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Pipeline Steady State and

Transient Analysis
FEED Services For Water Injection Project,
Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

31 March 2021

KAR Engineering and Construction Co.

Mott MacDonald
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KAR Engineering and

Construction Co. Pipeline Steady State and
Transient Analysis KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-
0001_Rev 0
C:\Users\mun85066\Desktop\KAR Group\408505-KAR-MML-T-0226\KAR1904-DES-DQ-
0000-GEN-0001_RevA_Surge Analysis.docx
Mott MacDonald
FEED Services For Water Injection Project,
Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

31 March 2021

Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in

England and Wales no. 1243967.
Registered office: Mott MacDonald House,
8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE,
KAR Engineering and Construction Co.
United Kingdom
Mott MacDonald | Pipeline Steady State and Transient Analysis
FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

Issue and Revision Record

Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description

0 18/11/19 SKG VM VRP Issued for Design
0A 15/02/21 SKG SK SK Re-Issued for Review (For Re-
FEED scope)
1 31/03/21 SKG SK SK Re-Issued for Design (For Re-
FEED scope)

Document reference: KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 01

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KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 0 | 31 March 2021

Mott MacDonald | Pipeline Steady State and Transient Analysis
FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1


1 Introduction 1
1.1 General Information 1
1.2 Project Background 1
1.3 Scope of Work 1
1.3.1 FEED design of water intake and treatment facilities at Zab River 1
1.3.2 FEED design of Water Transfer Pipeline 2
1.3.3 Tie-in at Khurmala Oil Field for Treated Produced Water Lines from
CPS-1 and CPS-2 2
1.3.4 FEED design for Receiving Facilities and Water Injection Pump
Station 2
1.3.5 FEED design for water injection distribution network along Khurmala
Oil Field 2
1.4 Scope of Document 3
1.5 Abbreviation 3

2 Input for Transient Analysis 5

2.1 Fluid Properties 5
2.2 Basis & Assumption 5
2.3 Meteorological Data 5
2.4 Pipeline Data 5

3 Software for Transient Analysis 7

3.1 Transient Scenarios 7

4 Steady State Analysis 8

5 Transient Analysis Cases 9

5.1 Transient Scenarios 9
5.2 Transient State Back Pressure 9
5.3 Transient State-Flow Profile 10
5.4 Transient State-Upstream Pressure Profile 10
5.5 Transient State-Downstream Pressure Profile 11

6 Conclusion 12

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Mott MacDonald | Pipeline Steady State and Transient Analysis 1
FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

1 Introduction

1.1 General Information

Project Name : KAR- Water Injection FEED Project

Project Location : Khurmala, Kurdistan, Iraq

1.2 Project Background

Khurmala dome is spread from 30 km south west of Erbil city, 22 km long and 3 km wide. Due to increase of
maximum recovery of crude oil production, reservoir fields are depleted, so that water injection project is required
to sustain crude oil production and maintain reservoir pressure based on the field development plan. Source of
water is available from the upper Zab river as well as treated produced water from the crude oil separation
facilities at CPS-1 and CPS-2.

The objective of this project is FEED design of River Water Intake Facilities, River Water Treatment, River Water
Transfer Pipeline, River Water Storage, Tie-ins for treated produced water from CPS-1 and CPS-2, Water
Booster Pumps for CPS-1, Water Injection Pumps, injection Manifold and associated utilities.

Zab river water is taken in River Water Intake Sump by gravity through concrete pipe with attached screen at
river bed. Water is filtered through coarse and fine screens in River Water Intake sump and pumped for further
treatment. The subsequent treatment includes sedimentation, flocculation, coagulation and filtration through
sand filters, carbon filters and cartridge filters to achieve injection water qualities. Treated water is stored in
Treated River Water Tank and is transferred using River Water Transfer Pumps via River Water Transfer
Pipeline from River location to Khurmala Oil Field. In order to facilitate pigging operation permanent Pig
Launcher and Pig Receiver will be located at river intake station and Khurmala Oil Field respectively.

Treated River Water is stored in River Water Storage Tank. Water Injection Pumps are provided for injecting
treated river water to water injection wells. The Water injection wells are spread across North to South Stations
along the Khurmala Oil Field. Water injection distribution network will be designed with 24 number of 6” off takes
connection for individual water injection well heads.

