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Struggling to Write Your Thesis on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Writing a thesis on a topic as significant and multifaceted as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be an
incredibly challenging task. The depth of research required, the critical analysis needed, and the
cohesive presentation demanded are no small feats. From exploring the historical context to
analyzing the legislative impact, every aspect requires meticulous attention and scholarly rigor.

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documents can be overwhelming. It's easy to feel lost amidst the sea of information, unsure of where
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He signed it into law on the same day it was approved by the House. Beginning in April of 1964,
Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant seminary students served in shifts at the Lincoln Memorial, silently
praying night and day until the act was passed by the Senate on June 19. Segregation can be
examined looking at different perspectives on individual segregation and group segregation (Frey
and Myers, 2005). For instance, Title II prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation,
stating that. Creating a personal account allows you to retain all your information in one place and
make modifications to your business plan as it grows and changes. Art Wood Collection of Cartoon
and Caricature, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (269.00.00). Courtesy of the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, Austin, Texas (195.02.00). The copyright
law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other
reproductions of copyrighted material. Assistant Attorney General Files, 1958-1965 (bulk 1961-
1964). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The ruling from the 7th US Circuit
Court of Appeals in Chicago represents a major legal victory for the gay rights movement. On June
5, Bourke Hickenlooper (R-IA) proposed a unanimous consent request that the Senate vote on three
amendments before cloture, including one by Senator Thruston Morton (R-KY) that guaranteed jury
trials in all criminal contempt cases, except in voting rights. Before the act, many employers explicitly
limited the jobs that were available to women or nonwhite employees. Federal power increased
because they have a bigger effect on peoples' lives. And I think they were persuaded in many senses
that this would be a practical way to calm the situation down. And he attacked the Civil Rights Bill
as too little too late and said that his organization couldn't support it. We're talking about the passage
of the Civil Rights Act. The paper shows how the landmark civil rights act of 1964 was enacted into
law almost fifty years ago. All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods,
services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public
accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground or
race, color, religion, or national origin” (Civil Rights Act, Title II, 1964). I would consider King's
speech as the last push that Congress needed to pass the Bill and open their eyes to the Civil Rights
crusade. Soon after, there was the Voting Rights Act and the Housing Rights Act. The law has
protected job applicants from being excluded from particular positions based racial groups, including
grouping of employees at the work place in such a way that they will be associated to a certain
group. The passing of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not immediately end discrimination and
inequality among the other races who resided in America. And it was hung up in the House Rules
Committee, which as we know is the committee that sets the ground rules, the guidelines for debate
of a bill on the House floor. So McCulloch told the Kennedy administration that he would take the
lead in supporting the bill in the House if the administration would promise to stick by that bill in the
Senate, not see it watered down by a bunch of weakening amendments and, moreover, would be
willing to give the Republicans credit for helping to pass it. Johnson just a few hours after House
approval on July 2. In 2003, 80% of Black adults were given the chance to graduate from high
school, compared to the 25% in 1964. As chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, a
post he held from 1956 to 1978, Eastland blocked civil rights legislation, claiming in 1966 to have
defeated 127 such measures. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. For one thing, a filibuster had been successfully broken, resulting in
much needed reform, and instilled hope that further legislation could be passed concerning the plight
of African-Americans despite any biased, opposing legislators.
