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NIM : 215 112 003











NIM : 215 112 003

Submitted to the PBS – English Education Department UKI Toraja in Partial

fulfillment of requirement of the degree of Undergraduation Program


I hereby certify this thesis entitled “:THE COMPETENCE OF THE SECOND

PRESENT TENSE ” is honestly my own work. I am fully aware that I have
quoted some statements and ideas from various sources, and they are properly
acknowledged in the text.

Makale. February 2019






Writer’s Identity :

Name : Ledy

Registered Number : 215 112 003

Faculty : Teacher Training

Department : Language and Arts Education

Study Program : English

Program : Undergraduate (S1)

Accepted by the team of advisors to be proposed to the committee of

examination (S1), Language and Arts Education, Teacher Training Faculty,
Christian University of Indonesia Toraja.

Makale, February 2019

Advisors :

1. Drs. Dan Mangoki’, M.Pd ( )

2. Nilma Taula’bi’, S.Pd, M.Pd ( )


This thesis was accepted by the examining committee of the Teacher

Training and Education Faculty, Christian University of Indonesia Toraja with the

Dean’s testimonial No: 012/FKIP-UKI/Kep./II/2019 in Part Fulfillment of the

Undergraduate English Language of Education Programme, on 18th February


Makale, February 2019

Approved by:

The Dean of Teacher Training Faculty

Christian University of Indonesia Toraja,

(Dr. Anastasia Baan, M.Pd.)

Commettee :

Chairman : Drs. Dan Mangoki’, M.Pd ( )

Secretary : Nilma Taula’bi’, S.Pd, M.Pd ( )

Members :

1. Viktor Siumarlata, S.Pd, M.Pd. ( )

2. Aris Kaban Sendana, S.Pd, M.Pd ( )

3. Judith Ratu Tandi Arrang, S.Pd, M.Pd ( )

Ledy, 2019. The Competence of the Second Grade Students of SMA
Kristen Makale in Using Simple Present Tense. Thesis. English Education
Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Christian University of
Indonesia Toraja.
The objective of the research is to find out The Competence of The
Second Grade Students of SMA Kristen Makale in using Simple Present Tense.
In other to achieve the objective of this research, the writer used quantitative
method through written test (multiple choices). The population of this research
was the eleventh grade students class XI IPA 3 of SMA Kristen Makale academic
year 2018/2019 which consist of nine class or 276 students. This research
employs a stratified cluster sampling method because the number of population is
too large. The writer has choosen 31 students from one class XI as respondents.
The data obtained from the written test (multiple choices) were to found out the
mean score.
The result of this research showed that the data analysis through written
test is very poor score categorized were the means score obtained is 50.
Based on the result that research described above, the writer concluded
that the second grade students of SMA Kristen Makale got poor score competence
in using simple present tense.

Ledy. 2019. Kemampuan siswa kelas XI SMA Kristen Makale dalam
menggunakan simple present tense. Skripsi. Program studi pendidkan bahasa
inggris. Fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan. Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan siswa
kelas XI di SMA Kristen Makale dalam menggunakan simple present tense.
Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi dari
penilitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 3 di SMA Kristen Makale tahun ajaran
2018/ 2019 yang terdiri dari sembilan kelas dengan jumlah siswa keseluruhan 276
siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan, stratified cluster sampling method karena
jumlah populasi dari penelitian ini cukup banyak. Peneliti memilih 31 siswa setiap
kelas untuk diteliti. Data yang diperoleh dari test tertulis dan angket ditabulasi dan
dianalisa dengan menggunakan nilai rata-rata.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa data analis melalui test
tertulis tersebut masuk dalam kategori skor yang rendah dimana nilai rata-rata
yang didapatkan adalah 50.
Berdasarkan hasil dari analisa data di atas dapat di simpulkan bahwa siswa
SMA Krsiten Makale memiliki kemampuan yang sangat rendah dalam
menggunakan simple present tense.


This thesis dedication to :

My beloved parents, my father and my mother

For their support, prayers, and everything.

For my beloved sisters and for all my best friends

Who always help and stay with me in finishing this thesis.


“ Do not give up, you’re bigger than your pain. It’s

Only a small part of your body ”.