Treated water from CPS-1 has currently less pressure than required water injection pressure, hence water
Booster Pumps are provided to meet the required water injection pressure. Booster pumps discharge is
connected to injection manifold.

Treated water from CPS-2 is at required water injection pressure and will be directly connected to the water
injection manifold.

At river location, Diesel Generators will be used for power generation. Potable water system is provided for
operations personnel. Instrument Air System is provided to cater process and instrument requirement.

At Khurmala Oil Field location, Instrument Air System is provided to cater process and instrument requirement.
Potable water system is provided for operations personnel.

1.3 Scope of Work

The scope of work covers the FEED for the entire water treatment and injection project from the river intake
facilities to the water injection well heads (location and flow rate/pressure) of the Water Injection wells.

Scope of work includes:

1.3.1 FEED design of water intake and treatment facilities at Zab River
The scope of work includes:

A. Study of the Zab river area and choose the best area to locate the water intake facilities and
evaluation of the various options for the intake facilities
B. FEED design of the raw water treatment facilities

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Mott MacDonald | Pipeline Steady State and Transient Analysis 2
FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

C. Electrical FEED design for the intake facilities

D. Instrument & Control FEED design
E. Mechanical FEED design

1.3.2 FEED design of Water Transfer Pipeline

Water Transfer Pipeline from Zab river intake facilities to Khurmala Oil Field is approximately 44 km long.

The scope of work includes:

A. Pipeline routing survey/study

B. Sizing of pipeline
C. Pipeline material selection for underground pipeline for 25 years of life.

1.3.3 Tie-in at Khurmala Oil Field for Treated Produced Water Lines from CPS-1 and CPS-2
Treated Produced Water from CPS-1 and CPS-2 is received at Khurmala Oil Field for injection to Well Heads
along with treated river water.

The scope of work includes:

A. Sizing of Treated Water lines from CPS-1 and CPS-2.

B. FEED design of Tie-in connections

1.3.4 FEED design for Receiving Facilities and Water Injection Pump Station
The scope of work includes:

A. Optimization of the location and configuration of the water injection pump stations.
B. Pump Station to be designed to receive the treated river water from Zab river and treated produced
water from CPS-1 and CPS-2

1.3.5 FEED design for water injection distribution network along Khurmala Oil Field
The Water Injection wells are spread across North to South Stations along the Khurmala Oil Field. Water
injection distribution network will be designed with 24 number of 6” off takes connection for individual Water
Injection well heads.

The Scope of work includes:

A. Distribution scheme optimization

B. Sizing Calculations
C. Material selection for the underground pipelines taking in consecration of the life time of the project
(25 years)

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Mott MacDonald | Pipeline Steady State and Transient Analysis 3
FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

1.4 Scope of Document

The scope of work of this document to complete the steady state and transient analysis of water transfer pipeline
and water injection lines.

1.5 Abbreviation
Abbreviation Description

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

BFD Block Flow Diagram

BGL Below Ground Level

BoD Basis of Design

BPD Barrels Per Day

BWPD Barrels of Water Per Day

BS British Standard

CS Carbon Steel

DCS Distributed Control System

DOR Division of Responsibility

EDG Emergency Diesel Generator

ESD Emergency Shutdown

FEED Front End Engineering Design

FGS Fire and Gas System

H2S Hydrogen Sulphide

HP High Pressure

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System

ID Inner Diameter

ISO International Standardisation Organisation

LP Low Pressure

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NW-SE North West South East

OIW Oil in Water

P&ID Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

PFD Process Flow Diagram

ppm Part Per Million

RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

SAW Sub-Merged Arc Welded Line Pipe

SG Specific Gravity

SIS Safety Instrumented System

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TSS Total Suspended Solids

UCP Unit Control Panel

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

VTA Vendor to Advise

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

2 Input for Transient Analysis

2.1 Fluid Properties

Compositional fluid as WATER is selected as Software Input. The water properties at operating pressure and
temperature are generated by Software

2.2 Basis & Assumption

1) Water flow rate through pipeline for earlier study was 2100 m3/hr. As per new scope, revised water flow
rate through pipeline: 2,00,000 BPD (1400 m3/hr)
2) Landing pressure at Tank B/L: 2 barg

2.3 Meteorological Data

Black bulb temperature : 82C

Solar radiation : 120 mW/cm2

Soil thermal resistivity : 240 cm.C/W

2.4 Pipeline Data

The following pipeline data has been considered for transient calculations:

