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MARCH 2023




In recent years, the integration of recommendation systems has become increasingly prevalent
across various industries, revolutionizing user experiences by providing tailored suggestions.
Within the food and beverage sector, this trend has gained significant momentum. MathryBite
and More, a renowned Cake and Pastries Company, is poised to capitalize on this technological
advancement to elevate customer satisfaction and optimize their offerings.

The progression of recommender systems has been marked by notable advancements,

transitioning from basic collaborative filtering to more intricate methodologies such as content-
based filtering. Content-based filtering systems meticulously analyze item attributes, allowing
them to recommend similar items based on shared features. In the case of MathryBite and More,
the implementation of a cake recommender system utilizing content-based filtering represents a
cutting-edge strategy to cater to the diverse preferences of their clientele.

By harnessing the power of data analytics and machine learning algorithms, MathryBite and
More can delve deeper into their customers' preferences and consumption patterns. This not only
enhances the overall user experience but also empowers the application to offer personalized
recommendations tailored to individual tastes and dietary restrictions. In essence, MathryBite and
More's adoption of advanced recommendation systems exemplifies their commitment to
innovation and customer-centricity in the competitive food industry landscape.


MathryBite and More faces a challenge in catering to the varied tastes and preferences of its
customers efficiently. With an extensive assortment of cakes and pastries, customers often
encounter difficulties in choosing among the plethora of options available. A lack of a
personalized recommendation mechanism results in an overwhelming experience for customers
and may lead to reduced satisfaction or indecision in making purchases.


Aim: The aim of this project is to develop a Cake Recommender System utilizing content-
based filtering for MathryBite and More.

The Objectives of this project is to:

 Data Acquisition & Processing: acquired cakes and pastry-related data including
attributes such as ingredients, flavor profiles, customer ratings, etc.

 Implementing Content-Based Filtering Algorithm: Develop and implement a

content-based filtering algorithm to analyze cake attributes and recommend similar

 Enhancing System Performance: Optimize the algorithm for accuracy and

efficiency in suggesting cake options to customers.


The development of this Cake Recommender System holds substantial significance for Mathry
Bite and More. By offering personalized recommendations based on individual preferences, it
will enhance customer satisfaction, increase sales by guiding purchasing decisions, and foster
customer loyalty. Furthermore, the system will also assist the company in better understanding
customer preferences and trends, facilitating more informed business decisions.


The scope of this study will encompass the following areas:

 Collection and preprocessing of cake-related data including ingredients, flavors, customer

ratings, and preferences.

 Development and implementation of a content-based filtering algorithm specifically

tailored for cake recommendation purposes.

 Testing and refinement of the recommendation system to ensure accuracy and

effectiveness in suggesting cake options to customers



2.1 Overview of Cake Recommender System

The evolving landscape of the food industry, especially in confectionaries such as MathryBite
and More, reflects a transformative shift in consumer behavior and expectations. The abundance
of cake varieties offered presents a delightful yet challenging scenario for customers. Amidst this
array of choices, the demand for personalized experiences has surged. This burgeoning need
aligns with the growing significance of recommendation systems, particularly in the context of
enhancing user satisfaction and augmenting business profitability. Recommendation systems
serve as instrumental tools in facilitating decision-making processes for consumers within the
food industry. In this era characterized by information overload, these systems act as guiding
beacons, assisting customers in navigating through an extensive assortment of cake options. By
harnessing algorithms and data-driven insights, these systems offer tailored suggestions, aligning
closely with individual preferences and past behaviors.

The implementation of a Cake Recommender System holds multifaceted advantages for

MathryBite and More. Notably, such a system would substantially enhance the customer journey
by alleviating decision-making complexities. Through the curation of personalized cake
recommendations based on diverse factors such as taste preferences, ingredient choices, and
previous purchases, this system would elevate user experience to a more gratifying level.
Moreover, beyond the realm of customer satisfaction, the integration of a robust recommendation
system aligns with strategic business objectives. By fostering customer engagement, increasing
retention rates, and potentially boosting sales through targeted suggestions, MathryBite and More
can establish a competitive edge in a market driven by consumer-centricity.

2.2 About Mathrybite and More

MathryBite and More is a prominent confectionery enterprise thriving across two vibrant
Nigerian cities, Lagos and Oyo. With a commendable presence in these bustling urban hubs,
MathryBite and More has successfully served its clientele for five prosperous years, catering to
the diverse tastes and preferences of its customers. The company operates under the registration
number 7216393, a testament to its commitment to formalized business practices and adherence
to regulatory standards set by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Founded on a passion for crafting delectable cakes and pastries, MathryBite and More has
established itself as a go-to destination for discerning customers seeking high-quality, innovative
baked goods. The company's dedication to culinary excellence, coupled with a keen
understanding of evolving consumer demands, has been pivotal in its sustained success.

2.3 Recommendation System

Recommendation systems, often referred to as recommender systems, have become ubiquitous in

our digital age. They play a crucial role in shaping our online experiences by offering
personalized suggestions tailored to individual users' preferences. These systems leverage a
combination of software tools and advanced algorithms to provide these suggestions, with the
primary objective of enhancing the user's overall experience.

At its core, a recommendation system serves as a virtual assistant, aiming to simplify the
overwhelming task of navigating the vast digital landscape. Imagine the countless choices we
encounter daily, from selecting a movie to watch, a book to read, or a product to buy. The
proliferation of options in the digital world often results in what experts refer to as "information
overload." Users can easily find themselves swamped by the sheer volume of available choices,
making it challenging to make decisions that align with their personal tastes and interests.

This is where recommendation systems come to the rescue, fulfilling a vital role in helping users
discover items they might not have found on their own. A recommendation system acts as a
knowledgeable and efficient curator, analyzing vast datasets of user behavior and item
characteristics. By identifying patterns, preferences, and similarities, these systems generate
suggestions that are highly personalized to each user's unique profile.

Ricci, Rokach, and Shapira (2015) describe recommendation systems as software tools and
algorithms that provide personalized suggestions to users. These suggestions can be for a wide
range of items, such as movies, books, products, or content, and aim to enhance the user's
experience by helping them discover relevant items they might not have found on their own.
Furthermore, Adomavicius and Tuzhilin (2005) provide an alternate viewpoint by characterizing
recommendation systems as powerful decision support tools. These tools offer personalized
advice to users during the decision-making process, which can encompass a diverse range of
domains, including e-commerce, entertainment, and information retrieval. The fundamental idea
here is to facilitate the decision-making process for users by presenting them with options that
are tailored to their individual preferences, behaviors, and requirements. In essence,

recommendation systems act as knowledgeable advisors, simplifying the decision-making
process, and enhancing the quality of choices made by the users.

