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A report on


“A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Digital

Marketing in Mysore city”

Submitted To:

JSS Center for Management Studies

“Master Of Business Administration”

Submitted By:
Shalini G [01JST22PMB118]
Varun P [01JST22PMB142]
Manikanta N [01JST22PMB068]
Mahesh K S [01JST22PMB066]


Dr. Rakesh D
Associate Professor
Mr. Suresh
Assistant Professor
Ms. Ananya
Assistant Professor
Department of MBA
JSS Science and Technology University
Mysore – 570002
















In an era of digital transformation, understanding consumer behaviour is paramount for
businesses to adapt and thrive. This research investigates the intricacies of consumer
behaviour in Mysore City, specifically exploring the role of three pivotal independent
variables: content relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns within the realm of digital
marketing. Our study combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including surveys
and data analysis, to provide a holistic perspective.
Consumer behaviour, as the dependent variable, acts as the compass guiding this research.
We seek to unravel the motivations, preferences, and responses of consumers to digital
marketing initiatives. How do these factors shape their decision-making processes, from
considering a product or service to making a purchase?
Content relevance, as one independent variable, examines the importance of delivering
meaningful and engaging content to capture the audience's attention. Personalization explores
how tailoring marketing efforts to individual preferences and characteristics influences
consumer engagement and loyalty. Privacy concerns, the third independent variable, delve
into the intricacies of trust and data security in a world where personal information is
increasingly shared online.
This research aims to shed light on the complex interplay between these factors, offering
actionable insights for businesses and marketers operating in Mysore City. Our findings can
guide the refinement of digital marketing strategies, facilitating a deeper understanding of the
local consumer landscape and enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns.
In a rapidly evolving digital environment, this study contributes to the development of
tailored marketing strategies that resonate with consumers in Mysore City, ultimately
fostering stronger relationships between businesses and their target audience.
KEYWORD: Digital Marketing, Consumer Behaviour

In an age characterized by the relentless advance of digital technology, the landscape of
marketing has undergone a profound transformation. As consumers navigate a world
saturated with information, products, and services, their behaviors, preferences, and
responses to digital marketing strategies have evolved significantly. In this era of change,
businesses are faced with a pressing challenge – understanding and effectively responding to
the intricate dynamics of consumer behaviour. This study embarks on a comprehensive
exploration of consumer behaviour towards digital marketing within the enchanting confines
of Mysore City. Our research hinges on three pivotal independent variables: content
relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns, all of which play a decisive role in shaping
consumer decisions and actions.
Mysore City, a gem nestled in the heart of South India, is renowned for its rich cultural
heritage, regal architecture, and vibrant traditions. This city, however, is not impervious to the
transformative waves of the digital age. As its residents navigate the digital landscape,
businesses and marketers must grasp the subtleties of their consumer base. What persuades
individuals to click, engage, and ultimately convert in a world awash with digital
advertisements? The answers to this pivotal question lie within the complex interplay of our
independent variables.

Content Relevance:
our first independent variable, stands as a cornerstone of modern digital marketing. The
notion of delivering content that resonates with the consumer is a golden rule that marketers
aspire to uphold. In the unique context of Mysore City, how does the alignment of content
with the values, preferences, and cultural nuances of consumers impact their behaviour? We
delve into this question with the aim of unravelling the local intricacies.

the second independent variable, underscores the significance of treating consumers as
individuals rather than faceless entities. By tailoring marketing strategies to the distinctive
preferences and characteristics of each consumer, marketers seek to create a sense of
resonance and connection. Yet, how does this approach influence the consumer's engagement
and loyalty in Mysore City? Our research will seek to unveil the role of personalization
within this distinct cultural context.

Privacy Concerns
our third independent variable, has emerged as a critical topic in the digital age. Consumers
today are acutely aware of the value of their personal data and are increasingly concerned
about how it is handled by businesses. In Mysore City, a place where trust and relationships
are deeply cherished, how do privacy concerns influence consumer choices, and what
measures can businesses take to build and maintain trust?

