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1. What made India and Pakistan separate as a nation?

After the British colonization, India was separated into two

major states, Pakistan and India.

Fueled by religious difference and discourse, India majorly

consists of Hindus while Pakistanis were mostly Muslims. It was

due a territorial dispute on the lands of Kashmir, that Pakistan

and India separated. It was mainly due to the interference of the

British that has caused the spark of war where millions were


2. What cause the India and China war?

Way before the known 1962 war between India and China, the

two countries were actually of good relations. Riffs started when

India gave refuge to the Tibetans.

The Chinese government wanted to implement its

socialist/communist policy in the region and the Tibetan natives

did not approve of it thus starting a way with China. With an

obvious defeat, the Tibetan leader Dalai Lama, along with other

Tibetans escaped to India which they then gave refuge to. The

once friendly neighbor of India, China did not took a liking of

this. Adding into the fact that India did not approve of China’s

diplomatic settlement in regards to the border.

Soon the Chinese started sending troops into the border and

India did the same in hopes that the Chinese troops would retreat

but instead the Chinese troops continued to advance into Indian

Territory resulting to the death of thousands.

3. What are the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi in India?

Mahatma Gandhi is labeled by the Indians as a Champion of

Human rights, honored as the father of the nation, Gandhi is

known for practicing non-violent type of civil resistance. He was

vital in freeing India from foreign occupation.

Gandhi contributed in easing India’s poverty, he empowered

women and supported women’s rights, even eliminating the long

term caste system in India that has caused injustice for years.

Most notable contribution of Mahatma Gandhi is his impact and

influence on India’s lifelong freedom, in a way that didn’t cause

bloodshed through war but instead in a peaceful and show

resistance through non-violent disobedience an philosophy, thus

granting independence to India.

4. Why were the Mongols unstoppable during their time?

The Mongols were known to be great warriors skilled in horse

riding with exceptional skills in archery. Them growing in a

community that mainly used horses has aided in their mastery of

riding it, thus making it easy for them to perform fights with

great agility. Mongols were also very strategic in choosing the

placed they would sparks fights in, making sure that the terrains

were in their advantage. Their superb skills and intelligence in

strategy made them unstoppable.

5. Why did the Mongolian Empire fall?

Genghis Khan's health began to decline due to an unknown

disease; after his death, the empire was partitioned into

territories that his sons would reign over. Within the four

khanates, an inter-family war erupted, and the lesser leaders

fell to diseases, starvation, and other problems. The conflict

amongst the Khanates succeeding their father's death resulted to

the ultimate demise of the once-magnificent empire, with each

area gradually falling.

6. How did the Mongol impact the society?

The Mongols came to be acknowledged as the largest empire to

have ever existed. Trade was one of the most notable

contributions they made. They introduced agricultural techniques,

improved communication, porcelain, war tactics, and created trade


7. What is the greatest contribution of Genghis Khan?

Founded the largest empire in history, Genghis Khan is

regarded as one of the greatest military leaders in history. He

granted religious freedom, abolished torture, established

universal law and universal writing system. Despite this notable

accomplishments, and his marvelous quest on conquering and

expanding his empire, the unification of the Mongols is accepted

to be his greatest accomplishment.

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