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OJT Apprenticeship Day 22:

Start: April 24, Monday | 8:00 am

Today begins week six of my internship at the Human Resources Department of the Leon
Guinto Memorial School (LGMC). Since, I am finished at the organizational chart of the Basic
Education Department and Higher Education Department. I look forward to the new task that will
be given to me. This task is labeling names and sorting the portfolio of all HRM students who
enrolled in apprenticeship under Sir Jorge. I organize the folder's files and move them to the
appropriate clear books. I also make sure that they follow the format, then I make a note of the
names of all students who refuse to follow instructions or who don't have journals or DTRs.

DAY 22: Labeling Names and Sorting Files of HRM Students for their Clearbook

OJT Apprenticeship Day 23:

Start: April 25, Tuesday | 8:00 am

Yesterday, we finish labeling names and we almost finish sorting the journal and DTR of all
HRM students. For today, we'll continue working on sorting the journal and DTR of all HRM
students then we organize their names alphabetically according to their designated block. We
also create an Excel file to drive the list that has clear book and those students that follow the
format. We finish the task today and I am looking forward to the new task tomorrow. My day
came to an end like this.
DAY 23: Finish Sorting and Arranging Clearbook of HRM Students

OJT Apprenticeship Day 24:

Start: April 26, Wednesday| 8:00 am

Sorting files and arranging clearbooks is already complete. Therefore, we have now a new
task to complete. The personnel in the office conduct a meeting about the checking of attendance
of teachers and employees, where the template that we design are going to use in monitoring
the attendance. The first task we were given was to design a flow chart for forwarding the
checker's template to the recorder, accounting department, and HR department. As we begin
looking up flow chart examples online, I also learn that each element and shape in a flow chart
has a purpose.

DAY 24: Creating a Flow Chart of the Process of Checker’s Template

to other Department
OJT Apprenticeship Day 25:

Start: April 27, Thursday | 8:00 am

My day 25 started with making a flow chart, after we browse the internet for the other
example of flowchart, we start doing it in Microsoft Word. But we encounter difficulties in making
a flow chart. We struggle, so we find it convenient to make a scratch first before putting it into
Microsoft Word. Unfortunately, we did not finish the flow chart because there is a new task that
is assigned to us. The new task is about creating a template for the summary of attendance

Day 25: Creating Template for the Summary of Attendance Monitoring

OJT Apprenticeship Day 26:

Start: April 28, Friday | 8:00 am

Today is the continuation of creating a template for the summary of attendance

monitoring. I created an Excel file in Drive of the template and we create a formula for the
summation of all the absences of teachers and employees. We should make a template for the
months of May to December. I am finished designing the template for the month of May which
is composed of employees, Higher Education teachers, and Basic Education teachers. I finish the
template for a summary of attendance monitoring for the month of May to July, which makes me
happy. My day came to an end like this.
Day 26: Creating a Templsate for the Summary of Attendance Monitoring

OJT Apprenticeship Day 27:

Start: April 29, Saturday| 8:00 am

There is a special task that is assigned to us. The task that is assigned to us is to obtain
the signature of the teachers on their respective College Teaching Loads. We also give the list of
requirements for 201 Files to the teachers who does not have data. My day came to an end like

Day 27: Giving List of Requirements of 201 Files for Teachers

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