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Project Delivery System (PDS)

Variasi DB

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 1


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Introduction (1/3)

1. How the project will be designed and constructed, or the project delivery method,
is one of the most important decisions made by every owner embarking on a
construction project. With a variety of delivery methods in use today across the
design and construction industry, it is possible to tailor a delivery method that best
meets the unique needs of each owner and each project. Several fundamental
project considerations are directly impacted by the delivery method selected.
2. There are many delivery methods in use today, but virtually all of them are
variations of the four most common methods. Closely related to project delivery
methods are procurement strategies, contractual arrangements, and
compensation methods.

Introduction (2/3)
3. The most common project delivery methods are:
a) Design-Bid-Build (DBB) – The traditional project delivery method, which customarily
involves three sequential project phases: design, procurement, and construction.
b) Construction Management At Risk (CMAR) – A project delivery method in which the
Construction Manager acts as a consultant to the owner in the development and
design phases, but assumes the risk for construction performance as the equivalent
of a general contractor holding all trade subcontracts during the construction phase.
This delivery method is also known as CM/GC.
c) Design-Build (DB) – A project delivery method that combines architectural and
engineering design services with construction performance under one contract.
d) Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) – A project delivery method that contractually
requires collaboration among the primary parties – owner, designer, and builder –
so that the risk, responsibility and liability for project delivery are collectively
managed and appropriately shared.
Introduction (3/3)
4. Each of these project delivery methods
carries a different level of risk for the
owner. Generally, the level of control
retained by the owner correlates with
the level of risk, and those levels
typically have an inverse relationship to
the risk and control levels of the
5. None of these delivery methods is right
for every project. For each situation,
there will be advantages and
disadvantages in the use of any specific

Apa itu PDS?
• Setiap proyek melalui suatu daur hidup proyek. Sistem pelaksanaan seluruh tahapan yang terkait
dengan pihak-pihak yang akan terlibat dalam setiap tahapan disebut Project Delivery System (PDS)
atau sistem penyelenggaraan proyek.
• Project Delivery System (PDS) atau Sistem Pengadaan (SP) merupakan salah satu faktor yang
memberikan kontribusi terhadap kesuksesan sebuah pekerjaan atau proyek jalan. SP yang tepat
atau sesuai akan memberikan dampak positif kepada berjalannya sebuah pekerjaan atau proyek
• Tran et al (2013) membagi faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan model pengadaan menjadi 8:
Skedul penyelesaian, kompleksitas dan inovasi,presentase penyelesaian desain, penilian resiko
awal, biaya, pengalaman dan ketersediaan personel, dan pengalaman dan kompetisi kontraktor.

• Yang memilih dan menetapkan PDS adalah owner dengan pertimbangan:

• Pengalaman, kebiasaan
• Saran konsultan
• Sumber dan kendala pembiayaan
• Penggunaan sumber daya yang dimiliki
• Keinginan stakeholder dari proyek

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 6

Owner’s Requirements and Risk Considerations (1/2)
Some of the key considerations that will influence the selection of the project
delivery method for a project:
1. Budget
Determining a realistic budget before design to evaluate project feasibility, to secure financing, to evaluate
risk, and as a tool to choose from among alternative designs or site locations is a primary need.
2. Design
Of foremost importance to the owner is that the desired facility function as envisioned while successfully
fulfilling the needs of the owner and users: well qualified design team, clearly program needs, properly
communication, constructible and complete design documents.
3. Schedule
The dates of design commencement, construction completion and ultimately the operation of a new
facility can be critical, either in terms of generating revenue from the facility, or in terms of providing
needed functional space by a particular deadline. An owner must decide how critical it is to minimize
schedule duration for a project.
Owner’s Requirements and Risk Considerations
4. Risk Assessment
In construction, issues of risk are closely
tied to the status of the local construction
market, on-site safety, the schedule and the
5. Owner’s Level of Expertise.
The owner’s familiarity with the
construction process and level of in-house
management capability has a large
influence over the amount of outside
assistance required during the process, and
may guide the owner in determining the
appropriate project delivery method.

Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan model pengadaan jalan
Queensland Government

Department of Main Road,

Queensland Government menggunakan
analisis resiko/risk profile
untuk menentukan model pengadaan.
Pemerintah tersebut menggunakan faktor
profil resiko, mekanisme kontrak, kondisi
pasar, dan packaging dalam memilih
model pengadaan dalampembangunan

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 9

Daur Hidup Proyek (review)
Siapa yang akan melaksanakan semua tahap ini?
Apa owner sanggup melakukannya?

Need Project formulation

Planning process
Engineering and
Construction process
Use management
Disposal process
process design process process

User Project Project Project Facility Facility

Requirements Feasibility Engineering Field engineering use and demolition
And scope And design And construction management Or conversion

Awareness Project Project Full Project Project Fulfillment

of need Concept Scope description Completion and Of need
formulation definition Acceptance
For use

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 10

Pihak-pihak yang Terlibat dalam Proyek
Konstruksi (review)

Peran mana yang bisa

dilakukan oleh owner?

