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Child’s Fireman Hat

By Carla Croissant

Skill level: Intermediate

Red Heart Soft Yarn Solids – Cherry Red (1 skein)
Red Heart Kids – Yellow
Small amounts of:
Red Heart Soft Yarn Solids – Black
Red Heart Soft Yarn Solids – White (or desired color for number)
Size US-I/5.5mm Crochet hook
Blunt darning needle

Gauge and size:

4” / 10 cm = 17 sc and 19 rows
Fits 20 – 22 inch head

ch = chain
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tr = treble crochet
sc2tog = single crochet two stitches together
sl st = slip stitch
Front section (make 1)
Ch 25, turn
Row 1: In 2nd st from hook, sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 2: sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 3: sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 4: sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 5: sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 6: sc across, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
Row 7: sc2tog, sc across 20 st, sc2tog (22 sc)
Row 8: sc across, ch 1, turn (22 sc)
Row 9: sc2tog, sc across 18 st, sc2 tog (20 sc)
Row 10: sc across, ch 1, turn (20 sc)
Row 11: sc2tog, sc across 16 st, sc2 tog (18 sc)
Row 12: sc across, ch 1, turn (18 sc)
Row 13: sc2tog, sc across 14 st, sc2tog (16 sc)
Row 14: sc across, ch 1, turn (16 sc)
Row 15: sc2tog, sc across 12 st, sc2tog, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 16: sc across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 17: sc2tog twice, sc across 6 st, sc2tog twice (10 sc)
Row 18: sc across, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 19: sc2tog twice, sc across 2 st, sc2tog twice (6 sc)
Row 20: sc across, ch 1, turn (6 sc)
Row 21: sc2tog, sc across 2 st, sc2tog (4 sc)
Row 22: sc across, ch 1, turn (4 sc)
Row 23: sc2tog twice, ch 1, turn (2 sc)
Row 24: sc2tog
Fasten off

Back sections (make 2)

Ch 17, turn
Row 1: In 2nd chain from hook, sc across, ch1, turn (16sc)
Row 2: Sc across, turn (16 sc)
Row 3: Sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (14 sc)
Row 4: Sc across, ch1, turn (14 sc)
Row 5: Sc across, ch1, turn (14 sc)
Row 6: Sc across, turn (14 sc)
Row 7: Sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 8: Sc across, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 9: Sc across, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 10: Sc across, turn (12 sc)
Row 11: sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (10 sc)
Row 12: Sc across, ch1, turn (10 sc)
Row 13: Sc across, ch1, turn (10 sc)
Row 14: Sc across, turn (10 sc)
Row 15: sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (8 sc)
Row 16: sc across, ch 1, turn (8 sc)
Row 17: sc across, ch 1, turn (8 sc)
Row 18: sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (6 sc)
Row 19: sc across, ch 1, turn (6 sc)
Row 20: sc across, ch 1, turn (6 sc)
Row 21: sc2tog, sc across, sc2tog, ch1, turn (4 sc)
Row 22: sc across, ch 1, turn (4 sc)
Row 23: sc2tog, sc2tog, turn (2 sc)
Row 24: sc2tog
Fasten off

Side sections (make two)

Ch 17, turn
Row 1: In 2nd chain from hook, sc across, ch1, turn (16sc)
Row 2: Sc across, turn (16 sc)
Row 3: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 4: sc across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 5: sc across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 6: sc across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 7: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 8: sc across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 9: sc across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 10: sc across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 11: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 12: sc across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 13: sc across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 14: sc across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 15: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (12 sc)
Row 16: sc across, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 17: sc across, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 18: sc across, ch1, turn (12 sc)
Row 19: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 20: sc across, ch1, turn (11 sc)
Row 21: sc across, ch1, turn (11 sc)
Row 22: sc across, ch1, turn (11 sc)
Row 23: sc2tog, sc across, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 24: sc across (10 sc)
Fasten off

Assemble pieces (see diagram for layout)

Place 1 back piece and 1 side piece flat against each other, with the curved edge
aligned. Holding the pieces together, sc along the edge, connecting the two pieces
together. Sc the other back piece and side piece together in the same way.

Place the wrong side of the two sewn pieces together, then sc along the curved edge of
the two back pieces, continuing along the short flat sides at the top of the side pieces.

Line up the sides of the front section with the rest of the hat, with the wrong sides
facing each other. Sc along the edge of the front, connecting it to the side sections.
Ch1, turn, then sc along the front edge again, to give the front section a higher ridge.
Fasten off
Start at the front edge of the right back section (marked with a star on the diagram).
Row 1: Sl st around lower edge of hat, join (92 stitches = 38 stitches across two back
sections, and 54 stitches across side and front sections)
Row 2: Working only in the loops on the outside of the hat,ch1, sc around entire edge of
hat, join.
Row 3: ch 1, hdc around, join
Row 4: ch 2, dc around, join
Further rows work only along the edge of the two back sections (38 sc), to make an
extended brim at the back of the hat
Row 5: ch 1, 3 sc, 2 hdc, 2 dc, 3 tr, 2 tr in next st, 3 tr in next st, 2 tr in next st, 2 tr, 8
dc, 2 tr, 2 tr in next st, 3 tr in next st., 2 tr in next st, 3tr, 2dc, 2 hdc, 3 sc, sl st to join,
turn (46 stitches)
Row 6: 2 sc, 42 hdc, 2 sc, sl st to join

Front shield
Using yellow yarn, ch 10
Row 1: In 2nd st from hook, sc across, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 2: 2 sc in next st, 7 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 3: 2 sc in next st, 9 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 4: 2 sc in next st, 11 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 5 – 10: sc across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 11: sc2tog, 11 sc, sc2tog, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 12: sc2tog, 9 sc, sc2tog, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 13: sc2tog, 7 sc, sc2tog, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 14: 2 sc in next st, 7 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 15: 2 sc in next st, 9 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 16: 2hdc, 3 sl st, ch 1, 3hdc, 3 sl st, 2 hdc, ch 1, turn (15 st)
Row 17: 2 dc, 3 sl st, ch2, dc, tr, dc, ch 2, 4 sl st, ch 1, 2 hdc, sl st
Fasten off
Using black yarn, sl st around outside of front shield
Numbers (if desired)
Using white yarn, ch 31, turn. In 2nd st from hook, sc across (30 sc)
Change to black yarn, sl st around edge of the number.
Pin the number in the correct shape to the front shield, then sew around the edge of the
number in black yarn to attach it to the shield.

Note: To help maintain the curve of some numbers, you may want to sl st two sc
together along the insides of curves or sharp angles. This is not necessary, since you
can hold the shape in place by pinning before sewing, but it reduces the bulk around the
edges of the numbers.

Final assembly:
Pin the yellow shield to the front of the hat, then using black yarn, sew along the edge
of the shield to attach it to the hat.
Secure and weave in or trim any remaining loose ends.
Give to your favorite little firefighter, and enjoy!

Note: This pattern is intended for private, non-commercial use. You may sell
items made from this pattern for charity, but please no commercial sales of
items from this pattern.
Assembly diagram:

Right Left Back

Back Side

Right Side Left Side

Side Side


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