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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Sorsogon
Marifosque, Pilar, Sorsogon

S. Y. 2023-2024
Prepared by:
Vincent T. Losito
Grade 12 - STEM

Submitted to:
Lowel Andrian M. Solayao
MT - II, Subject Teacher
Table of contents
Acknowledgement.................................................. 1
Position Papers.....................................................3-5
Reflection Papers...............................................6-10
Narrative Report.....................................................14
Survey Report..........................................................15
Words of the day...............................................16-29
Book Report.......................................................30-31
Overall Reflection...................................................32
Completing this project fills me with gratitude for
those who assisted me during this semester. First and
foremost, I'm thankful to God for providing strength
and helping me overcome the tasks and challenges I
encountered. Without His support, I wouldn't have
been able to navigate this journey. I appreciate the
guidance and patience of our subject teacher and
adviser, Sir Lowel Andrian M. Salayao. His continuous
support and willingness to share knowledge, especially
in EAPP, have been invaluable as I transition to
another phase of my student life. A big thank you
goes to my parents and family for their unwavering
support. Their love and care are crucial as I pursue my
life goals, and they serve as a constant inspiration for
me to achieve tasks and strive for better grades.
Lastly, I want to express my thanks to my classmates
and friends who aided and guided me in preparing
these activities. Their input on my work is enhancing
my skills, motivating me to perform better in class, and
creating a supportive environment for mutual help.

This e-portfolio serves to compile all the
activities, tasks, and outputs we had completed in
our subject, EAPP. These assigned outputs
represent the products of our learning and
participation in this subject, bringing out its
significance. EAPP goes beyond being a class
requirement; it plays a very important role in
molding and shaping our vocabulary and writing
abilities. As we go along on our journey our college
life is also becoming nearer and nearer, this subject
surely is to be highly beneficial. EAPP has
effectively fulfilled its purpose by offering various
activities that allowed us to apply our skills and at
the same time, refine them. Its organized and
structured approach has also enabled us to
thoroughly analyze our papers and understand how
they should be done. The outputs included in this
e-portfolio provide a sneak peek into our learning
process and the practical skills we've developed,
guided by our subject adviser.

sit io n
pa pe rs

Position paper 1
Are you With Me?
Legalization of same sex marriage is one of the mostly wanted
things to be approved in the Philippines which I am also agreeing with
because not only LGBTQ + community is agreeing with this; even those
people that who were not belong in this community were also agreeing.
Actually, according to Pew Research Center (2013), People that are
supporting same-sex marriage has increased among older generations
over the past decade. For example, in 2003, just 17% of those in the
Silent generation – born between 1928 and 1945 – favored same-sex
marriage; today 31% do. Also, it was mentioned in the survey of 427
LGBT people conducted by Equality Network (n.d.), that 85% said
that this change is needed. 53% said that implementing this change is
a high priority, and a further 32% said that it is a priority. From more
informal qualitative consultation, we believe that, if anything, those
figures underestimate the proportion of LGBT people who consider that
this change is required. So many people agrees in same marriage,
although I'm not a fan of a man marrying a man, these people also
deserves a freedom. They also need to be heard and noticed. I know
that our country is almost a Christian country, but this does not mean
that people with same sex that is loving each other can't be united. As
long as they know their limits, boundaries, and they don't do anything
bad, they can be together. Same sex marriage will be very big gift for
those people who has been waiting for it here in our country. They will
no longer have to go to other country just to get married if it's
approved in our country. I truly believed that same sex marriage should
be legalized in the Philippines because we need equality and that
equality will be strengthen if same sex marriage will be approved. So

again, same sex marriage should be legalized.
Position paper 2
Bads of Cyberbullying

In the article published by Unicef (2022), it is stated that

cyberbullying is a type of bullying by means or with the use of
digital technologies such as: cellphone, laptop, personal
computers, and any other digital technologies. It was also
mentioned by Cyberbullying research Center that about 27% of
the teens that they had surveyed have been cyberbullied at
some point in their lifetimes. I truly believe that cyberbullying
has a negative impact on the behavior of a person. In fact Social
Media Victims Law Center (2018), said that cyberbullying can
be as bad as the physical effects of bullying the victims of
cyberbullying may experience a wide range of negative and bad
emotions such as the feeling of sadness, anger, fear, depression,
anxiety, and embarrassment. People who experiences
cyberbullying may also feel isolated and alone. Cyberbullying
can be really just as bad as physical bullying and it greatly
compels on negative effects to those person who experiences
cyberbullying. To sum it up, Cyberbullying really is a
controversial issue where people scares aim threatens and
shames people digitally without considering what their victims
may feel and experience. That's why it makes me believe that
cyberbully has a negative impact on mental health and behavior
of the people who experiences it.
le ct io n
pa pe r s

Reflection 1

The 5 words a day will really help you if you're doing the 5 words a
day daily not just when its already due, Although sometimes I'm also
doing the words when its due already; I'm still absorbing the other
words especially when I know that It will be useful for me and it will be
possible for me to use it in daily conversation. The five words a day
helped me a lot during our exam in BU in the subset Language
Proficiency because some of the words there were already familiar to
me in the reason of I've already encountered them through doing the 5
words a day. If it weren't for those activity for words of the day, It is
possible that I haven't eliminated the choices in the questions
thoroughly because I don't have proper background about the other
words. I'm thankful to Sir because he tasked us to do it because it
really really helped me during exam; That's why it is crucial to do the
words of the day daily and always not just for compliance but to
understand it because it's not just for broadening our vocabulary but
also for acquiring and gaining some knowledge. We can also use them
when it's needed. My suggestion and recommendation to the next
generation (the grade 11 STEM now to be specific hat soon will be
grade 12); they should do the words everyday. Though sometimes are
some situations that we are not able to do it, make sure that we will do
it when there is some available time because Sir is tasking us to do
such things for our own good only, not for any other purpose.

