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International Teenagers’

Mathematics Olympiad (ITMO) 2019

13th to 16th October, 2019
City Montessori School, Gomti Nagar(Campus I), Lucknow, India

Team Contest
1. Let x and y be real numbers such that x2 + y 2 = 1 . Find the maximum value of the
expression P = xy + max{x, y}.【Submitted by Vietnam】
From the given hypothesis, we have −1  x, y  1 . Without loss of generality, assume
that x  y . Then we have P = xy + y = y(1 + x) . It follows that
P2 = y 2 (1 + x)2 = (1 − x2 )(1 + x)2 = (1 − x)(1 + x)3 .
Applying the AM-GM inequality, we get
1 1 (3 − 3x) + 3(1 + x) 4 27
(1 − x)(1 + x)3 = (3 − 3x)(1 + x)(1 + x)(1 + x)  ( ) = .
3 3 4 16
3 3
P .
1 3 3 3
Equality holds for example when x = and y = . Thus max P = .
2 2 4
3 3
2. Find all possible values of the positive real number a such that the polynomial
(a + 4 x)(a + x) = 2 x2 (2 x − 1)( x + 1) has three distinct rational roots.【Submitted
by Thailand】
Arrange a in the quadratic form
a 2 + 5xa + (6 x 2 − 2 x 3 − 4 x 4 ) = 0
The discriminant of the quadratic equation in a is
25x2 − 24x2 + 8x3 + 16x4 = ( x + 4x2 )2 ,
−5x  ( x + 4 x2 )
so a = .
−5x + ( x + 4 x2 ) 1  1 + 2a
Case I. a = . Then 2x2 − 2x − a = 0 and hence x = .
2 2
−5x − ( x + 4 x2 ) −3  9 − 8a
Case II. a = . Then 2x2 + 3x + a = 0 and hence x = .
2 4
1  1 + 2a −3  9 − 8a
That is x = or .
2 4
Since a is a positive real number and the roots of the equation are three different
rational roots, we have:
9 2  13 −3 2  13
Case I. If 9 − 8a = 0 , that is a = , then x = or . But are
8 4 4 4
not rational numbers.
1  1 + 2a −3  9 − 8a
Case II. If = , there four cases.
2 4
1 + 1 + 2a −3 + 9 − 8a
(1) = , we have 5 + 2 1 + 2a = 9 − 8a , no such a exist.
2 4
1 + 1 + 2a −3 − 9 − 8a
(2) = , we have 5 + 2 1 + 2a = − 9 − 8a , no such a exist.
2 4
1 − 1 + 2a −3 − 9 − 8a
(3) = , we have 5 − 2 1 + 2a = − 9 − 8a , no such a exist.
2 4
1 − 1 + 2a −3 + 9 − 8a
(4) = , we have 5 − 2 1 + 2a = 9 − 8a , we can get
2 4
25 − 20 1 + 2a + 4 + 8a = 9 − 8a , that is, 5 + 4a = 5 1 + 2a , and 16a2 − 10a = 0 .
5 5 1
Hence a = , then x =  or − .
8 4 4
The only possible value is a = .
【Marking Scheme 1】
⚫ Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation in a...................................... 10 marks
⚫ Find case I no solution .................................................................................... 10 marks
⚫ Find case II (1), (2), (3) no solution ............................................................... 10 marks
⚫ Find the correct answer ................................................................................ 10 marks
3. A, B, C, D and E are 5 positive integers and each of them has exactly 32 divisors.
A = N 2 + N , B = N 2 + 3N + 2 , C = N 2 + 5N + 6 , D = N 2 + 7 N + 12 and
E = N 2 + 9N + 20 . Here, N is a positive integer. N and N + 5 are both composite
(non-prime) number. If the number of divisors of N and N + 5 are X and Y
respectively, what is the value of X + Y ?【Submitted by Bangladesh】
Firstly, we can factorize A, B, C, D and E to get a better expression to deal with.
A = N ( N + 1) , B = ( N + 1)( N + 2) , C = ( N + 2)( N + 3) , D = ( N + 3)( N + 4) and
E = ( N + 4)( N + 5) . Now, an important fact:
Let m and n be two positive integers. If m and n are co-prime, then there can be no
common factor except 1 between m and n.
Let d (k ) denote the number of divisors of the integer ‘k’. Then the number of
divisors of mn is equal to the product of the number of divisors of m and the number
of divisors of n, i.e. d (mn) = d (m)d (n) , where m and n are co-prime. And also, k and
k + 1 are co-prime for any integer ‘k’. Now, let’s use the above-mentioned facts in A,
B, C, D and E.
A: N and N + 1 are co-prime. So, d ( A) = d ( N )d ( N + 1) .
B: N + 1 and N + 2 are co-prime. So, d (B) = d ( N + 1)d ( N + 2)
C: N + 2 and N + 3 are co-prime. So, d (C) = d ( N + 2)d ( N + 3)
D: N + 3 and N + 4 are co-prime. So, d (D) = d ( N + 3)d ( N + 4)
E : N + 4 and N + 5 are co-prime. So, d (E) = d ( N + 4)d ( N + 5)
Since, d ( A) = d (B) = d (C) = d (D) = d (E) = 32 , or,
32 = d ( N )d ( N + 1)
= d ( N + 1)d ( N + 2)
= d ( N + 2)d ( N + 3)
= d ( N + 3)d ( N + 4)
= d ( N + 4)d ( N + 5)
From these equations we get,
 d ( N )d ( N + 1) = d ( N + 1)d ( N + 2)  d ( N ) = d ( N + 2)
 d ( N + 1)d ( N + 2) = d ( N + 2)d ( N + 3)  d ( N + 1) = d ( N + 3)
d ( N + 2)d ( N + 3) = d ( N + 3)d ( N + 4)  d ( N + 2) = d ( N + 4)
 
