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English Revision

CP 5
Read the poem and answer the following questions

1. What is the poem about ?

Read the passage and answer the following questions
All About Quokkas
Read the information about the Blue eyed octopus and write an information text for the same
keeping in mind the features .
Blue-Ringed Octopuses
Sharks and crocodiles are animals we need to be wary of in the water. However, did you
know there are smaller ocean animals that are just as dangerous? These tiny but dangerous
animals are called blue-ringed octopuses. There are more than ten different species, with the
most common one being in Australia. It is known as the Blue-lined Octopus (Hapalochlaena
The blue-ringed octopus is found in the sea of Japan down to southern Australia. They live in
coastal waters that can be up to 50m deep. Blue-ringed octopuses are found all along the
coastline of Australia. They are common, but many people have not come across one because
they hide from predators during the day. They like rockpools and shelter in places such as
empty bottles, under rocks or among shells.
Like other octopuses, the blue-ringed octopus has eight arms with rows of suckers. They
come in different sizes, but most are around 4-6cm long. Their arms can reach 7-10cm. As
their name suggests, these usually brown octopuses can create flashing bright, iridescent,
blue markings. These markings can be lines, rings or both. They will only make their markings
appear when they are hunting, have been disturbed or feel threatened. The octopuses can
change colour because of pigment cells called chromatophores.
Blue-ringed octopuses usually come out at night to hunt. They eat crabs, small crustaceans
and small fish. The octopuses catch their prey by pouncing on it and capturing it with their
arms. Its beak will bite the prey and insert its powerful venom. The venom paralyses muscles
so the prey cannot move.
Octopuses have three hearts – one pumps blood through its organs while the other two
pump blood through the gills.
An octopus has nine brains.
Its central brain is shaped like a doughnut.
Octopus has no bones inside their body.
Blue-ringed Octopuses will avoid people. They have potent venom with no known antidote.
Unfortunately, some bites have proved to be fatal.
Write a Narrative poem about your baby brother not less than 8 lines . The first line is done
for you.

My baby brother is so small



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