Reflection 2

Reflection 3
Reflection on personal commitment on self

Reflection 4
Reflection on Kalinisan Day Participation

The "Kalinisan sa Paaralan" program is a big deal because it

helps create a better place for learning. This program is all
about making sure our schools are clean and organized. It's
not just about staying healthy; it also makes learning more
fun and easy. When we keep our school clean, everyone
learns to be responsible and organized. This makes the
school a happy place for both teachers and students. The
"Kalinisan sa Paaralan" program is like a guide to help us
build a habit of keeping things clean and neat in school. It's
like making our school a nicer home for everyone.

This effort is commendable because it focuses on building a

culture of cleanliness and order in schools. It's not just
about cleaning; it's about creating a positive atmosphere for
everyone involved in education. The program shows that
when we take care of our school, we're taking care of each
other. It's like saying, "Let's make our school a great place
to learn and grow." So, the "Kalinisan sa Paaralan" program
is not just about cleaning up; it's about making our school a
wonderful place for all of us.

onc ep t
pa pe rs

S 12
Infographics Presentation

Creating the infographics about signal lag was

interesting. We wanted to show the ideas from
our Concept paper in a way that's easy to
understand. It was a bit tricky because we
wanted it to be simple but still tell the important
stuff. We thought about how it would look to
someone who doesn't know much about signal
lag. We wanted them to see why it's a big deal
and how my project could fix it. It was like telling
a story with pictures. The look of our
infographics looks good and appealing, it was also
easy to understand and we used backgrounds
that are connected with our topic. Upon doing
the infographics, I learned how that even it's
short, it should be concise in order for it to be

Narrative Report
PE/Contemporary Dance & Exhibit
The day of our PE Contemporary Dance and Exhibit was a
full of nerves and excitement. As the event goes by, my
apprehension was palpable, especially during the dance
performance. The stage loomed large, and my nerves were on
edge. Dancing in front of a sea of people felt daunting, and the
pressure to execute the routine flawlessly added to the anxiety.
The contemporary dance, although challenging, turned out to be
a test of resilience. Despite the initial jitters, the rhythm took
over, and as our group moved in harmony, the nervousness
began to dissipate. The cheers from the audience became a
source of encouragement, turning the performance into a shared
celebration of movement and expression. Transitioning to the
exhibit offered a welcome change of pace. Walking into the
space adorned with our collective artworks was a breath of
relief. The simplicity of our pieces, aligned with the circus theme,
created a visually pleasing ensemble. The careful arrangement
and design conveyed a cohesive narrative, and it was heartening
to see our creative efforts materialize into an impressive exhibit.
While dancing was a personal challenge, the exhibit showcased
our collaborative strengths. It was a testament to our shared
vision and dedication to portraying the circus theme through art.
As the event concluded, the nervousness transformed into a
sense of accomplishment. Despite the initial apprehension, both
the dance performance and exhibit turned out to be memorable
experiences, marking a chapter of growth and creative

Survey Report 1

Survey Report 1

Survey Report 1

Word of the Day
October 31, 2023 - January 21, 2024
10/31/23 11/03/23
begrudge (v) to give in to something reluctantly aural (adj) relating to the sense of hearing
spur (v) to goad into action tangible (adj) detectable by touch, substantial (tangere to
prerequisite (n) a requirement (don't confuse with touch)
perquisite: a perk) Thwart (v) to stop something before it is able to succeed
tactile (adj) able to be sensed by touch (tactilis to touch) -Thanks to inside information, the police department was
The petting 200 provides a fun tactile experience for able to thwart the bank robbery before it even began
children, allowing them to touch dozens of animals Synonym: Abstain (v) to refrain from action (abs-from + tenere to
palpable olfactory hold)
Pungent (adj) relating to the sense of smell (olere a to smell -An alcoholic for twenty years, Robert was unable to
of + facere to make) For those with a strong olfactory abstain from drinking when offered a beer.
sense, the spray of a skunk is extremely pungent. Deterrent (n) something that acts to discourage
-The picture of the vicious lion baring his teeth was an
11/01/23 effective deterrent against kids' reaching into the cage
gustatory (ad)) relating the sense of taste (gustare to taste)
The meal was a gustatory extravaganza, her taste buds 11/04/23
were exploding from all the savory spices, Impede (v) to slow the progress of, to block
auditory (adj) relating to the sense of hearing (audire to - The orange cones did not do much to impede the progress
hear) Kris's auditory deterioration prevented him from of the cars, they just drove right over them.
appreciating the subtle tonality of the music. Synonym, aural Hinder (v) to slow the progress of
discern (v) to perceive as separate; to sense keenly (dis- - The weed-killer sprayed on the garden successfully
away + cernere distinguish, separate) The fog made it hindered the growth of the unwanted plants.
difficult for me to discern how many people stood at the far Curtail (v) to make less (curtus short)
end of the parking lot. Sentence: In an effort to lose Mark tried to curtail his ice
pungent (adj) having a sharp or irritating odor (pungere to cream consumption
sting) Many find garlic breath to be so pungent that they Impediment (n) something that works to impede progress; a
avoid cooking with the herb entirely hindrance
palpable (adj) detectable by touch (palpare to touch) Sentence: Louise had a speech impediment that caused her
-as the tightrope walker attempted to regain his balance, to stutter, but that did not keep her from being a DJ.
the tension in the audience was nearly palpable. tangible, Stymie (v) to present an obstacle to

11/02/23 11/06/23
ascertain (v) to learn for certain Synonym: discern Dissuade (v) to persuade not to do something (dis- against
savory (adj) pleasant tasting, appetizing Synonym palatable suadere to urge)
putrid (adj) rotten; having a foul odor (putris rotten) Refrain (v) to hold back from doing (re- back + frenare to
Synonyms rancid, decayed restrain)
myopic (adj) short-sightedness Synonyms narrow-minded, Abstinence (n) the voluntary avoidance of something (abs-
injudicious, undiscerning from + tenere to hold)
perceive (v) to become aware Synonyms discern, ascertain Tentative (adj) uncertain
Sentence: The tentative schedule was not set in stone.