Perancang Pelaksana

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 11

Berbagai PDS
• Ada beberapa pilihan PDS untuk owner:
• Swakelola (owner-provided delivery)
• Tradisional (design-bid-build/DBB)
• Manajemen Konstruksi (construction management/CM)
• Rancang Bangun (design-build/DB)
• Variasi DB
• Sistem tradisional merupakan sistem yang banyak dipakai baik owner
pemerintah maupun swasta.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 12

Project Delivery System
pada Proyek-proyek Infrastruktur
1945-1960an > 1960an > 1970an

Pemerintah Pemerintah Pemerintah



Pembangunan Pembangunan Pembangunan

Infrastruktur Infrastruktur Infrastruktur

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 13


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Swakelola (owner-provided)
• Swakelola dilakukan jika lingkup pekerjaan sesuai dengan keahlian,
pengalaman, dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh owner.
• Swakelola bisa dilakukan baik untuk perancangan maupun pelaksanaan.
• Owner dapat menambahkan sumber daya pada bagian perancangan, mis.
Penambahan seorang ahli perancangan.
• Owner dapat pula berlaku sebagai general contractor yang mengelola
beberapa sub-kontraktor pada saat pelaksanaan.
• Dalam hal ini owner harus memiliki ijin praktek dan juga sertifikat yang
• Contoh: Dinas Bina Marga melakukan swakelola untuk pekerjaan
permeliharaan jalan dan jembatan.

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Contoh Swakelola di Bina Marga
a. Kegiatan pemeliharaan rutin jalan yaitu penambalan, pengisian
celah, pemotongan rumput, perbaikan minor pada trotoar,
pengecatan kerb, pembersihan dan perataan kemiringan,
pembersihan saluran, perbaikan patok, dan lain-lain.
b. Pemeliharaan rutin Jembatan yaitu pembersihan landasan jembatan,
perataan oprit,pengecatan sederhana, danlain-lain

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 16

Design bid build

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 17

Tradisional (DBB) 1
• Merupakan PDS yang ditetapkan oleh perundangan untuk pelaksanaan proyek
pemerintah. Namun owner swasta pun banyak pula yang menggunakannya.
• PDS ini digunakan jika owner membutuhkan baik perancang maupun pelaksana
• PDS ini dibutuhkan owner dalam rangka:
• Pengendalian yang tinggi kepada pihak2 yang ada
• Owner dari fasilitas publik dan harus akuntabel dalam pengeluaran dana milik publik
• Ditetapkan oleh peraturan: menggunakan metoda seleksi perancang berbasis kualifikasi serta
menggunakan metoda kompetisi untuk pemilihan kontraktor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 18

Tradisional (DBB) 2
• Owner melihat bahwa tahapan pada PDS tradisional yang bertahap
sebagai manfaat untuk pemastian kualitas.
• Owner harus memastikan dana tersedia, tujuan proyek, menentukan
standard dan bentuk kontrak. Dalam hal ini owner akan melakukan
tahapan planning dan conceptual design, terkadang dibantu pula oleh
• Perancang melakukan design dan juga mempersiapkan dokumen
pengadaan untuk konstruksi.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 19

Tradisional (DBB) 3
• Dalam tahapan pengadaan (bid), calon kontraktor berkompetisi mengusulkan proposal
baik teknis maupun harga. Pemilihan biasanya didasarkan pada harga terendah yang
telah memenuhi semua persyaratan yang ada. Namun, terkadang dapat pula dilakukan
pemilihan berdasarkan sistem nilai, dimana harga penawaran adalah hanya salah satu
kriteria yang dilihat.
• Owner dapat pula melakukan pemilihan kontraktor dengan metoda perbandingan dan
• Kontraktor kemudian melakukan pelaksanaan konstruksi (build). Dalam tahap ini owner
akan memiliki perwakilan (representatives) baik dari sumber daya yang dimiliki maupun
dari profesional yang dikontrak oleh owner untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 20

PDS – Tradisional


Architect/ General (prime)
Engineer Observation

Suppliers Fabricators

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 21

 Design/Bid/Build, also known as the general contracting
project delivery method.
 The process is linear, where one phase is completed before
another phase is begun.
 The owner engages a designer to prepare the design of the
project, including construction drawings, and specifications.
 Once completed, the owner will select a contractor, usually
based on the lowest responsive and responsible bid (for most
all public work), or some hybrid of price and technical merit.

1. The process may have a longer duration when compared
to other delivery methods since all design work must be
completed prior to solicitation of the construction contract.
2. The designer may have limited ability to assess scheduling
1. This method is widely applicable, well understood, and and cost ramifications as the design is developed, which
has well-established and clearly defined roles for the can lead to a more costly final product.
parties involved.
3. The owner generally faces exposure to contractor change
2. This method is the most common approach for public orders and claims over design and constructability issues
owners having to comply with local, state or federal since the owner accepts liability for design in its contract
procurement statutes. with the contractor.
3. The owner has a significant amount of control over the 4. This traditional approach, in some cases, may promote
end product, particularly since the facility’s features are more adversarial relationships rather than cooperation or
fully determined and specified prior to selection of the coordination among the contractor, the designer and the
contractor. owner.
5. The absence of construction input into the project design
may limit the effectiveness and constructability of the
6. Technological and programmatic obsolescence can be a
problem for very large, long lasting project. 23
Contracting and Procurement Methods
1. Numerous variations in procurement exist when using the DBB method.
2. The most common approach to bidding is for general contractors to submit a sealed lump-sum
or fixed price bid.
3. In most horizontal projects such as transportation, the most common approach to bidding is unit
price, line item bids, where quantities are easily measured.

