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Quick Bite


“A Project Report On”

The Food Ordering App

Project Guide: - Mr. Patil D.B


1) Desai Ritesh S
2) Murad Huzaif H
3) Rajpurohit Shaktisingh D
4) Belvekar Siddhesh A

Department Of Computer Engineering

Academic Year 2023-2024

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal I

Quick Bite




Department of Computer Engineering

This Is To Certify That:-

1) Desai Ritesh S
2) Murad Huzaif H
3) Rajpurohit Shaktisingh D
4) Belvekar Siddhesh A

Has Successfully Completed Their Project Work Entitled


Mr. Patil D.B Mr Killedar P.M.

[Project Guide] [HOD]

Mr. Repe D.V


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal II

Quick Bite


Project Approval Sheet

Following team has done the appropriate work related to the “Quick-Bite” in
partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in Computer Engineering is being
submitted to Vidhyavardhini Institute Of Technology ,Pal(Gargoti).

Project Group Members: -

Name Enrollment No.

1. Ritesh Sanjay Desai 2112070043

2. Huzaif Husen Murad 2212070256

3. Rajpurohit Shaktisingh Devidansingh 2112070100

4. Siddhesh Ajit Belvekar 2212070249

Guide: Mr. Patil.D.B


(Name and Signature) (Name and Signature)

Internal Examiner External Examiner


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal III

Quick Bite


It gives us immense pleasure to express our sincere thanks to “prof. D.B. Patil” who has been
the source of motivation for the completion of our project titled

We are indebted with deep sense of gratitude for the constant inspiration given by our head
department, “Prof. P. M. Killedar”.
We are also thankful to, “ Prof.D.V.Repe ” , principal of our collage for his constant
Finally, express our deep gratitude to my parents who have inspired us and supported us
during completion of this task.

Project Members :-

Name Enrollment No. Seat No.

1. Ritesh Sanjay Desai 2112070043 246513

2. Huzaif Husen Murad 2212070256 246570

3. Rajpurohit Shaktisingh 2112070100 246562


4. Siddhesh Ajit Belvekar 2212070249 246565

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal IV

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Sr. no. Page


1.1 General Overview
1.2 Existing System 1-6
1.3 Proposed System
1.4 Planning Of Project
1.4.1 Configuration Control plan1.4.2Quality
Assurance Plan 1.4.3Monitoring plan

2.1 Project Analysis 7-11
2.2 proposed system information
2.3 Information About Ordering Food From Application
2.4 Order Recognition
2.5 Order processing

3.1 Hardware & software requirement
3.2 platform
3.2.1 font end
3.2.2 back end

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal V

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4.1 classic life cycle
4.2 data flow diagrams
4.3 system level architecture
4.4 Database System module
4.5 database design
4.5.1 Data Flow diagram
4.5.2 ER Diagram
4.5.3 Use case Diagram
4.5.4 Sequential Diagram
4.6 User Manual
4.6.1 Snapshot

5.1 Testing
5.2 Verification
5.3 Validation
5.4 Certification




Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal VI

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Chapter 1


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 1

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1.1 General Overview

An online food ordering application is a platform that allows users to, place orders, and have
their food delivered or ready for pick-up.
Users can create an account view menus, make selections, and place orders. and make order
through the app.
Restaurants can list their menus, and manage orders through the application.
Overall, an online food ordering application streamlines the process of ordering food, provides
convenient options for customers, and offers a platform for restaurants to reach a broader

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1.2 Existing System

The existing online food ordering system allows customers to browse through various
restaurant menus, select items they want to order, and pay for their orders online. The system
sends confirmation emails to customers once their order has been received and processed.
Customers can also track the status of their order and receive updates on estimated delivery
Restaurants are able to manage their menu items, prices, and availability through an
administrative portal. They can also track orders, manage delivery schedules, and communicate
with customers through the system. Delivery drivers are assigned orders based on their
availability and location, and they can update the status of each delivery in real-time.
Customers have the option to create accounts on the system for faster checkout, and they can
save their favorite orders for convenient reordering. The system also allows customers to rate
and leave feedback on their orders and overall experience with the restaurant.
The system Is optimized for both web and mobile platforms, making it easy for customers to
place orders from anywhere. It is integrated with various payment gateways to ensure secure
transactions. Overall, the existing system provides a convenient and efficient way for
customers to order food online and for restaurants to manage their orders

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1.3 Proposed System

The proposed system is an online food ordering system that allows users to browse and select
dishes, place orders, and track the status of their orders in real-time. The system will have a
user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation, search functionality, Users can create accounts
to save their delivery preferences, favorite dishes, and view order history. Restaurants will have
separate logins to update their menu, manage orders, and track sales data.

Overall, the system aims to provide a convenient and efficient platform for customers to order
food online and for restaurants to expand their customer base and increase sales.

