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Activity 1:
Directions. Use the context clues to give the meaning of the underlined words. Write the letter of
your answer.

1. Ulan was industrious. He worked in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon.
A. hard-working B. intelligent C. polite
2. There was much harvest. There was more food than Ulan could eat.
A. Fish from the river
B. House in the mountain
C. Fruits, vegetables, grains gathered from the field
3. One day, there was famine. There was nothing to eat.
A. No money to buy rice anywhere
B. Extreme scarcity of food
C. No meat to buy in the market
4. That morning, Cluck-Cluck and her chicks went out to search for food.
A. look for B. work for C. beg for

5. The sun was overhead. He could not see his shadow. It was ____
A. afternoon B. evening C. noontime

Activity 2

Directions: Find the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Write its definition on your

1. Ants live in colony, a group of ants living and working together.

2. A moving sheet of ice is called glacier creates waterfalls and lakes as it melts.
3. Bees stay in a hive, a house for bees. It is where they live and make honey.
4. The three boastful trees, proud of themselves paraded their qualities to all other trees in the
5. “You have a humble heart Nino, meek as you are, people will surely like you.”
Activity 3

Directions: Write on the first line the meaning of the bold word in the sentence. On the second
line, write the type of context clue (definition, exemplification) used.

1. Drizzle is a type of rain. It is a slow, light rain that falls in fine droplets and may last for hours.

Meaning: _______________________________________________
Context clue: ______________________________

2. Flash floods happen when land water rises rapidly due to heavy or nonstop rain.

Meaning: ________________________________________________
Context clue: _____________________________

3. Human being cannot drink rainwater directly because it contains harmful contaminants such
as dirt, dust and chemicals.

Meaning: _______________________________________________
Context clue: ______________________________

4. A typhoon is a tropical storm that forms over warm seas.

Meaning: _______________________________________________
Context clue: ______________________________

5. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet or rocket.

Meaning: _______________________________________________
Context clue: ________________________________

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