Role of the CM
1. Whether provided through owner staffing or a third-party firm, the CM should be engaged as
early in the project as possible to guide and assist the owner through all phases of delivering
the project.
2. The CM may act as the owner’s representative with the other members of the project team,
being the point of contact for the designer, contractor, and any other specialty consultants
engaged in the project by the owner.
3. The CM must also provide construction expertise and advice to the project team during all pre-
construction phases since the contractor do not be involved yet. 24
Contoh System Tradisional di Bina Marga
a. Pemeliharaan berkala pada jalan: Penambahan lapis bukan
struktural, dan lain-lain
b. Pemeliharaan berkala pada jembatan: Penggantian aspal
permukaan, pengecatan, dan lain-lain
c. Peningkatan struktur jalan: Pemasangan lapis struktural, dan lain-
d. Peningkatan kapasitas pada jalan: Pelebaran jalan
e. Penggantian pada jembatan: Penggantian Jembatan
f. Pembuatan jalan baru: Pembuatan jalan baru
g. Duplikasi/pembuatan jembatan baru: Pembuatan jembatan baru
SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 25
Multiple-Prime Contracting (1/2)
 An important variation of Design-Bid-Build is multiple prime
contracting, in which the owner holds separate contracts with
contractors of various construction work disciplines.
 In this system, the owner, or its CM, manages the overall
schedule and budget.
 This system, which some owners are required to use, gained
favour in part as another method of “fast-tracking” construction.
Work in each construction discipline is bid separately and
allowing the flexibility of awarding construction contracts.

1. The ability to “fast-track” early components of 1. No central point of contractor coordination and
construction prior to full completion of design. responsibility for all trades. By default, the owner
assumes this responsibility.
2. Potential for numerous claims between various
Multiple-Prime Contracting (2/2)

Role of the CM
1. The role of the CM in a multiple prime contracting delivery system is very similar to the role of
the CM in a design-bid-build delivery.
2. Whether provided through owner staffing or a third-party, the CM is engaged as early in the
project as possible and guides and assists the owner through all phases of delivering a project.
3. The CM also acts as the owner’s representative with the rest of the project team, acting as the
point of contact for the designer, contractors, and other specialty consultants engaged in the
project by the owner.
4. The primary difference involves the fact that in most instances there is not a single prime
general contractor involved to oversee and manage the activities of all of the various trades.
5. The CM, acting as the owner’s representative, may be required to actively coordinate and
manage all trade contractors on the project.

Manajemen konstruksi (CM)

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 28

Manajemen Konstruksi (CM)
• Owner menugaskan CM untuk membantunya membuat dokumen
pengadaan dan mengawasi pelaksanaan konstruksi. Namun demikian,
saat ini lingkup CM dalam membantu owner bisa melebar mulai dari
awal daur hidup proyek.
• Terdapat 2 jenis CM
• Agency Construction Management (ACM)
• Construction Manager-at-Risk (CM-at-Risk)

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 29

PDS – Manajemen Konstruksi


Consultant Contractor Contractor

Sub-consultant Sub-consultant Sub-contractor Sub-contractor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 30

Agency Construction Manager
• Seorang CM berlaku sebagai agen dari owner untuk melakukan
tugasnya sebagai owner dalam suatu proyek. CM dapat bertugas
hanya dengan panggilan (on-call) atau selama proyek berlangsung.
CM berlaku sebagai bagian dari internal organisasi owner.
• Layanan CM ini dapat mencakup berbagai jenis PDS.
• Tanggung jawab CM mencakup :
• memberikan input pada tahap desain
• mengevaluasi penawaran harga dari kontraktor
• mengontrol proyek dan mengatur keuangan, jadwal
• Mengontrol kualitas kerja kontraktor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 31

PDS – Agency Construction


Contractual Contractual
relationship relationship

Construction Manager

Architect/ Engineer relationship

Prime Prime Prime

Contractor Contractor Contractor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 32

Construction Manager-at-Risk
• CM@Risk melakukan kontrak dengan owner dalam dua tahap:
• Pada saat planning dan conceptual design, bergabung dengan designer untuk
perancangan. Dengan demikian, CM akan memberikan masukan kepada
perancangan mengenai jadwal, biaya dan juga constructability.
• Pada saat pelaksanaan konstruksi berlaku sebagai general contractor.
• Dapat diterapkan strategi fast track.
• Banyak dipakai oleh owner swasta.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 33

PDS – Construction Manager-at-Risk


Consultant Contractor Contractor

Sub-consultant Sub-consultant Sub-contractor Sub-contractor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 34

Fast Tracking



Fast Track




SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 35

What is Construction Management ?