(jangan menyerah, kamu lebih besar daripada

Sakitmu, karena sakit hanya berada di sebagian tubuhmu)


Praise to the Almighty Lord, intended for the blessings, health, and also
inspiration provided to the writer for the completion of the final project with the
title The Competence of The Second Grade Students of SMA Kristen Makale in
Using Simple Present Tense

The writer would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her Advisors
Drs. Dan Mangoki’, M.Pd. and Nilma Taula’bi’, S.Pd, M.Pd. for their valuable
help, guidance, correction, and suggestion for the completion of this thesis.
The writer would like to express her sincere appreciation for the following
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Daud Malamassam, M.Agr. as the Rector of UKI Toraja and all

his staff.

2. Dr. Anastasia Baan, M.Pd. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and


3. Judith Ratu Tandi Arrang, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of English Education


4. All Lecturers in English Education Department for Valuable knowledge,

guidance, and advices during the years of study.

5. Marten Kala’ Lembang, S.Th., M.Pd as the headmaster of SMA Kristen

Makale, English teacher and all of teachers and staff who have admitted the

researcher to carried out the research.

6. Her beloved Family: her Father (Ediy Rumimper), her Mother (Leny siama),

her grandmothers (Yuliana Karrassik Turu Allo and Agustina Banto Rerung)

and entire family who always give support, motivation, emotionally and

materially with prayer and love to finish her thesis.

7. The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA KRISTEN MAKALE who had

patiently worked out the test.

8. Her beloved sisters (Imelda Rumimper, Cintia Rumimper and Elya Sura

Siama) for love, care, understanding and hopes accompanied her all the time.

9. Her beloved boyfriend Vincent Liu for all love, care, who always help and

give support and time in study.

10. Her beloved friends Jeslin Sampe Alang, Lorensia Tandia

Pokkambia,Peprianti Palute, Fatra Marco, Tadung Misi, and Mhya who

always gives support and understanding until she finished this thesis.

11. The writer friends Resky Raba, Alfrida Suryani.P, Angel Belopadang, Irene

Miranti Putri.M, all of her friends of magang 3, KKN, her classmates, and

English Education Department who always help and give support, time, and

love during the study at UKI Toraja.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect yet. Therefore, the

writer would like to welcome the constructive, suggestion, and criticism to make

this thesis better.

Makale, February 2019

The writer













A. Background 1
B. Research Question 3
C. Objective of The Research 4
D. Significance of The Research 4
E. Research Methodology 4
F. Key Terms Definition 5


A. Previous Study 6
B. Some Pertinent of Ideas 7
1. Definition of TEFL 8
2. Definition of Grammar 9
3. Definition of Tenses 9
4. Definition of Simple Present Tense 10
4.1. Function of Simple Present Tense

4.2. Pattern of Simple Present Tense of Verb “Be”
4.3. Pattern of Simple Present Tense
4.4. Adverb of Frequency
4.5. Time Expression
5. Definition of Competence 16
C. Theoretical Framework 19


A. Setting 19
B. Population and Sample 19
1. Population 19
2. Sample 19
C. Research Instrument 20
D. Data Sources 20
1. Primary Source 20
2. Secondary Source 20
E. Technique of Collecting Data 20
1. Library Research 20
2. Field Research 21
F. Technique of Analyzing Data 21


A. Finding 23
a. The Students Score 23
b. Rate Percentage of The Students Score 25
B. Discussion 27


A. Conclusion 29
B. Suggestion 29






1. Surat Permohonan Penelitian

2. Surat Keterangan Penelitian

3. Instrument Penelitian

4. Dokumentasi



This chapter deals with background, research question, objective of the

research, significance of the research, research methodology, key terms definition,

they are presented as follows:

A. Background

Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for

us to talk about language. Grammar names the types of words and word

groups that make up sentences not only in English but in any language. As

human beings, we can put sentences together even as children we can all do

grammar. But to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types

of words and word groups that make up sentences that is knowing about

grammar. And knowing about grammar offers a window into the human mind

and into our amazingly complex mental capacity.

Therefore, grammar needs to be mastered by the students since it is the

basic rule of language. In mastering grammar, especially in mastering simple

present tense. It is important as the basic rule for the students to make and use

sentences to communicate in daily life especially descriptive text. Besides

that, the students can identify and make descriptive text in which simple

present tense is use.