Hamper (v) to restrict the progress of
Word of the Day
11/07/23 11/10/23
Abstemious (adj) sparing or moderate in consumption Aberration (noun) - A departure from what is typical or
Destitute (adj) completely penniless expected.
Sentence: The stock market collapse of 2000-2002 left - Sentence: The sudden change in his behavior was
many an adept investor destitute. considered an aberration.
Frugal (adj) economical; good with money (frux fruit, profit) Benevolent (adjective) - Kindly and well-meaning,
Sentence: A frugal shopper does not make a purchase reflecting a desire to do good.
before checking many other places for a lower price - Sentence: The benevolent woman donated her time
Remuneration (n) payment for services and money to various charitable causes.
Sentence: The job is tedious, but the remuneration is Cacophony (noun) - A harsh, discordant mixture of
worthwhile-over fifty dollars per hour! sounds.
Impecunious (adj) without money Sentence: The cacophony of car horns during rush
Sentence: You would never guess that Marisa was so hour was deafening.
impecunious if you watched her spend money at the mall Debilitate (verb) - To weaken or make someone or
Synonyms destitute, penurious Antonyms affluent, wealthy something physically or mentally less strong.
- Sentence: The illness seemed to debilitate his once-
11/08/23 strong body.
improvident (adj) failing to provide for the future (im not Egregious (adjective) - Remarkably bad, shocking, or
pro- ahead videre to see) Despite once being a millionaire, flagrant.
Claudio was now broke due to his improvident spending - Sentence: The egregious error in the report was
decisions. prodigal, negligent, Antonyms thrifty, frugal hard to overlook.
Parsimony (n) excessive thriftuness (parsi to spare. 11/11/23
Sentence: parsimoniousness reached an extreme when he Facetious (adjective) - Treating serious issues with
band-delivered a bill rather than spending money on a stamp inappropriate humor or sarcasm.
Synonyms miserliness, stinginess Antonyms magnanimity, - Sentence: His facetious remarks during the serious
mumificence meeting were not appreciated.
Vernal (adj) able to be bribed (vernalis that is for sale) Garrulous (adjective) - Excessively talkative, often
Sentence: The local outlaws knew that the venal sheriff about trivial matters.
could be paid to let them escape - Sentence: The garrulous parrot chattered endlessly,
Thrifty (adj) economical, good with money mimicking human speech.
Pauper (n) an extremely poor individual (pan little+parere to Harangue (noun/verb) - A lengthy and aggressive
get) speech, often a tirade.
- Sentence: He delivered a harangue about the state
11/09/23 of the economy.
Mercenary (n) one who gives his services to the highest Ineffable (adjective) - Too great or extreme to be
bidder (merces pay, reward) expressed in words, indescribable.
Perquisite (n) payment or privilege received in addition to - Sentence: The beauty of the sunset over the ocean
wages (perk for short) was ineffable.
Sentence: Debra enjoyed the perpuisites of being the Juxtapose (verb) - To place or deal with close together
newspaper's culture editor, such as free tickets to the opera for contrasting effect.
and ballet - Sentence: The artist juxtaposed bright colors with
Insolvent (adj) bankrupt (im not solvent able to pay what dark ones in his painting.
one owes)
Indigent (adj) impoverished, poor (indu within egere to
need, want) Synonym destitute
Pecuniary (adj) pertaining to money (pecuma money)
Word of the Day
Kindle (verb) - To ignite or arouse a feeling or
Ubiquitous (adjective) - Present, appearing, or
found everywhere.
- Sentence: His speech was so inspiring that it
- Sentence: Smartphones have become ubiquitous
kindled hope in the hearts of many.
in modern society.
Lethargy (noun) - A lack of energy and enthusiasm;
Vex (verb) - To make someone feel annoyed,
frustrated, or worried.
- Sentence: The hot weather often leads to a
- Sentence: The constant noise from the
feeling of lethargy.
construction site began to vex the residents.
Meticulous (adjective) - Showing great attention to
Wistful (adjective) - Longing or yearning for
detail, careful and precise.
something with a sense of sadness.
- Sentence: She was known for her meticulous work,
- Sentence: As she looked at old photographs, a
leaving no room for error.
wistful smile played on her lips.
Nebulous (adjective) - Hazy, unclear, or vague.
Xenophobia (noun) - Dislike of or prejudice against
- Sentence: The concept of time is often nebulous
people from other countries.
when you're having fun.
- Sentence: Xenophobia can hinder cultural
Ostracize (verb) - To exclude or banish someone from a
diversity and understanding.
group or society.
Yield (verb) - To produce or provide something,
- Sentence: The group decided to ostracize the
especially a result or profit.
troublemaker to maintain harmony.
- Sentence: The well-tended garden yielded a
bountiful harvest.
Pernicious (adjective) - Having a harmful, destructive,
or deadly effect.
Zealot (noun) - A person who is fanatical and
- Sentence: The pernicious influence of negative
uncompromising in their pursuit of religious, political,
peers can lead to bad choices.
or other ideals.
Quixotic (adjective) - Exceedingly idealistic,
- Sentence: The religious zealot's beliefs were
unrealistic, and impractical.
unwavering and extreme.
- Sentence: His quixotic dream of living off the grid
Alacrity (noun) - Promptness in response, eagerness,
in a treehouse was met with skepticism.
or enthusiasm.
Resilient (adjective) - Capable of withstanding or
Bellicose (adjective) - Demonstrating a willingness to
recovering from adversity.
fight, aggressive, and warlike.
- Sentence: The resilient young athlete quickly
- Sentence: The bellicose leader's aggressive
bounced back from her injury.
rhetoric heightened international tensions.
Sycophant (noun) - A person who acts obsequiously
Capitulate (verb) - To surrender or give up, often
towards someone important in order to gain an
under certain conditions.
- Sentence: After a long negotiation, they decided
- Sentence: The sycophant constantly praised the
to capitulate and accept the terms.
boss to get promotions.
Denigrate (verb) - To criticize or defame someone's
Truncate (verb) - To shorten something by cutting off
character or reputation.
the top or end.
- Sentence: It's unfair to denigrate someone's
- Sentence: The teacher had to truncate the lesson
achievements without evidence.
due to lack of time.
Word of the Day
Elucidate (verb) - To make something clear, explain, or
Obfuscate (verb) - To deliberately make something
unclear or confusing.
- Sentence: The professor elucidated the complex
- Sentence: His attempt to obfuscate the truth only
theory in a way that students could understand.
raised more questions.
Frugal (adjective) - Practicing economy; avoiding