Burke (2002) adds to this understanding by defining recommendation systems as tools designed
to provide users with personalized suggestions related to items or services that they are likely to
find interesting or valuable. The core objective of these systems is to address the challenge of
information overload, a common issue in today's digital age. Information overload occurs when
individuals are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices and content available to them.
Recommendation systems step in as curators, efficiently sifting through the abundance of options
and presenting users with a more manageable selection of items. By doing so, these systems aim
to make users' lives easier, minimize decision fatigue, and offer serendipitous discoveries,
ultimately improving the overall user experience.

2.3 Types Of Recommendations Systems

Recommendation systems play a pivotal role in helping users discover products, services, or
content tailored to their preferences. There are different types of recommendation systems, each
with its unique approach to generating personalized suggestions. In this elaboration, we will
delve into these types of recommendation systems as discussed by various authors, providing a
comprehensive understanding of how they work and their applications.

2.3.1 Collaborative Filtering:

Collaborative filtering is a popular recommendation system type that relies on user behavior and
preferences. It identifies users who have similar preferences to the target user and suggests items
that those similar users have liked. This approach harnesses the wisdom of the crowd by finding
patterns and similarities among users. Collaborative filtering can be further categorized into user-
based and item-based approaches. Ricci, Rokach, and Shapira (2015)

In the user-based collaborative filtering method, recommendations are made based on similar
users. If User A and User B have shown similar interests in the past, the system will recommend
items that User A has liked but User B has not yet discovered. This method focuses on the
assumption that users with similar tastes will appreciate each other's choices.

On the other hand, item-based collaborative filtering recommends items based on similarities
between items themselves. If Item X and Item Y are frequently chosen by the same users, the
system will suggest Item Y to users who have already interacted with Item X. This approach
focuses on the idea that if users liked one item, they might also enjoy similar items. Collaborative

filtering systems have proven to be highly effective in various domains, particularly in e-
commerce, where user behavior data is abundant and diverse.

2.3.2 Content-Based Filtering:

Content-based recommendation systems take a different approach by considering the

characteristics of items and the user's past interactions. These systems recommend items that
share content or features with those the user has shown interest in. This approach involves
analyzing the attributes and properties of items, as well as creating a user profile that represents
their preferences. (Burke 2002; Ricci, Rokach, and Shapira 2015). For example, if a user
frequently interacts with science fiction books, a content-based system will recommend other
science fiction novels, leveraging the user's past behavior and the content relevance of these
books. Content-based filtering is particularly suitable for domains with rich item attributes,
where items can be described based on specific features such as genre, author, or product

2.3.3 Hybrid Systems:

Hybrid recommendation systems, as introduced by (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005), are

designed to leverage the strengths of multiple recommendation techniques. They combine
collaborative filtering and content-based filtering, and sometimes additional methods, to provide
more accurate and diverse recommendations. Hybrid systems aim to enhance the overall user
experience by mitigating the limitations of individual methods. A hybrid system could work by
first generating recommendations using collaborative filtering to capture user preferences based
on their interactions with similar users. Then, it might complement these recommendations with
content-based filtering, ensuring that items suggested are not only liked by similar users but also
relevant to the user's past behavior and preferences.

The study exclusively adopts the Content-Based Filtering Approach due to its focus on
personalized recommendations. Content-based filtering aligns with this aim, analyzing item
characteristics to offer tailored suggestions, ensuring accuracy, and enhancing user satisfaction
within MathryBite and More's Cake Recommender System.


Recommendation systems have become an integral part of our digital lives. They are ubiquitous
in helping users discover products, services, or content that align with their preferences and
needs. Recommendation systems serve several functions, enriching user experiences, and

benefiting businesses. This discussion will delve into the functions of recommendation systems
across diverse domains and the relevant literature that supports these functions.

i. Personalization

Personalization is a cornerstone function of recommendation systems. It involves tailoring

recommendations to individual users' preferences and behaviors. As Adomavicius and Tuzhilin
(2005) emphasize, recommendation systems provide personalized advice to users across various
decision-making processes. The primary aim is to offer content or products that align with users'
specific tastes and requirements (Burke, 2002).

ii. User Behavior Analysis

User behavior analysis is crucial for recommendation systems to function effectively.

Understanding and interpreting user actions, such as clicks, views, and purchases, is instrumental
in generating relevant recommendations. Papers like Chen, et al (2013) and (Liu et al., 2021)
emphasize the significance of customer behavior analysis, underscoring its role in
recommendation systems' success.

iii. Data Processing

Data processing is a fundamental function that underpins recommendation systems. They ingest
vast amounts of data, including user interactions and item attributes, to make informed
suggestions. This data processing involves data collection, storage, cleaning, and analysis.
Advanced algorithms play a pivotal role in this process (Liu et al., 2021)

iv. Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering is a core recommendation function. It relies on user data to find patterns
and similarities among users. This is typically divided into two types: user-based and item-based
collaborative filtering (Ricci et al., 2015). Collaborative filtering aids in identifying items or
content that users with similar tastes have appreciated, enhancing the serendipity of discovery.

v. Content-Based Filtering

Content-based filtering recommends items based on their attributes and user profiles (Ricci et al.,
2015). This function analyzes the content or features of items and matches them with user

preferences, considering factors like genre, category, or keywords. It is instrumental in
suggesting items that align with the user's past interactions and content relevance.

Figure 1: Content based filtering

vi. Hybrid Systems

Hybrid recommendation systems combine multiple recommendation techniques to leverage the

strengths of different approaches. They aim to provide more accurate and diverse
recommendations by mitigating the limitations of individual methods. Hybrid systems enhance
the overall user experience and are widely adopted in various domains (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005).

vii. Serendipity

Serendipity is a function of recommendation systems that adds an element of pleasant surprise to

user experiences. It involves suggesting items or content that may not be immediately obvious
but resonate with the user's preferences. Serendipity enhances user engagement and satisfaction
(Knijnenburg et al., 2011).

viii. Novelty

Novelty involves recommending items or content that users have not encountered before. It
keeps recommendations fresh and engaging. A balance between familiarity and novelty is
essential to maintain user interest (Knijnenburg et al., 2011).


The step-by-step algorithm for the Content-Based Filtering Algorithm designed for Cake
Recommendation within MathryBite and More's system involves several key stages to ensure
accurate and personalized recommendations:

 Data Acquisition: Gathering cake-related data involves collating diverse information

such as ingredients, flavors, customer ratings, and detailed descriptions. This
comprehensive dataset forms the foundation for the recommendation engine.

 Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and normalizing acquired data ensure consistency and
relevance. This step involves removing duplicates, handling missing values, and
standardizing formats to prepare the dataset for analysis.

 Feature Extraction: Identifying and extracting key attributes crucial for cake
recommendations, such as taste profiles, texture, ingredients, and other pertinent
characteristics. These attributes form the basis for comparing and matching cake options.

 User Profiling: Developing individual profiles based on users' historical interactions,

preferences, and past selections of cakes. This step aids in understanding and modeling
user preferences, essential for personalized recommendations.

 Cake Representation: Representing each cake and pastry within a feature space,
utilizing the extracted attributes. This process involves mapping cakes based on their
characteristics to facilitate comparison and recommendation.

 Similarity Calculation: Utilizing similarity metrics like cosine similarity, the algorithm
calculates the similarity between user profiles and cake representations within the feature
space. This step determines how closely a cake aligns with a user's preferences.

 Recommendation Generation: Selecting cakes with the highest similarity scores

concerning the user's profile to generate personalized recommendations. The algorithm
suggests cakes that closely match the user's historical preferences and attributes, ensuring
tailored suggestions.



Recommendation systems are a pivotal aspect of modern e-commerce platforms, enhancing user
experiences and driving sales by providing personalized product suggestions. In this discussion,
we delve into various approaches to recommendation systems, emphasizing their relevance to the
field of cake e-commerce. This analysis provides insights into the methodologies, algorithms,

and strategies used to make relevant cake recommendations and can serve as a foundation for the
design and implementation of a specialized cake recommendation system. Throughout this
exploration, we will cite relevant studies to elucidate each approach.

2.5.1 Collaborative Filtering: The Wisdom of the Crowd

Collaborative filtering stands out as one of the most prominent approaches in recommendation
systems. It harnesses the collective wisdom of users to identify patterns and similarities in their
preferences. Users who have shown similar behavior or preferences in the past are considered to
have shared interests and, therefore, are likely to appreciate similar items in the future
(Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2005).

There are two primary subtypes within collaborative filtering: user-based and item-based
collaborative filtering.

i. User-Based Collaborative Filtering:

In this approach, recommendations are made based on the similarity between users. If User A and
User B have rated or interacted with similar cakes, User A might receive recommendations for
cakes that User B has previously enjoyed. One of the challenges in user-based collaborative
filtering is the scalability issue, as calculating similarities between users in a vast dataset can be
computationally expensive (Huang et al., 2008).

ii. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering:

Contrary to the user-based approach, item-based collaborative filtering focuses on the

similarities between items. If cakes X and Y have been chosen by the same users, it's
assumed that if a user selects cake X, they might also like cake Y. This approach tends to
be more computationally efficient as it involves calculating item similarities (Linden et
al., 2003).

Recent advancements in collaborative filtering have included the application of deep

learning techniques, such as neural collaborative filtering (He et al., 2017). These
methods have demonstrated enhanced performance in handling complex data patterns and
improving recommendation accuracy.

2.5.2 Content-Based Filtering: Understanding Cake Attributes

Content-based filtering, unlike collaborative filtering, doesn't depend on user behavior but
focuses on the attributes of the cakes and the user's preferences based on those attributes. In the

context of cake e-commerce, content-based filtering involves analyzing the features of cakes,
such as flavor, ingredients, size, or design, to make recommendations.

i. Cake Attribute Analysis: To implement content-based filtering, it's essential to analyze

cake attributes. This can involve Natural Language Processing (NLP) to extract
information from cake descriptions, image recognition to understand cake designs, and
sentiment analysis to gauge user reactions and preferences (Lops et al., 2011).

ii. User Profiling: In content-based filtering, user profiles play a crucial role. These profiles
are created based on the user's interactions and preferences. If a user frequently selects
chocolate cakes, the system will recognize this preference and recommend cakes with
chocolate attributes (Pazzani & Billsus, 2007).

iii. Matching Attributes: The core of content-based filtering is matching the attributes of
cakes with the user profile. If a user profile indicates a preference for vanilla cakes with
strawberry filling, the system will recommend cakes that align with these attributes.

iv. User Feedback Integration: Continual feedback is vital in content-based filtering. User
ratings and feedback about recommended cakes help refine the system over time (Ricci et
al., 2015).

Recent advancements in content-based filtering include the integration of deep learning models,
which have demonstrated effectiveness in analyzing complex and unstructured data sources, such
as images and text descriptions of cakes (Zheng et al., 2018).

2.5.3 Hybrid Recommendation Systems: The Power of Integration

Hybrid recommendation systems combine collaborative filtering and content-based filtering to

benefit from the strengths of both approaches. These systems aim to provide more accurate and
diverse recommendations, thus mitigating the limitations of individual methods (Burke, 2002).

i. Weighted Hybrid Systems:

In this approach, collaborative filtering and content-based filtering are used simultaneously, and
the recommendations from each method are combined with specific weights. The weights can be
adjusted to give more influence to one method over the other, depending on the situation (Burke,

ii. Two-Stage Hybrid Systems:

Another hybrid strategy involves a two-stage process. In the first stage, the system uses one
recommendation approach (e.g., collaborative filtering). Then, in the second stage, the

recommendations from the first stage are further filtered using a different approach (e.g., content-
based) (Burke, 2002).

iii. Cascade Hybrid Systems:

Cascade hybrids work in a sequential manner. The recommendations from the first method are
presented to the user. Only if the user doesn't engage with these recommendations, the second
method is employed to provide additional suggestions (Burke, 2002).

iv. Feature Combination:

Advanced hybrid systems use feature combination techniques. Features from both collaborative
filtering and content-based filtering are combined into a unified feature space, which is then used
to make recommendations. Deep learning models have been applied in this context to learn
feature representations (Ludewig et al., 2019).

Hybrid systems offer several advantages. They can provide more robust recommendations by
compensating for the limitations of individual approaches. They are also flexible and can be
adapted to different scenarios, making them a valuable choice for recommendation systems in
diverse domains.

i. Matrix Factorization

Matrix factorization is an advanced technique that has gained popularity in recommendation

systems. It is particularly effective when dealing with implicit feedback data, such as user
clicks, views, or purchase history. The idea behind matrix factorization is to decompose the
user-item interaction matrix into multiple matrices that capture latent features (Koren,
2009). This decomposition enables the system to discover hidden patterns and relationships
between users and items.