One of the grammatical elements is tenses. Tenses are known as sentence

composing rule at three different times; past, present and future. There are 16

tenses out there and one of them is Simple Present Tense. Simple present tense is

the tense use to express an action or activity that takes place/happening at the

current time in a simple form. It also can be use activity or work performed

repeatedly, daily habits, events or actions that have nothing to do time, and to

express general truths. Through this research, the researcher would like to see

how far the ability of senior high students in using simple present tense.

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is the term used to describe

both the experience of teaching English abroad, as well as the process of

studying to get the qualification to do so. TEFL qualification provides an

opportunity to travel the world and earn money in the process. It's also a chance

to get to know a different culture (depending on how many different countries

you end up teaching in).

Teaching English can also be really rewarding int that you're making a

positive contribution to a community by teaching them a new language that could

open up many doors to them in future.

In Indonesia, English is the one of compulsory subject in the national

curriculum beginning from elementary school up to university. The students are

expected to master those four skills in order to be able to use English

communicatively. The English teaching aims at mastering four basic skills of

language, which include listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The aim

English teaching will not successfully achieved if the language teaching does not

consider the language components such as grammatical structure, vocabulary,

spelling, and pronunciation.

In learning English, there are four English skills is listening, speaking,

reading, and writing, which are interconnected one another, should be entirely

learnt masterly. Out of the four skills, Grammar, a system of language, is one of

the important aspects in the use of language making it possible for students to

talk about language. This supports the ability of using the skills themselves.

Swan (2005; 15) stated that grammar is the rules that show on how words are

combined, arranged or changed to show certain kinds of meaning.

Sometimes we find several students have problem and face difficulties in

learning English especially simple present tense. The use of simple present tense

has a good value in teaching English because it can help students to know

exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there to express what is actually

happening in the present and and talk about future events that are part of a fixed

timetable. It gives students impression of what they are going to learn especially

at SMA Kristen Makale in using simple present tense.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a

research under the title: “The Competence of The Second Grade Students of

SMA Kristen Makale in Using Simple Present Tense”.

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problems

statements as follows: “To what Extend is the competence of the second grade

students of SMA Kristen Makale in using simple present tense?”.

C. Objective of The Research

Based on the problem above, the writer formulates the objective of the

research as follow: to find out the competence of second grade students of

SMA Kristen Makale in using simple present tense.

D. Significance of The Research

The significances of the research are:

1. To the next researcher, to be used as a reference for further research.

2. To the English teacher, they can provide a good teaching to use simple

present in senior high school.

E. Research Methodology

In this research, the writer used quantitative method, to find out the

competence of second grade of SMA Kristen Makale in using simple present


F. Key Terms Definition

1. TEFL is the teaching of English to people whose first language is not

English, especially people from a country where English is not spoken.

TEFL is an abbreviation for 'teaching English as a foreign language.

2. Competence is the important thing to learn and to know by people do


3. Simple present tense is used to explain event that happen at this time.

4. Tense is a distinction of form in a verb to express distinctions of time or

duration of the action or state it denotes

5. Eleventh class students of SMA Kristen Makale are students who active

in academic 2018/2019.



This Chapter Consists of Previous Related Research Findings, Some Pertinent

Idea, Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis

A. Previous Study

In conducting this research, the writer tries to find the previous research

relating to the topic. The writer had been read four previous study research, they


1. Sobon (2012) “The Problem Faced by the eight grade students of SMP

Negeri 2 Sesean in using Simple Present Tense”. She concluded that the

eight grade students of SMP Negeri 2 sesean faced problem in using simple

present tense and some factor caused those problems. The problem is the

students in using simple present tense, specially to construct the text, most

students are not able to distinguish in using do or does.

2. Jannah (2013) “Teaching Simple Present Tense Through Climbing

Grammar Mountain Game to The Students of Grade VII B of SMP 1 Atap

2 Batukandik, Nusa Penida. The result of the research is climbing grammar

mountain game was effective used in teaching simple present tense.

3. Pandin (2015) “The Difficulties Faced By The Seventh Grade Students of

SMP Negeri 4 Saluputti in Using Simple Present Tense”. These factor are

the students lack motivation in learning tenses especially Simple present

tense, the student stated that never practice English with friends in the class,

the students stated that the students often made problem and mistake in

practice English especially simple present tense, the students stated that

teachers seldom provides training on simple present tense in the classroom,

the students stated that students have only one books to supporting in

learning English especially simple present tense, the students stated the

teacher sometimes returns the task about simple present tense, and

according to the students that simple present tense is difficult.