Paradigm (noun) - A typical example or pattern of
waste and unnecessary expenses.
something; a model.
- Sentence: Living a frugal lifestyle helped her save
- Sentence: The company's innovative approach
money for future investments.
became a paradigm for success.
Gregarious (adjective) - Fond of the company of
Quotidian (adjective) - Of or occurring every day;
others, sociable.
ordinary or commonplace.
- Sentence: His gregarious nature made him the life
- Sentence: His quotidian routine involved
of the party.
commuting to work and grocery shopping.
Hubris (noun) - Excessive pride, arrogance, or self-
Rambunctious (adjective) - Boisterous, noisy, and
confidence often leading to downfall.
difficult to control.
- Sentence: His hubris eventually led to his downfall
- Sentence: The rambunctious children played loudly
when he underestimated his opponents.
in the yard.
Inefficacious (adjective) - Lacking the capacity to
Sycophant (noun) - A person who acts obsequiously
produce the desired effect; ineffective.
towards someone important in order to gain an
- Sentence: The inefficacious medicine did not
relieve her pain.
- Sentence: The sycophant constantly praised the
boss to get promotions.
Juxtaposition (noun) - The act or placement of two
things (usually abstract concepts, though it can involve
Tumultuous (adjective) - Making a loud, confused
tangible objects) near each other.
noise; uproarious.
- Sentence: The juxtaposition of wealth and poverty
- Sentence: The tumultuous storm brought heavy
was evident in the city.
rain and strong winds.
Kindle (verb) - To ignite or arouse a feeling or
Unbeknownst (adverb) - Without the knowledge of
- Sentence: Her heartfelt apology kindled
- Sentence: Unbeknownst to her, a surprise party
forgiveness in their hearts.
was planned for her birthday.
Lament (verb/noun) - To express grief or sorrow; a
Vex (verb) - To make someone feel annoyed,
passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
frustrated, or worried.
- Sentence: The mournful lament echoed through
- Sentence: His constant complaints about minor
the quiet night.
issues vexed his friends. Wistful (adjective) - Longing
Mellifluous (adjective) - Having a pleasant and flowing
or yearning for something with a sense of sadness.
sound, often used to describe speech or music.
- Sentence: She cast a wistful glance at the old
- Sentence: Her mellifluous voice was a joy to listen
family photos.
Xenophobia (noun) - Dislike of or prejudice against
Noxious (adjective) - Harmful, poisonous, or very
people from other countries.
- Sentence: Xenophobia can hinder cultural diversity
- Sentence: The noxious fumes from the factory
and understanding.
polluted the air.
Word of the Day 11/25/23
Aberrant (adjective) - Departing from an accepted standard
Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere;
or normal behavior.
- Sentence: His aberrant actions raised suspicions among adjective - Social media has become ubiquitous in our daily
his colleagues. lives.
Baleful (adjective) - Threatening harm, evil, or menacing. Ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed or
- Sentence: The baleful look in his eyes sent shivers down described in words; adjective - The feeling of love is often
her spine. described as ineffable.
Cacophonous (adjective) - Involving a harsh, discordant
mixture of sounds. Soporific - tending to induce drowsiness or sleep; adjective
- Sentence: The cacophonous clash of instruments - The sound of the rain was soporific, making me feel sleepy.
disrupted the concert. Mellifluous - pleasant-sounding, sweet or musical; adjective
Defenestration (noun) - The act of throwing someone out of - The singer's voice was mellifluous, soothing and calming.
a window. Cacophony - a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds; noun -
- Sentence: The historical event was marked by the
The street was filled with the cacophony of honking cars and
defenestration of several political figures.
Effervescent (adjective) - Bubbling, fizzing, or enthusiastic loud music.
in nature. 11/26/23
- Sentence: Her effervescent personality lit up the room. Onomatopoeia - the formation of a word from a sound
11/22/23 associated with what is named; noun - The word "buzz" is
Fractious (adjective) - Irritable, quarrelsome, or difficult to an example of onomatopoeia.
Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by
- Sentence: The fractious children constantly argued with
each other. chance in a happy or beneficial way; noun - Meeting my
Gesticulate (verb) - To make gestures, especially when best friend was a serendipitous moment in my life.
speaking. Penultimate - second to last; adjective - The penultimate
- Sentence: He gesticulated wildly to emphasize his point. chapter of the book was the most exciting.
Harbinger (noun) - A person or thing that signals or Paradox - a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory
foreshadows what is to come.
- Sentence: The first warm breeze of spring is often seen statement or proposition that when investigated or explained
as a harbinger of better days. may prove to be true; noun - The statement "less is more" is
Ineffable (adjective) - Too great or extreme to be expressed a paradox.
in words, indescribable. Pernicious - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual
- Sentence: The ineffable beauty of the natural landscape or subtle way; adjective - Smoking is pernicious to one's
left them speechless.
Juxtapose (verb) - To place or deal with close together for
contrasting effect. 11/27/23
- Sentence: The museum juxtaposed modern art with Discombobulate - to confuse or disconcert; verb - The
classical sculptures. unexpected news discombobulated me and left me unsure of
what to do.
11/24/23 Obstreperous - noisy and difficult to control; adjective -
Kowtow (verb/noun) - To act in an excessively subservient
The obstreperous children made it hard for the teacher to
manner; a deep bow or act of reverence.
Obfuscate - to obscure or make something unclear; verb - teach.
They tried to obfuscate the truth by telling half the story. Dissonance - lack of harmony among musical notes or a
Esoteric - intended for or likely to be understood by only a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two
small number of people; adjective - The scientists' research disharmonious elements; noun - The dissonance between the
had an esoteric subject matter. piano and violin created an eerie feeling.
Captivate - to attract and hold the attention of someone or
something; verb - The performer captivated the audience Ubiquity - the state of being everywhere at the same time;
with her stunning performance. noun - The ubiquity of smartphones has changed the way we
Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time; adjective - The communicate.
beauty of the cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a Magnanimous - generous or forgiving, especially towards a