In other circumstances, an employer may require racial information of an applicant for having
affirmative action. Along with the delays, the southern bloc also hoped for support from other
opposing groups all throughout the country. Podcasts Editions Espanol Deutsch Francais Economics
FULL AND EQUAL The US Civil Rights Act was signed on this day in 1964 President Johnson
shakes hands with Martin Luther King Jr. Humphrey, was prepared against the filibusters of the
southern bloc and prepared for a cloture. In this capacity, Celler strengthened and broadened
President Kennedy’s civil rights bill and worked with Representative William McCulloch (R-OH) to
successfully shepherd the bill through the House. Increase in federal powers since federal
government is extending its powers to safety of the American people (technically the states' job). He
was elected to the Senate in 1952, serving as Democratic whip from 1957 until 1961, when he
replaced Lyndon Johnson as majority leader. PURDUM: Well, the immediate effect was a positive
one. On March 26, 1964, King and Malcolm X were both in Washington for the Senate debate on the
Civil Rights Act. Johnson just a few hours after House approval on July 2. So while he personally
was appalled, I think, by segregation and was - also felt it gave America a very big black eye in the
Cold War, he was horrified at the exploitation that the Soviets were able to make of the situation
here at home, he was very cautious about moving too quickly. The sixth would prohibit
discrimination in federally assisted programs in states and localities and allow the federal
government to cut off money to, say, school districts or municipalities that discriminated. Though
this amendment only applies to national elections, a subsequent 1966 Supreme Court decision in
Harper v. Regardless of the form discrimination takes; Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits
it and requires employers to find ways to deter its occurrence. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. GROSS: Did the Kennedys try to vet any of the speeches. So what happened in the
wake of the assassination was that Johnson realized he could not do anything else that he cared about
in his presidency if he didn't establish his bona fides, his undisputed credentials on civil rights. In
1932, he won a special election to fill a vacant U.S. Senate seat and was reelected from 1942 to
1966. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Prints and
Photographs Division, Library of Congress (176.00.00). The first time, Roe's attorney -- Sarah
Weddington -- could not locate the constitutional hook of her argument for Justice Potter Stewart.
The policy plays a vital role in the transitional phase of the country’s accepting ethnic and cultural
diversity of its residents. After the Implementation and Evaluation As the Civil Rights Act of 1964
continues to have effect today, it is known as one of the policies that have changed the course of
politics and governance in America. The measure amended state election laws to require voters to
show proof of citizenship to register to vote, as well as identification to cast a ballot at the polls.
Humphrey, Kuchel, their captains, and a Justice Department official, met every morning to discuss
tactics. GROSS: So the bill finally, you know, passes the House. Smith introduced his amendment,
the amusement was most likely due to a letter in support of women’s rights that were read aloud.
Due to the writer, such an act was intended to be a comprehensive blueprint to prohibit and eliminate
various types of discrimination and segregation which were considered to be wrong. One theory is
that many Northern Democrats who supported a Civil Rights Act to combat racism were also allied
with labor unions. So by 1963, he was the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee and he
believed that the time had come for a big comprehensive bill. The EEOC would investigate charges
of discrimination, attempt to conciliate, and if conciliation failed could then file suit in federal
district court.
Paul decisions viewed race discrimination as an economic issue and applied the law even to
businesses with relatively weak connections to interstate commerce. Another amendment done to the
Civil Rights Acts was the provision that if an employee complained of discrimination in the
workplace and won the complaint, the complainant would receive a monetary award for the
damages. They pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor not only to found a nation,
but to forge an ideal of freedom....”. The enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 created a legal
statute to ensure desegregation policies and practices. TODD PURDUM: In a very real sense, the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 created modern America, the things we take for granted today: people in
restaurants and hotels and motels and transportation enjoying it regardless of race; the things my
children take absolutely for granted. Ruled unconstitutional because federal government can not
compel state governments to perform its jobs. To implement and administer the provisions of Title
VII, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established (EEOC, 2004). I had
to run fast to keep ahead of that stick because while it mostly tickled, it tickled pretty much. I can
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text,
video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea. Standard. He and his brother, the attorney
general, Robert Kennedy, realized that the only way they had a chance, they felt, of stopping these
demonstrations that were sweeping across the country and prompting violent backlash from both
Southern officialdom and average citizens in the South particularly, was to propose a new law that
would end the discrimination, that would end the cause of the unrest. Report submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science in Built Environment from the
University of London. University of Texas at Austin (2013), which stated that “racial balancing,” far
from advancing civil rights, is a “patently unconstitutional” justification for race-conscious policies.
