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Kenneth Yu

The Napoleon Manifesto

Table Of Contents


Are You Running a Richard III Business? 3

You Need to Be A Napoleon Business! 4

Napoleon Businesses Are on the Rise 5

AI: The Catalyst to SPEED UP Today’s Napoleon Business 7

3 Rules of Napoleon Businesses 10

Facing the AI Waterloo: Navigating the Deluge of Digital Overwhelm 14


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The Napoleon Manifesto


Is Entrepreneurship Even Worth It?

Every morning, while sipping my coffee and scrolling through my feeds, I

constantly witness this: The late nights... The broken dreams... The nightmare
clients... The disrupted cashflow... The uncooperative team...

Left with scraps at the end of the day.

Heck, you might as well go back to employment. Even though you’re a prisoner of
the cubicle and hate your boss... At least you have a steady paycheque instead of
the heart-pounding anxiety at the end of each month.

However... What if I said you don’t have to give up? That it’s not because you’re
not trying hard enough... And it's not an issue of character.

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You Can’t Mine for Gold with a Teaspoon

In the bustling world of business, success hinges on one simple truth: using the

right tools.

Picture this: you're eager to mine gold, eyes set on a glittering fortune. But there
you are, digging with a teaspoon. Funny, isn't it?

Sure, you could switch to a pick and shovel,

and you'd make some progress. But it's still
backbreaking work with slow results.

Now, imagine harnessing a cutting-edge gold

extraction machine.

It dives deep, works fast, and gets the gold

every time. That's efficiency. That's smart

So if you're feeling stuck, maybe it's time to


Are you digging with a teaspoon when you could be striking gold with far better
tools instead?

In other words...

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Are You Running a Richard III Business?

Let me explain...

Richard III was a king with vast dreams but a reign that lasted a mere two years.
He was small in stature, but was attempting to punch above his weight.

Imagine a venture BRIMMING with promise, yet ending up in futility.

His downfall? Not his stature, but his systems.

Weak alliances and archaic strategies sealed his fate.

Today, businesses face a similar trap.

Picture navigating today's dynamic market with yesterday's playbook. The digital
realm is unforgiving, and without modern tools, even the brightest stars dim.

As you carve your path, heed Richard III's story. Ambition needs the backbone of
strong systems.

Start with the right tools, or risk fading into business obscurity, much like Richard's
fleeting monarchy.


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You Need to Be A Napoleon Business!

Let's dive into Napoleon's rise.

Despite being small in size.

From Corsica, he built an empire covering huge

areas, including cities like Paris and Rome.

Imagine one man shaping the world's map.

Napoleon's territory was massive: 10 times bigger

than Texas, and almost as large as India.

What drove his success? More than just goals, it was his tools.

Advanced weapons, fair leadership, and his famous Napoleonic Code changed
the game. Now, let’s apply it today's online businesses.

The definition of a Napoleon Business is:

“A tiny-but-mighty solo business that makes 6-7 figures

through the use of superior strategy, leverage and tools”

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Here’s the exciting bit...

Napoleon Businesses Are on the Rise

Back in 2017, a whopping 40,000 'Napoleon-style businesses' raked in revenues
surpassing the $1 million mark. Among these trailblazers:

5,100 were led by fierce women

1,800 by proud veterans
1,100 showcased Black or African American brilliance
2,900 bore the mark of Asian excellence
3,000 resonated with Hispanic vibrancy
and 30 celebrated the spirit of Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders.

There's also a spotlight on businesses teetering close to that coveted $1 million

threshold, with revenues dancing between $100,000 to $999,999.

These ventures span diverse demographics, painting a picture of boundless

growth. That’s right...

“Napoleon strategies are the great democratiser -- you can succeed

no matter your background, skin color or gender.”

Post-pandemic, there's a palpable surge of new Napoleon businesses sprouting,

ready to join the six and seven-figure club, echoing across every demographic
and laying the bricks for generational wealth.

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Here’s Examples of 3 Napoleon Businesses

In the digital realm, some stars burn brighter, epitomizing the "Napoleon Business"

Laura Belgray of Talking Shrimp crafts words like an artist, offering courses
and coaching on branding and writing. With a nimble setup and savvy online
strategies, she's frugal on costs but big on returns, likely netting a handsome
high six-figure sum yearly.

Neville Medhora, the force behind Copywriting Course, dishes out top-tier
copy lessons. With a sleek operation and smart systems, he's got a tight
ship. The result? Think memberships, course sales, and affiliate gains,
propelling his earnings to sky-high six or even seven figures annually.

Justin Welsh, a corporate champ turned digital guru, shapes courses and
coaches on brand-building, majorly on LinkedIn. His business, free from fuss,
thrives on digital prowess. Transparent about his earnings, he's raking in
monthly five-figure sums, hinting at a yearly high six-figure bounty.

And what do they have in common? They have created a Napoleon Business via
building an email list.

That's right. In a tale as old as the internet, many have built their database using
social media and their email lists, marketing a range of products and services to a
captive audience.

However, here's the modern twist...

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Thanks to exciting new developments, creating a email marketing business model

is now quicker and easier, allowing you to generate hundreds of leads per day.


AI: The Catalyst to SPEED UP Today’s Napoleon

Just as Napoleon built an empire stretching
from Egypt's deserts to Russia's cold heart,
AI lets even the soloprenuer make a global

What the Data Tells Us

A 2023 report from the Global Business and

Tech Consortium (GBTC) showed that
businesses using AI saw a 47% boost in their operations and a 33% increase in
revenue in just two years.

