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Chapter 3: what happened next?

Lacus Clyne's P.O.V

Kira seemed a lot happier as he walked back the Way he came on his way home, he was livelier too. The truth be told, I was sort of worried about why my father had called me back. I had my suspicions of course; I decided I would discuss the situation with Kira tonight. I noticed that there was something a little odd about him today, but thats to be expected he just lost his father. When I was watching his beautiful silver-purple eyes flashed with the tiniest sliver of green. When I saw them then, his eyes reminded me of a snake. My first lesson today was genetics with Miss Valletta Newman, after following Rey and Dearka to the class. In the lesson Miss Newman spoke at great length about a lab she used to work at on the Mendel colony. She called it The Lab of Dreams then she went on to describe her bosses a pair of Doctors called Ulen and Via Hibiki. I recognised the names that Kira mentioned earlier. She talked about how the lab was a place of genetic manipulation and research where they worked to make the perfect babies. About how they would manipulate the genes before birth so the babies came out exactly as the parents wished. Then just after the birth of their twins, which no one knows anything about, the entire family and all the researchers that were there at the time were killed in the ruthless attack on the facility and colony housing it by Blue Cosmos. I listened intently and took note on anything that may help Kira all the while trying not to think about tonight. I admit to myself that I'm a little scared. But I dont want Kira to even think of another woman while I take my trip back to the PLANTS. Plus I had always planned on giving him my first time. He had never pestered me on the subject; he


seemed to be content to just enjoy the relationship we had built. That was one of the reasons I had love him so much, I never feel pressured to be someone I'm not, he does not expect me to act like the princess, he loves me for me not my title. He said that my being a princess is just one of the barriers he will have to overcome to be with me. There have been some very hot make out even if we have never crossed the final line. If Kira were to have asked I would have given him my first time long ago. I think he knows that but has held himself back so that I wouldnt regret it later. He has always let the relationship advance at a pace I'm comfortable with; he is always trying to make me happy. We had already been friends for over half a year when Kira finally asked me out, I was so happy that he asked, I liked him but I was too embarrassed to take the step of asking him out. In case he rejected me. And just like that another school day was over, with my thoughts focused completely on him, Kira Yamato, my boyfriend, instead of the work, which I was meant to be doing. Oh well its too late to worry about that know. I mount my motorcycle, a beautiful red one that Kira had brought me for my eighteenth birthday, and started the journey to his house

Kira Yamatos POV

When I woke up it was five in the evening according to the clock on my bedside table, and for some reason my right arm was completely dead and I couldnt lift it. I look over to find Lacus asleep she had been using it as a pillow. She looks so cute and defenceless when shes sleeping I cant resist the urge to kiss her. As my lips touch hers her eyes slowly open and she whispers I feel like princess being woken form a long sleep by her prince I smile at her comment yeah you are my personal pink princess, I refuse to give you to anyone else, even

your father. I slip off my bed and walk over to my dresser to pick up the item I had pick up earlier. Youre not really going to use that are you? Yes I am, if I use this she will be mine forever. After picking up the item, I approach the bed. By sitting at the foot of the bed making sit up so she could see me. Before she can say anything I say. Lacus, before we do anything else today I have something to ask you. She nodded, but also looking happy but also sort of uneasy, so I continue. Lacus Clyne, I love you more than the air we breathe, more than the sun in the sky. Will you become mine? Will you marry me? at this I bring the ring I had carefully selected out from behind my back. Boy you make me sick! she extended her left hand and placed in it my right hand, the hand not holding the ring before saying. Oh Kira of course Ill marry you, thank you, lets marry you before I return to the PLANTS. Lets get married as soon as possible. I smile at this comment too. I thought you might say that. So I reserved the services of Reverent Malchio and his chapel for two weeks time. Dont worry he is a friend of the family. Invite anyone you want, family or friends.You are disgusting and conceited. I hate you through and through. She nodded Okay Ill invite a few people. Okay part one completed. Now this is your wedding, anything you want for it, its yours. Money is no object. Be it the reservation of a private beach, the most extravagant wedding cake or dress. I dont mind where it takes place or how as long as your there and you become mine forever.Okay Yamato stop ignoring me its really starting to piss me off.Huh, sorry did you say something. Or were you just whining again, whatever it is well talk about it tomorrow when I'm not so busy. Lacus was humming happily to herself when she suddenly broke off and said Kira is it okay if we dont tell my father he might ... object to our union. I nod, that had been one of the biggest issues I had been faced with, Seigal Clyne chairman of the PLANTS and in extension ZAFT, I'm happy she feels the same. If she had wanted him there I would not have objected he could never refuse her a thing. You know

sometimes I like the way you think, it is so like the way I reason things out.What do you expect as you said before, we are the same person. Lacus looks so happy its almost contagious; I know mum is working late tonight and I was feeling hungry, so I say Hey Lacus, would you like anything to eat? she thought for a few second, then said Okay Kira, Ill have some cheese on toast. I feel a little disappointed and say Are you sure? I'm a pretty good cook you know? at this she giggled and replied I'm sure, I would rather you spent you time with me rather than cooking. At this she blushed furiously. Yeah so would I.Heh you wouldnt know what to do with a woman even if she gave herself to you on a silver platter.Moron, who do you think you learned from?Oh yeah, I didnt think of that. I smile I totally agree with you Lacus. I'm delighted to see her start blushing a deeper shade of red. She laughs and says. Please dont tease me like that Kira. I smile before replying I would never tease you. Can you bear with me for a few minutes, I will go make our food then I will be back up. She nodded and I make my way down stairs. While making Lacuss food I eat a sandwich that I quickly threw together. As I make my way up the stairs I start hearing the sound of running water, I realize quickly that the source of the sound is the shower from my onsite. I'm getting all sorts of very interesting images from you.Shut up, will you! but I will admit that as I walked into my room my imagination is running at the speed of light. And there laid out on my bed was Lacuss dress. Just as I placed the plate won the dresser the lock on the bathroom door turned and the door swung open. And there standing in the door way with steam pouring out around her was Lacus in nothing but a woolly bath robe. That clung to her curves and left little to the imagination. When she saw me she blushed, then she spotted the food and from where I was standing I could hear her stomach rumble, I gesture to the food help yourself, my princess. She picked up the first slice and bit into it hungrily, ank ou ira she swallowed her mouthful and blushed deep red before repeating

thank you Kira. She continued eating the toast like it was the best food she had ever tasted. While she is eating I think about, the plans for tonight, plans for the day she leaves, even plans for the future. Tonight is obvious. When she leaves, I think I will invest some effort in locating my biological parents, and in the future perhaps buying a home on the PLANTS so I can always be near the one I love the most. That will never happen and you know it? I do the only sane thing possible and ignore him. When Lacuss finished eating she went and picked up the dress she had left laying on the bed, folded it and placed it on the dresser. After she had done that she walked back to the bed and stretched out lazily across the centre of the duvet, I dont know if she knows how tempting she is being. When she sees me looking, her eyes darkened with passion and understanding. Its only then that I realise just how long this night was really going to be. She was smiling shyly as a slow smile crept onto my face.

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