d ( N + 3)d ( N + 4) = d ( N + 4)d ( N + 5)  d ( N + 3) = d ( N + 5)
Since d ( N ) = X and d ( N + 5) = Y , d ( N + 1) = d ( N + 3) = d ( N + 5) = Y and
d ( N ) = d ( N + 2) = d ( N + 4) = X .
Now, d ( N )d ( N + 1) = 32 , or, XY = 32 . Since a prime number has the least number
of divisor and that’s 2, the possible pairs for (X, Y) are: (2, 16), (4, 8), (8, 4) and
(16, 2). But, N and N + 5 are both composite (non-prime) number. So, neither X nor
Y can be 2. Therefore, (2, 16) and (16, 2) are not possible. The remaining pairs for
(X, Y) are (4, 8) and (8, 4). However, in both cases, X + Y = 4 + 8 = 8 + 4 = 12 .
Answer: 12
4. A 4-digit number ITMO satisfies IT + MO + ITM + TMO = 1340 , where I, M
and T are nonzero digits. List all possible values for ITMO .【Submitted by
IT + MO + ITM + TMO = 1340
(10I + T ) + (10M + O) + (100I + 10T + M ) + (100T + 10M + O) = 1340
110 I + 111T + 21M + 2O = 1340
111 I + 111T + 21M + 2O = 1340 + I
111( I + T ) + 21M + 2O = 1340 + I
Since 21M + 2O  21 9 + 2  8 = 205 , 111(I + T )  1135 + I  1110 = 11110 .
So I + T  10 .
Since 21M + 2O  21 0 + 2 1 = 2 , 111(I + T )  1328 + I  1337  1443 = 11113 .
So I + T  13 . Hence I + T = 12 or 11.
If I + T = 12 , then 21M + 2O = 1340 + I − 111 12 = 8 + I . Since 8 + I  17  21 ,
M = 0 . This contradicts that M is a nonzero digit.
If I + T = 11, then 21M + 2O = 1340 + I − 111 11 = 119 + I .
Since 21M + 2O = 119 + I  102 = 21 4 + 2  9 , M  5 .
Since 21M + 2O = 119 + I  128  147 = 21 7 , M  6 . Hence M = 5 or 6.
If M = 5 , then 2O = 119 + I − 21 5 = 14 + I . Thus I is an even digit.
Since I + T = 11 and 14 + I = 2O  18 , I = 2 or 4. Then
(i) M = 5 , I = 2 , T = 9 , O = 8 and ITMO = 2958 .
(ii) M = 5 , I = 4 , T = 7 , O = 9 and ITMO = 4759 .
If M = 6 , then 2O = 119 + I − 21 6 = I − 7 . Thus I is an odd digit.
Since I + T = 11 and I − 7 = 2O  0 , I = 7 or 9. Then
(iii) M = 6 , I = 7 , T = 4 , O = 0 and ITMO = 7460 .
(iv) M = 6 , I = 9 , T = 2 , O = 1 and ITMO = 9261.
So, all 4-digit numbers for ITMO are 2958, 4759, 7460 and 9261.
Answer: 2958, 4759, 7460 and 9261
【Marking Scheme 1】
⚫ Find I + T = 12 or 11 .................................................................................... 10 marks
⚫ Find when I + T = 12 no solution ................................................................ 10 marks
⚫ Find each correct answer .................................................................................5 marks
5. There are 36 lines, which includes the coordinate axes, that passes through the
origin of the coordinate plane, and form 5 angles with one another at the origin.
Determine the sum of the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of these lines
with the line y = −x + 100 .【Submitted by Jury】
The line x + y = 100 is parallel to the line making a 135 angle with the positive
x-axis. Hence there are only 35 points of intersection. The point of intersection of
x + y = 100 with y = x is (50, 50), and the other points of intersections are arranged
in symmetric pairs with respect to this point. Hence the desired sum is
35  50 = 1750 .
Answer: 1750
6. A sequence an is defined by a0 = 9 and ak +1 = ak + ak + ak , for k  0 . Prove
4 3