Based on the previous studies above the writer conclude that the

similarity from the previous study above is discuss about simple present

tense. The differentiate with previous study above is they focused on

problem, difficulties, and teaching simple present tense with climbing


B. Some Pertinent of Ideas

1. Definition of TEFL

The Instruction of English as a foreign language may occur in any country,

whether English speaking or not. Learners of EFL study English for different

purposes: passing the examination, career development, pursuing their

education, etc. In most countries, English as a Foreign Language is part of the

educational curriculum, particularly in state schools. In Indonesia, English is a

compulsory subject in senior and junior high schools. In the lower levels, such

as in elementary schools and in kindergarten, English is not a compulsory

subject; it can be taught to the students as the local content subject

(muatanlokal). Teaching and learning has a very close relationship and one into

another cannot be defined apart. Brown (1987:6) identifies the components of

definition of learning as follow:

1) learning is acquisition or getting

2) learning is retention of information or skill

3) retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization

4) learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon even

outside or inside the organism

5) learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting

6) learning involves some forms of practice, perhaps reinforced


7) Learning is part of changes in behavior. Furthermore, Brown

defines teaching as “guiding and facilitating learning, enabling

learner to learn, and setting the condition for learning.”

2. Definition of Grammar

According to Crystal (2006:161) tells us in "The Fight for English" that

"grammar is the study of all the contrasts of meaning that it is possible to make

within sentences. The 'rules' of grammar tell us how. By one count, there are

some 3,500 such rules in English"

Intimidating, to be sure, but native speakers don't have to worry about

studying them all. Grammar, in fact, it's actually something that's begun being

learned by every person in their first days and weeks of life, through interaction

with others. All native speakers when they're born and start learning it as they

hear it spoken around them, such as how sentences are put together (syntax),

and the pieces that make them up (morphology).

Based on the above definition, we can conclude that it was in grammar

learned in daily interactions with others, how we hear someone speaking

around us and how we unify the sentences and shape it.

3. Definition of Tenses

In grammar, tense is the time of a verb's action or its state of being, such as

present (something happening now), past (something happened earlier), or future

(something going to happen). These are called the verb's time frame. For example,

examine I walk (present), I walked (past), and I will walk (future). Next, a verb

can have an aspect, which gives more formation about the state of the verb's

action. They are simple, progressive, perfect, or perfect progressive. Simple is

covered by the basic present, past, and future tense verb forms. A verb with a

simple aspect doesn't necessarily specify if an action is complete or not. For an

action that's ongoing or unfinished.

4. Definition of Simple Present Tense

Tense is a systematic structure to describe different forms of verbs that

showed the time of action. Meanwhile, simple present tense is formed by using

the simple form of the verb that is the form which was listed in the dictionary

or it was called infinitive without ‘to’. When the third person singular subject is

present, an -es or -s ending is added (Cook and Suter, 1983:49). Brewton et al

also stated that the present tense expresses an action or a state of being in the

present (Brewton et al, 1962:263).

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that simple present tense

is formed by using infinitive without ‘to’ and when the third person singular

subject is present, a suffix -es or -s is added to the verb. Simple present tense

expresses an action or a state of being in the present.

a. Function of Simple Present Tense

1) To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or

unchanging situations, emotions, and wishes.


- I smoke (habit).

- I live in French (unchanging situations).

- French is a mode city (general truth).

- I hope I can go to French (wishes).

2) To give instructions or directions.


- You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then

boil it

- Go down this street, and turn to the first right. It’s on

the left side of BCA bank.

3) To express fixed arrangements, presents or future.


- The ship leaves the harbor at this night at 7 o’clock

- He arrives from Osaka at 1 p.m.

- Your course finishes at 5.00 p.m.

