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Download and Install Virtual Machine(Virtual Box, VMware and

a. KYM)
2. Installing Virtual Machine
3. Controlling Virtual Machine (Start, restart, power off)
4. Editing Virtual Machine Hardware
5. Creating and Using Image snapshot
6. Importing and Exporting Virtual Machine images
7. Create AWS free tier account
8. Introduction to IAM
9. Creating a Use rand Group
10. Authorization via Policies
11. Creating and Attaching Policies
12. Launching an EC2running Linux
13. How to ssh in to EC2using Linux/Windows
14. Launching an EC2 running Windows
15. Connect Windows Instance using RDP
16. Hosting Website on EC2 Instance
17. Create AWS Custom AMI
18. Copy AMI from one region to another
19. Share AMI with AWS account
20. Create S3 Bucket
21. Upload/Download files from S3Bucket
22. Containerized Application Using Docker container
23. Install docker on EC2 Instance
24. Creating and managing Docker containers
25. Pull and push docker images from docker hub
26. Creating Docker custom Images

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