Matrix factorization techniques, such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and

alternating least squares (ALS), have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in
recommendation tasks. These techniques can handle large, sparse datasets and make
accurate predictions, even for users and items with minimal interaction history.

ii. Deep Learning

Deep learning has revolutionized the field of recommendation systems. Neural networks,
particularly deep neural networks, have shown significant promise in capturing complex
patterns and representations from user behavior and item content. Deep learning models are

increasingly being used in recommendation systems due to their ability to automatically
learn and extract features from raw data.

The deep learning approach to recommendation systems often involves the use of
techniques like neural collaborative filtering (NCM) and deep matrix factorization (He,
Liao, Zhang, Nie, Hu, & Chua, 2017). These models combine the power of collaborative
filtering with deep neural networks, enabling more accurate and fine-grained

Neural collaborative filtering, for example, learns user and item embeddings that capture
latent features and interactions. It uses multi-layer perceptrons to model complex
relationships between users and items. This approach has demonstrated impressive results,
particularly for implicit feedback data (He et al., 2017).

Deep matrix factorization models employ deep neural networks to factorize user-item
interaction matrices, enabling them to capture intricate patterns in the data (Wang, Wang,
Ye, Qian, He, and Chua, 2015). These models have been successful in various
recommendation scenarios and are known for their ability to handle large-scale datasets.

iii. Explainable AI and Fairness

As recommendation systems play a crucial role in shaping user experiences and influencing
user choices, there is a growing interest in making these systems more transparent and
fairer. Explainable AI (XAI) is an emerging area within recommendation systems that aims
to provide understandable and interpretable recommendations (Adomavicius & Kwon,
2019). By offering users insights into why specific recommendations are made, XAI can
increase trust and user satisfaction.

Explainable AI techniques encompass a range of methods, such as rule-based systems,

feature importance analysis, and model-agnostic explanations. These techniques are
particularly relevant in domains like e-commerce, where users may want to understand why
a particular cake is recommended based on their past interactions.

In addition to explainability, fairness is another crucial aspect of recommendation systems.

Ensuring that recommendations are fair and unbiased is vital for creating an inclusive and
equitable user experience. Unfair recommendations can perpetuate stereotypes and

Recent research has focused on developing fairness-aware recommendation algorithms

(Biega, Strohman, & Getoor, 2018). These algorithms aim to mitigate biases and disparities

in recommendations based on users' demographics, preferences, or past interactions. Fair
recommendation systems are vital for ensuring that users from diverse backgrounds receive
equitable treatment and access to resources.


Context-aware recommendation systems go beyond user preferences and cake attributes; they
take into account various contextual factors to make recommendations. These factors can include
the user's location, the time of day, the user's device, and even the user's social connections.

i. Location-Based Recommendations:

If a user is searching for cakes while near a bakery or in a specific city, the system can
recommend nearby cake shops or cakes that are popular in that location. Location data can be
acquired through GPS or user-provided information (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2011).

ii. Temporal Recommendations:

Users may have different preferences for cakes based on the time of day or the season. For
example, a coffee cake might be recommended in the morning, while a rich chocolate cake could
be suggested in the evening (Jannach & Ludewig, 2017).

iii. Device-Specific Recommendations:

Context-aware systems consider the device the user is using. Recommendations might differ for
mobile users compared to desktop users, as mobile users might prefer a quicker selection process
(Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2011)

iv. Social Context:

v. These systems also consider a user's social connections. If a user's friends have
recommended or interacted with certain cakes, those cakes might be prioritized in
recommendations (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2011).

Context-aware recommendation systems are continually evolving, with the integration of

machine learning and AI algorithms to improve the understanding of complex contextual data
(Karatzoglou et al., 2010).


Cakes, those delectable and indulgent confections that delight the taste buds and warm the heart,
come in a myriad of forms, flavors, and styles. They are versatile treats enjoyed on a variety of
occasions, from simple everyday indulgence to grand celebrations. This discussion delves into
the world of cakes, exploring their diverse types, each with its unique characteristics and allure.
From the light and airy texture of sponge cakes to the richness of chocolate cakes, from the dense
and flavourful fruit cakes to the creamy indulgence of cheesecakes, and from the healthier carrot
cakes to the visually striking red velvet cakes, we embark on a journey through the enchanting
realm of cakes.

2.7.1 Sponge Cake

Sponge cakes, with their distinct light and airy texture, are known for their simplicity. These
cakes are made using a straightforward combination of eggs, sugar, flour, and occasionally a
leavening agent like baking powder. The hallmark of a good sponge cake is its ability to rise
beautifully, thanks to well-beaten egg whites, and achieve a tender crumb. While they can be
enjoyed in their plain form, sponge cakes are often enhanced with various flavors, such as
vanilla, lemon, or even almond, to tantalize the taste buds.

2.7.2 Chocolate Cake

The allure of chocolate is undeniable, and chocolate cakes embody that irresistible cocoa flavor
that has captivated generations. They feature cocoa powder or melted chocolate in the batter,
creating a rich, chocolaty taste. There's a myriad of variations within the realm of chocolate
cakes, each with its unique charm. Devil's food cake, for instance, takes the chocolate experience
to a new level with its intense richness, while black forest cake pairs chocolate with cherries for a
delightful contrast. Flourless chocolate cakes, on the other hand, cater to those seeking a gluten-
free indulgence.

2.7.3 Fruit Cake

Fruit cakes are often synonymous with holidays and special celebrations. They are characterized
by the inclusion of candied or dried fruits, nuts, and aromatic spices. The result is a dense,
flavorful cake that offers a delightful explosion of textures and tastes with every bite. While some
fruitcakes are enjoyed as is, others are soaked in alcohol, such as brandy or rum, to infuse an
extra layer of richness and complexity into the cake. This unique combination of ingredients
makes fruit cakes a distinctive and cherished treat.

2.7.4 Cheesecake

Cheesecakes, unlike their traditional cake counterparts, boast a creamy and luxurious texture.
The key to their creaminess lies in their primary ingredients: cream cheese or ricotta cheese.
This soft, luscious base can be flavored in countless ways, from the bright and zesty notes of
berry compotes to the indulgent depths of chocolate or caramel. Cheesecakes are often baked to
achieve that iconic smooth texture, but no-bake variations are equally popular. The result is a
dessert that melts in the mouth, leaving a lingering and delightful impression.

2.7.5 Carrot Cake

For those who desire a cake that's not just indulgent but also a tad healthier, carrot cake steps into
the limelight. The star ingredient, as the name suggests, is grated carrots, which add natural
sweetness, moisture, and a beautiful orange hue to the cake. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg
infuse warmth and depth into the cake's flavor profile, creating a truly comforting dessert. To
elevate the experience, carrot cakes may include additional ingredients like walnuts or raisins.
Cream cheese frosting, with its delightful tanginess, is a common pairing, adding a perfect
contrast to the cake's natural sweetness.

