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Mary and Max

The long relationship I have built through many letters over time has resulted in a close
relationship between Max and Me, and I was eager to finally meet him and see him, and what
his house looks like before I went to visit him. After a few weeks after birth, I packed up my
bags to meet Max, and Max is going to see my baby. I found Max lying dead on his chair the
next morning; I was distraught, and I didn’t know how to feel after losing my best friend.
When I saw him, I broke down looking at the ceiling, at all the letters I had sent him, It
showed that he really cared deeply for me after all these years, it brought tears to my face but
I didn’t want to show my baby the sadness of losing someone I wanted to her the joy of
celebrating someone’s life.

A couple of years later the sadness had faded and was replaced by all the happiness he had
brought to me growing up and I want to teach my daughter what a good friend is worth as I
believe it is one of the most important things in life having a good friend. I have been
instilling in her all the good values you gave me through the years. It has been a hard effort
but I believe that it is completely worth all the effort to show her the love and support that
you showed me, Max, I still miss you, I miss your jokes I also miss being able to confide in

15 years after losing Max, my daughter is now in her next year in high school, she is a smart
girl like her mum, and she is getting top marks in all her subjects. I Have used a lot of what
you taught me to become a better more caring mother. She sometimes reminds me of you
with her kindness. It’s like some of you are in her like when you died your kindness went into
her and changed her for the better. Sometimes when I get sad I just think of you and our
letters and it cheers me up, I still miss you and I know this feeling will never leave me but I
am glad about that because if it did it would mean you didn’t matter to me.

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