Napabalano when making correct sentence patterns, especially in writing
descriptive text. It means that the the big problems that focused of the tenses
material especially writing descriotive text. The students were difficult to compare
the verb and noun in making a sentence. This problems often occur in the class of
writing according to the teacher. Because of the some problems above, the teacher
should apply the best strategy to cope with students problems. The strategy that
has been applied is another way made by the teacher to form a learning model that
is able to create a different atmosphere in the classroom. It is supported by Wena
(2011), teaching strategy is dissimilar ways to attain the different results which
are conducted in different conditions of learning process. As a teacher is obliged
to provide a strategy for teaching in order to be able to achieve the desired goals.

The strategy given by the teacher must be creative in order to support
students to understand theoretical concepts. One of the theoretical concepts that
are difficult for students at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano to understand is tenses.
The teacher has provided theory by drawing on the blackboard and focusing on
the simple present material in detail. For instance, the teacher plans a strategy that
aims to make students understand how the patterns of nominal sentences and
verbal sentences are when writing a text, especially descriptive text. In this case,
the students find it difficult to understand the difference between nouns and verbs
because they have little knowledge of verbs and nouns. According to the teacher,
she has caught the students' attention by choosing a strategy that focuses on
picture design to record the material. The material that has been delivered by the
teacher is creative and easy to understand. It is supported by Buzan (2005)
suggests that mind mapping is a creative and effective way to take notes,
removing information in the brain, mind mapping using color, symbols, word,
curved lines and pictures that match the way the brain works. Thus, the teacher
has had an attempt or a tactic to change the teaching model to a more creative one
through pictures containing learning content.
Furthermore, the strategy that has been applied by the teacher is a strategy
that is easily understood by students. The teacher has made a simple drawing in
the form of a floor plan that can convey students' thoughts on the learning material
that is the goal. If the students are given a strategy with the aim of facilitating
student understanding, then the task of a teacher will be carried out well. Various
kinds of student characters make teachers obliged to apply flexible strategies that
can be accepted by all students in the class. In addition, the strategy stages that
have been given by the teacher are stages that are easily responded to by the
students. It means that the strategy in overcoming the problem of student structure
has been given by fulfilling step by step which is easy to understand. Thus,
teaching also aims to make students' abilities successful and even overcome
students' problems, for example in grammar problems.
Based on the explanation above, the teacher has used a mind mapping
strategy that this strategy will refer to a teaching strategy that aims to attract

students' attention to recall the lessons that have been taught by the previous
teacher. For instance, material tenses such as the simple present is one of the basic
tenses material that is important in writing descriptive text. In accordance with the
objectives and learning indicators in class X SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano, the
teacher tries to re-enter the simple present tense material into students' minds
through image designs or in a different way than before. It is supported by Buzan
(2010) said that mind mapping is one of the easiest ways to enter information into
the brain and retrieve information from the brain. It is therefore, the teacher is
required to prepare a good strategy on certain materials. If the students are
interested in the teacher's teaching, then the students are able to remember and
even the students become more interested in recalling simple present material
which is very influential on students' abilities when writing descriptive texts. In
conclusion, the mind mapping strategy applied by the English teacher in class X
aims to attract students' attention and help students to overcome structure
problems in writing descriptive texts.

4.2.3 Teacher Strategy to Cope Problem by the Students about Generic

Structure in Writing Descriptive Text
Generic structure in writing descriptive text is one of the problems that
most students of class X experience at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano. The generic
structure in question is the identification and description part when writing
descriptive text well. The students are sometimes confused and mistaken in
compiling the introduction section, which is the initial part of the text that
functions as part of the identification of the topics discussed in a text. Likewise
with the descriptive section, some students experienced problems when
developing good paragraphs.
In addition, the identification in writing descriptive text is one of the initial
parts that is the introductory part in a text. In this section, the students are
sometimes wrong in placing the introduction. According to the teacher, some
students are reversed in placing the introduction and description parts. This is
because students do not understand the descriptive text model well. The teacher

