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OJT Apprenticeship Day 22:

Start: April 24, Monday | 8:00 am

Today is my sixth week and my first day as an intern at LGMCi. We've already
finished the organizational chart template. Our next task is labeling names and sorting
the portfolios of all HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 23:

Start: April 25, Tuesday | 8:00 am

The second day is the continuation of labeling and sorting the portfolios of HRM
students and checking the complete details of the journals and DTR.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 24:

Start: April 26, Wednesday| 8:00 am

Third day the sorting of clear book arrangements is already finished. Our next
task is creating a flow chart, but before that, our department head held a meeting on
how to process creating the flow chart.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 25:

Start: April 27, Thursday | 8:00 am

On the fourth day, we start searching and creating a sample job description for
the list of employees here at LGMCi.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 26:

Start: April 28, Friday | 8:00 am

Fifth day continuation of creating job descriptions for employees.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 27:

Start: April 29, Saturday| 8:00 am

Today we have been given a special task to do. We are required to get the
teachers signatures on their individual college teaching loads, which is the work that has
been given to us. Additionally, we provide the teachers who lack data with the list of
requirements for 201 files.

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