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The wolf and the lamb

One day a thirsty lamb went to drink water from a stream. On the
upper stream, there stood a wolf. He saw a plump lamb. His mouth
watered. So he wanted to make some excuse so that he could kill
the lamb.
The wolf shouted at the lamb, "Hey, why do you make the water
dirty. How can I drink dirty water?"The lamb humbly replied, "Sir,
I've not made the water dirty. I'm standing at a lower level.
The water cannot flow upwards from me. It always flows
downwards." The wolf said, "If it is not you, then it must be your
father who has made the water dirty." The lamb said, "Sir, my
father died long ago. How can he do it now?"
The wolf was getting impatient to kill the lamb. He angrily said,
"Then it must be your grandfather who made my drinking water
dirty!" So saying, the wolf jumped on the poor lamb and killed him
without waiting for a reply.

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