has drawn up the strategy to cope with this problems about the best writing in
particular of descriptive text. Furthermore, the teacher provided two strategies
which were a tell-show strategy and Idea Details strategy to help students
understand more about the generic structure.
Furthermore, the description part is the second part in the descriptive text
stage. In this section, students are required to develop the first paragraph by
reviewing several aspects. Tell show strategy can be used by the teacher by taking
any simple sentence from your current piece that mentions something you can
describe (Peha, 2003). It means that the teacher has applied the strategy by
explaining to the students about something that she has described through a
description of something close to the students. This strategy emphasizes the
ability of students to capture understanding in the description section related to the
generic structure. This strategy is very familiar in writing descriptive text. Tell
Show strategy has concepts related to the purpose of descriptive text so that it can
make it easier for students to solve problems, namely by describing something
through the tell show strategy. Thus, this strategy focuses more on determining
the description section and students can practice using this strategy in writing
descriptive text.

In addition, the research has found another strategy that has been used by
the teacher, namely the Idea Details strategy. This strategy is one of the most

familiar strategies in teaching teachers in writing descriptive text. According to

Peha (2003), Idea Detail strategy can be used to create more supporting details in
writing. This strategy emphasizes that when someone writes a text, they must
explain clear and related supporting sentences or details to the main idea. The
teacher has used this strategy in class by giving assignments to students to
complete a table in the form of two charts containing ideas and details. Based on
the observations observed by the researcher in the class, the researcher believes
that another strategy used by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano is the Idea
Detail strategy.

Based on the description above about the teacher strategy to cope with
problems about the generic structure has used the strategy describe picture or
something. The teacher used a strategy that is considered interesting by the
teacher in order to make it able to attract the attention of students. According to
Solahudin (2009), showing or describing pictures is useful for training students in
imagination and retell. In writing descriptive text at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano,
the teacher develops the ability and creativity of students in understanding images
so that they are able to describe images well according to the composition of the
identification and description sections. The students can more easily distinguish
between the two because students are enthusiastic in thinking critically. After the
teacher explained the descriptive model well, students were directed to understand
the pictures given by the teacher through the printed books provided. Thus, the
strategy that applied by the teacher at SMAN Negeri 1 Napabalano grade ten to
cope problems students in writing descriptive text was tell-show strategy.


5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of analysis teacher strategies to cope students problems in
writing descriptive text at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano grade ten, the researcher has
concluded that based of the five strategies, the teacher has implemented four
teaching strategies in writing descriptive text and there is one strategy that is not
applied by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano, namely Draw Label Caption.
This can be proven by this study based on several instruments that have been
identified by researchers. The researcher identified some of these strategies
through observation, questionnaire, and interview. However, there are some
invalid data through this instrument.
There is one strategy that is not valid in the identification that has been carried
out by the researcher, namely the data Draw Label Caption strategy. The
researcher concludes that this strategy is not applied by the teacher in class
because this strategy is quite complicated for students to overcome the problem of
writing descriptive text. In addition, the researcher also considered that students
had difficulty in making varied images, labels containing an idea and making
captions that could confuse students like the concept of this strategy. However,
this activity can overwhelm students so it takes a long time to complete this
Furthermore, in this study, the researcher concluded that based on the
presentation of the results of the five strategies above, there is one strategy that
really attracts students' attention, namely the mind mapping strategy. This strategy
is used by the teacher to solve student problems related to grammatical problems
by the students. The students were very enthusiastic in following the teaching
from the teacher. This is evidenced by the researchers through observations in
class. In conclusion, in addition to strategies that did not appear in this study, the
researcher also found results related to strategies that were of interest to students.