4) Factual (public facts or irrefutable truth)


- The sun rises from the east and sets in the west

- Water boils at 100 degree Celsius

5) To use stative verb to express feeling, sense, mental state

(mind) or possession


- She loves dance

- We agree with the speaker’s opinion

6) To make simple statements to hold general (anytime)

although non general (using verb be)

- She is so beautiful

- He is angry (non-general: it’s happening)

7) Used to conditional sentences type 1


- If you meet the naughty boy, your parents will be angry

b. Pattern of Simple Present Tense of Verb “Be”

Present tense form of ‘be’ is formed with to be am, are, or

is after the subject of the sentence. According to Praninskas

(1961:2) in English, the present tense of ‘be’ is used to express

some situations, such as:

(a) Profession, trade, occupation: Mr. Andi is a Professor,

(b) Nationality : Mr. Suharto is an Indonesian,

(c) Size and shape: Mr. Ari is tall,

(d) Age: Dini is twenty-five,

(e) Characteristic: Mr.David is clever,

(f) Condition : Jack is sick,

(g) Place: The children are here,

(h) Color: This book is green.

Pattern: (+) S + Be (is, am, are) + Adjective/Noun/ Adverb

(-) S + Be (is, am, are) + Not + Adjective/ Noun/


(?) Be (is, am, are) + S + Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb

(-?) Be (is, am, are) + S + Not + Adjective/ Noun/


Example 1 :

(+) He is a teacher

(-) He is not teacher

(?) Is he a teacher ?

(-?) is he not a teacher ?

Example 2 :

(+) Andi is at home

(-) Andi is not home

(?) Is andi at home ?

(-?) Is andi not at home ?

c. Pattern of Simple Present Tense

Pattern: (+) S + Verb-1/ be (am, is, are)

(-) S + Aux (do/does) + not + bare infinitive

(-) S + be (am, is, are) + not

(?) Do/does + S + bare Infinitive

(?) Be (am, is,are) + S

Example: (+) She likes eating out

(+) The Children are naughty

(-) She doesn’t like eating out

(-) The children aren’t naughty

(?) Does she like eating out ?

(?) Are the children naughty ?

a) Verbal Sentence

Verbal sentence is a type of sentence in which main verb is

use predicate

` (+) S + VI(S/ES) + O/C

Example: I buy cake everyday

He plays football

(-) S + Do/ Does + not + VI + O/C

Example: I don’t buy cake everyday

He doesn’t play football

(?) Do/Does + S + VI + O/C ?

Example: Do you buy cake every day?

Does he play football ?

b) Nominal Sentence

Nominal sentence are type of sentence in which “to be” as

the verb. Noun, Adjective and Adverb as a complement.

(+) S + Be (am, is, are) + adjective/adverb

Example: You are a freelance writer

You are handsome

He is a doctor

(-) S + be (am, is, are) + not + adjective/adverb

Example: You are not freelance writer

You aren’t handsome

He isn’t a doctor

(?) Be (am, is, are) + S + adjective/adverb ?

Example: Are you a freelance writer ?

Are you handsome?

Is he a doctor?

Based on the explanation above, this research will be

focused on the verbal sentence.

c) Adverb of Frequency

In a statement, a one-word frequency adverb usually

comes after the verb be but before other verbs. In a

question, it usually comes after the subject. Adverbs tell us

in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify

verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Adjectives tell us

something about a person or a thing. Adjectives can modify

nouns or pronouns.

S + Adverb + VI + O + Complement

Example :Students are always busy.

They’re seldom together

d) Time Expression

According to Faidlal (2010:187) that time expression in

which use in simple present tense are every day, in the

morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, once a year, once

a week, every week, every year, twice a week, every

morning, every night, etc.

d. DO / DOES in Simple Present Tense

The use of do / does will only be in negative (-) and

interrogative (?) Sentences and The use of do / does will not be in a

positive sentence (+) unless do / does is a verb.

1) Negative Sentences DO (-)

a) They do not buy a meat on Friday.

b) We do not do any test in every 2nd week.

c) I do not take a course in every semester.

d) You do not bring dictionary every day.

Notes: Usage DO apply to subject they, we, I, and you

a) hey don’t buy a meat on Friday.

b) We don’t do any test in every 2nd week.

c) I don’t take a course in every semester.

d) You don’t bring dictionary every day.

Notes: "Do not" can be replaced with "Don’t" which means negative and must

be followed by verb 1.

2) Negative Sentences DOES (-)

a) She does not watch movie at night.

b) He does not play guitar every morning.

c) It does not work for this computer.

d) Jack does not wash his car on Sunday.