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Quick Bite

1.4 Planning of Project:

• Define the scope of the project: Determine the target audience, features and
functionality of the app, platforms on which it will be available (iOS, Android, web),
and the overall goals of the project.

• Research and analysis: Conduct market research to understand the current landscape of
food ordering applications, identify potential competitors, and determine the needs and
preferences of the target audience.

• Design: Create wireframes and mockups of the app interface, including the user flow,
layout, and design elements.

• Development: Build the app according to the design specifications, incorporating

features such as user registration, menus, payment processing, order tracking, and

• Testing: Conduct thorough testing of the app to identify and fix any bugs or issues,
ensure compatibility with different devices and operating systems, and optimize

• Marketing and launch: Develop a marketing strategy to promote the app, attract users,
and drive downloads. Launch the app on the chosen platforms and monitor its
performance and user feedback.

• Maintenance and support: Provide ongoing maintenance and support for the app,
including updates, bug fixes, and customer service.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 5

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In this project, we will configuration control for coding since project not to big. The
design will be not under configuration management. The requirement are assumed to be frozen,
any change will be negotiated with the management..


To ensure the following documents will be produced during development.

System design:-
• Code
• Unit test plan
• System test plan
• System Test Report

The following methods used for quality control:

• Preliminary design Reviews.
• Unit Testing
• System design Reviews.
• System testing


Three basic methods uses for project monitoring- Project logs, biweekly meetings and reviews.
Each project will be keep a multipurpose log in which he will record the different activities he
performs and the date and duration of the activity. The failure and error data obtained during
testing is also being recorded in log.
Reviews to be held are de fined earlier. In addition to review, a biweekly meeting will be held
to discuss the progress of the project.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 6

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Chapter 2


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 7

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2.1 Analysis Of Project:

• The project is developed as a android application.

• The regional font.
• It is developed using xml used for developing android application.
• Kotlin is used as back-end for developing database.
• Xml of front end.
• It is developed for the commercial use.

2.2 Proposed System Information:

• Easy to use.
• Give access to authenticated user.
• Allow customers to order Food online.
• Allow restaurant owners to sell food online

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2.3 Information About Ordering Food From Application:

• Ordering food from an application that we have made is easy and convenient. Simply
download our app from the App Store or Google Play Store, create an account, and start
browsing our menu.

• Once you have selected the items you would like to order, add them to your cart and
proceed to checkout. You can choose to pay when food get delivered at your at your
• After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with the estimated
delivery or pickup time. You can also track your order in real-time through the app.

• Our app also allows you to customize your order, including specifying any dietary
restrictions or preferences. You can also save your favorite orders for quick and easy
reordering in the future.
• If you have any questions or issues with your order, our customer service team is
available to assist you through the app or by phone.

• Overall, ordering food from our application is a user-friendly and efficient process that
ensures seamless dining experience.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 9

Quick Bite

2.4 Order Recognition:-

Order recognition is an important feature in an online food ordering application that helps
ensure accuracy and efficiency in processing orders. This feature typically involves using
technology such as image recognition, barcode scanning, or text recognition to identify and
verify the contents of an order before it is processed.

Order recognition can help minimize errors in the ordering process, such as incorrect items
being selected or missing items in the order. By using technology to automatically
recognize and verify order details, the chances of mistakes occurring during order
processing are significantly reduced.

In addition to improving accuracy, order recognition can also enhance the overall user
experience by streamlining the ordering process and making it more convenient for
customers to place their orders. By quickly and accurately identifying the contents of an
order, the application can expedite the processing and delivery of orders, leading to greater
customer satisfaction.

Overall, order recognition is a valuable feature for online food ordering applications that
can help improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer experience. By leveraging technology
to automatically identify and verify order details, businesses can enhance their operations
and better meet the needs of their customers.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 10

Quick Bite

2.5 Order processing :-

• Order processing for an online food ordering application involves several key steps to
ensure that orders are accurately received, processed, and delivered to customers in a
timely manner. Here is an overview of the order processing workflow:

• Customer Places Order: Customers browse the menu, select items, and add them to
their cart. They then proceed to the checkout page to enter their delivery address,
contact information, and payment details.

• Order Confirmation: Once the customer submits their order, they receive an order
confirmation via email or text message. This confirmation includes details such as the
order number, estimated delivery time, and total cost.

• Order Processing: The online food ordering application automatically forwards the
order to the restaurant or food vendor. The restaurant receives the order through a
dedicated tablet or computer interface, which displays the order details and any special
instructions provided by the customer.

• Preparation and Cooking: The restaurant prepares and cooks the food items in the order.
The kitchen staff are alerted to the new order through the restaurant’s internal order
management system.

