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1.Define a database, and explain how it is used.(5marks)

A database is a well-organized collection of data that is stored in a structured manner, making it simple
to access, manage, and retrieve. Its purpose is to effectively handle big amounts of information or data
by offering a methodical approach to store, retrieve, and manage data

Database is used in:

Data Storage: Databases serve as a means to store vast amounts of organized data, including customer
information, product details, financial records, and other relevant data.

Data Retrieval: By utilizing languages like SQL (Structured Query Language), users can extract specific
information from databases that align with their requirements.

Data Management: Databases offer a range of tools to manage data integrity, security, and access
control, guaranteeing the accuracy, confidentiality, and restricted access of data to authorized users.

Supporting Applications: Numerous software applications heavily rely on databases to store and retrieve
data, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, inventory management systems, and

Data Analysis: Databases can serve as a valuable source for data analysis and reporting, enabling users
to gain valuable insights and make well-informed decisions based on the stored data.

2. Discuss the tools you need to access the Internet. (5 marks)

Computer: A computer is the primary device used to access the internet. This can be a desktop, laptop,
or even a tablet or smartphone.

Internet Connection: example of this is mobile data where Smartphones and tablets can access the
internet through this connections provided by cellular networks.

Web Browser: Web browsers like Google chrome are software applications that allow users to access
and navigate the World Wide Web. They interpret and display web pages, enabling users to interact with

Internet Service Provider: An Internet Service Provider is a company that provides access to
the internet. Users need to subscribe to an ISP to access the internet. ISPs vary in terms of the
type of connection they offer, speed, and pricing.

Search Engines: Search engines like Bing are web-based tools used to find information on the
internet. Users enter keywords or phrases, and the search engine returns relevant websites,
articles, images, videos, and other content.

3.Discuss any 3 primary sources of information. (5 marks)

Personal narratives and memoirs: are autobiographical accounts written by individuals about their own
lives, experiences, and perspectives. These sources offer intimate insights into personal histories,
emotions, and reflections.

Legal documents and court records: This are primary sources of information related to legal
proceedings, judicial decisions, and legal disputes.

Speeches and public addresses: Speeches and public addresses delivered by prominent figures, leaders,
and influencers provide firsthand accounts of key events, ideas, and movements.

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