5.2 Recommendation
After conducting this research, the researcher would like to give
recommendations to the teacher and next researcher. First, the teacher should be
concerned about the problems faced by the students more deeply. The teacher is
obliged to apply strategies in teaching that are more varied and creative. It is
intended that the expected learning objectives can be achieved effectively. For
instance, one of the most important lessons in English is writing. In addition, the
teacher should pay attention to the results of the strategies that have been
implemented in the classroom. Secondly, for the researcher, the researcher should
know many strategies before conducting research related to the teacher's strategy
in teaching in the classroom. It aims to conduct analysis in the teaching strategy,
the researcher is able to determine the name of the strategy that has been analyzed.
In addition, the next researcher can also dig deeper into the strategy that does not
appear in this study, namely Draw Label Caption. In further research, researchers
can collect more complete data regarding the shortcomings of the Draw Label
Caption strategy. Furthermore, the researcher can look for other problems faced
by students in other texts. Last, the researcher can attempt to analyze strategy in
writing on other texts.


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Appendix 1: Observation Sheet on the First Meeting
Name of Teacher : Sitti Narni, S.Pd

Name of School : SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano

Class : X Mia 1

Date : 17 May 2022

No Strategy Learning Activities Yes No Descriptions

1 T-chart the teacher determines the √ Based on the observation,
strategy topic vocabulary the researcher found that
the teacher chooses a topic √ the teacher led students to
about daily activity think about the subject in a
the teacher chooses a topic √ sentence contained in the
about student experience descriptive text. By using
the teacher makes a table √ the existing textbooks, the
containing two columns, teacher asks the crucial
then each column contains vocabulary in a text with
verb and noun parts the topic of destination
the teacher appoints one √
student to fill in part of the
the teacher assigns all √
students to complete the
table in their respective
2 Mind The teacher discusses the √ The teacher asks again what
mapping tenses used in the descriptive tenses are used when
strategy text writing descriptive text.

The teacher makes a picture √ The teacher invites students
in the form of a circle on the to think again about the
blackboard containing the rules of tenses used in the
names of tenses simple present. Most
The teacher maps the picture √ students answered
by giving branches that incorrectly, this is because
contain simple present theory the ability to understand
The teacher gives examples √ tenses is still lacking
of verbal and nominal
sentences in simple messages

The teacher assigns students √

to practice making example
sentences at home
3 Idea details The teacher explains to √ The teacher also provides a
strategy students about mind ideas strategy in the form of
and supporting sentences describing something
The teacher makes a table √ through the images in the
containing mind ideas and printed book. The teacher
supporting sentences on the invites students to identify
blackboard the introduction part and
The teacher gives examples √ the description part when
of ideas and some supporting describing something. In
sentences this strategy, the teacher
The teacher assigns students √ uses visual materials to re-
to make one idea and several explain the good descriptive
supporting sentences in each text model
student's home
4 Tell show The teacher determines a √ The teacher explains again
strategy simple topic to discuss about how to form a good
The teacher gives an √ and correct descriptive text.

overview to students She gives an idea of how to
regarding the generic make a correct introduction
structure of descriptive text and description in
The teacher shows the √ descriptive text. By using a
identification part in the printed book, she shows the
story being described introduction and description
The teacher shows the √ sections contained in a text.
description part of the
description of a story
The teacher asked the √
students again regarding
students' understanding of
the generic structure in
writing descriptive text
5 Draw Label The teacher gives a simple √
Caption picture in front of the class
The teacher directs the √
students to tell descriptively
about the picture that is
The teacher makes a list √
containing the topics and
details of the displayed
The teacher directs students √
to complete the list according
to the picture displayed by
the teacher
The teacher asks again
whether the students have
understood the identification