2.7.8 Red Velvet Cake

The name "red velvet" evokes a sense of luxury and opulence, and indeed, red velvet cakes are a
visual delight. Their vibrant red hue, often deepened with a hint of cocoa powder, stands out
beautifully, making them an elegant choice for celebrations. The addition of buttermilk in the
batter creates a subtle tanginess, complementing the mild cocoa flavor. The signature cream
cheese frosting, or sometimes buttercream frosting, adds a layer of creaminess and a delightful
contrast to the cake's flavor. Red velvet cakes are a true feast for the senses, captivating not only
the taste buds but also the eyes.



Knowledge-based recommendation systems move beyond user preferences and incorporate

domain knowledge about cakes. They are particularly relevant when detailed information about
cakes, such as ingredients, dietary restrictions, or cultural preferences, is crucial.

i. Cake Domain Expertise: These systems require a robust understanding of cakes.
Information about cake types, ingredients, preparation methods, and cultural significance
is essential. A knowledge base is built to store this information (Capuano & De Meo,

ii. User Query Analysis: When users provide queries or seek specific cake
recommendations, the system uses its knowledge base to match the query with cakes that
best meet the user's requirements. It might consider dietary preferences, allergies, or
cultural traditions (Kouki et al., 2021).

iii. Ontology and Semantics: Knowledge-based systems often utilize ontologies and
semantic web technologies. These tools help the system understand and interpret user
queries and cake characteristics, ensuring more accurate recommendations (Amato et al.,

iv. Explanation Generation: One of the strengths of knowledge-based systems is the ability
to generate explanations for recommendations. Users can receive detailed information
about why a specific cake is recommended based on their query and the system's cake
knowledge (Kaplan et al., 2020).

Knowledge-based recommendation systems are heavily reliant on structured knowledge bases

and ontologies. Recent advancements involve the integration of natural language processing and
machine learning to enhance the understanding of user queries (Hao et al., 2017).


Reinforcement learning is a relatively recent approach to recommendation systems, driven by

advancements in deep learning and the ability to optimize recommendation algorithms through
continual learning.

i. User Interaction as Feedback: In reinforcement learning, user interactions with the

recommended cakes are treated as feedback. If a user positively interacts with a
recommended cake, it indicates a successful recommendation, and the system aims to
provide similar suggestions in the future (Zheng et al., 2018).

ii. Exploration vs. Exploitation: Reinforcement learning systems strike a balance between
exploring new recommendations to learn more about user preferences and exploiting
existing knowledge to make accurate suggestions. This balance is essential for continuous
learning and improvement (Zheng et al., 2018).

iii. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Recent advancements in deep reinforcement learning
have demonstrated remarkable performance in recommendation systems. Deep
reinforcement learning models can capture complex patterns in user behavior and provide
highly personalized recommendations (Zhao et al., 2018).


Across the reviewed papers, several common themes and agreements emerge and these three key
points highlighted in the provided statement are essential aspects that need further elaboration in
the context of the research:

a) Advanced Algorithms: Advanced algorithms play a pivotal role in recommendation

systems. These algorithms are designed to process large volumes of data efficiently and
extract meaningful patterns and insights from it. In the context of the research on cake e-
commerce, advanced algorithms are essential for two primary reasons:

 Personalization: Advanced algorithms enable the system to understand individual user

preferences. For example, they can analyze past purchases, search queries, and user
interactions to suggest cakes that are highly likely to match a user's taste. This level of
personalization enhances the user experience by making recommendations that are
relevant and appealing.

 Scalability: As e-commerce platforms grow, the volume of data they handle also
increases significantly. Advanced algorithms are capable of handling this large-scale data
efficiently. This scalability is crucial to ensure that the recommendation system can
continue to provide high-quality suggestions as the platform expands.

b) Customer Behaviour Analysis:

Understanding and analyzing customer behavior are fundamental components of

recommendation systems. This involves tracking and interpreting how users interact with the
platform, what products they view, how long they spend on each product, what they add to their
carts, and ultimately what they purchase. The research draws on the following aspects:

 User Profiling: By analyzing customer behavior, the system can create user profiles that
capture individual preferences. For instance, if a user frequently selects chocolate cakes,
the system can identify this preference and prioritize chocolate cake recommendations in
the future.

 Continuous Improvement: Customer behavior analysis allows the system to learn and
adapt over time. It can identify trends, changing preferences, and emerging products,
ensuring that recommendations remain relevant and up-to-date.

c) E-commerce Growth: The growth of e-commerce is a broader industry trend that

significantly impacts the research focus on cake e-commerce. The indirect implications
highlighted in the statement are as follows:

 Market Expansion: E-commerce platforms have expanded into various industries,

including cake sales. This expansion has led to increased competition and a wider array of
cake options for consumers. As a result, it becomes increasingly challenging for users to
navigate the extensive cake catalog, making recommendation systems more critical.

 Technological Demand: The growth of e-commerce requires continuous technological

advancements to provide efficient and effective services. This includes not only
recommendation systems but also secure payment processing, responsive user interfaces,
and reliable logistics. The demand for advanced technology is driving innovation in
various aspects of cake e-commerce.


The critical review of relevant papers on the design and analysis of a recommendation system for
cake e-commerce websites has identified several gaps in the existing literature. These gaps
represent areas where further research and exploration are needed. The identified gaps include:

 Lack of Cake-Specific Recommendation Systems: The primary gap identified in the

review is the absence of dedicated recommendation systems for cake products on e-
commerce websites in the existing literature. While there is a wealth of research on
recommendation systems in e-commerce, very few studies focus on the unique attributes
and emotional significance associated with cakes. This gap highlights the need for
specialized recommendation systems tailored exclusively to cake products to enhance the
shopping experience for users.

 Emotional Significance Neglected: None of the reviewed papers fully explore the
emotional significance attached to cakes. Cakes are not just ordinary products; they hold
a symbolic value in celebrations and emotional connections. The emotional aspect of cake
preferences and its impact on user satisfaction are not adequately addressed in the
literature. Consequently, there is a gap in understanding how to incorporate emotional
factors into cake recommendations effectively.