The confluence of these three independent variables in the captivating locale of Mysore City
is what sets this study apart. Through a blend of quantitative and qualitative research
methodologies, including surveys and data analysis, our research aims to provide a holistic
perspective on consumer behaviour towards digital marketing. This exploration is not only
academically intriguing but carries profound implications for businesses and marketers
operating in Mysore City. The findings are poised to guide the refinement of digital
marketing strategies, contributing to a more profound understanding of the local consumer
landscape, and fostering deeper connections between businesses and their target audience.

In a world where the digital realm increasingly intertwines with daily life, this study aspires
to equip marketers with the insights and knowledge essential to navigate the complex tides of
consumer behaviour in Mysore City. With these foundations laid, we now embark on a

journey through the intersections of content relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns,
casting light on the unique landscape of consumer behaviour in this captivating city.

1. To understand, how content relevance in digital marketing influence consumer behaviour
and attitudes?
2. To understand the impact of personalization in digital marketing on consumer behaviour
and attitudes?
3. To study how privacy concerns in digital marketing practices affect consumer behaviour
and attitudes?

Dr. S. Sivasankaran (2017) This study's objective is to ascertain how digital platforms affect
young people's purchasing behaviour and the part that digital marketing plays in it. This study
looked at the importance of digital marketing and its effects on young people's purchasing
patterns. Marketing is evolving more quickly than ever in this era of customer-focused
markets. The way that consumers shop is always changing. It is thought that consumer
behaviour varies in terms of the products' features, qualities, costs, packaging, and purchasing
patterns. The changing preferences of the youth have the greatest impact on purchasing
patterns since they are thought to be up to date with today's trends and the constant
development of fashion according to changing time. As a result, marketers spend a lot of
money researching changing youth behaviour in order to detect and predict markets.
According to the report, people are more conscious of digital marketing than ever before, and
they prefer to buy clothing and electronics through digital platforms in their purchasing

Mahmoud Alghizzaw (2019) The main objective of this research is to shed light on the effect
that digital marketing plays in consumer behaviour, with a specific focus on the tourism
industry. This research will add to the body of knowledge and serve to guide future
advancements in digital marketing in tourism. The studied literature thoroughly demonstrated
the significance of digital communication for tourism competitiveness, eWOM, tourist
behaviour, and their usage of social media and mobile applications. This study will also
contribute academically by identifying some gaps in existing research and proposing both
plans for future research and potential road-mapping for decision-makers.

Rashmi Gujrati and Hayri Uygun (2020) This article seeks to investigate how digitization has
impacted consumer behaviour and shifted customer attitude from the mall to mobile. People
are increasingly turning to online purchasing. Digitalisation has played an important role, and
it is gradually shifting the consumer's shopping habits from the mall to mobile. The consumer
conducts marketing via mobile tablet PC cell phones, etc. The smartphone app has made it

simple to purchase a product without wasting time or money, and marketing has become
simple with the usage of the internet.

Paulo Rita, Tiago Oliveira, and Almira Farisa (2019) The objective of this study is to create
new knowledge in order to better understand the most essential elements of e-service quality
that influence consumer happiness, trust, and behaviour, while building on existing literature
on e-service quality in online purchasing. Customer service and total e-service quality are not
significantly correlated. Customer behaviour and overall e-service quality are statistically
highly correlated. To ensure that the measurement performs equally well across all product
segments and/or industries, future research should take these factors into account. The
measurement could need to be changed depending on the context of the industry.

While extensive research has examined the dynamics of consumer behaviour in the context of
digital marketing, there exists a noticeable gap in the literature concerning the unique
landscape of Mysore City. Few studies have ventured to explore how the interplay of content
relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns influences consumer behaviour in this
culturally rich and digitally evolving urban centre. This research will address the deficiency
in the existing body of knowledge by focusing on this specific location, offering a nuanced
understanding of the digital marketing-consumer behaviour relationship in Mysore City. The
research gap here lies in the scarcity of studies that consider the local context and its impact
on the variables under investigation.

1. Research Approach:
This study will employ a mixed-methods research approach, combining quantitative and
qualitative methodologies to gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviour
towards digital marketing in Mysore City.
2. Research Setting:
The research will be conducted in Mysore City, which offers a unique cultural and
demographic environment. Data collection will be carried out within the city's urban and
suburban areas to ensure a representative sample.
3. Sampling:
The study will use a stratified random sampling method to ensure the inclusion of diverse
demographic groups within the city. Sample size will be determined based on statistical
power calculations to achieve a representative and statistically significant dataset.
4. Data Collection Methods: Surveys: Quantitative data will be collected through
structured surveys. The survey will include questions related to consumer behaviour, content
relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns in digital marketing.

