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Lack of capacity and skills — inadequate training — lack of motivation — limited

access to technical expertise

Inadequate financial RSS — poor revenue generation — inefficient tax collection —

inadequate fiscal devolution

Undue interference — undermine autonomy and decision-making — undermine


Corruption — Lack of Transparency — inefficient resource allocation — Erodes the

trust of citizens — Erodes the efficacy of democratic institutions

Low Citizen Participation

Social Exclusion — Underrepresentation — Exacerbates existing inequalities —

Limits the effectiveness

Fragmented Governance — Lack of Coordination — Overlapping functions —

Duplication of Efforts — Inefficiency in Service Delivery

Poor Monitoring — Low Accountability — Lesser scrutiny — Difficult to assess the


Reduced diversity of opinions —

Implementation challenges — Legal Issues — Unintended Consequences

Undermining democratic principles


engaging with civil society — collaboration — Consensus building

Enhanced authority — credibility — effective implementation

Autonomy — Independence — Without interference

Increased RSS & Capacity — Effective & Efficient

Greater Visibility — Awareness — Attention

Collaboration with stakeholders —


not a panacea

addressing socio-cultural norms

Effective / robust Implementation — Comprehensive Approach — address multi-
faceted challenges

Concerted efforts — Capacity building initiatives


temporarily curtailed or regulated for the safety and well-being of society

strategic importance for national security

maintain the right balance — striking a balance — delicate balance

Expanding the scope

Last resort

Inherent limitations


Legitimacy — Public Trust — Credibility — Inspire Greater Reverence

Transparent — free — fair — just — efficient — impartial — independent —

integrity — Reasonable — responsible

Can hold accountable

Robust System

Integrity of the process

Consistent & Fair application of the law

grievance redressal system


creating awareness — Limited awareness

public engagement and utilization

fair debate and discussion


protection of vulnerable communities — safeguarding the rights and interests of the

socially and educationally backward classes — to ensure the well-being of present and
future generations — welfare and development of the backward classes

grievances of these communities are addressed. Rights are protected

ensure their effective representation and welfare in various spheres of society

reflecting the unique characteristics and requirements of region/community — unique

historical, social, and political contexts — cultural and linguistic needs

inclusiveness, plurality, and tolerance — reflect a broader range of perspectives and


persistent disparity

Unique challenges & discrimination


better sensitivity towards issues

broader understanding

break down barriers and stereotypes



Proactive approach — policy paralysis — bureaucratic inefficiency

led to the formulation of — Comprehensive policies —

holistic approach — Involvement of multiple stakeholders — incorporate feedback

from various stakeholders

effectively implemented and enforced — Hamper effectiveness

stability, uniformity in policy implementation, and resource allocation — efficient

resource allocation — Common standards and norms

process more equitable

address the developmental needs — Developmental priorities


true reflection of the will of the people — reflecting the dynamic nature of the
landscapes — constituents' interests are well-represented

Expression of public will — Voices heard — representation and participation

stifle individual opinions and dissenting voices

Pursue aspirations — unique needs and expectations

upholding the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution of India — preserve
democratic process

subversion of the democratic process

level playing field

healthier democratic process

Negotiation — Consensus building — Informed deliberations


embodies the spirit and ethos of the Constitution

adherence to its core principles

backbone of the Constitution

compass for its interpretation and application

north star

moral and ethical compass of the nation


ensure harmony and good governance — Effective governance

guiding force in ensuring good governance

promoting social justice

Compromise in autonomy, bias in functioning

strengthening the existing norms and conventions

Participatory governance


maintaining order and decorum — affecting the diversity of voices

provide opportunities to express — conducive environment for constructive debate,

scrutiny, and oversight

smooth functioning — robust functioning — harmonious functioning — efficient


“neutral figure. above partisan politics” — Opposite is “politicised, potentially

undermining the unity/unifying nature etc”
objectivity and neutrality — Unbiased

hinder the ability to effectively manage

Autonomous decision-making — centralised decision-making — informed decision-



greater autonomy and flexibility

Dialogue and coordination

Collaborative planning/policy-making

coordinated response

Centralising tendencies / inclinations


check on hasty legislations — Avoid hasty/ill-considered decisions — balanced and

deliberative approach

explain and justify actions

comprehensive scrutiny and investigation — Careful review

Recommendations for improvement

Refine lawmaking process — enriching the quality

Susceptible to influence — Compromising the independence — Erosion of trust

scrutinizing the actions — Reducing the scope for arbitrariness

Excessive concentration of power — balance of power — Abuse of power

Potential misuse


intertwined with

crucial role in shaping the future

Innovative Solutions

helping to navigate the complexities of…

ensuring a smooth transition

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