 Technical Specifics and Algorithm Design: While some papers discuss e-commerce
implementation and recommendation systems broadly, they do not delve into the
technical specifics of recommendation system design and analysis. There is a lack of in-
depth exploration of algorithms, data processing techniques, and evaluation
methodologies specifically tailored for cake products. This technical gap necessitates
further research into the development and optimization of recommendation algorithms for

 Product-Specific Research: Most of the reviewed papers take a broad approach to e-

commerce and recommendation systems, without focusing on specific product categories.
The absence of product-specific research limits the depth of understanding of how
recommendation systems can be customized to meet the unique requirements of cake
products. This gap highlights the need for research that zooms in on particular product
categories and their specific challenges.




The development of the design and analysis of a recommendation system for (cake) e-commerce
websites involved a comprehensive and structured approach, leveraging a technology stack that
encompassed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python. This section provides an overview
of the research methodology applied during the system development process.


 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These web technologies were instrumental in building the
frontend of the system, with HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for
dynamic user interactions.

 Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing
responsive, mobile-first websites.

 Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used for backend development
due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.

 PHP: is a free, open source and server side (the code is executed on the server)


The development process adhered to industry best the design and analysis of a recommendation
system for (cake) e-commerce the following phases:

 Requirements Analysis: Extensive research was carried out via Google form
questionnaires Consumers were consulted on their expectations of the design and analysis
of a recommendation system for (cake) e-commerce.

 Frontend Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript were used to design and
develop the frontend, focusing on delivering an engaging user interface.

 Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing, encompassing unit testing, integration
testing, and user acceptance testing, ensured the system's reliability and functionality.

 User Feedback Integration: User feedback majorly from colleagues and friends was
continually solicited and incorporated into the development process, resulting in user-
centric enhancements.


The development environment comprised industry-standard integrated development tools,

including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.

Major Features
 User Interface: A user interface was designed using HTML for the structure, CSS for
styling and JavaScript for dynamism.

 Product Search: A search button was implemented on the user interface which allows
user to search for different cake, flavour, sizes and even categories. The search was
implemented in the backend using JavaScript and spring boot.

 Search Button: A search button was also implemented that allows users to search for size
of cake and flavours so as to reduce time spent for searching particular cake.

 Cross Platform Implementation: The application was implemented to support multiple

platforms. The user is allowed to search for their cake choices with sizes and Flavors, and
then it will recommend the cakes similar to.

3.2. Data Acquisition & Processing: The objective of the project is to collect and process data
related to cakes and pastries, focusing on attributes such as ingredients, flavor profiles, and
customer ratings. By acquiring this data, the project aims to create a comprehensive database that
can be utilized for various purposes such as market analysis, product development, and consumer
insights. The data acquisition phase involves gathering information from various sources,
including bakeries, online platforms, and consumer reviews. Once the data is collected, it will be
processed and organized to extract meaningful insights and patterns. This processed data can then
be used by businesses in the bakery industry to make informed decisions about product offerings,
marketing strategies, and customer preferences, ultimately enhancing their competitiveness and
customer satisfaction.

3.3. Implementing Content-Based Filtering Algorithm: Content-based filtering is a

recommendation system technique that suggests items to users based on the features or attributes
of those items. In the context of cakes, this involves analyzing various attributes such as flavor,
ingredients, texture, decoration, and dietary preferences to provide personalized
recommendations to users.

To implement this, we first need to gather a dataset of cake products, including their attributes
such as flavor profiles, ingredients, dietary labels, and any other relevant characteristics. Next,
we preprocess the data by encoding categorical attributes and normalizing numerical features to
ensure consistency and comparability across different cakes.

Once the data is prepared, we can build a content-based filtering algorithm. This involves
creating a similarity metric to quantify the likeness between different cakes based on their
attributes. One common approach is to use techniques like cosine similarity or Euclidean
distance to measure the similarity between feature vectors representing the cakes.

With the similarity metric in place, the algorithm can then recommend cakes similar to a given
input cake by identifying items with the highest similarity scores. These recommended cakes can
be presented to users through a user interface, where they can view and select cakes that align
with their preferences.

Additionally, to enhance the recommendation system, techniques like TF-IDF (Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency) weighting or collaborative filtering can be incorporated to further
personalize recommendations based on user feedback and interaction data.

Overall, by implementing a content-based filtering algorithm, we aim to provide users with

accurate and relevant cake recommendations tailored to their individual tastes and preferences.

3.4. Enhancing System Performance: The objective of the project is to develop a system that
effectively suggests cake options to customers based on their preferences, while simultaneously
evaluating the system's performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Accuracy in suggesting cake options refers to the system's ability to recommend cakes that
closely match the customer's preferences and requirements. This involves analyzing various
factors such as flavor preferences, dietary restrictions, occasion, and budget to provide
personalized recommendations. The system aims to minimize errors and ensure that customers
receive relevant and satisfactory suggestions for their cake purchases.

Efficiency, on the other hand, pertains to the system's speed and resource utilization in delivering
these recommendations. An efficient system should be able to process customer inputs quickly
and provide recommendations in a timely manner. It should also optimize resource usage to
minimize computational costs and maximize scalability, ensuring smooth operation even during
periods of high demand.

To evaluate the system's performance, several metrics can be considered. Accuracy can be
measured by comparing the recommendations provided by the system to those manually curated
by experts or through customer feedback. Efficiency can be assessed by analyzing response
times, computational resource usage, and scalability under varying loads. Additionally, user
satisfaction surveys and feedback can provide insights into the overall effectiveness of the system
in meeting customer needs.


4.1 System Description
Due to the disadvantages of content-based and collaborative filtering, we have to use a
mixture of both i.e. hybrid filtering also known as a content-based collaborative filtering system.
In the hybrid system, the use of the content, as well as its relations and similarities among users,
are used. The instinct behind this technique is to use the content predictor and the user rating
matrix. The dataset is collected by the different pastry centers and then filtered according to the
model and stored in the backend database. The dataset consists of user reviews about different
cakes and the location of the cakes along with their ingredients.
Unfortunately, cake ‘X’ is not available, so the owner recommends the buyer to try cake ‘Y’,
which is made up of similar ingredients to cake ‘X’.
Fig. 1. displays the flow of a content-based recommendation system. Similar entities of data are
kept together as input. The main content of data is extracted from data ontology. The contents of
data are applied to the content-based recommender system.
Advantages of content-based filtering:
a)They capable of recommending unrated data.
b)It gets the user’s interests and recommends products to specific users.
Disadvantages of content-based filtering:
a) It does not work for new users, who do not have any history yet.
b) No recommendation of serendipitous data.

b. Collaborative Filtering
A collaborative filtering system recommends data based on similarity measures between users
and their needs. The system recommends data preferred by similar users. This is based on the
situation, where a person asks his friends, who have similar tastes, to recommend him some