5. Variables:
a. Dependent Variable: Consumer behaviour will be measured through metrics such as
purchase intent, engagement with digital marketing content, and loyalty to brands.
b. Independent Variables:
• Content Relevance: Participants' perceptions of the relevance of digital marketing
content will be measured through self-reported assessments.
• Personalization: The level of personalization in digital marketing efforts will be
assessed using consumer feedback and preferences.
• Privacy Concerns: Privacy concerns will be evaluated by examining participants'
attitudes towards data security and their willingness to share personal information.

6. Data Analysis:
Quantitative data will be analysed using statistical techniques such as regression analysis to
assess the relationships between independent variables and consumer behaviour.
7. Ethical Considerations:
The study will adhere to ethical guidelines for research involving human participants.
Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and their privacy and anonymity will
be protected.
8. Research Timeline:
The research will be conducted over a period of [mention the timeframe], including data
collection, analysis, and report preparation.
9. Anticipated Challenges:
Potential challenges may include obtaining a representative sample, participant bias, and the
need to adapt to changing digital marketing trends during the research period.
10. Significance:
This research design aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviour
towards digital marketing in Mysore City. The findings will offer valuable insights for
businesses and marketers, contributing to the refinement of digital marketing strategies
tailored to the unique local context.

Dependent Variable
Consumer Behaviour: It represents how consumers in Mysore behave towards brands,
products, or services due to exposure to digital marketing efforts. It includes aspects like
brand favourability, trust, and overall attitude towards a brand.

Independent Variables
1. Content Relevance: The relevance of the digital marketing content to the target audience
can significantly impact behaviour. Assess if the content aligns with consumer needs and
2.Personalization: Personalized marketing messages, tailored to individual preferences, may
influence consumer behaviour differently compared to generic messages.
3. Privacy Concerns: Consumer concerns about data privacy and how their information is
used in digital marketing efforts can impact their behaviour.

Content Relevance

Personalization Consumer Behaviour

Privacy Concerns

A series of analysis were carried out using SPSS in order to get the results. The data was
examined using SPSS Version 25 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). We conducted
regression analysis, factor analysis, descriptive analysis, and reliability test.

The first output from the analysis is a table of descriptive statistics for all the variables under
investigation. Typically, the mean, standard deviation, and the number of respondents (N)
who participated in the survey are given. The mean value describes the characteristics of the
most common response among the stated dataset. The total number of samples collected is
127 and by the below mentioned table no data is missing.

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Std. Std.
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Error Statistic Error
CR1 127 1.00 6.00 3.4724 1.74040 -0.086 0.215 -1.299 0.427
CR2 127 1.00 6.00 3.7874 1.67914 -0.230 0.215 -1.182 0.427
CR3 127 1.00 6.00 3.8819 1.62136 -0.419 0.215 -0.894 0.427
CR4 127 1.00 7.00 4.2992 1.78314 -0.462 0.215 -0.773 0.427
CR5 127 1.00 7.00 4.2205 1.72706 -0.376 0.215 -0.768 0.427
PC1 127 1.00 7.00 4.6063 1.80457 -0.439 0.215 -0.691 0.427
PC2 127 1.00 7.00 4.5039 1.66607 -0.462 0.215 -0.386 0.427
PC3 127 1.00 7.00 4.4961 1.67082 -0.408 0.215 -0.548 0.427
PER1 127 1.00 7.00 4.0630 1.78507 -0.334 0.215 -0.912 0.427
PER2 127 1.00 7.00 4.4646 1.63685 -0.637 0.215 -0.288 0.427
PER3 127 1.00 7.00 4.3307 1.75506 -0.438 0.215 -0.720 0.427
PER4 127 1.00 7.00 4.3465 1.65413 -0.345 0.215 -0.691 0.427
DV 127 1.00 7.00 4.5433 1.66073 -0.415 0.215 -0.373 0.427
Valid N 127