• Construction Management is a professional service that applies

effective management techniques to the planning, design and
construction of a project from inception to completion for the
purpose of controlling time, cost and quality.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi

Construction Management Values
• Construction Management is a discipline
and management system specifically
created to promote the successful execution
of capital projects for owners.
• These projects can be highly complex. Few
owners maintain the staff resources
necessary to pay close, continuing attention
to every detail; yet these details can “make
or break” a project.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi

The Client & Construction Management

• A professional CM firm can augment the

owner’s existing resources with pre-
planning, design, construction, engineering
and management expertise that can assure
the best possible project outcome no
matter what type of project delivery
method is used.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi

Professional CM pays off in:
• Speed of project completion.
• Claims and dispute avoidance.
• Cost savings.
• Quality of finished job.
• Quality of the construction process.
• Project safety.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 39

The CM works in the Owner’s



Time Cost


SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 40

Construction Management at Risk (1/3)

 This delivery system is similar in many ways to the

Design-Bid-Build system, in that the Construction
Manager at Risk (CMR) acts as a general contractor
during construction.

Construction Management at Risk (2/3)

1. The owner gains the benefit of having the opportunity to 1. A premium is placed on the proper selection of the CMR,
incorporate a contractor’s perspective and input to based on the CMR’s particular skills and experience, to
planning and design decisions. provide the best value to the owner.
2. The ability to “fast-track” early components of 2. While the CMR provides the owner with professional
construction prior to full completion of design advisory management assistance during design, this
same assistance is not present during the construction
phase, as the CMR is in an “at-risk” position during
Contracting and Procurement Methods
1. A common contracting approach in the Construction Management at Risk delivery method is to enter
initially into an agreement with the CMR for a fixed-fee contract for pre-construction and General
Conditions costs.
2. Once the design has progressed to a point where a GMP can be established, the contract is converted to a
GMP contract, with all remaining fixed costs rolled into the GMP.
Construction Management at Risk (3/3)
Role of the CM
1.The role of the CM in a CMAR delivery system is sometimes
considered redundant. However, there is still a vital role for the CM
to play, whether the CM is from within the owner’s staffing or from a
third-party CM.
2. As in other delivery methods, the CM will still act as the owner’s
representative with the rest of the project team.
3. The CM’s role in a CMAR delivery method is similar to the CM’s role
in a Design-Bid-Build delivery with one major difference: the CM
may not be the primary provider of construction expertise and
advice to the project team during the pre-construction phases once
the CMR firm is engaged by the owner, and as such may not be
called upon to perform as many tasks.
Design build

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 44

Rancang-Bangun (DB) 1
• DB adalah sistem pelaksanaan proyek yang memiliki hanya satu
entitas yang bertanggung jawab untuk perancangan dan pelaksanaan
konstruksi sekaligus.
• Pemilihan design-builder oleh owner dapat dilakukan dengan
kompetitif maupun dengan negosiasi.
• Dengan DB maka owner hanya akan berhubungan dengan satu entitas
untuk dua tahapan proyek dan menghindari ketidaksepahaman
antara perancang dan pelaksana.
• Dengan sistem ini, maka fast track dapat dilakukan.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 45

PDS – Rancang Bangun



Design Team Construction Team

(Architect/Engineer) (General Contractor)

(Joint-venture, subcontractor,
or Single
Single Firm)

Suppliers Fabricators

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 46

Rancang-Bangun (DB) 2
• Biasanya pemilihan design-builder dilakukan dengan pra-kualifikasi
terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan daftar calon yang memenuhi
kualifikasi tertentu, seperti pengalaman, reputasi, sumber dana,
upaya lain yang terkait kesuksesan DB.
• Untuk bangunan industri seperti pabrik dan power plant dikenal
istilah yang mirip dengan DB, yaitu Engineering, Procurement,
Construction (EPC). Dalam EPC satu entitas bertugas untuk melakukan
kegiatan perancangan engineering, pembelian bahan dan alat, serta
melakukan pelaksanaan konstruksi.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 47

Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC)


EPC Contractor

Engineering Procurement Construction

Supplier Sub-contractor

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 48

Design-Build (1/3)  The design-build (DB) project delivery system has grown in
popularity, and is seen by some in the industry as a solution for
addressing the limitations of other methods.
 For an owner, the primary benefit is the simplicity of having one
party responsible for the design and construction of the project.
 The owner contracts with a DB team, which can be a joint venture
of a contractor and a designer, a contractor with a designer as a
subconsultant, a designer-led team with a contractor as a
subcontracted entity, or a single firm capable of performing both
design and construction.

Design-Build (2/3)

1. Less design control and involvement by the owner and

1. DB can produce a project more quickly than a stakeholders.
conventional DBB. 2. Owner must be highly responsive in its decision making
2. There is a single point of accountability for design and to take full advantage of the speed of DB.
construction. 3. The owner does not receive the benefit of the checks
3. Cost efficiencies can be achieved since the contractor and balances that exist when it contracts separately with
and designer are working together throughout the a designer and a general contractor.
entire process. 4. May be problematic when there is a requirement for
4. Change orders would typically arise primarily from multiple agency design approvals.
owner changes. 5. May be inappropriate if the owner is looking for an
Contracting and Procurement Methods unusual or iconic design.