and description parts

Appendix 2: Observation Sheet on the Second Meeting

Name of Teacher : Sitti Narni, S.Pd

Name of School : SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano

Class : X Mia 1

Date : 24 May 2022

No Strategy Learning Activities Yes No Descriptions

1 T-chart the teacher determines the √ The teacher gives
strategy topic vocabulary assignments to students to
the teacher chooses a topic √ take notes or make a list of
about daily activity vocabulary related to their
the teacher chooses a topic √ daily lives or experiences.
about student experience In the vocabulary table
the teacher makes a table √ section, the teacher directs
containing two columns, students to separate the
then each column contains noun and verb sections.
verb and noun parts This aims to overcome the
the teacher appoints one √ problem of lack of
student to fill in part of the vocabulary experienced by
table students when they make
the teacher assigns all √ mistakes in writing
students to complete the descriptive texts
table in their respective
2 Mind The teacher discusses the √ The teacher directs students
mapping tenses used in the descriptive to rethink the tenses used in
strategy text descriptive texts by making
The teacher makes a picture √ simple drawing designs in
in the form of a circle on the the form of floor plans.
blackboard containing the This strategy is given by the
names of tenses teacher by making branches
The teacher maps the picture √ in the form of a plan by

by giving branches that including the simple present
contain simple present theory rules that apply when
The teacher gives examples √ writing descriptive text
of verbal and nominal
sentences in simple messages
The teacher assigns students √
to practice making example
sentences at home
3 Idea details The teacher explains to √ The teacher directs students
strategy students about mind ideas to make a list of several
and supporting sentences supporting sentences and
The teacher makes a table √ choose one of the simple
containing mind ideas and main ideas according to the
supporting sentences on the students. The students can
blackboard make a table to list the main
The teacher gives examples √ idea and supporting
of ideas and some supporting sentences. Next, the teacher
sentences give an example about
The teacher assigns students √ mind idea and suppporting
to make one idea and several sentences on the table.
supporting sentences in each
student's home
4 Tell show The teacher determines a √ The teacher explains again
strategy simple topic to discuss about how to form a good
The teacher gives an √ and correct descriptive text.
overview to students She gives an idea of how to
regarding the generic make a correct introduction
structure of descriptive text and description in
The teacher shows the √ descriptive text. By using a
identification part in the printed book, she shows the
story being described introduction and description

The teacher shows the √ sections contained in a text.
description part of the
description of a story
The teacher asked the √
students again regarding
students' understanding of
the generic structure in
writing descriptive text
5 Draw Label The teacher gives a simple √
Caption picture in front of the class
The teacher directs the √
students to tell descriptively
about the picture that is
The teacher makes a list √
containing the topics and
details of the displayed
The teacher directs students √
to complete the list according
to the picture displayed by
the teacher
The teacher asks again √
whether the students have
understood the identification
and description parts

Appendix 3: Observation Sheet on the Third Meeting

Name of Teacher : Sitti Narni, S.Pd

Name of School : SMA Negeri 1 Napabalano

Class : X Mia 1

Date : 28 May 2022

No Strategy Learning Activities Yes No Descriptions

1 T-chart the teacher determines the √ The teacher gives
strategy topic vocabulary assignments to students to
the teacher chooses a topic √ take notes or make a list of
about daily activity vocabulary related to their
the teacher chooses a topic √ daily lives or experiences.
about student experience In the vocabulary table
the teacher makes a table √ section, the teacher directs
containing two columns, students to separate the
then each column contains noun and verb sections.
verb and noun parts This aims to overcome the
the teacher appoints one √ problem of lack of
student to fill in part of the vocabulary experienced by
table students when they make
the teacher assigns all mistakes in writing
students to complete the descriptive texts.

table in their respective
2 Mind The teacher discusses the √ She explained in detail how
mapping tenses used in the descriptive to make verbal sentences
strategy text and nominal sentences on a
The teacher makes a picture √ picture on the blackboard.
in the form of a circle on the All students' eyes are fixed
blackboard containing the on the blackboard with
names of tenses focus. This is because they
The teacher maps the picture √ are enthusiastic in learning
by giving branches that tenses in the form of
contain simple present theory branched images.

