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Are you struggling with writing your Revolutionary War research paper? You're not alone.

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Both the provided video documentaries project The excavated burial ground was termed as the
“Negroes Burial Ground” during the late 1700s (YouTuber, “The African Burial Ground: An
american Discovery (Part 2 - A History”). Conversely, Cornwallis had counted on being protected
and rescued by the British Navy as he marched his troops to Yorktown but the fleet wasn’t there to
offer assistance courtesy of the French Navy. “The Battle of the Virginia Capes of September 5,
1781, had forced the British fleet away, leaving Cornwallis surrounded and stranded. Samuel
Adams, the founder of the rebel group known as the Sons of Liberty, criticized the Governor for
denying ships consent to leave with tea on board. The second essential part of the Declaration of
Independence is the proclamation of independence for the American colonist, addressing many of
the reasons why America is breaking away from Britain. That’s when British soldiers swarmed
concord searching for the colonists suggest hidden ammunition. The right to vote was extended to
more people which then lead to people being able to vote public offices. It’s not surprising that since
the American Revolution began in Massachusetts, many of these women soldiers were from
Massachusetts. Colonists never got to vote on any of Britain’s laws because they lacked
representatives in Parliament. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. I value your
feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I
can create more for you. Despite the repeal on the Townsend Acts, the Parliament decided to keep the
tax on tea. By the beginning of the Revolution, the wars against France fought on both sides of the
Atlantic had burdened Britain with a massive national debt. Still in the war, America had made their
own currencies and tax barriers, as a result of which extra taxes were not privileged to citizens.
Disease also played a pivotal role in the former colonists’ victory. The rag-tag American naval force
and privateers unexpectedly captured or sunk hundreds of British merchant and supply ships.
(Moran, 1990). The British had sufficient troops to defeat the Americans on the battlefield but not
enough to simultaneously occupy the colonies. Moreover in 1784, Spain blocked its Mississippi River
to all of the American trade, and asserted for a part of land close to the Gulf of Mexico that had been
actually allotted to America by Britain. But, did it? Despite its name, was the Revolutionary war
actually revolutionary. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick
rating and leave a comment for the product. Additionally, ocean travel meant that British
communications were always about two months out of date: by the time British generals in America
received their orders from London, the military situation had usually changed. They started to
rethink their ways and change things they once thought was crucial to their way of life. Some
individuals protested by joining rebel groups, like the Sons of Liberty that were responsible for the
Boston Tea Party, while others used wrote about their dissatisfaction to achieve the same outcome.
The founding of the recent American democratic system greatly relied on these precious papers. It
was the first of these laws while, with the tea tax, was one of the most infamous of these laws.
According to the book It’s Our Military Too!, a survey was conducted at the end of the war and
found that seven matrons and 3. With the proclamation in effect, all the territory west and northwest
of the river were not accessible to them. Thereafter, “French support for the U.S. with arms, clothing,
and money was open rather than clandestine, and (George) Washington’s great hope for French naval
assistance off the American coast would soon be realized” (Encyclopedia, 2004). The authors of the
document felt it was necessary to secure one’s God given or natural rights. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. During this time, Spain
and France attacked British forces wherever in the world they were located, such as India.
It changed people’s outlook on social life and how things should be done. This war is known as the
French and Indian War due to the many Native American allies that fought on France’s side. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. The legend of Molly Pitcher is believed to have
been based on Corbin. Soldiers. Although women were not allowed to join the military at the time,
many women still served as secret soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Countryman, A. People in
Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York, 1760-1780 (New York,
1999), pg 193. We encourage you to have your students use a wide variety of resources to gather the
necessary information to complete this report. Quickly realizing they were outnumbered, the
colonists regrouped. Multiple Common Core Standards and Texas TEKS Writing objectives are
supported. This also gave British soldiers the chance to take over the property belonging to many of
the colonists. The colonists thought taxation without representation in the British government to be
unjust and openly protested these laws which led to hostilities between British troops and the
Massachusetts Minutemen in 1775. The following year, they formally declared their independence as
a new nation, the United States of America. From 1. 77. 8 onward, other European powers would
fight on the American side in the war. According to the National Women’s History Museum website,
most of these female spies worked as cooks and maids for the British and American military camps
where they eavesdropped on conversations about troop movements, military plans, supply shortages
and deliveries. Many colonists were, of course, British either by birth or heritage and a significant
percentage remained loyal to the Crown. About Sybil Ludington: Sybil Ludington was the eldest of
twelve children. In 1778, the French had formally recognized the independence of the U.S. and
signed a treaty that created a military and commercial alliance with the new country. French
involvement proved decisive, with a French naval victory in the Chesapeake leading to the surrender
of a British army at Yorktown in 1. Early in the war, the Howe brothers served as peace
commissioners while simultaneously conducting the war effort, a dual role which may have limited
their effectiveness. Also it gave the colonist a voice in their government they finally had a say so in
what would happen. Tensions rose and in 1754, two of the biggest colonial powers, the French and
British went to war. British General Alured Clarke commented “that with a thousand British
grenadiers he would undertake to go from one end of America to the other and geld all the males,
partly by force and partly with a little coaxing,” as overheard and retold by Benjamin Franklin (cited
by Labaree, 1966: 261). I definitely will use this project in the future! — Ellen S. By December
16th, numerous people in the Boston and surrounding areas had had enough and decided to hear
Samuel Adams speak. The colonists had no industry, as mandated by British law, to create wealth, no
centralized government or standing army. The power was changed to a democracy instead of a direct
lineage (or heritage) or even being overthrown by war. Certainly, the British possessed enough
military power to defeat the Americans on the field of battle but could not concurrently control the
whole of the colonies because they had to disperse their manpower to other theaters of war to fight
the Spanish and French. Nathanael Greene: A biography of the american Revolution. Corbin
followed her husband, John, to the army when he enlisted in the First Company of the Pennsylvania
Artillery as a matross, someone who loads and fires cannons. To some it was very revolutionary but
to others at just a glance it was revolutionary but, once you take a deeper look you’d find it was not
very revolutionary at all. He personally commissioned many to impede British supply ships which
deprived the Red Coats of ammunition and other armaments needed on the fields of battle.