• Order Dispatch: Once the food is ready, the restaurant marks the order as “ready for
dispatch” in the system. A delivery driver or courier is then assigned to pick up the
order and deliver it to the customer.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 11

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Chapter 3


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 12

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3.1 Minimum Hardware Requirement:

• Processor : Pentium IV 2.4. GHz.

• RAM : 2 GB.
• Hard Disk : 40 GB.

3.2 Minimum software Requirement:

• Operating system :Android OS.

• Front End :Android.
• Back End :Kotlin.
• Data Base : Firebase.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 13

Quick Bite

3.3 Platform

We used Android Studio to develop our application.

3.3.1 Front end


XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that is commonly used for
structuring and storing data. It is widely used in front-end development for creating and
organizing data in a hierarchical format.

Some common uses of XML in front-end development include:

• Storing configuration data: XML is often used to store configuration settings for web

applications or websites. This data can include information such as user preferences,

site settings, or other application- specific data.

• Data exchange: XML is commonly used to format data for exchange between different

systems or platforms. It provides a standardized way to structure and label data, making

it easier for different systems to process and interpret the data.

• Structuring data for presentation: XML is often used to structure data that will be

presented in a user interface or web page. By organizing data in a hierarchical format,

developers can more easily manipulate and display the data in a meaningful way.

• Overall, XML provides a flexible and extensible way to structure data for front-end

development, making it a versatile tool for organizing and exchanging information.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 14

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➢ Features

• A fire base is a cloud-based platform used to store and sync data for online applications.

In the context of an online food ordering application project, a fire base can be used to

store various types of data, such as customer orders, menu items, user profiles, and

transaction information.

• By leveraging a fire base for storage, the online food ordering application can benefit

from several key features, including real-time syncing of data across all devices, offline

access to data, secure data storage, and automatic scaling to accommodate large

amounts of data.

• In addition, a fire base provides a robust set of tools and APIs for developers to easily

integrate storage functionality into the application, as well as the ability to set up user

authentication and authorization controls to ensure data security and privacy.

• Overall, using a fire base for storage in the project of an online food ordering application

can help streamline data management, improve user experience, and enhance the

overall performance and scalability of the application.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 15

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3.3.2 Back End

➢ Features of Kotlin :-

• Kotlin is a modern programming language that can be used for backend development

in the same way as languages like Java or Python. It was developed by JetBrains and

officially supported for Android development by Google.

• Kotlin is known for its conciseness, expressiveness, and safety. It is fully interoperable

with Java, which means that existing Java code can be easily integrated into a Kotlin

codebase and vice versa. Kotlin also has features like null safety, extension functions,

and coroutine support, which make it a great choice for building robust and efficient

backend applications.

• Kotlin can be used with frameworks like Spring Boot, Ktor, and Vert.x for building

web applications, RESTful APIs, and microservices. It is also used for developing

server-side applications for Android apps, as well as for building standalone backend


• Overall, Kotlin is a versatile and powerful language that is gaining popularity among

backend developers for its modern features and seamless integration with existing Java


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Chapter 4


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The process model used for the system

The process model used for this system “classic life cycle” as this is simple and is best for small
scale project.
The “classic life cycle” is also called as system development life
Cycle (SDLC) .it is defined “the growth of an information system is through various
identifiable stages. These stages are grouped together
And referred as SDLC.” the structure of its stages which we used in our Project is as follows:

Project is as follows:







Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 18

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4.2 Data Flow Diagram:-

DFD is structured, diagrammatic technique for showing the functions performed by a system
and the data flowing into, out, of, and within it. It was first developed by Larry Constantine
as a way of expressing system requirements in a graphical form which led to modular design.
It consists of Data flows, processes, sources, destination, stores-all described through the use
of easily understood symbols. These symbols are as Follows:-

• External Entity :

• Processes :

• Data Flow :

• Data Stores :

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4.4 Database System Module:

In this Project there are Two Modules. They as,

1 ]Administrator Module

2] User Module

1] Administrator Module:-

Administrator has whole Authority of the organization. He is one who is maintain the all aspects
of voters and candidate. His functionalities includes insertion, updating, Deleting of both the
voters and candidate Before Election. Hi is responsible for allowing persons to vote.

2] User Module:-

Users have the provision to view the list of Files and Chats.

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4.5 Database Design

4.4.1 .1 Data Flow Diagram For User Application:

DFD Level 0

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Quick Bite Data Flow Diagram For Admin Application:

DFD Level 0

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4.5.2 DFD Level 1

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4.5.3 ER – Diagram:

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4.5.4 Usecase :-

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4.5.5 Sequential Diagram:

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4.6 User manual Snapshot of User Application:

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Quick Bite Snapshot of Admin Application:

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Firebase Database :-

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Chapter 5


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 37

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Types of Testing:-

The four levels that the analyst uses for the quality assurance are:
1. Testing
2. Verification
3. Validation

Quality assurance is review of the software product and relates documents for completeness,
correctness, reliability, maintainability. It includes assurance that the system needs the
specification and requirements for its intended use and performance.