that the last 2048 digits of a11 are all 9’s . 【Submitted by Jury】
We have
an+1 + 1 = an4 + an3 + an + 1 = an3 (an + 1) + (an + 1) = (an + 1)(an3 + 1) = (an + 1)2 (an2 − an + 1) .
We prove by induction on n that the last 2 n digits of an are all 9s. The last digit of
a0 is indeed 9. Suppose the last 2 n digits of an are all 9s for some n  0 . Then
an + 1 is divisible by 10m where m = 2n . Since an+1 + 1 is divisible by (an + 1)2 , it
is divisible by 102m so that its last 2n+1 digits are all 9s. This completes the
inductive argument. In particular, the last 211 = 2048 digits of a11 are all 9s.
【Marking Scheme 1】
⚫ Find an+1 + 1 = an4 + an3 + an + 1 = (an + 1)2 (an2 − an + 1) ................................. 10 marks
⚫ Prove by induction on n that the last 2 n digits of an are all 9s .................. 20 marks
⚫ Find the correct answer ................................................................................ 10 marks

7. Two squares of a 7  7 checkerboard are painted yellow, and the rest are painted
green. Two color schemes are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by
applying a rotation in the plane board. How many non-equivalent color schemes
are there?【Submitted by Vietnam】
There are (492) possible ways to select two squares to be painted yellow. There are
four possible ways to rotate each board. Given an arbitrary pair of yellow squares,
these four rotations will either yield two or four equivalent but distinct boards.

For most pairs, there will be three other equivalent boards. For those symmetric about
the center, there is only one other. Note that a pair of yellow squares will only yield 2
distinct boards upon rotation if and only if the yellow squares are rotationally
49 − 1
symmetric about the center square; there are = 24 such pairs. There are then
(492) − 24 pairs that yield 4 distinct boards upon rotation; in other words, for each of

the (492) − 24 pairs, there are three other pairs that yield an equivalent board. Thus,

(492) − 24 24
the number of inequivalent boards is + = 300 .
4 2
Answer: 300
8. A convex quadrilateral ABCD has no parallel sides. The angles between the
diagonal AC and the four sides are 50 , 50 , 22 and 18 in some order.
What is the sum of all possible values of the acute angle between AC and BD?
【Submitted by Jury】

There are three cases to consider, the two equal angles are at the same vertex, they
are at opposite vertices but on the same side of the diagonal, and they are at opposite
vertices and on opposite sides of the diagonal. The last one can be discarded because
there will be two parallel sides.
In the first case, as illustrated by the diagram below on the left, let the equal angles be
at the vertex C. Extend CB to P and CD to Q. Let the bisectors of PBD and
QDB meet at E. Then CE bisects BCD , so that A lies on the line CE. Note that
we have BEC = PBE − 50 and DEC = QDE − 50 . It follows that the sum
of the angles of triangle BED is 2EBD + 2EDB − 100 = 180 . Hence
EBD + EDB = 140 so that BED = 40 . It follows that A and E coincide. By
symmetry, we can take DAC = 18 . Then ADB = QDA = 50 + 18 = 68 . It
follows that the acute angle between AC and BD is 68 + 18 = 86 .