The teacher gives examples √
of verbal and nominal
sentences in simple messages

The teacher assigns students √

to practice making example
sentences at home
3 Idea details The teacher explains to The teacher directs students
strategy students about mind ideas √ to make a list of several
and supporting sentences supporting sentences and
The teacher makes a table √ choose one of the simple
containing mind ideas and main ideas according to the
supporting sentences on the students. The students can
blackboard make a table to list the main
The teacher gives examples √ idea and supporting
of ideas and some supporting sentences. Next, the teacher
sentences give an example about
The teacher assigns students √ mind idea and suppporting
to make one idea and several sentences on the table.
supporting sentences in each
student's home
4 Tell show The teacher determines a √ The teacher explains again
strategy simple topic to discuss about how to form a good
The teacher gives an √ and correct descriptive text.
overview to students She gives an idea of how to
regarding the generic make a correct introduction
structure of descriptive text and description in
The teacher shows the √ descriptive text. By using a
identification part in the printed book, she shows the
story being described introduction and description
The teacher shows the √ sections contained in a text.

description part of the
description of a story After that, the teacher leads
The teacher asked the √ the students to think again
students again regarding about what is the difference
students' understanding of between making
the generic structure in identification and
writing descriptive text description or supporting
sentences in descriptive text
that is written on the
blackboard clearly.
5 Draw Label The teacher gives a simple √
Caption picture in front of the class
The teacher directs the √
students to tell descriptively
about the picture that is
The teacher makes a list √
containing the topics and
details of the displayed
The teacher directs students √
to complete the list according
to the picture displayed by
the teacher
The teacher asks again √
whether the students have
understood the identification
and description parts

Appendix 4: Questionnaire for the English Teacher
Fill in the table with the check mark for the statements below.

No Statement Yes No
1 I made a drawing such as a floor plan related to the material √
(Saya membuat gambar seperti denah yang berkaitan dengan
materi tenses)
2 Students make a list of things they are proud of to improve √
vocabulary when they writing
(Siswa membuat daftar hal-hal yang mereka banggakan untuk
meningkatkan kosa kata saat mereka menulis)
3 Students practice making their own floor plans by entering the √
simple parent material that I explained earlier
(Siswa berlatih membuat gambar denah sendiri dengan
memasukkan materi simple perent yang telah saya jelaskan
4 Students use a typical experiences list that happens every day to √
make it easier for them to come up with ideas when they write
(Siswa menggunakan daftar pengalaman khas yang terjadi setiap
hari untuk memudahkan mereka menemukan ide saat mereka
5 Students show the most important challenge about something √
and they make a list so that it is easy to describe something
(Siswa menunjukkan tantangan yang paling penting tentang
sesuatu dan mereka membuat daftar sehingga mudah untuk
menggambarkan sesuatu)
6 I stand in front of the class to express the examples of ideas that √
I have, then students ask me about these ideas with the aim that
they are able to develop ideas into supporting details
(Saya berdiri di depan kelas untuk mengungkapkan contoh ide
yang saya miliki, kemudian siswa bertanya kepada saya tentang
ide tersebut dengan tujuan agar mereka mampu mengembangkan

ide menjadi detail pendukung)
7 I make a picture on a blank paper containing simple present √
(Saya membuat gambar pada kertas kosong yang berisi materi
simple present)
8 Students add a supporting sentence or details by describing √
something they want to write by making a list of ideas and a list
of sentences, for example about size, color, etc
(Siswa menambahkan kalimat pendukung atau detail dengan
mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang ingin ditulis dengan membuat
daftar ide dan daftar kalimat, misalnya tentang ukuran, warna,
9 Students make a list of one idea and make a list of sentences √
related to the student's experience to create supporting details
(Siswa membuat daftar satu ide dan membuat daftar kalimat
yang berhubungan dengan pengalaman siswa untuk membuat
rincian pendukung)
10 I give direction to make a simple sketch to students about √
vocabulary that might emerge by their drawing of the sketch.
(Saya memberikan arahan untuk membuat sketsa sederhana
kepada siswa tentang kosakata yang mungkin muncul dari
gambar sketsa mereka)
11 I direct students to determine ideas and tell descriptively about √
the pictures that I display in class and also this is strategy to
enrich vocabulary
(Saya mengarahkan siswa untuk menentukan ide dan
menceritakan secara deskriptif tentang gambar yang saya
tampilkan di kelas dan juga strategi ini untuk memperkaya kosa
12 To develop the supporting details in the descriptive text, students √
create a picture that they like, then they give a description of the