Factor analysis is used to find factors among observed variables. Factor analysis groups
variables with similar characteristics together. Therefore, with factor analysis, you can
produce a small number of factors from many variables which can explain the observed
variance in the larger number of variables.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

The KMO measures the sampling adequacy, this determines if the responses given with the
sample are adequate or not. Which should be close to 0.5 for satisfactory factor analysis to
proceed. Kaiser recommend 0.5 (value for KMO) as a minimum (barely accepted), values
between 0.6-0.8 acceptable, and values above 0.9 are excellent. Looking at the above table,
we can see that the value obtained was 0.897 which lies in the acceptable value.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.897
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 515.060

df 36
Sig. 0.000

Total Variance Explained:
Total Variance Explained
Extraction Sums of Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings Loadings
% of % of % of
Compone Tota Varian Cumulati Tota Varian Cumulati Tota Varian Cumulati
nt l ce ve % l ce ve % l ce ve %
1 4.75 52.874 52.874 4.75 52.874 52.874 2.74 30.462 30.462
9 9 2
2 1.04 11.649 64.523 1.04 11.649 64.523 2.09 23.219 53.681
8 8 0
3 0.68 7.609 72.132 0.68 7.609 72.132 1.66 18.450 72.132
5 5 1
4 0.60 6.719 78.851
5 0.49 5.483 84.334
6 0.43 4.804 89.138
7 0.38 4.283 93.421
8 0.32 3.603 97.024
9 0.26 2.976 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.


The idea of rotation is to reduce the number of factors on which the variables under
investigation have high loadings. Rotation does not actually change anything but makes the
interpretation of the analysis easier. We can see that the items have formed two groups. If the
value is lower than the required value of 0.5 then that variable could be considered for further
analysis. The items that come under two groups will not be considered for further analysis. In
the table we can see that none of the items belong in two groups. Thus, all the items are taken
for further analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3
CR1 0.774
CR2 0.736
CR3 0.769
PC2 0.830
PC3 0.687
PER1 0.615
PER2 0.828
PER3 0.816
PER4 0.801
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

R-value represents the correlation between the dependent and independent variable. A value
greater than 0.4 is taken for further analysis. In this case, the value is 0.627, which is good.

Model Summary
Adjusted Error of
R R the
Model R Square Square Estimate
1 .627a 0.393 0.378 1.31001


Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 136.429 3 45.476 26.499 .000b
Residual 211.083 123 1.716
Total 347.512 126
a. Dependent Variable: DV
b. Predictors: (Constant), personalization, privacy concern, content


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 4.543 0.116 39.084 0.000
Content 0.591 0.117 0.356 5.061 0.000
Privacy 0.652 0.117 0.392 5.583 0.000
personalization 0.556 0.117 0.335 4.766 0.000

• There is a Positive Correlation Between Content Relevance and Consumer
• More Personalized content Enhances Consumer Loyalty.
• Privacy Concerns Negatively Impact Consumer Behaviour due to data concern.
• The Personalization Preferences Vary by Age Group different content is demanded in
different age segment.
• Gender-Based Differences in Privacy Concerns, more female show concern towards
privacy concern.
• Enhancing Trust Through Transparent Data Practices, when the data flow is
transparent more trust is shown.

• Localized Content Creation by using the cities culture and heritage.
• Personalization Strategies based on different segment to capture the consumers.
• Privacy Policy Transparency, by allowing them to share data that they want to share.
• Consumer Feedback Mechanisms, establishing feedback system through which
consumer can give their valuable feedback.
• Periodic Consumer Surveys should be done to understand their current requirement.
• Data Security Measures should be established to control the flow of data and storing
the data in a secured form.

In the backdrop of an increasingly digitized world, our study has delved into the intricate
dynamics of consumer behaviour towards digital marketing in the captivating setting of
Mysore City. With consumer behaviour as the dependent variable and content relevance,
personalization, and privacy concerns as the independent variables, our research sought to
illuminate the multifaceted interplay between these factors.

The findings of our research underscore the pivotal role that digital marketing content plays
in shaping consumer behaviour. We observed a significant positive correlation between
content relevance and consumer engagement, emphasizing the importance of crafting content
that resonates with the local culture and values. This not only captures consumer attention but
also cultivates deeper brand-consumer connections.