1. One common contracting method in the Design-Build delivery method is to initially enter into an agreement
with the DB team for a fixed-fee contract for design and pre-construction costs and an agreed General
Conditions costs and construction fee given as a percentage of total construction costs.
2. Another method used is to enter into a fixed price sum agreement for the entire DB effort.
3. On the procurement side, the selection process is typically a two-step process. 50
Design-Build (3/3)
Role of the CM
1. The role of the Construction Manager in a Design-Build delivery system is different than in the
CMAR delivery method during the design phase, primarily due to the differing relationships.
2. In DB, the designer is part of the builder’s team, rather than under direct contract with the
owner. There continues to be an important role for the CM, whether provided through the
owner’s staffing or through a third-party firm.
3. This role is particularly critical if the owner does not have experience with the DB delivery
4. The CM’s role in a Design-Build delivery method begins early in the project, assisting with the
development of the owner’s project requirements and the important selection of the DB
5. The role then becomes similar to the CM’s role in a CMAR delivery method with a few
differences: since the owner’s control over design is not as tight as in other delivery methods,
the CM’s reviews of the design will need to focus on compliance with the owner’s project
requirements and overall cost compliance.
Variasi DB

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 52

Variasi DB
• Terdapat beragam arrangement untuk kontrak DB yang menyediakan
berbagai fungsi lain untuk melaksanakan proyek, seperti fungsi
pendanaan, penyewaan, operasi dan pemeliharaan.
• Beberapa ragam tersebut:
• Turnkey
• Variasi Turnkey
• Variasi Pendanaan

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 53

• Karakteristik Turnkey adalah sama dengan DB tapi ditambahkan tanggung jawab operasi dan
pemeliharaan proyek kepada design-builder. Jadi ketika proyek selesai, design-builder ”turns over
the keys”

• Beberapa jenis Turnkey:

• Design-Build-Operate-Transfer: waktu operasi pendek (1 tahun).
• Design-Build-Operate-Maintain: dikenal dengan super turnkey, waktu operasi dan
pemeliharaan yang lama (10-15 tahun)
• Design-Build-Own-Operate-Transfer: lebih luas cakupannya dan lebih lama operasi dan
pemeliharaannya. Biasanya untuk infrastruktur seperti jalan dan jembatan tol. Dapat pula
dikembangkan dengan skema pendanaan oleh pihak swasta atau developer.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 54

Variasi Pendanaan
• Kapital dari swasta dan partisipasi developer menawarkan berbagai
variasi kepada owner swasta dalam menjalankan DB.
• Seperti:
• Lease-develop-operate: owner memberikan operator swasta untuk menyewa
dalam jangka panjang, mengoperasikan, dan mengembangkan fasilitas yang
ada. Operator swasta mendapatkan dana dari pihak lain untuk owner untuk
mengembangkan fasilitas dan owner akan menggunakan sebagian dana
leasing untuk membayar hutangnya. Operator yang akan melakukan planning
dan conceptual design. Kemudian operator memilih design-builder untuk
mengembangkan fasilitas.
• Public-private partnership (PPP): Owner adalah pemerintah yang
mengundang pihak swasta untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengadaan
infrastruktur untuk publik.
SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 55
Infrastructure Financing Schemes


Financial Infrastructure
Institution Facilities

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 56
Variasi Turnkey
• Terkadang skema pendanaan diperkenalkan dalam turnkey, sehingga
terdapat beberapa ragam lain:
• Finance, Design, Build, Transfer
• Finance, Design, Build, Operate, Transfer
• Finance, Design, Build, Own, Operate, Transfer

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 57

PDS – Variasi DB
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
• Owner adalah pemerintah yang mengundang pihak swasta untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengadaan
infrastruktur untuk publik.

• Manfaat dari sistem delivery PPP adalah :

• Adanya pembagian risiko antara pihak swasta dan pemerintah,
• Pelaksanaan yang lebih efisien,
• Manfaat ekonomi yang lebih luas,
• Penghematan biaya. • Terdapat beberapa bentuk PPP, antara lain :
• Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
• Build Operate transfer (BOT)
• Design Build Operate (DBO)
• Management Contract
• Concession Contract
• Joint Venture
• Availability Payment
• Performance Based Contract (PBC)

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 58

Penjelasan tentang PPP/KPBU
• PPP memiliki elemen-elemen utama, yaitu: (1) Kontrak bersifat
jangka panjang antara pihak publik (dalam hal ini Pemerintah)
dengan pihak swasta; (2) Untuk kegiatan perancangan,
pembangunan, pendanaan, dan pengoperasian “Fasilitas” yang
Yescombe, dilakukan oleh pihak swasta; (3) Di sepanjang periode kontrak,
2007 pihak swasta menerima pembayaran penggunaan fasilitas oleh
pihak Pemerintah atau masyarakat luas; dan (4) Kepemilikan
fasilitas masih tetap berada pada pihak Pemerintah, atau akan
diserahkan kepemilikannya kepada Pemerintah saat kontrak

• Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha adalah kerjasama antara

Perpres pemerintah dan Badan Usaha dalam Penyediaan Infrastruktur untuk
38/2015 kepentingan umum dengan mengacu pada spesifikasi yang telah
ditetapkan sebelumnya oleh Menteri/Kepala Lembaga/Kepala
tentang Daerah/Badan Usaha Milik Negara/Badan Usaha Milik Daerah, yang
KPBU sebagian atau seluruhnya menggunakan sumber daya Badan Usaha
dengan memperhatikan
SI-3151 Manajemenpembagian
Konstruksi risiko diantara para pihak 59
Penjelasan Bentuk-Bentuk PPP (1)

Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) Build Operate Transfer (BOT)

BOOT adalah salah satu skema PPP dimana BOT adalah sebuah skema kerja sama antara
badan usaha membangun, memiliki, instansi pemerintah dan badan usaha, dimana
mengoperasikan dan mentransfer ke badan usaha bertanggung jawab atas
pemerintah. Biasanya untuk proyek yang pembiayaan, konstruksi, operasi dan
sangat besar, contohnya pembangkit tenaga pemeliharaan sebuah proyek, umumnya
listrik: infrastruktur, selama beberapa tahun. Setelah
Bidang usaha membangun dan menjual itu, di akhir masa kontrak dilakukan transfer aset
produknya ke PLN dan mengoperasikan kepada Pemerintah. Jadi, skema BOT sendiri
sampai masa konsesi habis biasanya 20-30 lebih fokus pada status kepemilikan dari suatu
tahun aset apakah itu milik Pemerintah ketika masa
konsesi atau apakah itu milik swasta selama
masa operasional.
Konsep BOT banyak digunakan untuk
pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalan tol,
pengolahan air, pelabuhan, dan lainnya.

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 60

Penjelasan Bentuk-Bentuk PPP(2)

Design Build Operate Management Contract

DBO adalah model pelaksanaan Manajemen Kontrak adalah proses
proyek di mana satu kontraktor pengelolaan segala aspek yang
ditunjuk untuk merancang dan berhubungan dengan kesepakatan
membangun proyek dan yang dibuat antara para pihak
kemudian mengoperasikannya dengan tujuan Memastikan
untuk jangka waktu tertentu. penyelesaian pekerjaan secara
efisien; Memastikan pengertian yang
sama atas kesepakatan ; Memastikan
kepatuhan para pihak; Menghindari
dan menyelesaikan perselisihan;
Penilaian kinerja yang adil dan
transparan; Mengantisipasi risiko
risiko pada para pihak

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 61

Penjelasan Bentuk-Bentuk PPP(3)
Consession Contract Joint Venture
Konsesi merupakan kontrak antara Pemerintah dan badan usaha. Kontrak ini merupakan Joint venture adalah suatu perusahaan yang didirikan
suatu dokumen yang mengatur segala aspek hubungan kerjasama termasuk alokasi oleh dua atau lebih entitas bisnis untuk
risiko yang terkait dengan proyek konstruksi: pembangunan, pengoperasian, menyelenggarakan bisnis bersama dalam jangka waktu
pemeliharaan, pembiayaan dan penerimaan serta persyaratan-persyaratan konsesi atas tertentu. Adapun dua perusahaan tersebut adalah
suatu fasilitas/proyek tertentu. perusahaan yang berasal dari dalam negeri dengan
Adapun ketentuan-ketentuan pokok yang terdapat pada “Concession Agreement” perusahaan dari luar negeri (asing)
adalah: Di Indonesia sendiri sistem joint venture telah diatur
- Jangka waktu konsesi (“length of the concession life”); regulasinya oleh undang-undang sebagai berikut :
- Lingkup proyek, mencakup fasilitas-fasilitas yang akan dibangun dan dioperasikan • UU no 25 tahun 2007 sebagai kegiatan Penanaman
serta luas cakupan hak-hak dan kewajiban pemerintah, badan usaha serta Pihak Modal Asing.
• UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1967 Pasal 23 tentang
- Gambaran yang jelas tentang sifat konsesi; - Struktur harga dan Tarif (“pricing or tariff Penanaman Modal Asing
structure”) Penetapan tarif disatu pihak harus mengakomodasikan syarat-syarat dari
Pemerintah namun dilain pihak harus menjaga kelayakan proyek dan harus cukup • PP Nomor 7 Tahun 1993 tentang Pemilik Saham
fleksibel untuk mengakomodir perubahan-perubahan yang tak dapat diramalkan perusahaan penanaman Modal Asing
sebelumnya; • PP Nomor 20 Tahun Pemilikan Saham dalam
- Hukum yang berlaku dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa (“governing law and Perusahaan yang didirikan dalam rangka penanaman
dispute resolution mechanism”); modal asing
- Konsekuensi dari tindakan-tindakan seperti pengambilalihan dan pelanggaran • 4. SK Menteri negara Penggerak Dana Investasi/
perjanjian (“concequences of expropriation or breach of agreement”); Ketua Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Nomor:
- Hak-hak seperti penggantian atas hak-hak dan kewajiban badan usaha kepada 15/SK/1994 tentang ketentuan pelaksanaan
pemilikan saham dalam perusahaan yang didirikan
pemberi pinjaman (“right as to assignment of Promoter’s rights and obligations to dalam rangka penanaman modal asing.
Lenders); - Hak atas kepemilikan selama jangka waktu konsesi dan pada saat
selesainya jangka waktu konsesi (“title to property during concession periodKonstruksi
SI-3151 Manajemen and at 62
the expiry of the term”);
Penjelasan Bentuk-Bentuk PPP(4)
Performance Based Contract Availability Payment
Performance Based Contract (PBC) adalah kontrak yang • Merupakan metode pembayaran yang bersifat periodik oleh
mendasarkan pembayaran untuk biaya manjemen dan pemerintah kepada mitra swasta dalam pengadaan infrastruktur
pemeliharaan konstruksi bangunan atau pembuatan wujud sesuai dengan kualitas dan/atau kriteria yang disepakati pada
fisik lainnya secara langsung dihubungkan dengan kinerja perjanjian KPBU
kontraktor dalam memenuhi indikator kinerja minimum
yang ditetapkan
Tujuan dari penerapan PBC adalah untuk membangun
suatu kondisi yang mendorong penyedia jasa
konstruksi untuk sadar akan pentingnya mutu atau kualitas.
Kegagalan kontraktor dalam pencapaian mutu akan
berdampak langsung ke kontraktor jasa itu sendiri.
• Prinsip dan ciri dari kontrak berbasis kinerja:
Kepuasan User.
• Pengalihan Risiko.
• Peluang Inovasi.
• Memotong Rantai Birokrasi.
• Kontrak Terintegrasi.
• Nilai Kontrak Lumpsum >Rp 100 M.
• Periode Kontrak ± 10 tahun.
SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 63
PDS – Variasi DB
Spektrum Public Private Partnership

