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Program list

1. Goodbye speech by Krishal Sunuwar (grade 9)

2. Speech by : Adigya Jung Raimajhi (10)
Sizen Karki (10)
Anubhav Singh (10)
Kristina Neupane (10)
3. Principal speech
4. Vice principal speech
5. Level incharge speech
6. Class teacher speech
7. Music Performance in song “Chullo” by 9 B
8. Modern Dance performance by 9 B
9. Dance performance in remix of “Pailo pailo meri maya hajurlai” and “Master saheeb” By 9 b
10. Teacher speech or game break
11. Dance performance in song “Aakhai ma sapana xa” By 9 A
12. Dance performance in remix By 9 b
13. Music Performance in song “sunshine” by 9 A
14. Music Performance in song “Sathi” by 9 A
15. End
16. Announcement of student Award
Host 1: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed teachers, and beloved students, welcome to the
farewell program for our incredible Grade 10 students!

Host 2: Yes, today we bid farewell to a group of remarkable individuals who have not only
excelled academically but have also left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Host 1: Absolutely! And what better way to kick-start this emotional rollercoaster than with a
heartfelt goodbye speech from Krishal Sunuwar of Grade 9?

[Krishals speech]

Host 2: What a touching start to the evening! Now, let's hear from our Grade 10 students who
have prepared speeches to share their reflections and gratitude. Please welcome Adigya Jung
Raimajhi, Sizen Karki, Anubhav Singh, and Kristina Neupane!

[Adigya, Sizen, Anubhav, and Kristina take turns delivering their speeches]

Host 1: Those were truly inspiring words! Now, let's hear from the pillars of our school – First of
all, our respected principal, Pramila Ma’am

[Principals speech]

Next lets welcome our respected Vice principal, Rajendra Sir

[Vice-Principals speech]

We would also like to call our respected Level in charge on the stage

[Level incharge speech]

Host 2: And of course, we can't forget the ones who've guided our Grade 10 students
throughout their journey - their beloved class teacher!

[The class teacher speech]

Host 1: Now, let's lighten the mood with some fantastic performances! Up first, we have a music
performance by Class 9B, singing the heartwarming tune "Chullo"!

[They perform]

Host 2: What energy! Next up, we have a modern dance performance by the talented students
of Class 9B!
[They perform]

Host 1: Amazing performance and now, let's groove to a remix of "Pailo Pailo Meri Maya
Hajurlai" and "Master Saheb", performed by Class 9B!

[They perform]

Host 2: Wow, what a performance! Now, let's take a short break from the entertainment for a
special message from our teachers


(not confirmed!: Host 2: How about we all play a game now? …..)

[ ]

Host 1: That was delightful! Now, let's keep the program going with another spectacular dance
performance! This time, to the melodious tune of "Aakhai Ma Sapana Xa", performed by Class

[They perform]

Host 2: And now, let's get ready to groove once more with another remix performance by Class

[They perform]

Host 1: The energy in this room is electrifying! But before we wrap up, let's enjoy two final music
performances. First up, we have Class 9A singing "Sunshine"!

[They perform]

Host 2: And to conclude our afternoon, let's savor the soulful performance of "Sathi" by Class

[They perform]

Host 1: What an unforgettable afternoon it has been! But before we bid goodbye, it's time to
announce the Student Awards.

[The Student Awards are announced amidst cheers and applause, celebrating the outstanding
achievements of the Grade 10 students.]
Host 2: And with that, we come to the end of our farewell program. We wish the Grade 10
students all the success and happiness in their future endeavors. Farewell, dear friends, and may
your journey ahead be filled with endless possibilities and triumphs!

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