My kids thought it was fun t create an ABC book instead of take a long test. Allow students to use
original documents from the American Revolution to determine the varying viewpoints and
circumstances of the war. The war resulted in a weak economic system, suffering due to excessive
migration of people to America, unemployment, taxes, debts and gender and racial discrimination.
The more local support they had, the easier the task. One such nurse was Mary Waters, a Dublin
native who immigrated to Philadelphia in 1. One such camp follower was Margaret Corbin of
Philadelphia. Despite the numerous and seemingly insurmountable disadvantages, the Americans
defeated the world’s most powerful military. After the war was over, patient care reverted back to
regimental surgeons and surgeon’s mates with occasional assistance from military wives and
laundresses. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. These dynamics “forced the British Army to fight a guerilla war, the only kind
of war that the upstart United States could hope to win” (Tokar, 1999). Instead of them boycotting
for their rights they would soon be handed over to them. This tax obligated colonists to open their
homes to British soldiers when needed. It was decided to combine the small armies into a large
Continental Army. Since the war was fought on farms, city streets and the front yards of many
American’s homes, these spies easily carried the messages and supplies they gathered to neighboring
houses and farms without detection. While surgeons and surgeon mates performed most of the
skilled medical duties, female nurses did mostly custodial work, feeding and bathing patients,
emptying chamber pots, cleaning hospital wards and occasionally cooking.“A Society of Patriotic
Ladies” a British cartoon mocking the Edenton Ladies Tea Party, a political protest against the
British government organized by a group of North Carolina women in 1. TEACHERS LIKE YOU
ARE LOVING THIS PROJECT! ?? ????? Ellen S. Samuel Adams, the founder of the rebel group
known as the Sons of Liberty, criticized the Governor for denying ships consent to leave with tea on
board. This group became known as the First Continental Congress. This was the birth of a new
country, The United States of America. It’s not surprising that since the American Revolution began
in Massachusetts, many of these women soldiers were from Massachusetts. The 1944 Normandy
invasion was a marvel of long-distance communications and coordination efforts but this logistic
implementation pales a bit in comparison to the 1776 war, a greater triumph of logistic strategy given
the time period it occurred. Tensions rose and in 1754, two of the biggest colonial powers, the French
and British went to war. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to
American Revolution. After the French and Indian war was over many opportunities arose for the
colonist such as moving to the western frontier. The preamble depicts the rights of the people and it
states, All men are created equal and have the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. Moreover in 1784, Spain blocked its Mississippi River to all of the American trade, and
asserted for a part of land close to the Gulf of Mexico that had been actually allotted to America by
Britain. People was terrified that the troops would set the town on fire just to watch it burn. The ?rst
option was known as the Articles of Confederation. Report this resource to let us know if this
resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. It increased the taxes on many imported items such as
sugar textiles, coffee, and wines.
All qualified military officers were in the British army. The 1944 Normandy invasion was a marvel
of long-distance communications and coordination efforts but this logistic implementation pales a bit
in comparison to the 1776 war, a greater triumph of logistic strategy given the time period it
occurred. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Their motivations for signing up
vary but, since most of these women were young, unmarried and poor, many of them joined in order
to earn money for their families as well as for the rare opportunity to fight for America’s
independence. The revolutionary war greatly influenced the American society and finally resulted in
an economically stable and independent country that has achieved victory in spite of facing many
hardships. A few of them, such as Deborah Sampson, even published memoirs about their activities
during the war, yet most of these women’s stories remain untold. Colonists never got to vote on any
of Britain’s laws because they lacked representatives in Parliament. But, was it really? Just how
revolutionary was the Revolutionary War. Meanwhile, Native Americans and African Americans
served on both sides. Mostly in Virginia, people were protesting against these taxes. The right to vote
was extended to more people which then lead to people being able to vote public offices. Corbin
followed her husband, John, to the army when he enlisted in the First Company of the Pennsylvania
Artillery as a matross, someone who loads and fires cannons. The words of the First Lord of the
Admiralty, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu articulated the prevailing opinion in Britain
at that time. “Americans were raw, undisciplined and cowardly” (Aggressive King, 1976). They will
analyze George Washington, Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, Abigail Adams, Samuel Adams, and Patrick
Henry and their role in the American Revolution. The Americans, outmatched by more than three-to-
one, were predictably defeated in the majority of battles that occurred during the war’s first year.
