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Genocide in Bangladesh, also known as the Bangladesh Liberation War Genocide or the 1971 Bangladesh
genocide, refers to the systematic massacre of Bengali civilians, intellectuals, and minority groups during the
Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. Here are some major aspects of the genocide:

 Background: The genocide occurred during the Bangladesh Liberation War, which was fought
between East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (now Pakistan) over issues of autonomy,
democracy, and linguistic and cultural rights.

 Causes: The genocide was fueled by political and ethnic tensions between the Bengali-majority East
Pakistan and the Urdu-speaking West Pakistani government. Disputes over power-sharing, economic
exploitation, and cultural discrimination were significant factors.

 Atrocities: The Pakistani military, with the support of Islamist militias such as the Razakars and Al-
Badr, perpetrated widespread atrocities including mass killings, rapes, torture, and destruction of
property. Intellectuals, students, and members of the Hindu minority were particularly targeted.

 Scale: Estimates of the number of people killed during the genocide vary widely, but it is believed
that hundreds of thousands to millions of Bengalis were killed, and millions more were displaced.

 International Response: The international community largely remained passive during the genocide,
although media coverage and humanitarian efforts did increase awareness. India's intervention in
support of the Bangladeshi independence movement played a crucial role in ending the genocide and
facilitating the creation of Bangladesh.

 War Crimes Tribunal: In 2009, the Bangladeshi government established the International Crimes
Tribunal to prosecute those responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide
committed during the 1971 conflict. Several individuals, including senior Pakistani military officials
and local collaborators, have been convicted and sentenced.

 Legacy: The genocide left deep scars on Bangladeshi society and continues to impact politics, society,
and relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan. Commemoration efforts, education initiatives, and
ongoing justice-seeking processes aim to address the trauma and ensure accountability.
 Understanding the genocide in Bangladesh is essential for acknowledging historical injustices,
promoting reconciliation, and preventing similar atrocities in the future.

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