The second case is illustrated by the diagram above on the right, where
DAC = DCA = 50 , BAC = 18 and BCA = 22 .
Then ABC = 180 − 18 − 22 = 140 .
If DB  DA = DC , then ABC = ABD + DBC  BAD + BCD  140 .
Similarly, if DB  DA = DC , then ABC  140 . It follows that DB = DA = DC
so that ABD = 50 + 18 = 68 . It follows that the acute angle between AC and BD
is again 68 + 18 = 86 . In summary, 86 is the only possible value.
Answer: 86
【Marking Scheme】
⚫ Show there are three cases to consider ........................................................... 10 marks
⚫ From first case find the solution ..................................................................... 10 marks
⚫ From second case find the solution .............................................................. 10 marks
⚫ Find the correct answer .................................................................................. 10 marks
9. The integers 1, 2, …, 2019 are re-arranged in a row such that if the integer k,
1  k  2019 , is not the first term, then one of the integers k + 1 or k − 1 occurs
before it. How many arrangements of the integers 1, 2, …, 2019 satisfy this
condition? 【Submitted by Jury】
We claim that such an arrangement must end in 1 or 2019. Suppose the last term is k
where 1  k  2019 . By symmetry, we may assume that the first term is less than k.
One of the terms greater than k must appear earlier than any other term greater than k.
Then neither the term k − 1 nor the term k + 1 can occur before it. This is a
contradiction. Hence there are 2 choices for the last term. The remaining terms form a
block of 2018 consecutive integers with the same property. Hence the second last
term of the arrangement can also be chosen in 2 ways. This continues until only 1
choice remains for the first term of the arrangement. It follows that the number of
arrangements is 22018 .
Answer: 22018
10. In isosceles trapezoid ABCD, AD = BC and AB // DC, where DC  AB . It is
known that BD = AB , ABD = 20 , M is a point on AB so that BDM = 30 ,
and S is a point on BD so that SAD = 70 . What is the measure, in degree, of
CMS ?【Submitted by Indonesia】


【Solution】 A M R B
180 − 20
Observe that BAD = BDA = = 80 .
Since BDM = 30 , MDA = 80 − 30 = 50 , and
DMA = 180 − (MDA + BAD) = 180 − (50 + 80) = 50 .
So triangle MAD is an isosceles triangle with MA = AD .
Let R and U be points on AB and BD, respectively, so that RDA = UAD = 60
and hence UAS = 70 − 60 = 10 = SAB . So AS is the angle bisector of UAB .
Let UA and RD intersect at T. Then triangle ATD and RUT are equilateral triangles.
Because triangle ATD is an equilateral triangle, AT = AD = MA .
Observe that riangle ABD is an isosceles triangle. Since AT = TD , T is on the angle
bisector of ABD . Thus UBT = 10 = UAS .
Since UAB = 80 − 60 = 20 = UBA , UA = UB .
Then triangle AUS and BUT are congruence triangles since AUS = BUT .
So US = UT = RU .
Connect ST and then triangle UTS is an isosceles triangle because US = UT .
Since AUD = UAB + UBA = 40 , UST = UTS = AUD = 20 .
Since ASD = SAB + SBA = 30 , AST = 30 − 20 = 10 = SAT .
Thus AT = TS .
Connect MT and then triangle AMT is an isosceles triangle because MA = AD . Since
AS is the angle bisector of UAB , MT ⊥ AS and hence SMAT is a rhombus, where
ST = TA = AM = MS .
Since AM = MS and MAS = MSA = 10 , AMS = 160 and BMS = 20 .
Thus triangle BSM is an isosceles triangle with BS = SM .
Now we have BC = DA = AM = MS = SB and connect CS.
Because SBC = ABC − ABD = 80 − 20 = 60 and BC = SB , triangle BSC is
an equilateral triangle and BC = SB = CS .
Hence MS = SC , i.e. CMS = MCS = (180 − MSC ) .
Since MSC = 360 − (BSC + BSM ) = 360 − (60 + 140) = 160 ,
CMS =  (180 − 160) = 10 .
Answer: 10
【Marking Scheme】
⚫ Show that triangle MAD is an isosceles triangle with MA = AD ................. 10 marks
⚫ Show that triangle AUS and BUT are congruence triangles ........................... 10 marks
⚫ Show that triangle BSM is an isosceles triangle with BS = SM ................. 10 marks
⚫ Find the correct answer .................................................................................. 10 marks

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