few weeks. rival or less powerful person; adjective - The magnanimous
king pardoned his enemy.
Word of the Day
11/28/23 12/01/23
Inscrutable - impossible to understand or interpret; Ineffability - the quality of being too great or extreme to be
adjective - His expression was inscrutable, making it difficult expressed or described in words; noun - The beauty of the
to read his emotions. sunset had an ineffability that left me speechless.
Mellifluent - having a smooth or flowing sound; adjective - Aesthete - a person who has a special appreciation of art
The mellifluent sound of the violin brought the audience to and beauty; noun - She was considered an aesthete for her
tears. exquisite taste in fashion.
Colloquy - a conversation; noun - The two friends engaged Melancholy - a feeling of sadness, often with no obvious
in an intense colloquy about politics. cause; noun - The melancholy in his voice was clear as he
Solitude - the state of being alone; noun - The writer sang about lost love.
sought solitude in order to concentrate on his work. Eschew - to deliberately avoid using or doing; verb - She
Ennui - a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising eschewed social media, finding it a waste of time.
from a lack of occupation or excitement; noun - The ennui Mellifluously - sweetly or smoothly, often used to describe
of living alone in a big city can be overwhelming. sound; adverb - The bird sang mellifluously in the morning.
11/29/23 Ephemeralness - the quality of being fleeting or short-lived;
Incandescent - emitting light as a result of being heated; noun - The ephemeralness of life often makes one appreciate
adjective - The incandescent light bulb was invented by each moment more.
Thomas Edison. Bellicose - having or showing a willingness to fight or argue;
Mellifluousness - the quality of being pleasant-sounding, adjective - The bellicose group of protesters caused a
sweet or musical; noun - He was known for the disturbance.
mellifluousness of his voice. Incantation - a series of words said as a magic spell or
Dulcet - sweet and soothing, often used to describe sound; charm; noun - The witch recited an incantation to summon
adjective - The dulcet tones of a guitar filled the room. the spirits.
Coalesce - to come together to form one mass or whole; Disambiguation - the process of removing uncertainty or
verb - The colors began to coalesce, forming a beautiful confusion from the meaning of a word or phrase; noun - The
painting. editor requested disambiguation on the use of a certain
Penumbra - a partial shadow, especially an area between word in the article.
full shadow and full illumination; noun - The penumbra of Obdurate - stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or
the tree created a pattern on the ground. course of action; adjective - His obdurate refusal to
11/30/23 apologize caused even more trouble.
Visceral - relating to deep inward feeling rather than 12/04/23
intellect; adjective - Her visceral reaction to the horror Ebullient - cheerful and full of energy; adjective - The
movie was one of fear and anxiety. ebullient girl danced and sang in the rain.
Prevaricate - to speak or act in an evasive way; verb - The Pensive - engaged in deep or serious thought; adjective -
politician was accused of prevaricating when asked about The pensive boy sat by the lake, lost in his own musings.
the scandal. Surreptitious - kept secret, especially because it would not
Perspicacity - the quality of having a penetrating insight or be approved of; adjective - He took a surreptitious glance
understanding; noun - The detective's perspicacity helped at the test answers hidden in his notebook.
solve the crime. Salubrious - promoting health and well-being; adjective -
Intrepid - fearless and adventurous; adjective - The intrepid Living in a salubrious environment can improve one's physical
explorer set out to climb the highest mountain in the world. and mental health.
Erudite - having or showing extensive knowledge; adjective Hudibrastic - relating to exaggerated, burlesque satire;
- The professor was known for his erudite lectures. adjective - His humorous writing style was often described
as hudibrastic.
Word of the Day
12/05/23 12/9/23
Mellifluence - the power to influence or attract with Inert (adj) sluggish, inactive (un notertem active)
sweet or musical sounds; noun - The mellifluence of her Sentence: After his final exams, Ricky sat inert on his couch
for two days watching soap operas and game shows
voice made the audience fall in love with her music.
Synonyms quiescent, torpid, phlegmatic Antonyms, alert,
Atrophy (v) -to weaken from disuse (a without troph
nourishment) after surgery, extended best rest often
Listless (adj) sluggish, without energy (-less without) I
causes muscles to atrophy unless it is accompanied by always feel listless on rainy days: sometimes I don't even
physical therapy. want to get out of bed Synonyms enervated, inert,
Abate (v) - to subside, to decrease in intensity (ed to phlegmatic, lethargic Antonyms lively, robust
batre to beat) Quiescent (adj) resting, quiet (quies rest)
had to wait until the storm abated before they could Sentence: During the quiescent phase of cell division, the
begin to assess the damage to the coastal town cell does not split or grow.
Porous (adj) - filled with many holes (porus opening) Serene (adj) tranquil, calm, placid (serenus peaceful, calm)
Sentence: There was not a single wave on the surface of
Sentence: The teenager's story was a porous one that
the serene lake.
her parents could easily see through Ssenynas
penetrable, pervious Antonyms: impervious,
impenetrable, impregnable 12/10/23
Wane (v) - to grow smaller or less intense as the Static (adj) stationary (status standing)
brightness of the moon wanes over the next few nights, Sentence: The patient's vitals have been static for an hour.
it will become easier to see the surrounding stars. We hope this means he can be moved from intensive care
12/ 05/23 (adj) lazy, sluggish The flu left me feeling lethargic even two
Lassitude (n) a feeling of weakness (lassus weary) days after my fever had broken Synonyms, phlegmatic,
Sentence: Although she tried valiantly to play through dormant, enervated, listless
Moratorium (n) postponement Synonyms deferral, delay
her illness. Danielle's lassitude overtook her in the
Stagnate (v) to become inactive, to become stale (status
second half Antonyms vitality, vigor
standing) Synonym: idle
Undermine (v) to weaken or diminish something
Torpor (n) lethargy: apathy Synonyms inertness, lassitude
Sentence: The continual to the project over many
weeks undermined the morale of the workers. 12/11/23
Obsequious (adj) overly submissive (ob to sequi follow)
Respite (n) rest; time of relief; pause (respit delay)
Attrition (n) a wearing away of strength or morale Synonyms hiatus, moratorium