System testing is expensive but critical process that can take fifty percent of the budget for
program development. The common view of testing held by user that it is performed to prove
that there are no errors in program.

However as indicated alone cannot prove that software is free and clear of errors.
Therefore the most useful and practical approach is with the understanding that testing is a
process of executing a program with the explicit intension of finding errors, that is program
fails. Testing is actually trying to program failsafe.

Reliability is the design issue. Therefore reliability must be designed into system.
Like testing, verification is also intended to find errors; executing program in simulated
environment performs it.

Validation prefers the process using software in live environment in order to find errors .the
feedback form validation phase generally produces changes in software to deal with errors
and failures and may still need changes.

Software certification is an endorsement of the correctness of the program an issue that is

rising in importance for information system application.

It is planned all above points will be considered for actual testing. It is hoped that using all
above techniques can minimize failures. All the successes of the project depend upon the
users, who are going to use the system. The higher- level staff is generally interested in the
operational level staff. Taking into consideration all these things were out.

First all programmers were tested with dummy data at development center. Some bugs were
and some procedures were required to be changed to help data entry-level personnel. All the
changes were carried out again system was tested with real data records.

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Chapter 6


Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 39

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➢ Future Scope::

• Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide

personalized recommendations based on user preferences, order history, and location.

• Enhanced delivery tracking systems using GPS technology that allows customers to

track their orders in real-time and receive accurate estimated delivery times.

• Implementation of virtual reality and augmented reality technology to provide

immersive dining experiences through virtual menus, 360-degree restaurant views, and

interactive food presentations.

• Integration of blockchain technology for secure and transparent transactions, ensuring

the authenticity of food sources, and enabling seamless payment options.

• Collaboration with eco-friendly initiatives to promote sustainable practices such as

biodegradable packaging, reducing food waste, and supporting local food producers.

• Overall, the future of online food ordering applications will continue to prioritize

convenience, customization, sustainability, and technological innovation to enhance the

overall user experience and cater to the evolving needs of customers.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 40

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• Limited customization options: Some online food ordering applications may have
limited options for customizing orders, such as substituting ingredients or adding
special instructions.
• Dependence on internet connection: Users may need a stable internet connection in
order to place and track their orders, which can be a limitation in areas with poor
• Delivery radius limitations: Some online food ordering applications may only deliver
to certain areas, limiting the options available for users outside of those areas.
• Limited payment options: Some online food ordering applications may only accept
certain forms of payment, which can be a limitation for users who prefer to pay with
cash or alternative methods.

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➢ Applications:

The future scope for online food ordering applications is bright and continues to evolve with
the advancement of technology. Some potential developments in the near future include:
• Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide

personalized recommendations based on user preferences, order history, and location.

• Enhanced delivery tracking systems using GPS technology that allows customers to

track their orders in real-time and receive accurate estimated delivery times.

• Implementation of virtual reality and augmented reality technology to provide

immersive dining experiences through virtual menus, 360-degree restaurant views, and

interactive food presentations.

• Integration of blockchain technology for secure and transparent transactions, ensuring

the authenticity of food sources, and enabling seamless payment options.

• Collaboration with eco-friendly initiatives to promote sustainable practices such as

biodegradable packaging, reducing food waste, and supporting local food producers.

• Overall, the future of online food ordering applications will continue to prioritize

convenience, customization, sustainability, and technological innovation to enhance the

overall user experience and cater to the evolving needs of customers.

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 42

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Overall, online food ordering applications have become an essential tool for customers
looking for a convenient and efficient way to order food. These apps have revolutionized the
food industry by providing a platform where customers can easily browse through various
restaurants, menus, and prices. Additionally, the ability to track orders in real-time and
provide feedback on the service has greatly improved the overall customer experience.

For restaurants, online food ordering applications have opened up new avenues for increasing
their sales and reaching a wider audience. By partnering with these apps, restaurants can
streamline their ordering process, reduce errors, and improve efficiency in fulfilling orders.

In conclusion, online food ordering applications have transformed the way people order food
and have become an integral part of the food industry. With the constant advancements in
technology, we can expect these apps to continue to improve and evolve, providing even
more features and benefits for both customers and restaurants

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 43

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Chapter 7


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➢ Mr.Ritesh Sanjay Desai

➢ Mr.Huzaif Husen Murad

➢ Mr. Shaktisingh D.Rajpurohit

➢ Mr.Siddhesh Ajit Belvekar

Department Of Computer Engineering, VVIT, Pal 46

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