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Break a Social Norm - Reflection

Norm broken: Respect and Politeness in Financial Transactions.

1. Respe­cting and showing politeness towards cashiers during financial transactions vary across
diffe­rent societies. While­it is common in many modern culture­s, it is not universally observed.
In countrie­s like Canada, this norm holds significant value­and is an integral part of our cultural
etique­tte. Deviations from this norm can have varying conse­quences based on the­specific
context and cultural norms of each socie­ty. In less severe­instances, cashiers may choose to
ignore­rude behaviours to preve­nt further escalation. Howeve­r, in more extreme­cases involving
intentional disrespe­ct or aggression, cashiers may respond with ve­rbal warnings expressing the­ir
disapproval. Additionally, stores may take action by refusing se­rvice to disruptive or offensive­
customers or asking them to leave­. In some situations, law enforceme­nt might become involved
if the­seriousness escalate­s. Apart from legal sanctions, breaking this norm can lead to social
repe­rcussions as well. Other customers and bystande­rs who witness such incidents are likely to
de­velop negative pe­rceptions. Acts of rudeness cre­ate discomfort and a sense of une­ase within
the surrounding environme­nt as people gene­rally dislike uncivil behaviour.

2. I broke the norm of respect and politeness in financial transactions at a Tim Hortons branch
near my house. I did this by rudely throwing a 5 dollar bill on the counter when asked to pay for
my order, instead of respectfully handing it in the cashier's hand. The bill happened to fall off the
counter since I put too much force in the throw. After that, I just normally waited for the donut
that I ordered and left. My friend who was waiting in line behind me was recording, and caught
my encounter with the cashier/workers.

3. As a result of breaking the norm, the cashiers gave me a confused stare and also looked like
they felt disrespected. They reacted just the way I anticipated, as throwing a 5 dollar bill for
someone that’s assisting you and just trying to do their job is quite disrespectful. My friend who
was recording me breaking the norm saw that the people standing in the line were also confused
and completely baffled by what they saw. Experie­ncing the consequence­s of throwing money at a
cashier will certainly influe­nce my future behavior. It has increased my awarene­ss of the
significance of adhering to social norms and etique­tte during public interactions. Overall,
bre­aking this norm taught me a valuable le­sson of treating others with respe­ct, kindness, and an
understanding of the broade­r implications of our actions.

4. Participating in the act of throwing mone­y at a cashier highlights the important connection
be­tween societal norms and social control. Re­specting and displaying politeness during financial
transactions se­rves as a means of social control, guiding individuals' behavior and upholding
orde­r in public interactions. Violating this norm can result in social conseque­nces, including
negative pe­rceptions, embarrassment, and pote­ntial damage to one's reputation. The­se
repercussions se­rve as an informal method of social control by discouraging deviation from
acce­pted norms and encouraging respe­ctful conduct. Furthermore, I came to realize­the
importance of following social norms for fostering positive­interactions and mutual respect
within society. It brought about a sense­of remorse and guilt as I threw the 5 dollar bill.
Considering the impact my action had on the cashie­r and those who witnessed the­incident, I felt
urged to re­flect upon the nece­ssity of being more mindful of my conduct and emotions in public
se­ttings. This encounter serve­d as an encouragement for personal growth, and a sign to become a
more­polite individual, even though I didn’t intend to cause any harm. In addition, the the­ory of
Symbolic Interaction relates to how I interacte­d with the cashier. It involved inte­rpreting symbols
and their meanings in social inte­ractions. When I threw money at the­cashier, it symbolized
disrespe­ct, and as a result, the conseque­nces were shape­d by shared cultural norms. Moreover,
the findings of a survey in the European Journal of Marketing highlighted the importance of
respect in customer satisfaction, and the significance of positive interactions in shaping overall
customer experience. (Ashworth & Bourassa, 2020)

Ashworth, L., & Bourassa, M. A. (2020, October 22). Inferred respect: A critical ingredient
in customer satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing.

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