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Roll No.

M23F0001RSE006 Name: Karam Ali

Q 1: What is Agile in project management?

The Agile methodology is like a friendly guide for project management, breaking things down into

dynamic phases called sprints. Instead of tackling the whole project at once, Agile project

management divides it into bite-sized chunks of time and tasks. Unlike traditional methods where

you only see results at the project's end, Agile keeps the excitement alive by delivering a working

product throughout the journey. This approach encourages close collaboration between the project

team and stakeholders, with continuous feedback shaping the project in real-time rather than

waiting for a post-mortem analysis.

What makes Agile special is its flexibility compared to more rigid project management approaches.

Teams can easily shift gears, adapting to new circumstances or project needs. Think of it like a

dance where adaptability is the key. Some popular frameworks within Agile include Scrum,

Kanban, and XP.

Q 2: What is KANBAN?

A scheduling system employed in manufacturing industries to enhance production processes stands

out for its simplicity and effectiveness. Picture a story board adorned with story cards, each telling

a tale of the project's state at a specific moment. What sets it apart from other visualizations is its

incorporation of Work in Progress limits (WIP Limits), strategically controlling the amount of

work allowed at each stage. This system shines a spotlight on bottlenecks at various project stages

using visual boards, providing valuable insights for smoother operations.

Roll No. M23F0001RSE006 Name: Karam Ali

Q 3: What is SCRUM?

Scrum, a dynamic agile project management framework, empowers teams to iteratively and

incrementally deliver valuable products. It operates on a continuous cycle of inspection and

adaptation, ensuring that the process evolves with each iteration. The essence of Scrum lies in

guiding teams through the journey of iterative and incremental product delivery, fostering a

responsive and adaptive approach to project development.

Kanban vs. Scrum

When comparing Scrum and Kanban, it's evident that both methodologies share a common goal

of achieving incremental and iterative value delivery in projects. Delving into their nuanced

histories and practical applications would require a separate whitepaper, but here are some key

distinctions to consider:

Roll No. M23F0001RSE006 Name: Karam Ali

Nature of Approach:

Scrum is primarily a project delivery framework, whereas Kanban functions as a task management

system. Interestingly, Scrum benefits from Kanban's task management capabilities.

Task Management Orientation:

Kanban excels in continuous task management, making it versatile for both project delivery and

operational support.

Timeboxing vs. Continuous Delivery:

Scrum operates on the timeboxing principle, aiming to deliver value within a defined 2-4 week

window. On the other hand, Kanban employs a continuous delivery cycle, allowing tasks to be

completed at their own pace.

Role Definition:

In Scrum, specific roles like Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the development team are defined.

Kanban, however, lacks such role specifications, emphasizing a shared responsibility for managing

the flow of value among all team members.

Flexibility in Change Management:

Both frameworks accommodate changes, but the flexibility differs. Kanban allows changes at any

point in the process, while Scrum typically restricts changes during a sprint unless the sprint itself

is terminated

Roll No. M23F0001RSE006 Name: Karam Ali

Q 4: What is Sprint ?

In the realm of Agile project management, the Sprint holds pivotal significance within the Scrum

framework. Acting as a cornerstone, a Sprint represents a defined and time-boxed period where a

team dedicates its efforts to achieve a set of specific objectives, benchmarks, or outputs. An

alternative term commonly used for Sprints is "iterations," capturing the essence of this iterative

and focused approach in the Scrum methodology.

Q 4: What is product owner?

In the intricate web of Agile project management, the role of a Product Owner serves as a vital link

between the customer's perspective and the intricate workings of development teams. Acting as a

proxy for the customer, the Product Owner functions as the intermediary bridging the gap between

those who define value at the minimum business increment level, predominantly product

managers, and the teams responsible for translating that value into tangible, working software.

The Product Owner navigates the realm of high-level stories, strategically focusing on the

overarching vision of the project. Their role involves not only understanding the tactical aspects

of the project but also ensuring alignment with the broader vision, making them a key player in

shaping the trajectory of the product.

Q 5: what is Product manager?

A Product Manager plays a pivotal role in identifying customer needs and overarching business

objectives for a product or feature. They articulate the definition of success for a product and rally

a team to transform that vision into reality. The Product Manager's focus is strategic, involving

Roll No. M23F0001RSE006 Name: Karam Ali

observing market trends, identifying new potential outcomes, and ensuring the product aligns with

the needs of the associated value stream(s). Successful Product Managers are customer-centric

while also understanding the organizational constraints and capabilities.

In comparison, the Product Owner (PO) and Product Manager roles differ yet complement each

other. The Product Manager's emphasis is on long-term vision and strategy, whereas the Product

Owner tends to be more tactical. Product Owners work closely with delivery teams, ensuring the

right functionality is built in a timely manner, translating the high-level vision of the Product

Manager into detailed requirements. They collaborate with various stakeholders, including non-

customer stakeholders such as finance, security, operations, support, audit, and others.

While some argue that Product Owners should also focus on strategic issues, particularly in

simpler, non-scaled situations, the reality is that Product Management encompasses more than just

software development. The day-to-day tasks of Product Owners, including working with the

delivery team and engaging in backlog refinement with stakeholders, can be demanding enough

to constitute a full-time job. Therefore, the distinction between the strategic focus of a Product

Manager and the tactical nature of a Product Owner's responsibilities is crucial in understanding

their respective roles and contributions within the product development landscape.

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