Enervate (v) to weaken someone's vitality Hiatus (n) a break in the continuity of something Synonyms
respite, discontinuity
12/06/24 Torpid (adj) hibernating dormant (torpere be numb)
Synonyms inert, idle
Vulnerable (adj) prone to attack or harm
Belligerent (adj) warlike, quarrelsome (bellum war)
ebb (v) to decrease or decline slowly
Sentence: My brother is a belligerent guy, he picks his fair
Compliant (adj) submissive (pli fold)
share of bar fights.
Debilitate (v) to sap the strength of (de-away bilis Irascible (adj) easily angered (ire anger)
strength) Sentence: Adam's irascible nature landed him in anger
Placid (adj) calm (plac to please) inanagement therapy, he overreacts to the smallest things
Sentence: A relaxing day at the spa always makes me Synonyms choleric, splenetic, petulant Antonynu even-
feel more placid. tempered
Word of the Day 12/15/23
Volatile (adj) explosive; tending to evaporate quickly Cacophony (n) discord; harsh sounds (cacos ugly + phon
(vola to fly) sound) How can this cacophony coming out of my son's room
be today's popular music? Synonyms, disharmony, dissonance
Sentence: The situation in the Middle East is a volatile
Antonym harmony
one that must be handled with care Synonyms
Abysmal (adj) extremely bad; wretched The food at this
unsettled, temperamental Antonym: stable
hospital is abysmal! Is this bread or cardboard? Synonyms:
Rebuttal (n) refutation, opposing response to an deplorable, pathetic Antonyms: commendable, laudable
argument (re-hack) Acrid (adj) harsh smelling or tasting (acri bitter) Don't inhale
Sentence: After the opponent made his remarks, the too much of this chemical, it is known to be quite acrid and
debate team captain approached the podiun to deliver can make you pass out Synonyms: astringent, pungent
her rebutial. Antonyms savory, sweet
Refute (V) to disprove; to rebut forcefully (refutare to Blatant (adj) very conspicuous, annoyingly loud
drive back) Sentence: The blaring of loud music despite my repeated
requests for silence shows your blatant disregard for my
Sentence: The judge found no evidence to refute your
needs Synonyms: flagrant, impudent Antonym unobtrusive
claim that the car is yours, so you get to keep it for
Deplorable (adj) worthy of reproach or censure (plorare to
cry out in sorrow)
Incite (v) to urge into action (citare to cause to move) Sentence: Although they claimed to love animals, the
Sentence: The rebels incited a revolt in the small city conditions at their run-down shelter were deplorable.
by convincing the citizens that their mayor was a creik Synonyms: disgraceful, egregious Antonyms: commendable,
12/13/23 12/18/23
Pugnacious (adj) quarrelsome, warlike (pugnare fight) Egregious (adj) conspicuously bad; flagrant (e-out + greg
Sentence: The pugnacious punk was happiest when his herd) Synonyms atrocious, deplorable
Lurid (adj) shocking, sensational Synonyms: graphic, vivid
fists were pounding someone else's chin.
(adj) offensive to the senses or the health (not harm)
Bellicose (adj) warlike in manner (bellum war)
Synonyms: loathsome, detestable
Harass (v) to bother, to annoy
Flagrant (adj) offensively bad; reprehensible Synonyms:
Assail (v) to attack or assault (ad at salire leap) egregious, blatant
Tumultuous (adj) violently agitated Heinous (adj) cruel; shockingly evil (haine hatred +-ous full
12/14/23 Astringent (adj) caustic, pungent Synonyms acrid, harsh
Instigate (s) to goad; to urge on
Provocative (adj) tending to aggravate or stimulate 12/19/23
(pro- forth+vocare to call) Ambulatory (adj) capable of moving around (ambulare walk)
Sentence: He must stay in bed for a week, and once he is
Propensity (n) a natural inclination; a tendency (pro-
ambulatory he will need crutches.
Deviate (v) to swerve or deflect (de- away + via path)
Acrimony (n) bitterness of feeling, harsh words (acri
Sentence: lane of the highway caused the driver to deviate
bitter + monia action or condition) from her path. veer Antonym: conform
Sentence: Her toast was inappropriately acrimonious, Influx (n) a flowing in (in-in + flux flow)
and we could all tell that she had not forgiven her Sentence: The school saw quite an influx of new applicants
friend Synonyms belligerence, rancor Antonym civility once it increased the number of scholarships.
Appalling (adj) shocking: causing dismay (palir to grow
pale) The way he yells at his wife is appalling, he treats
her as if she were his servant.
Word of the Day 12/26/23
Impel (v) to put into motion; to urge (pel force) Efface (v) to by rubbing (e- out + face appearance)
Sentence: The zoo visitors were impelled into action by the Abdicate (v) to give up power (ab away + dicare
announcement that a lion was loose. proclaim)
Expedite (v) to speed up the progress of (ex out+pes foot: Renounce (v) to give up in a formal announcement
to free from entanglement) Nullify (v) to make invalid (nullus none)
Sentence: The project was expedited once the CEO decided Relinquish (V) to abandon or give up (re-back +
that its outcome reflected on him personally linquere to leave)
Itinerant (adj) traveling from place to place Synonyms:
peripatetic, ambulant 12/27/23
(adj) wandering without a permanent home Synonyms: Cathartic (adj) having a purging effect; inducing the
migratory, drifting release of emotional tension
Peripheral (adj) located on the outer boundary (peri- Sentence: Forgiving his father turned out to be a very
around) Synonym bordering cathartic experience for Kenneth.
Compel (v) to urge into action by force (com together + pel Altruism (n) selflessness (alter other)
force) Synonyms impel, coerce Sentence: Tom's altruism pushes him to spend thirty
hours per week working with the needy Synonyms
12/22/23 humaneness, benevolence Antonyms egoism,
Vagrant (adj) wandering from place to place (vagus malevolence
wandering) Synonyms: nomadic, peripatetic Amiable (adj) friendly, agreeable (amicus friend)
Perambulate (v) to move about (per- through+ambulare Sentence: Mr. Richards is such an amiable guy, always
walk) smiling and laughing as he interacts with his customers
Raze (v) to destroy completely Philanthropist (n) one who does good; lover of
Sentence: The massive level-five hurricane razed the entire humankind (phila-love-anthro humankind)
port city, crushing everything in its path Antonym preserve Sentence: It is amazing that a penny-pincher like Paul
Jettison (v) to throw overboard is a philanthropist who has donated millions to charity
Sentence: The killer Jettisoned the murder weapon into the Congenial (adj) friendly, pleasant (con with gentalis
lake as he sailed to his hideout in the cove. pleasant)
Abort (v) to terminate prematurely Sentence: After months of imagining her in-laws as
Sentence: The soldiers aborted their mission when they monsters, Julia was surprised at how congenial they
learned their cover was blown and it was no longer safe. actually were.