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 64

Public Private Partnership (1/2)
 Public Private Partnership is a delivery method whereby a public entity partners with a private entity for the purpose of
delivering public infrastructure.
 The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships identifies 18 variations of P3s. In the most typical of these variations,
the private entity will be comprised of a design-build team, a maintenance firm, and a lending firm.
 This entity will design, build, finance, maintain and/or operate the facility for a set number of years, agreeing to meet
specified performance criteria in exchange for lease payments or some other compensation.
 At the end of the specified period, the facility is returned to the public entity.

1. Targets alternative revenue and funding sources to close a funding gap. 1. The owner may experience higher total life cycle costs.
2. Allows use of low cost tax-exempt or taxable financing. 2. The proposal process can be very expensive for all
3. Transfers risk to the private sector. involved.
4. Not subject to capital budget allocations or voter referendums 3. A high level of expertise is required to execute a P3
• Accelerates construction starts project.
• Reduces construction cost and interest rate risks
5. Takes advantage of private-sector efficiencies and innovations in
construction, scheduling, and financing.
6. Provides efficiencies in long-term operations and maintenance.
7. Presents an opportunity to combine public and private uses in mixed-use
developments to leverage economic development. 65
Peran Swasta

Public Funds and Operator
Funded Turnkey
Joint Venture
Public Build Transfer Operate
Build Operate Transfer
Build Own Operate Transfer
Build Own Operate
Private Build Own Shell

Sumber: Menheere & Pollalis 1996

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 66

Alternatif PDS
Project Stages
Preliminary Project Design Construction Operation Transfer
Studies Implement.






Sumber: Menheere & Pollalis 1996

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 67

Bridging (1/2)
 Bridging is not Design-Build in the typical sense but makes use of
a design-build form of agreement between the owner and the
 the owner has its own “bridging architect” (also referred to as
the “owner’s design consultant” or “ODC”).
 The ODC and its consulting engineers, working with the owner,
prepare preliminary design documents along with bid
documents for a “Design-Build” form of agreement.

Risk Analysis
1. The Bridging approach provides a good alternate for owners who like the benefits that the DB approach can bring to a
project, but who would like more control over the ultimate design of the project.
2. Significant advantages of Bridging arise from the method’s focus on communicating the owner’s intentions for the
3. The owner obtains a firm price for the construction in less time and less design cost as compared with typical Design-
Bid-Build pricing, and reduced exposure for the owner to contractor initiated change orders and claims.
4. The owner has an opportunity to retain the desired level of control of the design, design details, quality of engineering
and quality of construction.
Bridging (2/2)

Role of the CM
1. The role of the Construction Manager in a Bridging delivery system will fall
somewhere between the CM’s role in a CMAR delivery system and in a
Design-Build delivery system. This role can be filled either through owner’s
staffing or through a third-party firm.
2. Tasks that will remain with the CM include verification of schedule, overall
project cost tracking, quality control, administration of all contracts, and
coordination with all owner stakeholders.

