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Assamulaikum wr wb.

and Good moning Ladies

Our Distinguished Guests and Keynote Speakers,

Bpk. Ass. Prof. Dr. Nurul Huda from Departemen livestock Production, Faculty of Sustainable
Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Prof. Nurul Huda ini luar biasa pengalamannya baik Scientific
experientnya maupun his life experiennya. Saat membaca nama prof. Nurul Huda sebagai guest
lecture di Animal Science, saya agak heran juga, krn pak Herpandi pernah cerita bahwa
professornya di USM dulu adalah Prof. Nurul Huda. Ternyata his expertise is food science so it is not
only fish but also Animal dan plants.

Honorable Vice Dean of Faculty of Agriculture,

Head of Departement of Animal Science Prof. Dr. Rizki Palupi.
Our Moderator Bpk. Ir. Arfan Abror, Ph.D former…
All Professor and staffs members in Dept. of Animal Science

Our Belove all Students from faculty of Agriculture Univ. Sriwijaya. In particular from Departement of
Animal Science.

Dear participants, ladies and gentlemen

First of all, we would like to extend our warmest welcome to Ass. Prof. Dr. Nurul Huda from UMS.
Selamat datang prof. Nurul Huda di FP Unsri mell online. Onedays you should come to our campus.

It is great honor for us to have you Prof. Nurul Huda as Guest Lecture who will present guest lecturer
in the theme : Methods for assessing nutritional quality of animal based products. .
I think we all agree, the theme is very interesting and suitable for our problem in Indonensia as well
as in south Sumatera where stunting is still a serious problem. Salah satu kuncinya gizi makanan.
Ini merupakan great opportunity to us untuk bertanya dan menggali lebih dalam tenang nutritional

We also hope this guest lecture will strengthen others possibility collaboration with Faculty of
Sustainable Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Kita yang tergabung dalam BKS PTN Barat
Bidang Ilmu Pertanian ada 23 Univ yang ada FP sudah menanda tangani Letter of Intent. Between
UMS and BKS PTN Bidang Ilmu Pertanian. Dan langsung ditanda tangani oleh Vice-Cancellor Prof.
Datuk. Dr. Kasim Hj. Mansor dengan chairman BKS PTN Ilmu Pertanian Prof. Samadi beliau dekan
FP Unsyah, saya sendiri sebagai wakil ketua BKJS PTN ilmu Pertnian ,
Kita sangat berharap kedepan kerjasama kita lebih luas dan lebih kuat lagi cuh as:
1. Student and Staff exchange. Insyaallh ada 5 student dari kehutanan akan belajar di FP Unsri.
Dan kita akan mengirim mhs kita juga.
2. Joint supervision for our student doing their final project;
3. joint Research and Joint publication, share equipment lab and library. Et cetera

Ladies and gentlemen

I wish you all an enjoyable time and success during this Lecture
Finally, I declare this GUEST LECTURE with Prof. Nurul Huda is officially opened dengan
sama-sama membaca basmalah. .
May our God always guide and bless all of us, amienn
Thank you very much Wassalamualikum Warahmatullah Wabaraakatu

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