12/24/ 23 12/28/23
Purge (v) to cleanse of something unwanted (purgare to Munificent (adj) generous (mmunus sharing)
cleanse) Sentence: Donating that outfit to charity is quite a
Sentence- It is satisfying to purge your email inbox of munificent gesture, considering that it is your favorite
unwanted junk messages Decorum (n) propriety, good manners (decorus proper)
Forgo (v) to give something up (for-away go go) Sentence: While eating at the country club, you must
Sentence: The woman decided to leave the hospital early behave with the utmost decorum and mind
and forgo further treatment on her injured hip Synonyms your manners
abandon, forsake Antonyms: maintain, participate Amity (n) friendship (amicus friend)
Deplete (v) to decrease the supply of (deplare to empty) Decorous (adj) exhibiting good taste in behavior or
Sentence: The run on gasoline depleted the gas station of appearance (decorus proper)
its fuel reserves, and it was forced to shut down. Affable (adj) friendly: kind (affabilis easy to converse
Dearth (n) lack: scarcity (dear greatly valued) with)
Word of the Day 01/01/24
Gregarious (adj) sociable (greg flock) Pretentious (adj) ostentatious Synonyms gaudy, grandiose,
Amicable (adj) polite and friendly (amicus friend) garish
Magnanimous (adj) generous, big-hearted (magna-great + Baroque (adj) extravagantly ornate and convoluted in style
animus spirit) Dogged (adj) determined; unwilling to give up
Geniality (n) cheerfulness (gemalis pleasant) Sentence: Outmanned and overmatched the dogged
Pedantic (adj) showy about knowledge (paedere to instruct) fighters nevertheless refused to surrender the Alamo
Sentence: Kim's pedantic teaching style bothers her Obstinate (adj) stubborn (obstinatius to stand stubbornly)
students, she uses hizarre vocabulary words nobody Sentence: No matter what she tried, she could not make her
understands Synonyms didactic, egotistic obstinate husband change his mind.
Intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in-not + transigente
12/30/23 compromising)
Grandiose (ad)) pretentious, ridiculously exaggerated Sentence: Pat's intransigent nature showed itself when he
(grandis great) adamantly refused to shift his appointment from 5:00 to
Sentence: The castle's foyer was the most grandiose of its 5:05.
kind, adorned with crystal chandeliers and gilded banisters
Synonyms: ostentatious, flamboyant, lofty Antonym humble 01/02/24
Bombastic (adj) pompous, using inflated language Contentious (adj) quarrelsome (contendere to strive
Sentence: The bombastic language in the mayor's campaign afterious full of)
speech made her seem arrogant and disconnected from the Sentence: Julia sighed as her excessively contentious
public husband started another unnecessary argument with their
Braggart (n) one who boasts, a showoff (braguer to show waiter.
off) Pertinacity (n) stubbornness (per-very + tenax holding fast)
Sentence: No one likes a braggart, it's better to be modest Sentence: Kyle showed incredible pertinacity after
and humble about your successes. breaking his leg, making it back in time for the championship
Ostentatious (adj) showy, pretentious (ostentare to display game.
+-ious full of) Steadfast (adj) unchanging: unswerving (stede stand + foest
Sentence: That solid gold statue is the most ostentatious firmly fixed)
display of wealth I have ever seen. Sentence: Despite many hardships, the team was steadfast
Pompous (adj) possessing excessive self-esteem, pretentious in its pursuit of the summit.
(pomp splendorous full of) Recalcitrant (adj) stubbornly rebellious Synonyms: defiant,
Sentence: His pompous, holier-than-thou attitude annoyed stubborn, wayward
all of his classmates Tenacious (adj) holding firmly, persistent (tenax holding
fast) Synonyms persistent, steadfast, resolute

