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Lecture 3

Introduction to OOP

Khola Naseem

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ A destructor works opposite to constructor; it destructs the objects of classes. It
can be defined only once in a class. Like constructors, it is invoked
➢ A destructor is defined like constructor. It must have same name as class. But it
is prefixed with a tilde sign (~).
➢ Destructors free up the memory used by the objects the constructor generated.

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ Parameterized constructor

➢ Error

➢ Therefore, to avoid such pitfalls, if a class has constructor(s), the class should
also include the default constructor

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ Parameterized constructor
➢ Default parameters values

➢ Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ Parameterized constructor
➢ Default parameters values

➢ Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ Parameterized constructor

➢ issue

Credit: Khola Naseem

➢ Parameterized constructor

➢ issue

Credit: Khola Naseem

Copy constructor
➢ The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it
with an object of the same class, which has been created previously.
➢ If a copy constructor is not defined in a class, the compiler itself defines
➢ If the class has pointer variables and has some dynamic memory
allocations, then it is a must to have a copy constructor.
➢ Definition:
➢ classname (classname &obj) { // body of constructor }
➢ Here, obj is a reference to an object that is being used to initialize
another object.
➢ Types
➢ Default copy constructor
➢ User defined copy constructor
Credit: Khola Naseem
Default Copy constructor
➢ Example: Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ A user-defined copy constructor is generally needed when an object owns
pointers or non-shareable references, such as to a file, in which case a destructor
should be written.
➢ The default constructor does only shallow copy
➢ Deep copy is possible only with a user-defined copy constructor.

➢ In a user-defined copy constructor, we make sure that pointers (or references) of

copied objects point to new memory locations

➢ Problem with shallow copy:

➢ if variables of the object are defined in the heap section of memory. If variable(s) are
dynamically allocated memory , then the copied object variable will also reference the
same memory location.

➢ Since both objects will reference to the same memory location, then change made by
one will reflect those change in another object as well. Since we wanted to create a
replica of the object, this purpose will not be filled by Shallow copy. Credit: Khola Naseem
Default Copy constructor
➢ Issue: Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Problem with shallow copy:

➢ if variables of the object are defined in the heap section of memory. If variable(s) are

dynamically allocated memory , then the copied object variable will also reference the

same memory location.

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Example

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Deep copy

➢ In Deep copy, an object is created by copying data of all variables, and it also allocates

similar memory resources with the same value to the object. In order to perform Deep

copy, we need to explicitly define the copy constructor and assign dynamic memory as

well, if required.

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Example: Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Example: Output:

Credit: Khola Naseem

User Defined Copy constructor
➢ Example: Output:

➢ Issues

Credit: Khola Naseem

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