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Alp intermediate 3

Good evening ms. Rodriguez and classmates. My name is Estrella and my project is about
“social issues”. So, let’s star.

As you know I’m a candidate for our district and Today I’d like to talk you about some problems
that have been happening frequently. The points that I wanna talk about are: crime, problems
of access to potable water and pollution. I’ll provide an overview of the pollution in our
community and Then I'll list two things that I consider causing it. Let’s start by talking about
the main causes, For example, last few weeks I have seen how many citizens throw their
garbage any time and any where. As you can see One of the main causes of the pollution is that
there is not enough coordination on part of the citizens and previous mayors. Another cause is
that our district is considered an urban area and for this reason we don’t have all the necessary
services, such as a garbage truck. the truth is that seeing that was very unpleasant but today I
have decided to bring solutions, not problems. Me and my corporation have decided that all
citizens should have a garbage can outside their homes and then a schedule only to pick up the
neighborhood garbage.

Another important point is crime, it is not only a problem at the district level, it also happens
throughout the country, it is something that cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be
reduced. In our community there is not enough security to be or feel protected. so we have
decided to place security cameras and support the police with more serenage cars. in this way
improve as a society and develop a safe environment between citizens. We must not forget
that crime is caused by many reasons, one of the main causes and the most important is the
family. Even if we don't believe it, the family is a very important factor in the growth and
development of each person. another cause is the lack of money and the need to obtain it. For
example, If we don't have work or studies, the only option will be to commit a crime.

The last point I want to talk about is the most important, access to drinking water. This is a
social poverty which we must solve now because it is a necessary service to live. In this case, I
promise to work on the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in a given period of time
and during that time improve the quality of the system trucks and that they reach each of the
rural areas of the district. Even though it's a too heavy job, I promise to do it and work

Well, Miss. Rodriguez and classmates, I finished my presentation. Thank you very much for
your attention.

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