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Matric No: 2230110055

Author Name: Maad M. Mijwil, et al.
Date of Publication: 2 April, 2021
Artificial Intelligence: A Survey on Evolution and Future Trends
This detailed exposition provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence (AI),
delving into its definition, historical development, and diverse applications. Originating from
Alan Turing's foundational contributions in computing theory, the term "artificial intelligence"
was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956. The narrative spans through the challenges faced
during the "AI Winter" between 1974-1980, marked by skepticism and criticism. The discussion
then shifts to the integral role of pioneers like Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, and Claude
Shannon, who laid the groundwork for AI by focusing on imparting machines with intelligence
akin to human reasoning.
The article explores AI's cinematic representations, emphasizing its increasing presence in daily
life through films like "Ex Machina," "The Terminator," and "I, Robot." Moving into the 21st
century, AI's multidisciplinary nature is highlighted, intertwining with fields such as computer
engineering, medicine, and philosophy. Expert systems, considered AI forerunners, are examined
with a focus on components like the Knowledge Acquisition Subsystem, Knowledge Base,
Inference Engine, and User Interface.
Subsequent sections elaborate on artificial neural networks (ANNs), elucidating their three-layer
structure and evolution since the 1940s. Fuzzy logic is introduced as a modern AI paradigm,
departing from Boolean logic with a focus on degrees of truth. The article then explores AI's
transformative impact on medical fields, citing its role in analyzing X-ray and CT images for
COVID-19 detection.
Finally, AI's involvement in power systems is detailed, emphasizing its contributions to
economic load dispatch, load forecasting, and renewable energy optimization. The article
concludes with a forward-looking perspective, envisioning AI's pervasive role in diverse fields
by 2040 and expressing hope for overcoming global challenges, notably the COVID-19

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