And here's an interesting fact: 89% of these businesses believed AI gave them a
deep understanding of what their customers wanted, leading to spot-on marketing

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Balancing Strategic and Mechanical Loads with AI

In the vast world of business, AI doesn't just wave a magic wand. It works hard,
especially with the mechanical tasks.

But it's crucial to know the difference between strategic and mechanical work.

Mechanical Load
Imagine a one-person band, trying to play many instruments at once and keep
everything in tune. It's tiring, right?

This is the mechanical load - the routine tasks that don't need as much creative
thinking. Think of data entry, answering common customer questions, or simple

AI excels in handling these jobs efficiently and freeing people from repetitive work.

Strategic Load
Now, think of an orchestra conductor. With just a small movement, they guide the
musicians, making sure every note is perfect.

This represents the strategic load - the thinking and decision-making part of
business. It involves analyzing data, planning strategies, and making important

While AI can offer data, the human touch, intuition, and experience can't be

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AI isn't just a tool you set up and forget.

It's like having a powerful car; the car can go fast, but you need a skilled driver to
control it, knowing when to speed up, slow down, or make a bold move.

In short, AI takes on the mechanical work, doing the hard tasks, while humans
handle the strategic tasks.

The goal is to use AI's strengths, not to replace people but to support them, letting
businesses work smoothly like a conductor, not frantically like a one-person band.

Now, onwards to an important bit.

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3 Rules of Napoleon Businesses:

RULE #1: The Epiphany Engine: Cult-Building Using AI

An epiphany is a sudden, transformative


Just as these insights can change personal

perspectives, businesses, especially those
modeled after Napoleon's strategies, rely on
such moments.

In the information deluge, 'wow' moments

make a brand memorable. AI identifies patterns to craft these defining moments,
ensuring businesses become movements, not just names.

While many people aim to transcend their current selves, AI harnesses this
universal desire to deepen business connections.

Consider the "Write Your Own Damn Cheque" movement that I founded. It doesn't
just serve as a catchy slogan; it represents financial freedom, a call that resonates
with many.

In the crowded digital world, epiphanies set businesses apart, turning occasional
followers into passionate supporters.

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In a cliché-filled environment, a unique stance stands out.

AI examines vast amounts of data to pinpoint these clichés, allowing businesses

to present themselves as innovators.

The "No Fail Zone" concept challenges the long-held belief in the value of failure,
introducing a refreshing viewpoint.

In short, the success of Napoleon businesses lies in building a devoted following.

Using AI's vast potential, these businesses create powerful epiphanies, standing
out in the digital landscape, reminiscent of Napoleon's lasting impact.

RULE #2: Eliminating Waste

Using AI, you can cut out time and money drains.

Six Sigma labels this as 'waste'.

Understanding 'Waste'

In Six Sigma's world, waste isn't just trash. It's the extras, the distractions. Think of
it as background noise in a song.

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How does this connect to our digital powerhouses, the Napoleon businesses?

Time Wasters: Think of the hours spent on manual data entry. For a solo
digital player, that time is better spent planning or engaging.

Excess Inventory: Trusting your gut for digital stock? You might have unused
digital assets, tying up resources.
Random Marketing: Launching ads without a target? It's like throwing darts in
the dark. You're spending, but what's the return?

Tool Clutter: Using many apps for one task? It's costlier and messier,
increasing mistakes.

Slow Decisions:Too much data without insight can stall you, making you miss

For Napoleon businesses, these aren't minor issues. They're barriers to digital
success. Recognizing them is the first step to efficient operations.

Enter AI...

What small tasks eat up your time?

Data input, common questions, basic math, scheduling.

The good news? AI can handle these, letting you focus on bigger goals.

If Napoleon had armies, you have tech. But remember, they're tools, not masters.
Used right, they can boost your impact and efficiency.

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RULE #3: From Execution to Embellishment

Here’s the thing.

In the past, businesses could rely on brute force and sheer will to outpace
competitors. The mantra was simple: Do more, and success will follow.

A case in point is the dominance of black-hat CPA players in China. By replicating

successful creatives and deploying an army of marketers, they could overwhelm
the competition.

But what happens when AI automates this brute force -- when no one has an
edge? When execution, once a differentiator, becomes a given?

As execution becomes standardized, we're entering the Embellishment Era.

It's not just about adding frills; it's about infusing soul and character.

In this era, while AI provides the canvas, our insights, experiences, and creativity
paint the picture.

Our human ingenuity crafts narratives, evoking emotions, and creating

experiences that linger.

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Facing the AI Waterloo: Navigating the Deluge of

Digital Overwhelm
Waterloo is where Napoleon met his end.

Today, businesses face their Waterloo with the flood of AI data.

Too much information can overwhelm even the best entrepreneurs.

In our digital age, endless notifications and videos can be both helpful and
distracting. It's like Napoleon's armies getting stuck in Waterloo's mud, losing their

Well, let me propose the antidote.

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How to Use AI to Build a Massive Email List
Venture with us on a transformative 3-day journey, where we reveal the strategic
frameworks to use AI to build an audience via generating a list. Dive deep into:

The anatomy of a million dollar one-person email list building business,

My unorthodox system of leveraging AI to create epiphanies and create a
cult of personality
The Black Box of Strategic Prompts: It's not about the sheer volume but the
potency of each prompt.
5 leverage points so you can accomplish more with a lot less work
The Embellishment Era: Creative strategies to take your AI expressions to
the next level.
And much, much more.

Join Us for the Napoleon Masterclass where we

delve deep into the art of crafting a nimble, mailing
list-driven venture. A venture that, though petite,
possesses the might to cast its influence globally.
With the right strategies, even in the vast digital
expanse, you can carve out an empire that stands
tall, echoing the grandeur of Napoleon's legacy.


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