Over all it created a equal and fair environment which is all the colonist really wanted. Soon the
British would assign the Proclamation of Rebellion. This geographical hindrance to the British
worked in favor of the colonists who were more easily able to organize against their oppressors.
Governments were created to serve the people, and could only act with consent of the people, is a
quote by Thomas Jefferson supporting democracy. Women lives began to dramatically change for
the best. Another famous nurse was Mary Pricely who served as a nurse on colonial warships, such
as the ship the Defense in 1. The British knew the American allies, France and Spain, very well but
underestimated their eventual involvement in the conflict. Though the French Navy’s assistance was
vital for American victory, it fought a seemingly separate war against the British, one that served its
own interests. This also required Americans to pay large and special taxes on all print. Scholars can
use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The British
had sufficient troops to defeat the Americans on the battlefield but not enough to simultaneously
occupy the colonies. Also it gave the colonist a voice in their government they finally had a say so in
what would happen. In addition, a page is included in which students reflect and respond to 4
prompts as if they were the Revolutionary War hero. Parliament was aware of the colonists working
with Native Americans. These important first triumphs gave increased credibility to what had
previously been widely considered as an unorganized, minor uprising certain to be vanquished by the
mighty British army.
If you like this product, please check back soon as we will be posting new products in the near
future. The well established Constitution was the main pillar towards the regeneration and
development of the state without which the survival would have been impossible. Endnotes 1. Ward,
Harry M. Between the Lines: Banditti of the American Revolution (Westport, Conn., 2002), pg 311.
2. Kierner, Cynthia A. Southern Women in Revolution, 1776-1800: Personal and Political Narratives
(Columbia, S. Their combined efforts drafted a message to King George stating their fellow
colonists’ complaints, called the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. The revolutionary war greatly
influenced the American society and finally resulted in an economically stable and independent
country that has achieved victory in spite of facing many hardships. When loyalists in the area
discovered what she was doing, they burned her farm down. Report this resource to let us know if
this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Countryman, A. People in Revolution: The American
Revolution and Political Society in New York, 1760-1780 (New York, 1999), pg 193. Paine,
Thomas. Common Sense. (1776). US (Accessed December 13, 2009). Ensuring Loyalist
support was crucial for the British because the objective of fighting the far-off war was to retain the
colonies. Colonists never got to vote on any of Britain’s laws because they lacked representatives in
Parliament. Spain and The Netherlands had also been sending secret shipments to aid in the
Americans’ cause since the beginning of the Revolution and joined France in allying with America in
1778. A few of them, such as Deborah Sampson, even published memoirs about their activities
during the war, yet most of these women’s stories remain untold. This advantage facilitated
Americans’ momentous victory at Saratoga which coaxed France, Germany and The Netherlands to
enter the war against their collective enemy, Britain. He personally commissioned many to impede
British supply ships which deprived the Red Coats of ammunition and other armaments needed on
the fields of battle. This act made them no longer British citizens, nor colonists, but Americans. The
power was changed to a democracy instead of a direct lineage (or heritage) or even being
overthrown by war. Most probably think that women would be more independent and equal to men.
It. Nathanael Greene: A biography of the american Revolution. The colonies grew angrier and had
built a strong desire to fight for the chance to be free from all of Britain’s unreasonable rules and
laws. When The American Revolutionary War began, he was a lowly ranked, self trained soldier.
Once any area had been occupied, troops had to be kept there or the Revolutionaries would regain
control, and these troops were thus unavailable for further offensive operations. This meeting was
held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania due to its location, halfway between the southern colonies and
New England. This activity includes the documents and analysis sheet for students. Suppressing a
rebellion in America also posed other problems. Since the colonies covered a large area and had not
been united before the war, there was no central area of strategic importance. Distance was a major
problem: most troops and supplies had to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. Even with these
limitations, many potentially neutral colonists were nonetheless driven into the ranks of the
Revolutionaries because of the war” (Kruschandl, 2007). In Europe, the capture of a capital often
meant the end of a war; in America, when the British seized cities such as New York and
Philadelphia, the war continued unabated. It proclaimed that the thirteen American colonies were no
longer under Britain’s rule. Despite this massacre, Britain still repealed these acts to prevent further
rebellion, or so they thought. According to the book It’s Our Military Too!, a survey was conducted
at the end of the war and found that seven matrons and 3.

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