Fig. 2. Collaborative Filtering

Fig. 2. It displays the flow of the Collaborative filtering recommendation system. It shows
how collaborative filtering different cakes and the location of the cakes along with their

a. Hybrid Algorithm
Step 1: Use content-based data to calculate the pseudo-user rating vector ‘v’ for every user ‘u’
in the database.
u, i = 𝑟𝑢, is user u rated product i
𝑣𝑢, = 𝑟𝑢, otherwise
Step 2: Check the similarity of all users with the active users.
1. The similarity between users is measured as the Pearson correlation between their rating
Step 3: Select ‘X number of users based on similarity.
1. These users form a group.
Step 4: Predict from the weighted combination of the selected group ratings.
In step 2, the similarity between two users is computed using the Pearson correlation

Where, a, is the rating given to product I by the user a,

̅a is the mean rating given by user a, m is the total number of items.
In step 4, predictions are computed as the weighted averages of deviations from the group

a, i is the prediction for the active user a for item I, a,u is the similarity between users a, and
u, n is the number
of users in the group.

Fig. 3. System Overview

4.3 Front-end Implementation

Front-end page programming is an important part of the project because its goal is to build a
web application. In the design phase, some goals or to say principles are set up so as to
achieve the friendly-interactive application. Figure 4.3 shows a screenshot of the main web
page. Blow are the details of good features of the project from the front-end perspective.

Figure 4.3: A screenshot of the website main page

• Responsive. This becomes a good feature because all components in a page are responsible
to the size of windows. This makes users easy and comfortable to run the test case in
situations where the application is running on different platforms. The responsive pages are
well supported by the CSS framework Bootstrap4 .
• Modularisation. This core of this idea is inspired from Krug in his famous book : He states
that a good web application should be as easily and directly operational as possible for users.
Based on the theory, the project is modularized at the beginning.
As seen in Figure 4.3, several modules are presented, such as, the control panel used for
visualising test cases on the left side, and the control panel for experimental configuration,

• Auto adaptive. Due to a wide range of configuration combinations for evaluating

recommender systems, a whole configuration presentation on the page will sacrifice the
brevity of the website. A good solution to this problem is to make some sections auto
adaptive. In order to approach the brevity and convenience to the maximum, many other such
examples can be found in the application. The implementation of this feature is mostly done
by the front-end scripting language JavaScript and its popular framework JQuery5 is applied
to reduce the heavy work of raw coding.

4.4 Back-end Implementation

The front-end provides users with direct interfaces accessible to the service of recommender systems
on the back-end. So to speak, the core work into the research of evaluating recommender systems is
done on the server side. The following demonstrates major implementation in the back end.

When it comes down to it, the business of recommending things to people is more involved than
you might expect. In the age of big data and data mining the tools and methods used to make
sense of the behavior and opinions of everyone are getting increasingly complex. Even so, the
amount of data produced by people going about their daily digital routine leave even the most
high-end computing hardware playing a hopeless game of catch up in terms of processing and
analyzing. This requires smarter and more efficient algorithms which in turn means
approximations, simplifications and compromises. In the case of designing a recommender
system this means a trade-off between things like picture analysis and geo-tracking for
computational speed. Straightforward data such as likes, star-ratings and views become more
attractive in that they are simply numerical values right of the bat. There is a second trade-off
when designing a recommender system that is decided outside the scope of the recommender
itself which can be understood as a trade-off between usability and information. That is, how
much information is explicitly provided by users and how much can you realistically ask for
before it becomes a hindrance when using the system. A choice of a 5- star rating next to a movie
in Netflix is a far cry from a filling out a compulsory form explaining exactly what you liked
about the movie after watching it. That would however allow for exceptionally accurate
recommendations. With Plick the main idea has always been to allow users to post their clothes
quickly and without any hassle which means that the explicitly given information is sparse and
recommendations need to be based mainly on whatever implicitly provided data that is available.
Earlier it was established that implicit data can represent different preferences compared to
explicit data. On the one hand explicit ratings have a very clear meaning but users might be
hesitant to provide explicit ratings for every part of their preference. Comparatively, implicit

ratings will in an ideal world show the true preference of the user as it monitors actual behavior.
The risk when using this data is of course that a lot of this behavior might not be indicative of
any particular preference and that any hidden patterns remain unfound.
It remains largely unknown what is actually observed in the user-logs but as shown in the results
in the previous section, the ability to produce a portion of predictions with a matching gender
larger than what a random selection of items would yield demonstrates that there is some degree
of information about actual preferences in the logs. The challenges of recommending in an e-
marketplace environment posed in the beginning of this report were met and to some degree dealt
with during the process of testing and tuning the different candidate algorithms. The algorithms
tested during this project did not exhaust the multitude of methods that have been explored in
recommender systems research in recent years, but it did touch upon most of the major
approaches used today. Entire categories such as knowledge-based and content-based systems
were quickly dismissed based on the data available. The item-based method could have been
dismissed for similar reasons but was considered interesting to evaluate as a way of confirming
the idea that the relationship between items and users in a system decides which entity to base
recommendations around. It was found that this is at least true for a system like Plick, as the
item-based method produced essentially undefined results and the user-based method was the
best performing one. While it this find cannot be extrapolated over the whole e-marketplace
sector it is a clear indication that quite contrary to the standard e-commerce scenario, the e-
marketplace revolves around users. There is every reason to believe that if the content is sparse,
there is no explicit rating system and the items in the system have a short lifespan then the best
choice for a recommender system is a user-based collaborative method based on implicit user
feedback like the one presented in this report. The data necessary for a system like this should in
most cases be available as most environments where users both buy and sell items requires users
being logged into an account when using the system. However, to make sure that a system of this
type is sufficiently accurate there is a need to alpha and beta test recommendations to collect user
feedback. Advisable would be to use a scheme of displaying random items in one view and
recommended items in another to measure how well the recommendations outperform lazy
browsing behavior. It was not possible to carry out such a test during this project which meant
that the results existed in a kind of darkness were the user was left out of the loop. This further
meant that weights deciding the impact of different data types could not be optimized. In general,
optimizing the impact of different types of data to construct singular user-item ratings is
something that has been mostly overlooked in recommender system research; at least in what
was covered in this project’s literature study. As it stands they could probably most easily be
found in a very late stage of testing by observing changes in the click-through rate for
recommendations while adjusting the weights. In contrast to what was learned about the
effectiveness of user-based collaborative filtering over item-based, the appropriateness of matrix
factorization methods for marketplace applications is still a big question mark. Where the item-
based method failed because of its most fundamental attributes, the matrix factorization method
failed for reasons not well understood. One explanation might be the complexity of the approach.
Where the other collaborative filtering algorithms are intuitive and easy to follow, the matrix
factorization techniques are, apart from the most simplistic versions (like the one implemented
here), very intricate and often involve multiple stages of calculation and re-calculation of large
data structures. There is no doubt that a system of that caliber would perform very well in an
application like Plick. Another reason might be a stronger sensitivity to the weighting of the data
points. It is possible that the boost in scores for items that had been liked or conversed about over
those that had not was not adequately addressed in the algorithm used in this project. The issue of
new users was unsurprisingly not completely resolved.