Some exaples of these accomodations are handicap spaces and ramps. However, the Law had a much
greater impact on the advancements of the Civil Rights of blacks in general. Title VII reflected the
enactment of a national policy which would assure equal employment opportunity. The Civil Rights
Act of 1964 consists of eleven articles, all of which are extremely important to recognition and
fulfillment of civil rights and liberties of Americans, however, not all of them contribute to
segregation outlawing equally. The first would have enforced the right to vote in federal elections,
and it would regardless of race. Justice William J. Brennan Jr.'s majority opinion notes that the
challenged plan is a temporary measure to remedy the effects of race discrimination and was
voluntarily adopted by the union and the company. The supporters of the civil rights won over the
opposition, with 71 to 29 votes (“Major Features”). Of course the other side of that coin is if the civil
rights workers themselves, if King and the movement had known the degree to which the Kennedy
administration was complicit in this bugging, the Kennedys would have lost all credibility with the
pro-civil rights movement and would have, you know, it would have been an absolute political
disaster for them. And to do that, the pro-civil rights forces had to set up a system in the galleries of
the House, kind of an early version of a human beeper system, in which they sent young people
around to the hallways of the House office buildings whenever a vote was getting ready to happen
and make sure that they could round up friendly members and bring them to the floor so that they
could defend the bill. So although King did not have any direct influence over Congress, in a way he
could make himself heard through the voice of the American people. Data Review Data Practice
Gender Equality 19th Amendment: gender cannot be used to disqualify a voter Civil Rights Act of
1964: banned gender discrimination in employment Griswold v. Edgar Hoover, then the head of the
FBI, is bugging Martin Luther King's advisor and friend Stanley David Levison. Johnson stated that
he opposed any changes to the bill. So in the fall of 1963, they really faced a kind of agonizing
problem. This was decided under the Equal Protection Clause, that administrators of estates cannot
be names in a way that discriminates via sex. And her group became quickly known as O'Grady's
Raiders, and they would go around from office to office rounding up members. Nicholas
Katzenbach, who was the deputy attorney general at the time, told me shortly before he died that he
did believe that part of the impulse among members of Congress for passing the law was not
necessarily highly idealistic but was in some ways practical, to kind of calm the waters and put an
end to these demonstrations, which of course continued all throughout the '60s and in some ways,
you know, spiraled out of control later on in the decade into riots. He also said that integration was
“a problem of the heart and of the mind... You cannot pass a law that will make me like you—or you
like me.” Goldwater voted against cloture and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Meetings, bi-partisan negotiating sessions, were held in Dirksen's office as a sign of respect so that
Dirksen could say to his own constituents and his own caucus in the Republican Senate that he was
working to make changes in the bill. News of Kennedy’s death was received with cheers because of
his support for civil rights. Russell hoped the filibuster would erode public support for civil rights
and compel the pro-civil rights senators to dilute H.R. 7152 in order to secure passage. Meanwhile,
the struggle for women's rights was not brand new. On their way home, the civil rights workers were
arrested and jailed by Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price. And the Republican Party's source of national
strength is and remains the South. Well, in that era, we must remember the Congress, and particularly
the Senate, was completely controlled by the Southern delegations, who were adamantly opposed to
integration. But the interesting thing is that while he had a reputation among civil rights groups,
particularly because of his work as Senate majority leader in the 1957 and 1960 civil rights bills, he
had a reputation of watering down such legislation in order to get it passed. President Johnson
launched a massive FBI search and investigation. Virginia State Board of Elections overturned an
earlier precedent, holding that the use of poll taxes in state elections would violate the Fourteenth
Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Photograph, 1963. New York World-Telegram and the Sun
Newspaper Photograph Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
(161.00.00). Employment laws have been amended and expanded to protect the workers in other
new forms of discrimination and employment concerns that have risen over the past few decades.
GROSS: So one of the big changes to the Civil Rights Act that happened in the House was that
women were added as a protected class in the bill. The first would have enforced the right to vote in
federal elections, and it would regardless of race. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2000.