Notes: UsageDOES apply to subject she, he, it and name

e) She doesn’t watch movie at night.

f) He doesn’t play guitar every morning.

g) It doesn’t work for this computer.

h) Jack doesn’t wash his car on Sunday.

Notes: "Does Not" can be replaced with "Doesn’t" which means negative and

must be followed by verb 1.

3) Interrogative Sentences Does

a) Does She not watch movie at night?

b) Does He not play guitar every morning?

c) Doesn’t She watch a movie at night?

d) Doesn’t He play guitar every morning?

4) Interrogative Sentences Do

a) Do They buy a meat on Friday?

b) Do We do any test in every 2nd week?

c) Don’t They buy a meat on Friday

d) Don’t We do any test in every 2nd week?

5. Definition of Competence

According to Azimov et al.,(2009:184). competence usually considered in

terms of knowledge and skills acquired during the training and forming the

content side of this training, competency means properties, personality traits,

determining its ability to perform activities on the basis of the acquired

knowledge and the develop skills and abilities, But competence is “a

combination of knowledge, skills, abilities formed in the process of learning of

a particular discipline, as well as the ability to perform any activity on the basis

of the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities.”

Based on the definition above, competence to determine a person's ability

to do activities that are carried out based on the knowledge gained by each of

the individual and also the competence of this combination of knowledge, skills

and abilities that where this combination formed from the learning process.

C. Theoretical Framework

TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.It specifically

refers to teaching English to students who don’t consider it their first language.

It’s usually performed in the students’ own country, and can be taught in public

situations, such as state schools, or privately.TEFL has absolutely nothing to do

with frying pans.

The students must have knowledge of tenses especially simple present tense

can help people to comprehend what other people say or write. The students

sometimes not understand tenses especially simple present tense. Actually if the

students can understand well the rules of how to use simple present tense.

Based on the idea above, the writer will use written test by giving multiple

choice to find out students’ competence in using simple present.



This chapter covers the setting, data sources, population and sample, research

instrument, data source, technique of collecting data, and technique of

analyzingdata, they are presented as follows:

A. Setting

The writer was conducted this research at SMA Kristen Makale. The location

of this research at Jalan Nusantara No. 16. There are 4 English teachers at SMA

Kristen Makale and all teachers in SMA Kristen Makaleis 35. The research had

been done on January 2019

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the eleventh class students of

SMA Kristen Makale Academic year 2018/2019. It consists of 276

students, scattered into nine classes.

2. Sample

In this research the writer used cluster sampling method. It means

the eleventh class student. It consists of 31 students class IPA 5 as an


C. Research Instrument

In this research instrument the writer used written test.Students will be given

25 questions to answer. Then give written test in form multiple choice of

identifying Simple Present Tense to know the students competence.

D. Data Sources

1. Primary Source

Primary source of this research was collected from the eleventh grade

students SMA Kristen Makale in academic year 2018/2019.

2. Secondary Source

To complete the primary source, the writer went to library to read some

thesis, books, article, and journal in the internet that related to this


E. Technique of Collecting Data

To complete the primary source, the writer went to library to read some

1. Library Research

To complete the result literature the data that was relevant to context of

this research, the writer read several books to found same concept to

become foundation of this research. In addition, the writer went to library

and also search on the internet to found some information which relevant

of this research.

2. Field Research

In collecting data, the writer used written test. It used to know the

competence of the eleventh class students in using simple present tense.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

The writer was collected data through written test that analyzed quantitative

method. It is undertaken as follow:

Score Classification
80-100 Very good
70-79 Good
60-69 Fair
50-59 Poor
00-49 Very poor

(Gay In Lestary, 2017 : 22)

To find out the students’ mean score of the written test, the writer used this

following formula:

Correct answer
Students ' score= X1O0
Total items

(Sugiono, 2008:49)

Mean score

X̄ = N

Where :

X̄ = Mean score

ΣX = Total Score

N = The Number of Respondents

Gay (2006 : 225)



In this chapter, the writer present the finding and discussion of the result of the


A. Finding

In order to know the students’ competence in using simple present tense

and to find out the students’ score.

a. The Students Score

The data the students’ score obtained through written test and can be

seen as in the table one below:

Table 1

Student Number Number of

s of Correct Score Classified
Number Item Answer
1. 25 9 36 Very poor
2. 25 10 40 Very poor