The final system could not handle brand new users but seeing as the testing incorporated users
with an interaction history of as few as ten items and still achieved decent results, there seems to
be something to be gained by using such a fundamental statistic as a click to build
recommendations from. Page views build up incredibly fast in almost any system and making use
of that resource as a way of handling cold-start issues is something that deserves more attention.
When it comes down to it, it is actually a very minor problem that users who have not clicked
more than ten ads are not given recommendations; if they are that inactive, why would they be
interested in personalized recommendations anyway? One of the major limitations of the project
was the lack of data about usage and feedback from users themselves. Obviously, this could not
be helped since the recommender system was not implemented into the live system during the
course of the project. Going forward however, the system is to be deployed in the first half of
2015 which will allow for additional testing and tuning of the collaborative user algorithm and its
parameters. The increasing number of users and activity in Plick will provide denser data and it
will be interesting to see how this will affect the quality of recommendations. As the application
is developed, more types of data will become available which will allow for the recommender
system to be further developed as well. Incorporating things like categories or brands by making
the algorithm a content based/collaborative filtering hybrid could certainly add another level of
ingenuity to the system. Remember, if the processing power is there, you can never have too
much information in a recommender system.


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<metaproperty="og:description"content="Gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO and free of the top 14
allergens, our super delicious Cakes are made with real, healthy, and safe ingredients that
everyone can share and enjoy. Choose from multiple flavors including carrot oat, chocolate chip,
double chocolate, and sweet potato millet.

te foods"><metaname="twitter:card"content="summary_large_image">
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<metaname="twitter:description"content="Gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO and free of the top 14
allergens, our super delicious Cakes are made with real, healthy, and safe ingredients that
everyone can share and enjoy. Choose from multiple flavors including carrot oat, chocolate chip,
double chocolate, and sweet potato millet. ">

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.sec--blog.banner__heading{line-height: 1.152; }
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line-height: 1.27; margin-bottom: 19px; }

.blog-categories {
margin-top: 75px; margin-bottom: 30px; }

.blog-categoriesul {
list-style-type: none;padding-left: 0;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;align-items: center;gap:
.blog-categoriesul.textOnly {
font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: inherit; text-transform: uppercase; font-size:
16px; }
.blog-categoriesul.button--secondary {
font-weight: 500; color: inherit; border-color: inherit; border-radius: 25px; padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 12px; line-height: 1;
min-height: 36px; min-width: 136px; }
.blog-categoriesul.button--secondary:hover, {
background: rgb(var(--color-base-text));
color: #ffff; } {
grid-template-columns: 1fr1fr1fr; grid-gap: 30px; margin-bottom: 57px; }
.main-blog.article-card {
background: transparent; }
.article-card__header.true {
margin-bottom: 0; }
.article-card__header.article-card__title {
font-size: 22px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.2; }
.article-card.article-card__info {
text-align: center; padding: 20px010px; }
.main-blog.article-card__image--medium {
padding-bottom: 100%; }

.main-recipe-blog {
margin-bottom: 75px; } {
max-width: calc(1290px + 10rem); } {
grid-gap: 30px15px; }
.main-recipe-blog.main-blog.article-card__image--medium {
padding-bottom: calc(100%/1.78735632183908); }
.main-recipe-blog.article-card.article-card__info {
text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; }
.main-recipe-blog.article-card__header.article-card__title {
font-weight: bold; } {
margin-bottom: 31.25px; }

.main-recipe-blog.dot_bg-headh2{display: inline-block; }
.main-blog.dot_bg-head {
margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } {
width: auto; height: 100%; } {
right: 100%; left: auto; transform: none; top: auto; bottom: 0; }

PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 41,{align-items: flex-end; } {
left: 87%; transform: translate(0, -50%); } {
height: 56%; } {
height: 87%; }

.main-blog.dot_bg-head.mid-paragraph {
margin-top: 6px; }
.main-blog.dot_bg-head.mid-paragraphp {
margin-top: 0; }

.mrb-grid {
display: flex; align-items: flex-start; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-top: 30px; }
.mrb-grid.mrb__filter {
width: 22%; position: sticky; top: 0; }. . . . .

JavaScript Functionality:
Implement JavaScript functions to enhance the user experience during the search process.
This may include features like auto-suggestions, dynamic updates, or instant search.

(function() {
var__sections__ = {}; (function() {
for(vari = 0, s = document.getElementById('sections-script').getAttribute('data-
sections').split(','); i<s.length; i++)
__sections__[s[i]] = true;
(function() {
if (!__sections__["featured-product"] && !window.DesignMode) return;
try {

if (!customElements.get('product-modal')) {
customElements.define('product-modal', classProductModalextendsModalDialog {
constructor() {

hide() {


show(opener) {;

showActiveMedia() {
{this.openedBy.getAttribute("data-media-id")}"])`).forEach((element) => {
constactiveMedia = this.querySelector(`[data-media-id="$
constactiveMediaTemplate = activeMedia.querySelector('template');
constactiveMediaContent = activeMediaTemplate ? activeMediaTemplate.content : null;

constcontainer = this.querySelector('[role="document"]');
container.scrollLeft = (activeMedia.width - container.clientWidth) / 2;

if (activeMedia.nodeName == 'DEFERRED-

} catch(e) { console.error(e); }

(function() {
if (!__sections__["footer"]) return;
try {

classLocalizationFormextendsHTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.elements = {
input:this.querySelector('input[name="locale_code"], input[name="country_code"]'),
this.elements.button.addEventListener('click', this.openSelector.bind(this));
this.elements.button.addEventListener('focusout', this.closeSelector.bind(this));
this.addEventListener('keyup', this.onContainerKeyUp.bind(this));


hidePanel() {
this.elements.button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
this.elements.panel.setAttribute('hidden', true);
}. . . . .

The result is an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly search interface that allows users to
input their cake preferences easily. The interface is designed to dynamically respond to user
input, providing a foundation for the subsequent steps in the user search process


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