One of the most lasting effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the way the Black Americans and
other races were given the equal education in America. It may not have been fully successful in its
stated goal of abolishing discrimination, but it had opened new doors to lessen or slowly eradicate
discrimination in the United States. The Lake Nixon Club maintained that it was a private club, and
thus not covered by the act, because it limited admission to patrons who had paid the 25-cent fee for
membership. Moreover, complaints of discrimination were given full regard in the country, and that
law was and still is essentially necessary in workplaces. Ohio: Thomsons Education. Halbert T. and
Inguli E. (2011). Law and Ethics in Business Environment. Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) worked
with Senator Mike Mansfield (D-MT) to offer a substitute amendment. In it the president cited the
phrase “all men are created equal” and pointed out that historically many Americans were denied
equal treatment. It became a window for Kennedy to understand how racism and discrimination
could lead people to hurt and even try to kill children. Now with Gale Business: Plan Builder,
(formerly Gale Small Business Builder) you can find out. However, the experience of technically
trained Blacks during the 1940's and early 1950's began to be different. This law also extended non-
discrimination protection to workers who are disabled. I had to run fast to keep ahead of that stick
because while it mostly tickled, it tickled pretty much. The filibusters lasted for 52 days and almost
all senators gave their speeches for two to eight hours. All persons shall be entitled to the full and
equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of
any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation
on the ground or race, color, religion, or national origin” (Civil Rights Act, Title II, 1964). As
President Johnson said, this was a long journey to freedom.
However, the pro-civil rights group, led by Senator Hubert H. PURDUM: Exactly. GROSS: It
must've been like micro signing for each pen. (LAUGHTER) PURDUM: You can see him on the
extant film, he's putting a tiny little movement with his hand with each pen and then picks another
pen out of the rack and does some more. Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature, Prints and
Photographs Division, Library of Congress (281.01.00). The law prohibits employment
discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. For example, they could
sit on the same benches as whites, or be serviced at the same restaurants. So McCulloch told the
Kennedy administration that he would take the lead in supporting the bill in the House if the
administration would promise to stick by that bill in the Senate, not see it watered down by a bunch
of weakening amendments and, moreover, would be willing to give the Republicans credit for
helping to pass it. He held the post for sixteen years, longer than anyone else in history. Lastly, in
1982, the 1965 Voting Rights Act was extended to 25 years and preclearance coverage was given to
jurisdictions that had a 10-year clean voting record. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. The paper shows how the landmark civil rights act of 1964 was enacted into law almost fifty
years ago. In Ricci, the Court required New Haven, Connecticut, to implement the results of a
testing program for promotions within the fire department despite the fact that no black firefighters
had done well enough on the test to be promoted. Segregation as social phenomenon is defined as
systematic denial of opportunities for particular population group (Segregation, 2009). The Civil
Rights Act, he said, provides that “those who are equal before God shall now all be equal” in all
aspects of American life. Powers given to enforce the bill were initially weak, but were supplemented
during later years. PURDUM: Well, Senator Dirksen was the Republican minority leader. Loh, W.
(1984). Social Research in Judicial Process: Cases, Readings, and Text. The fact that a neighborhood
has a “high concentration” of Orthodox Jews or immigrants reflects their voluntary choices, not
segregation. It also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Connecticut (1965):
privacy of sexual relations Roe v. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Keep your Eye on the Prize. Background. Jim Crow Laws and Black Codes that
began after the Civil War had been interfering with black Civil Rights Blacks were not allowed to
exercise their rights to vote. In the instance race is used in selecting applicants of a specific job while
others are excluded, it constitutes discrimination. In the fall of 1959, four African American college
students at a Woolworth’s department store in Greensboro, NC sat at a “white’s only” counter and
refused to leave until they were served. According to Peter Louis Goldman, author of a book about
Malcolm X, said the Muslim activist slipped into the back row of one of King’s news conferences.