3. 25 10 40 Very poor
4. 25 8 33 Very Poor
5. 25 13 52 Poor
6. 25 13 52 Poor
7. 25 15 60 Fair
8. 25 14 56 Fair

9. 25 11 44 Very poor
10. 25 20 80 Very good
11. 25 12 48 Very poor
12. 25 10 40 Very Poor
13. 25 11 44 Very poor
14. 25 19 76 Good
15. 25 20 80 Very good
16. 25 9 36 Very poor
17. 25 11 44 Very Poor
18. 25 16 64 Fair
19. 25 15 60 Fair
20. 25 12 48 Very poor
21. 25 11 44 Very Poor
22. 25 15 60 Fair
23. 25 5 20 Very poor
24. 25 15 20 Very poor
25. 25 11 44 Very poor
26. 25 8 32 Very poor
27. 25 11 44 Very poor
28. 25 18 72 Good
29. 25 12 48 Very poor

30. 25 19 76 Good
31. 25 14 56 Poor

Total Score ∑x 1,549

Based on the table 1 above it show that the highest score got by the

students is 44 and the lowest score is 20. The mean score of the students based on

the data analysis above are calculated as follows:

Mean score

X̄ = N

Where :

X̄ = Mean score

ΣX = Total Score

N = The Number of Respondents

Notation :

ΣX = 1549

N = 31

X̄ = N

X̄ = 1549

X̄ = 50

The result of the written test in the table 1 above is 50 and classify is

“ Poor Score ”.

b. Rate Percentage of the Students Score

The mean score of the students’ competence in using simple present

tense is 50 which falls into “poor score”. It means that The Competence

of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA KRISTEN MAKALE in using

simple present tense is still “ Poor “.

The percentage of the students’ score obtained though multiple choice

can be seen in the table 2 below:

Table 2

The Classification Frequency and Percentage of The Students’


No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 80-100 2 6.4516129

2 Good 70-79 3 9.67741935
3 Fair 60-69 4 12.9032258
4 Poor 50-59 4 12.9032258
5 Very poor 00-49 18 58.0645161

Total 31 100

From the data in the table 2 above shows that 2 students (6,45) got very

good score, 3 students (9,67) got good score, 4 students (12,90) got fair score, 4

students (12,90) got poor score and 18 students (58,06) got very poor score. It

means that most of the students got “poor score”.

B. Discussion

Based on the data analysis obtained through the written test as shown

above, the competences of eleventh grade students of SMA Kristen falls into

poor score in using simple present tense. The writer discusses the result of

data analysis of this respect to the problem statement of this research.

According to the researcher conducted by Sobon (2012) in the previous

study that the problem is the students in using simple present tense, specially

to construct the text, most students are not able to distinguish in using do or


According to the researcher Pandin (2015) in the previous study there

are factor the students lack motivation in learning tenses especially Simple

present tense, the student stated that never practice English with friends in the

class, the students stated that the students often made problem and mistake in

practice English especially simple present tense, the students stated that

teachers seldom provides training on simple present tense in the classroom,

the students stated that students have only one books to supporting in learning

English especially simple present tense, the students stated the teacher

sometimes returns the task about simple present tense, and according to the

students that simple present tense is difficult.

Based on the data analysis the writer conclude that the eleventh

grade students of SMA Kristen Makale in using simple present tense is still

poor, 2 students (6,45) got very good score, 3 students (9,67) got good score, 4

students (12,90) got fair score, 4 students (12,90) got poor score and 18

students (58,06) got very poor score.



This chapter deals with conclusion and suggestions based on the findings and

discussion in the previous chapter.

A. Conclusions

Based on the result of the analysis in the chapter four, the writer concludes

The eleventh grade students of SMA Kristen Makale In using simple present tense

is poor competence. This fact is proved on the mean score obtained by the

students through written test (multiple choices) that is 50, which classified “Poor


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some

suggestion as follow:

1. The teachers should give more clear explanation of grammatical rules

in English, particularly in the Simple Present Tense, so that the

hstudents will understand more about this kind of tense.

2. The teacher have to pay full attention to the students’ assignment in

studying English grammar especially simple present tense.

3. The students should motivate themselves to study about simple present


4. The students should ask their teacher if they did not understand about

simple present tense.