(Untuk mengembangkan detail pendukung dalam teks deskriptif,
siswa membuat gambar yang mereka sukai, kemudian mereka
memberikan deskripsi sketsa
13 Students make a caption that single sentence about thes most √
important to their sketch picture
(Siswa membuat caption yaitu kalimat tunggal tentang sesuatu
yang paling penting untuk gambar sketsa mereka)
14 Students make familiar pictures so they can easily describe the √
picture to make it easier for students to write descriptive text
(Siswa membuat gambar yang familiar sehingga dapat dengan
mudah mendeskripsikan gambar tersebut untuk memudahkan
siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif)
15 Students make a list about something they like to increase the √
knowledge of ideas in writing.
(Siswa membuat daftar tentang sesuatu yang mereka sukai untuk
menambah pengetahuan tentang ide-ide dalam tulisan)
16 Students make a list on the left side and some details about √
visual list on the right to describe something.
(Siswa membuat daftar di sebelah kiri dan beberapa detail
tentang daftar visual di sebelah kanan untuk menggambarkan
17 I direct students to think through a floor plan containing written √
tenses material that is drawn so that it can lead students to recall
the tenses material that has been taught.

(Saya mengarahkan siswa berpikir melalui denah yang berisikan

tulisan materi tenses yang digambar agar dapat menggiring siswa
untuk mengingat kembali materi tenses yang telah diajarkan)
18 Students write about what they want to show through a list based √
on what they see

(Siswa menulis tentang apa yang ingin mereka tunjukkan
melalui daftar berdasarkan apa yang mereka lihat)
19 Students label their pictures, namely the vocabulary seen in their √
sketches so that they have a lot of vocabulary to write the texts.
(Siswa memberi label pada gambarnya, yaitu kosakata yang
terlihat pada sketsanya sehingga mereka memiliki banyak
kosakata untuk menulis teks)
20 To improve students' ability to create supporting sentences or √
details in writing, after determining their ideas, students make a
list of what they feel, think, do, where they are, etc.
(Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membuat
kalimat atau rincian pendukung dalam tulisan, setelah
menentukan ide-idenya, siswa membuat daftar apa yang mereka
rasakan, pikirkan, lakukan, di mana mereka berada, dan lainnya)

Source : Peha, Steve.(2003) “Writing The Teacher’ s Strategy Guide”

Appendix 5: Blueprint of Questionnaire

No Strategy Item Number Option Option Total

(Yes) (No)

1 T-Chart Strategy 4, 5, 2 and 13 4, 13 5, and 2 4
2 Idea-Details Strategy 10, 9, 16 and 8 10, 9, 16 0 4
and 8
3 Tell-Show strategy 15, 20, 18 and 19 15, 20, 18 0 4
and 19
4 Draw-Label Caption 12, 11, 14 and 16 12, 11, 14 0 4
and 16
5 Mind Mapping strategy 1, 7, 3 and 17 1, 3 and 7 4
Total 20

Appendix 6: Questions Answer Interview of the English Teacher

1) Researcher : “Mam, what problems do students often experience when

writing descriptive texts?”

Teacher : “first, the lack of understanding of vocabulary, some students
also do not have a dictionary so that when learning in class they are less

2) Researcher : “What is the vocabulary problem faced by the students

when they write a descriptive text ?”
Teacher : “oh yeah..vocabulary problem is the biggest problem faced by
students when writing a text. The lack of knowledge about vocabulary,
especially coupled with the number of students who do not have a
dictionary, makes them less active in writing lessons. As long as I teach in
class X according to the existing material, especially in writing, the
students have difficulty in determining verbs and nouns. They sometimes
mistakenly include nouns and verbs when making a verbal sentence.”