The minority group mostly used the filibuster in order to delay the passage of the bill. But he had big
doubts about two sections; Section 2, the one on public accommodations. Ohio: South-Western
Cengage Learning. Cross F. B. (2007). West’s Legal Environment of Business: Texts and Cases.
GROSS: So somebody who you give a lot of credit to the passage of the Civil Rights Act is
somebody who isn't really very well-known, and that's Congressman Bill McCulloch, who - well, tell
us what his role was. Some exaples of these accomodations are handicap spaces and ramps. Although
it did not resolve any problems of discrimination, the 1960's marked a period of intense activity of
protecting minor rights by the Federal Government.
The civil rights movement from the, you know, Depression on did get help from leftist American
movements at a time when it wasn't getting help from mainstream groups elsewhere in the country.
He was appointed to the U.S. Senate in 1952 by his mentor, Governor Earl Warren, to fill the seat
vacated by Richard Nixon, who had been elected vice president. The law was prompted in part by
the “Bloody Sunday” attack by police on marchers crossing a Selma, Alabama, bridge that year.
Courtesy of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, Austin, Texas
(195.02.00). With this on hand, on June 5, the filibuster ended and the cloture was invoked.
References Adamson J. E. (2008). Law for Business and Personal Use. The next day the filibustering
senators could begin a new round of speeches. And of course, they quickly realized a year later in
1965, after the bloody demonstrations in Selma, Alabama, that voting rights were not fully protected
and the bill had not been strong enough on that question. In 2003, 80% of Black adults were given
the chance to graduate from high school, compared to the 25% in 1964. Their liberal allies had made
their bill stronger, but the Republicans, whose support they absolutely needed to pass it, were
warning that this would doom it to failure, first in the House and then in the Senate. He also said
that integration was “a problem of the heart and of the mind... You cannot pass a law that will make
me like you—or you like me.” Goldwater voted against cloture and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies, CA Privacy Notice, Your
Privacy Choices and AdChoice. Increase in federal power because they have more money coming in.
On March 10, Clarence Mitchell and Joseph Rauh met with Katzenbach and Marshall to explore the
possibility of adding amendments to strengthen the bill. Photograph, 1963. New York World-
Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library
of Congress (161.00.00). On April 19 Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish seminary students began a
prayer vigil in support of the civil rights bill at the Lincoln Memorial. According to this law,
recipients of federal financial assistance are precluded from “providing a different service, aid, or
provide them in a manner different than they are provided to others; or segregate or separately treat
individuals in any manner related to the receipt of any service, aid or benefit” (Civil Rights Act, Title
VI, 1964). If, on the other hand, a company was known to support segregation, no Blacks would
apply. In order to circumvent limitations on congressional power to enforce the Equal Protection
Clause imposed by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases, the law was passed under the
Commerce Clause, which had been interpreted by the courts as a broad grant of congressional
power. He did not want businessmen in Illinois to be have to keeping two sets of books - one for the
state law, one for the federal law. And in those days Washington was much, much more traditional in
terms of seniority and procedures in Congress, and it was just something that nobody was very much
in favor of. It had opened a new perspective and a new light for every individual to live at peace
with their differences in gender, race, religious beliefs, culture and color. Howard Brodie, a
courtroom artist, covered the debates for CBS News and sketched the students on Sunday, May 3,
1964, when the Senate was not in session. Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, who was really the
leader in the Senate of opposition to the bill, he knew that his day was passing. Also, the bilingual
materials for election were also provided to different jurisdictions. The policy plays a vital role in the
transitional phase of the country’s accepting ethnic and cultural diversity of its residents. The passing
of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not immediately end discrimination and inequality among the
other races who resided in America. The law suggested was to address racial discrimination, the
voting rights, the right to education and the right of every individual for federal assistance.
Practically, two articles are exceptionally contributing to combatting and outlawing segregation
practice, namely Title VI and Title VII. And he vowed to march through the South, through the heart
of Dixie, the way Sherman did.

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