Keterangan :

1. Test ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kemampuan anda dalam

menggunakan simple present tense.
2. Hasil tes ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai anda, oleh karena itu
diharapkan agar anda memberikan jawaban yang sejujur- jujurnya.
3. Hasil data ini akan dijadikan data penulisan skripsi oleh peneliti.
Petunjuk Soal :
1. Tulislah nama dan kelas kedalam lembaran soal yang telah disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Bila ada soal yang kurang jelas, tanyakan kepada peneliti.

1. I always..….to campus early

a. Goes
b. Go
c. Going
d. Gone

2. She……the house every day
a. Cleans
b. Cleaned
c. Cleaning
d. Clean
3. Every morning the watchman turns off all the light and……around the
building every half an hour
a. Walks
b. Is walking
c. Walking
d. Walked
4. My uncle always……a nap after lunch
a. Is taking
b. Has taken
c. Takes
d. Are takes
5. Marni……in a supermarket
a. Works
b. Working
c. Work
d. Is work
6. My sister and my brother seldom……..shirts
a. Wears
b. Wearing
c. Wear
d. Wearied
7. I…… 5 am every morning
a. Get up
b. Gets up
c. Getting up
d. Got up

8. They… so well
a. Know
b. Knew
c. Knew
d. Known
9. She…….a homemade cake
a. Made
b. Make
c. Makes
d. Making
10. Our English teacher always . . . . . . . our homework every week.
a. Check
b. Checked
c. Checking
d. Checks
11. One of my friends always . . . . . to bali every year.
a. Go
b. Goes
c. To go
d. Going
12. . . . . . . . your Uncle come here every year?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Did
d. Will
13. The train always . . . . . on time.
a. Arrive
b. To arrive
c. Arrives
d. Arrived
14. Marzuki . . . . . . . a very thick book about Indonesian History.

a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Hid
15. Does the coach of Soccer club . . . . . . . the team regularly?
a. Train
b. Trains
c. Trained
d. Training
16. Mr. And Mrs. Bambang often . . . . . late.
a. Comes
b. Coming
c. Came
d. Come
17. Our Math teacher . . . . . . . check the attendance list every day.
a. Do not
b. Does not
c. Did not
d. Not doing
18. My father always . . . . . . . Karate every week.
a. Practices
b. Practicing
c. Practice
d. Is practicing
19. Every day the security officer at my school . . . . . . . around the building
once every hour.
a. Walks
b. Is walking
c. To be walking
d. Walking
20. Does your friend . . . . . about this problem?

a. Understands
b. To understand
c. Understand
d. Understood
21. My Biology teacher . . . . . . . always kind to every student.
a. Are
b. Is
c. Am
d. Was
22. The earth . . . . . . . once within 24 hours every day.
a. Rotating
b. Rotates
c. Rotate
d. Rotated
23. Handoko And Mrs Sunarni . . . . . always happy every time.
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Were
24. My father doesn’t . . . . . coffee every morning.
a. To drink
b. Drink
c. Drinks
d. Drinking
25. Eko, Yoga and Nanda . . . . . . . my best friend.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Was
d. Are

Answer key :
1. B. Go
2. A. Cleans
3. A. Walks
4. C. Takes
5. A. Works
6. Wear
7. A. Get up
8. A. Know
9. C. Makes
10. D. Checks
11. B. Goes
12. B. Does
13. C. Arrives
14. A. Has
15. A. Train
16. D. Come
17. B. Does not
18. A. Practices
19. A. Walks
20. C. Understand
21. B. Is
22. B. Rotates
23. C. Are
24. B. Drink
25. D. Are

Advisor I Advisor II

Drs. Dan Mangoki’ , M.Pd Nilma Taula’bi, S.Pd, M.Pd



The writer, Ledy was born in Ambon on October 15 th

1995. She is the first child of LenySiama and

EdiyRumimper. She has two sisters. She entered

kindergarten in 2001 at

KemalaBhayangkariTanaToraja and graduated in

2002, and she continued her study elementary school

in 2002 at SD Kristen Makale 1, and graduated in

2009, in the same year she continued her study at

SMP Advent Mebali,

and graduated in 2012, in that year she continued her study at SMA Kristen

Makale, and graduated in 2015. In 2015 she continued her study at Christian

University of Indonesia Toraja and choosen Faculty of Teachers Tranining

Education and choose English Department and graduated in 2019.


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