Nominal Pipeline Size, inch 30”

Pipeline OD (mm) 760

Wall Thickness, mm 8.74

Pipe wall roughness (PE), mm 0.015

Operating Temperature, oC 4 – 55

Design Pressure, barg 30

Minimum Design Temperature, °C -10

Maximum Design Temperature, °C 85

Approximate Length, km 44

Pipeline profile Refer Note-1,2 below

Design Life, years 25


1. Geotechnical survey for pipeline has not been carried out during the FEED stage. Hence exact
pipeline profile is not available. For carrying out hydraulics of pipeline, the profile of pipeline running
parallel to the upcoming water transfer pipeline is used for reference. The final pipeline hydraulics
shall be carried out based on actual pipeline profile during detailed engineering.
2. The reference pipeline profile used for hydraulics is as per figure below.

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

Elevation from FGL Meter 0 195 8 60

Distance from source Km 0 11 26.8 44

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

3 Software for Transient Analysis

Pipeline Studio Software Version is used for carrying out transient calculations.

Model selection

Model Type TLNET

Fluid Type Compositional Fluid

Type – Auto-generated

Fluid – Water (100% H2O)

Equation of State Default

Temperature Tracking Yes

Number of Iterations (max) 200

Time Step, sec 0.01

Convergence tolerance Min - 0.001 and Max – 0.01

3.1 Transient Scenarios

Scenario Time Step

Starting/Closing time for manual valve 30 30 seconds interval which corresponds to 33% closing

Pump Trips @ Closure of manual valve At 0% Manual valve opening; Flow is 0.0 m3/hr

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

4 Steady State Analysis

For the revised water flow rate of 1400 m3/hr and given pipeline details the steady sate source pressure
calculated by TL Net is 11.49 barg for fixed downstream pressure (at Tank B/L) of 2 barg.

Results of Steady State Analysis

Pressure Unit Remark

Source pressure 11.49 barg Calculated
Destination Pressure 2.0 barg Fixed
Steady State Pressure Drop 9.49 bar
As the pipeline profile is not
Margin on Pressure Drop 25 % available, 25% design margin is
considered for conservative design
Pressure drop with margin 11.86 bar
Supply pressure required at
13.86 barg
Supply pressure used for water
14.0 Barg
transfer pumps

Steady State Pressure Profile

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

5 Transient Analysis Cases

For the revised water flow rate of 1400 m3/hr and given pipeline details, transient state hydraulics is run for the
two scenarios mentioned in above section 3.1

From the results (refer section 5.2 to 5.5) is evident that,

• Transient state back pressure reached at settled conditions in pipeline is 15.06 barg
• The maximum upstream pressure reaching in the pipeline is 21 barg.
• The maximum downstream pressure reaching in the pipeline is 16 barg.

Hence, water transfer pipeline is suitable and safe w.r.t. the surge pressures in the network due to various
operating/start-up/shutdown scenarios as maximum pressure reached in the pipeline is less than design
pressure (30 barg)

5.1 Transient Scenarios

Transient hydraulic analysis is carried out for the following two scenarios. The results are pressented from
section 5.2 onnways

Scenario Time Step

Starting/Closing time for manual valve 30 30 seconds interval which corresponds to 33% closing

Pump Trips @ Closure of manual valve

At 0% Manual valve opening, flow is 0.0 m3/hr
(due to high discharge pressure)

Results of Transient Analysis

5.2 Transient State Back Pressure

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

5.3 Transient State-Flow Profile

5.4 Transient State-Upstream Pressure Profile

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
KAR1904-PRO-CA-0000-GEN-0001_Rev 1

5.5 Transient State-Downstream Pressure Profile

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6 Conclusion

1. The steady state pipeline operating pressure is 14.00 barg.

2. River Water Transfer Pumps needs to be designed for required discharge pressure of 14.0 barg
3. The water transfer pipeline is suitable and safe w.r.t. the surge pressures in the network due to various
operating/start-up/shutdown scenarios.


Geotechnical survey for pipeline has not been carried out during the FEED stage and hence exact pipeline
profile is not available. The pipeline steady state and transient analysis is carried out based on reference profile
of pipeline running parallel to the upcoming water transfer. Pipeline steady state pressure and transient pressure
(Design Pressure) shall be confirmed during Detailed Engineering, based on actual pipeline profile.

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FEED Services For Water Injection Project, Khurmala Dome
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