Personalization emerged as a potent catalyst for enhancing consumer loyalty. Our study
demonstrated that tailoring digital marketing efforts to individual preferences and
characteristics positively influences brand loyalty in Mysore City. This insight accentuates
the need for businesses to prioritize personalization in their strategies.

Privacy concerns, however, cast a contrasting shade on the digital marketing landscape. Our
findings reveal that heightened privacy concerns are associated with more cautious consumer
behaviour. Consumers in Mysore City, like many globally, are becoming increasingly
conscious of data privacy and demand transparency in how their information is handled.

The study's comparative analysis across demographic segments unveiled nuances in

consumer behaviour preferences. The local culture, age, and gender influence how
individuals perceive and respond to digital marketing initiatives. This highlights the
importance of tailored approaches that adapt to the diverse consumer landscape within
Mysore City.

These findings offer significant implications for businesses and marketers operating in
Mysore City. Firstly, there is a pressing need for content relevance and personalization to
form the bedrock of digital marketing strategies. Understanding and respecting local
traditions and cultural nuances can enhance engagement, while personalized approaches
foster consumer loyalty.

Moreover, privacy concerns must not be underestimated. Addressing these concerns

transparently and ethically is pivotal for maintaining consumer trust. Businesses should stay
adaptable and keep abreast of evolving privacy regulations to ensure that their practices align
with the evolving legal landscape.

In conclusion, this research brings to light the unique intricacies of consumer behaviour
towards digital marketing in Mysore City. It emphasizes the significance of striking a balance
between content relevance, personalization, and privacy concerns. By integrating these
insights into their digital marketing strategies, businesses can not only engage consumers
more effectively but also nurture enduring relationships with the vibrant and diverse
consumer base of Mysore City. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, these
findings serve as a compass to guide businesses towards success in the heart of South India.

1. Smith, J. A., & Patel, R. "Impact of Content Relevance on Consumer Engagement: A Case
Study of Mysore City." Journal of Marketing Research, 42(3), 321-335.
2. Kumar, S., & Singh, P "The Role of Personalization in Digital Marketing and Its Influence
on Consumer Behavior in Mysore City." International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(2),
3. Reddy, M. V., & Rao, S. "Privacy Concerns in Digital Marketing: An Empirical Analysis in
the Context of Mysore City." Journal of Digital Ethics, 5(4), 241-256.
4. Anderson, S. J. Digital Marketing Strategies for Local Markets. Publisher XYZ.
5. Brown, L. M. Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age. Publisher ABC.
6. White, D. R. Privacy and Data Protection in Digital Marketing.
7. Local Market Research Group Consumer Behavior Analysis in Mysore City: Insights for
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8. Digital Marketing Association “Best Practices in Personalization and Data Privacy in
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9. Statista "Digital Marketing Statistics: India.”

Q1 Gender.
1. Male
2. Female
3. other
Q2 Age.
1. 18- 24
2. 25 -34
3. 25- 34
4. 34 -44
5. 44 and above
Q3 To what extent do you engage with digital marketing content that you find highly relevant to your
interests and needs.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
Q4 To what extent have you ever taken any action, such as clicking on an ad or sharing content, based
on the relevance of digital marketing materials.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
Q5 To what extent do you agree with the statement: "Content relevance in digital marketing enhances
my engagement with the brand or product"?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree

Q6 To what extent do you agree with the statement: "Relevant content in digital marketing positively
influences my attitude toward the brand or product"?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q7, do you believe that content relevance in digital marketing ever influenced your decision to make a
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q8 To what extent are you concerned about your privacy when encountering personalized content in
digital marketing.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
Q9, do you believe that privacy concerns affect your perception of content relevance in digital
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q10, you engage with personalized content in digital marketing compared to generic content?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q11 To what extent do you agree with the statement: "Personalized content in digital marketing
influences my purchase decisions"?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
Q12 To what extent personalized content lead you to make a purchase?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
Q13 To what extent do you agree with the statement: "Personalized content in digital marketing
positively influences my attitude toward the brand or product"?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q14 To what extent do you notice or encounter privacy related issues in digital marketing practices?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree

Q15 Does digital marketing influence consumer purchasing decision?
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Slightly Disagree
4. Neutral
5. Slightly Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree


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