3) Researcher : “What is your strategy to cope the vocabulary problem when

they write a descriptive text ?”
Teacher : “I asked the students to make a list of vocabulary related to
their daily life. Then, the vocabulary included in the list is in the form of
their experiences that they usually do related to the topic. The vocabulary
in question can be in the form of nouns or verbs. I did this because the
strategy in vocabulary was quite effective for students in increasing their
vocabulary when writing. So that when they face the same theme, they are
able to write with the vocabulary they had before.”

4) Researcher : “When they make a sentence, whether they have a structure

problem in writing descriptive text ?”
Teacher : “They often have problems related to tenses, for example basic
tenses such as simple present and simple future tenses. This causes the
sentences they make are not in accordance with the rules of using tenses
used in making descriptive texts. For example, students mistakenly use the

simple present in verbal sentences. They don't pay attention to the problem
of adding -es and -s to a sentence.”

5) Researcher : What is your strategy to cope a structure problem in writing

descriptive text ?
Teacher : “I re-explained the tenses according to the learning material. I
explain in detail how to use verbal and nominal sentences, for example in
making descriptive text. Then, I always make a picture that contain the
materials of tenses in the class. I thin a simple picture with the branches
can make students more understand about tenses. Finally, I made an
assignment for students to make sentences related to the tenses that I had

6) Researcher : “whether they have a problem when they arrange the good
paragraph in writing descriptive text ?”
Teacher : “oh yes, paragraph problems often occur when writing
descriptive text. They include the introduction in this case the
identification contained in the descriptive text to the middle of the text.
Students do not understand how to arrange paragraphs well to match the
identification and description sections of descriptive text”

7) Researcher : “What strategies do you apply to make students able to

develop ideas in writing descriptive text?”
Teacher : “I will explain again about how to arrange descriptive text well.
Then I explain and give directions in front of the class about how
descriptive text is and make identification and description parts in making
descriptive text. Then, I direct students to make a table that contained the
part of idea and the supporting sentences”

8) Researcher : “what the strategy do you apply to motivate students in
writing descriptive text?”
Teacher : “I directed them to increase their vocabulary in their daily life. I
keep this in mind because vocabulary is very important in improving
English language skills.”

9) Researcher: “can you explain the procedure of the strategy you gave in
class in teaching writing descriptive text?”
Teacher : “so, I applied my strategy in class by first explaining all the
material with the design I had made, then the students took notes on the
material I had explained. All strategies ranging from vocabulary,
structure to how to develop paragraphs in writing descriptive text”.

No The name of strategy The part of interview
1 T-Chart strategy “I asked the students to make a list of
vocabulary related to their daily life”
2 Mind mapping “Then, I always make a picture that
strategy contain the materials of tenses in the class.
I think a simple picture with the branches
can make students more understand about

“I use simple drawing designs such as

floor plans to help explain the tenses
material that I give in class”
3 Idea Details strategy “I direct students to make a table that
contained the part of idea and the
supporting sentences”
4 Tell show strategy “I explain and give directions in front of
the class about how descriptive text is and
make identification and description parts
in making descriptive text"

Appendix 7: Documentation

Picture 1: The Learning Process on the First Meeting

Picture 2: The Learning Process on the First Meeting

Picture 3: The Learning Process on the Second Meeting

Picture 4: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting

Picture 5: The Learning Process on the Third Meeting

T-Chart Strategy by English Teacher Grade Ten at SMA Negeri 1

Picture 6: T-Chart Strategy

Picture 7: T-Chart Strategy

Mind Mapping Strategy by the Englsih Teacher at SMA Negeri 1

Picture 8: Mind Mapping

Idea Details Strategy by the English Teacher of SMA Negeri 1Napabalano

Picture 9: Idea Details Strategy

Picture 10: Idea Details Strategy

Creating by the Students

Picture 11: Student’s Work

Picture 12: Student’s Work

Creating by the students in the first meeting

Picture 13: Student’s Work

Creating by the Student in the second meeting

Picture 14: Student’s Work

Creating by the students in the third meeting

Picture 15: Student’s Work

Picture 16: Student’s Work


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