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Good morning to my respective teacher and classmates.

Before I start this

message, I have a question for all of you. “Have you ever lost someone important to
you?” and “If you were given a chance to talk and be with her/him, who is it and
why?”. Losing someone you love and knowing that they are not able to come back is
one of the most painful things to experience in life. Let me tell you a story that
changes my perspective on love. Having a mother by your side is one of the
treasures in our life but honestly, there are times that we do things that end up for
them to question their capability as a mother. I remember back then she always yells
at me and made me feel hurt. From waking up in the morning till sleep at night, she
kept yelling about what I needed to do even though I know it already. I remember the
times that I realize that she has favoritism among us. I always feel back then that she
loves my sister more than me. In terms of the materials things she buys, she always
prioritizes my sister to the point that those leftovers will just be mine. It made me feel
that I am just an option. What if my sister doesn’t want that thing, it will be mine but if
she wants it then I don’t have the right to own it. The most painful scene we had was
before I graduated from Senior High School. It was just a misunderstanding that led
to a big scene in which that time I can’t control my emotions to the point that I also
yell at her. I remember that one sentence that made my heart into pieces, she said
that I will not bother her when my graduation comes and instead of her, I’ll go to my
dad and let him attend my graduation. It is that she’s saying that she doesn’t want to
come and see me on my graduation day. From that time, I consider it the most
hurtful part of my life as a daughter, but I didn’t know that the most painful part is yet
to come. The time came and it made my life fall into pieces. That time that I find out
that my mother died. Hearing my siblings cry out loud because of the pain we felt
made me feel broke trice as the pain they are feeling, but then my father told us that
we need to be brave and strong because he said that our mother will always be by
our side despite what happened. That word from my father made me feel that I need
to be braver for my younger siblings that can’t handle the situation. As the day
continues, there are lots of things I realized. The thing that made me believe the
quotation “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take”. How I wish I could
bring back times so that I will make her feel the love of a daughter that she deserves.
Those words from her hurt me from those times when I realized, it is her way of
showing care and love for me. So, if I am the one that is being asked, I will choose
my mother because there are lots of things I would like to say and give thanks to her.
I would like to say thank you because, in the 18 years of my life, my mother never let
me down. She made me feel my worth. I am thankful to have her as my mother
because she thought me to be hardworking. I am grateful for her sacrifices so that
we can grow up and be given a proper education, and also for the endless love that
she always made us feel although we haven’t been good all the time. There is no
day and night we don’t think of her. I want to hug her again and say those words that
I can’t say when she is still alive. I still hope to feel her hands hugging me again the
times that I am down. I’ll promise I will carry those learnings you thought me. It will
be in my heart's lifetime. I know you left for a lifetime but you will still be in our hearts
and we promise you will never be forgotten as our journey started and till the end of
it. So, if I were you when you go home hug your parents because you’re all lucky to
have them by your side. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to share.

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