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Aristotle was a wise and fascinating man and he basically became the patron saint of modern
science.Aristotle was the student of Plato and while he advanced the platonic tradition in many
respects , he also turned a lot of plato’s teachings on their heads .
For example, plato taught that the heavenly world contained “forms” which gave meanings and
identity to the individual things on earth.According to him there is a flawless chair which exists
on the heaven that demonstrate chairness and on the other hand the chairs on the earth are
defective version of that chair.
On the contrary. Aristotle explained that the core of a chair did not exist in the heaven as some
general principle,the existence of a chair lives within each earthly chair.
He was not into revelation method of learning which refers to waiting for a voice from heaven
rather he was into the site of observation method of learning which means the scientific method.

How Aristotle Messed Up the Church.

It was not science that was dragging people away from God actually it was the belief that
science was able to explain everything about our world excluding God..Aristotle tried to give
people confidence that they did not need God for the answers raether they could find these
themselves through observing the the elements around them and here is the exact point the
Aristotle started to mess up the church.
The Chuch decided that there are two kinds of things the the world.
1. Spiritual things
2. Natural things.
And there are two different ways of knowing these thing which are ;
1. Revelation
2. 2. Faith and Science.
Thomas Aquinas (A.D.1225-1274) enrolled the whole Aristotelean philosophy into the service of
the church.

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