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Pamela essential to her family. She is a domestic servant. But her father used to be school teacher. So she’s
literate. She’s a reader and gets her agency out of writing. She is the hero writer. Sincere writing like a
confession. In the 1730/40 turns to notion of selfhood not performative. Selfhood is sincere vs is
performative. Cultural world divides into pamelist and antipamelist based on how they do interpret it.

1. She is me too situation. Has to deal with gender, social class. Her employer is a young guy. He thinks
his class position authorises him to di-o stuff to her. If she were from a rich family, ere the heir she would
do the same. Pamela situation has to do with prison constitution of class. She is confessing to herself and
family about what happening to her all the time. The end is that mr landowner conversion experience: class
and gender made him an asshole/awful. After he kidnap her, and propose her an economic exchange in
return of sex. She is a prisoner. He is like the state and she is the persecuted individual. The kidnaper guy is
self-consciously hit guy he’s smooth, charming. Before he starts mistreat her. She likes him initially. Two
emotions: abuse and interest.

2. The Pamelist say that Pamela is “me too” movement also revelation of human personality, heart
through the epistolary genre, is sincere.

3. Anti Pamelist: Pamela’s sincerity is an act. She has a strategy to get the rich guy.

New literary mode. The sincerity of the sentiments was that the sentiment were reactive and happened in
the moment.

The filmmaker gives a lot of interpretation. When reading a novel doing the interpretation work yourself
and you’re less guided. Fiction begins to develop an independence of sentiment, disclose the inner self.

The language f the soliloquy is not framed socially. In the 18 new ways to show interiority trough speech.
But through epistolary forl u get reactiveness in the moment that gives greater sincerity bcs there’s less
time to filter. Also letters are intimate situations. Toward the end cf century we get free indirect speech in
the 3rd erosn you juls from 3rd person narration to the thought if the character without any warning.

She is ain a political prison: because of her gender and social class. If you’re a servant you have feudal
relation to her landlord. Element of betrayal and social hierarchy.

Epistolary technique. Two other prison thata pamel ais in; 1730/40 cultura turning pioint when behaviour
gets less wild, promiscuity less prominent and gradually get to discourses in British culture calles politeness
and the culture of sentiment. Pale is inside this two structures. Her agency comes out of writing. She get
power over the reader through the use of that agency, writing. She is telling through a mediam that is
regulated and that regulation is called politeness. Is basically the rules your parents wanted u to follow.
Social regulations. Codification with social behaviour. Century of conflict ant the outcome is political
confluct. There’s a party system, religious division and all found ways t o live with one another. Politeness
codification social behaviour around strangers. Pamela living inside this social codification. Because she is
literate and d she is a reader, familiar with lit. she is inside this framework of politeness.

Paintings: Relaxed, conversational setting abut not completely relaxed.

Shrubbery are gardens. Going for a walk in here is a ways of sharing social space in a regulated sense.
In those phase of British society plp very seldom mixed with different social class. As we move forward
more opportunity for plp from slightly different social classes to mix. Pride an d prejudice example: they
share social spaces.

In polite society live inside those rules but nobody to tell you exactly what the rules ere. The older you are
the more you now them by experience. So Pamela as 15 year old she knows that in addition to her
subordination to her master in order to have credibility she need to be polite writer, she needs to
communicate her sincerity without colloquialism. She has to be inside this social rules in her writing. Idea
that outer self is a mask.

Character is Richardson’s novel talk about politeness la the time.

Clarissa: Once you’re married you lose your legal personality, subordinated to your husband/master.

Lovelace as Mr B in pamela: Alternate between more acceptable behaviour and self-controlled and less
controlled, aggressive. But he says is planned.

Sentient and sensibility

1760/70. Discourse emphases the emotions bottled up.

Coterie group pf plp who share writing with one another. Most of lit works Produced for private
readership. They share writing in a group. Richardson. Sentimental trendy thing bur going to stay into plp’s
radar for long time. Heightened expression of sadness, and mourning ; and gives to the gothic. What’s the
pint of sentiment? If Christianity does not provide anymore a test to see if you’re good and bad; if there no
revealed religion how do you determine if you bad or good. Whether a person is good or bad. . if you can
feel empathy for a person you good. Test found by philosophers. Looking at other person and register their
emotions. Ideology in the 18 century. How can determine someone if the test of being good is not a
religious one anymore. Is through showing empathy not only through interaction with other plp but also
with culture.