Integrated Project Delivery

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 70

Integrated Project Delivery (1/3)

 Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) contracts are a relatively new entry into the marketplace and very few projects have
been carried out using these contracts.
 Pure IPD, in its contractual sense, requires a multiparty agreement among the prime players in the design and
construction process – at least the owner, the designer and the builder – but this agreement can include many of the
important subconsultants and subcontractors as well.
 Integrated Project Delivery, A Working Definition, Version 2, AIA California Council and McGraw Hill Construction,
 “… integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents
and insights of all participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication and
 IPD is an attempt to properly reflect, in contract, the working relationships and efforts that are possible when a team is
working in an integrated fashion to complete a design and construction project.
Integrated Project Delivery (2/3)

1. The owner gains all the advantages of DB 1. Actual agreement on the criteria and the final IPD contract can
or CMAR be very difficult and can take an inordinate amount of time and
effort, for which the owner may be paying, if not in money then
2. The entire team’s interests are aligned in time.
with the project goals making the chance
2. Industry inexperience with working in non-adversarial team
of success, once underway, extremely high. relationships makes the chance of failure most dependent on the
behaviour of individuals within the team.
3. Objective selection of the team is very difficult to achieve and
can rely on little more than instinct for an owner who does not
already have a team or teams that it knows and works with well.
4. While team members are paid at cost for the work they do,
prediction of and control of the effort comprising “cost” is
difficult at the time the team is selected and even after the
contract with fully agreed criteria is executed.
5. IPD contracts have not yet been tested in law, so the result of a
failure within the team is unpredictable.
Integrated Project Delivery (3/3)
Contracting and Procurement Methods
1. The most common contracting method in an Integrated Project Delivery approach is a joint
agreement that includes the design firm, the construction firm, and the owner.
2. The typical contract is a cost-plus-incentive-based contract built around target costs for all elements
of the project and on the achievement of non-cost-related project goals.
3. On the procurement side, the selection process is generally a qualifications-based selection,
consistent with the objective of making sure all team members make good team partners.

Role of the CM
1. The role of the Construction Manager in an IPD delivery system will be very similar to the CM’s role in the CMAR
and DB delivery approach in providing the industry and management expertise to represent the owner within
the IPD team.
2. The CM, as owner’s representative, may or may not be party to the IPD agreement. The CM, if playing the role of
3. Successful IPD teams require an integrator and leader to keep the team on track, focused on project goals, and
to facilitate the IPD behaviours necessary to carry the team to success.
IPD Vs. Traditional Method
• IPD Vs. Traditional Method (knowledge development)

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 74


SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 75

Contracting Alternatives (1/2)
Three categories of contracting and compensation methods:
1.Fixed Price or Lump Sum (LS)
when an owner contracts with an entity to perform a fixed scope of work in exchange for an agreed lump sum
payment for the specified services.
2.Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
an arrangement in which an owner contracts with an entity to perform a fixed scope of work in exchange for a
price that is guaranteed to not exceed a stated maximum price.
come in a variety of forms, and are sometimes coupled with a not-to-exceed maximum price.
The forms of reimbursable contracts include:

 Unit Price  Cost Plus Award Fee

 Cost Plus Fixed Fee  Time Spent
 Cost Plus Incentive Fee  Time and Materials

Contracting Alternatives (2/2)

Procurement Alternatives (1/3)
Procurement of professional services and construction
services will generally be accomplished in one of three
Best value
Priced based (combination of
1 and 2)

Procurements may also involve a one-step process, in which

there is just a single round of submittals that determine
the selection, or a two-step process, which may include a
qualifications submittal as the first step and then a price
proposal as the second step.

Procurement Alternatives (2/3)
The use of the various options for the procurement of construction services.

Procurement Alternatives (3/3)
Services will be procured for a single project or for multiple projects within a single

By far, the most common procurement method is the single project award. In this method,
an owner has a specific project and they procure services specifically for, and only for, that

The multiple project award method can be utilized to procure both professional services
and construction services.

Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)

The various types of multiple project (task) Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC)
awards include: Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC)
Job Order Contracts (JOC)
Information is often missed
in the handoffs

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 81

Jenis Buku Fidic :
Buku Fidic IBuku Merah FIDIC adalah standar, dan
paling umum digunakan, formulir
kontrak konstruksi di semua proyek di
mana desain disediakan oleh owner
Buku Kuning FIDIC, adalah kontrak
standar di mana desain dilakukan oleh
Kontraktor. Buku Kuning juga dikenal
sebagai Desain-Bangun
Buku Perak digunakan untuk proyek EPC
/ Turnkey di mana sebagian besar risiko
dialokasikan untuk Kontraktor. Desain
dilakukan oleh Kontraktor dan
pembayaran biasanya dilakukan secara
Buku Hijau, yang merupakan kontrak
bentuk pendek yang dimaksudkan untuk
proyek-proyek yang relatif kecil yang
sifatnya berulang atau durasi singkat
Buku Emas. Untuk desain khas dan formulir
kontrak pembangunan di mana periode operasi
dan pemeliharaan telah ditambahkan.
SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 82
1. One of the most important decisions made by any owner embarking on a construction
project is the choice of the project delivery method – how the project will be designed
and constructed.
2. The Owner should be considered several factors in choosing a project delivery method:
a) Project size
b) Type of project
c) Legislative and regulatory requirements
d) Tolerance for risk
e) Schedule
f) Local market knowledge
g) Desired level of involvement
h) Owner’s resources and capabilities
3. The use of a qualified Construction Manager can greatly help in developing a project and
in making the decision on project delivery methods, regardless of whether this expertise
comes from internal staff or from a third-party provider.
• Apakah IPD sama dengan EPC?
• Jelaskan beda DB, EPC dan Turn Key

SI-3151 Manajemen Konstruksi 84

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