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Joseph Division of Teacher Education

Siena Heights University

Adrian, Michigan 49221,

To Whom lt May Concern,

I am writing this letter to recommend Mr. Connor Roeske for the position that he is applying. I met
Connor in the fall semester orientation meeting for student teachers at Siena Heights University. He was
placed at Blissfield Middle School in Blissfield, Michigan, with a former colleague of mine, Phil McVay.
Prior to my retirement in 20L5, I had spent 39 years as a middle school teacher at that institution,
several of them on the same grade level team as Mr. McVay

During the five times that I observed Connor, he showed great growth and improvement in his comfort
and preparation in the classroom. That was not a surprise for me; I had known how Phil McVay
organized his classroom, and the mentoring that he would provide.

Connor was receptive to suggestions, always prepared, and developed and improved his interaction with
both sixth and seventh grade students. As per the five Danielson Observations that I completed, the
improvements were noted. I believe that Connor is prepared and ready for his first classroom. As with
any of us, in those first years of our teaching, having mentors is always desirable.

I would be happy to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. You may reach me by cell-
517-21.5-4760 (Please leave a message, and I will return your call) or contact me by email at

Sincerely yours,

Kevin L. Grasley, Clinical lnstructor

Teacher Education

Siena Heights University

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