If it’s a show then is insincere. The reaction to culture have to be spontaneous. Linked to palea and the
spontaneous of her writing.


Long title of Pamela. What her virtue? Her virginity. Genteel=polite. Idea of being a gentleman. Is a matter
of class. Pamela try to make argument that in as such she is literate and self-educated as all women writers
of that period were. She is saying I am a servant you’re a rich but have dignity that entitles to a status. You
have respect me bcs I have got cultural attainments similar to yours. She is upper conscious of her
accomplishments a s a writer and reader, give her a certain status.

Conduct book: manual for behaviour. Series of letter are models on how u should be writing depend on
who are you writing to. Books thought you how to write letters. Letters writing manuals.

Two kind of marriages in England: one of them private not need an Anglican priest. Exchange vows in front
of testimony. Pamela appears and becomes a media event. Translated, adapted to theatre, but also
produces cultural : paintings, waxed figures.
How to portray subjectivity?

You get the stimulus and then get the reaction of the character. Watching the character react in the
moment to what is happening to him/her. Also can do this Or through the tracking shot. Watching
expression change moment to moment. Or subjective camera technique for 5 minutes everything you see
is through the character’s eyes. From inside his head. Or to show emotion in the cinema: when the
physicality change based on the character’s emotion. As the character. Camera changing its physical
behaviour of space show you how the characters is feeling.

Richardson want to show physical interaction and emotion being registers in the moment;. Own term for it
is writing in the moment. Element of physical interaction with the medium written about in the medium.
The physicality is talked about in the text but not reproduced in the text. Recording what happens to her
emotions. Her writing process interrupted by her emotional one.


Assessment  presentation

Presentation of Pamela  end of presentation ask question

15 to 20 minutes for two people.

Supposed to be stimulating. About formulating new questions.


Is Pamela a good representation of a story about sexual harassment?

He never gets punishment, never gets accountability about his actions. He rewards the abuser. He glorifies
predatory behaviour and solidify rape culture. It is not a good representation.

Does Mr B reformation give him immunity for his past actions?

Try to portray him as true gentleman.

Are Pamela ‘choices a reflection of hypocrisy ?

Teenage girl. Religious upbringing.

Richardson wrote the text as an instructive one. As prevention. Idea of exposing that person.

Richardson critics the hypocrisy of religion.

Question of consent all over the novel.

Mr B is afraid of her. She might tells on him. Worried about losing prestige, social capital bcs Abusing of a

Ending seems to make his initial behaviour legitimated. Through the arts of the fiction it’s all from Pamela’s
point of view. The subaltern character becomes the point of view character and everything through her

Age difference: he is legally master of his own wealth.

Lisa Sunshine. Deep intersubjectivity. Have to be aware that some else is interpreting you. She is aware that
he is an object of interpretation. Also her parents interpret her. Deep intersubjectivity Try to anticipate
what the other person feels and how much sincerity there is in the manifestation of their feelings.

Four problems in Pamela


1) Don’t show the face of Mr B too much; close ups on her very shorts shots. Very small
background(only a small part of the room).

2) Not super easy to visualise. Make seems it more violent.

3) She gets the knowledge later. She pretends to pass out. She pretends to continue passed out. Does
is suggest that she is not sincere all the time or that she is trying to protect herself, survival thing. Whether
strategic or spontaneous.

4) Moment in which the reader is put in the pint of view which is not Pamela but MR b. is only the
action of looking not interiority. Being conscious about what the other person s doing and imaging it.


1) Part of her is trying to convince herself (self-deception). She puts herself in a victim position. She is
assembling a body of evidence, this opinion as part of a strategy. It is instrumental.

2) It’s an act  she is an actress. He is constantly says she was asking for it. Even though she says no
there were behaviours that said yes. Shamela (fielding) talk about virtuous performative

3) She is constructing her narrative by re reading herself. She is not in control of her feeling. Control
over her actions. It sound super sincere. With certain show of emotion in certain context make seem the
emotion more sincere.


1) He reads the world from his pint of view. Object/ property. Getting married she becomes kind of
vessel. She is going from subjugation from servant to another kind of wife.

2) When he gets to the confessional part of the novel. He realizes that he’s an asshole. Even though he
does change position and now critical about his initial behaviour still creepy about it. Richardson
revolutionized all about character, interiority of a subaltern character. Respond to the criticism by telling
another similar story but she is more similar to social status of men. Clarissa. He is the ciai and she feel
inferior position all the time.

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