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The graph below shows the percentage of self employed workers of the total workforce in five countries in 1998

and 2008

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Riverdale Pre-school

Children: 20 in a class
Classes: First group - Mrs. Oliver
Second group - Mrs. 1___________
Hours &Days: Suzie will attend 3 days a week for a total of 2__________ hours
Activities: Outside time
- running, playing, or something quieter
- just got a new piece of equipment
- intend to make a 3___________
- this year, 4__________ activities are popular
- they hear a 5__________ every day
Fees: Now costs 6$___________ per term
Fees include:
- a trip to a 7__________ this year
- chance to take home a 8__________ every week
Do not forget: Put a 9__________ ,in Suzie’s bag
Arrange a visit; phone number: 10__________

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-15
Complete the sentences below.

11 Special conditions may apply to __________ students looking for a job.

12 The university Job Centre is located on the _________ Campus.
13 The Job Centre remains open until __________ every evening.
14 The only day the employment lawyer is available is __________
15 The university __________ regularly advertises new jobs.

Questions 16-20
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
16 At present, the university is offering part-time work in
A its offices. B the IT centre. C the car parks.
17 Local employers visit the university
A only in the first term. B twice a term. C throughout the year.
18 According to the speaker, a part-time job can
A lead to a full-time job after graduation.
B provide a useful work record for the future.
C give the chance to develop team-work skills
19 Students who work part-time
A will be taxed. B will be paid every week. C will need private insurance.
20 Part-time student workers are advised to
A give notice in writing B communicate by email C have a mobile phone.

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