Swagger (v) to walk or strut in an arrogant manner Having 01/03/24
beat their crosstown rivals handily, the players swaggered Disputatious (adj) inclined to arguing (disputare to argue)
back to the locker room Synonyms brag, strut Synonyms contentious, litigious, polemical
Lofty (adj) haughty, overly proud Synonyms: cavalier, Obdurate (adj) intractable, not easily persuaded (obdurare
pretentiou to harden) Synonyms: inexorable, dogged
Garish (adj) flashy: loud Intractable (adj) hard to manage; stubborn (in- not + tract
Ornate (adj) overly decorated (ornatus to adorn) Synonyms: pull) Synonyms: obstinate, headstrong
ostentatious, opulent, gaudy Adamant (adj) refusing to yield (adamas unbreakable)
Opulence (adj) luxuriousness (opulentus wealthy) grandeur, Synonyms: inexorable, obdurate
affluence Litigious (adj) prone to bringing lawsuits (lis-lawsuit + agere
to drive) Synonym contentious
Word of the Day 01/0724
Adroit (adj) dexterous; skillful Nefarious (adj) wicked; sinful (ne-not+fas lawful)
Sentence: An adroit con man, Clarence knew how to Sentence: Cinderella's nefarious stepsisters took joy in
making her do their daily chores.
fool even the most skeptical eye Synonyms deft, Repugnant (adj) offensive; repulsive (re-back + pugnare to
proficient Antonyms clumsy, inept fight)
Unerring (adj) committing no mistakes, perfect (un- not Sentence: Christopher's mother found his superstition of not
+ err to make a mistake) bathing after games repugnant.
Sentence: Her unerring sense of direction always puts Infamous (adj) famous for bad deeds; notorious (in- not +
famosus celebrated)
her in the right place even if she has never been there
Sentence: The infamous "El Héctor" was remembered for
before the way he tortured the poor villagers of Santa Potula
Adept (adj) highly skilled Odious (adj) worthy of dislike, arousing feelings of dislike
Sentence: Roberto, an adept mathematician, (odiosus hateful)
completed the outrageously difficult calculus final in Sentence: Jimmy was no longer afraid to go to school once
just 25 minutes the odious bully was suspended.
Malevolent (adj) wishing harm to others; evil (mal- evil + vol
Aptitude (n) a natural ability, intelligence (apt fit) wish)
Sentence: Kenneth showed a great aptitude for Sentence: The malevolent dictator smiled as he ordered his
computers as a child, designing complex programs at soldiers to burn down the church.
the age of ten.
Paragon (n) a model of excellence, perfection (para- 01/08/24
beyond) AMalefactor (n) an evildoer (mal- evil + facere to perform)
Sentence: Superman has found and stopped many a
malefactor before the crime could actually be committed.
01/05/24 Abominable (adj) loathsome; unpleasant
Sentence: The head of several charities, Susan is the Sentence: His abominable behavior at the game included
paragon of philanthropy Synonyms: prototype; epitome excessive drinking, loud swearing, and the removal of his
Deft (adj) adroit, skillful clothes
Avarice (n) extreme greed Synonyms: miserliness,
Sentence: The graceful ballerina kept from tripping on
stage by deftly avoiding the poorly placed electrical Bigotry (n) intolerance toward those who are different
wires Synonyms proficient, adroit Antonyras clumsy, Hypocrite (n) one who says one thing but does another
inept, awkward (hypokrites Gr pretender)
Preeminent (adj) outstanding
Sentence: A preeminent psychologist, Dr. Carter is 01/9/24
Miserly (adj) lacking generosity (mis- wretched) Synonyms:
often asked to lend his expertise on difficult cases. avaricious, penurious
Expertise (n) knowledge or skill in a particular area Inimical (adj) unfriendly (in- not + amicus friend) Synonyms
Synonyms: prowess, savvy, bailiwick antagonistic, hostile
Discerning (adj) showing good judgment or keen insight Curmudgeon (n) a cranky person.
(dis-offcernere distinguish) astute, judicious, sage Misanthrope (n) one who hates humankind (mis- hatred +
anthro humankind)
Perfidy (n) deliberate breach of trust, treachery
Agility (n) nimbleness (agilis to move) Synonyms 01/10/24
spryness, litheness Charlatan (n) a fraud; a quack (chiarlatino a quack)
Consummate (adj) perfect in every respect (con- Sentence: June's family warned her that Chaz was a
with+sumonus highest) Synonym: impeccable charlatan only pretending to be a successful lawyer.
Ruse (n) a crafty scheme
Dexterous (adj) skillful with the hands (dexter
Sentence: The clever criminal came up with a flawless ruse
skillful+ous full of) to steal the money from the bank.
Impeccable (adj) flawless (im- not + peccare to sin) Subterfuge (n) a scheme, an attempt to deceive (subter
Synonyms: immaculate, infallible, transcendent secretly + fugere to flee)
Precocious (adj) unusually advanced or mature in Sentence: It takes real subterfuge to sneak anything past
development Principal Guber, like he is able to see your every move
Dupe (n) one who is easily deceived
Word of the Day 01/14/24
Swindle (V) to cheat Narcissist (n) one in love with his/her own image (from
Sentence: The street hustler swindled the unsuspecting Narcissus, who fell in love with himself)
man, tricking him into buying a fake designer watch. Zealot (n) one who engages passionately in a cause
Gullible (adj) easily deceived Synonyms: enthusiast, fanatic, devotee
Sentence: The gullible teenager was easily tricked by her Sybarite (n) an individual who seeks luxury Synonym,
friends into believing that one of them was a secret agent hedonist
Embezzle (v) to steal money from one's employer Pessimist (n) an individual who focuses on the negative side
Machination (n) a crafty scheme (machina device) of a situation (pessimus worst)
Bilk (v) to cheat, to swindle Synonyms: hoodwink, defraud, Optimist (n) one who focuses on the positive side of a
cheat, fleece situation (optimus best) Synonyms: idealist, Pollyanna,
01/12/24 Pangloss, Candide
Larceny (n) theft (larecin Fr theft) Synonym: thiever 01/15/24
Filch (v) to steal Synonyms: pilfer, embezzle Fanatic (n) one who shows extreme enthusiasm for a cause
Fleece (v) to defraud of money, to swindle Synonyms (fanaticus enthusiastic)
swindle, bilk, hoodwink, defraud Vindicate (v) to clear from blame mollis soft
Hedonist (n) a pleasure seeker (hedone pleasure) Sentence: The adroit defense lawyer was able to vindicate
Sentence: The '80s are often considered the age of the her client of all charges, and he was set free
hedonist, a time when everyone felt they had the right to Assuage (v) to soothe anger or pain, to satisfy a hunger
have fun. Synonyms: epicurean, epicure, sybarite, bon (suavis agreeable, sweet)
vivant Sentence: If your dog gets stung by a bec, place a wet
Ascetic (n) one who lives a holy life of self-denial (asketes washcloth on the area to assuage the pain.
monk) Mollify (v) to soothe the anger of (mollis soft) Antonyms:
Sentence: Tim has spent years at a time as an ascetic, each provoke, vex, exacerbate
giving away he owns and living on rice and prayer Sentence: The waiter attempted to mollify the angry
customer by offering him a free dessert, with his dimer
01/13/24 Exonerate (v) to clear from accusation (ex-out + onus
Anarchist (n) one who opposes all political authority (an- burden)
without + archos leader) Sentence When en the principal found the spray paint in
Sentence: Before the coup d'etat, the dictator claimed to Rex's locker. Timmy was exonerated of all graffiti charges
be an anarchist; that all changed once he was given power.
Synonyms insurgent, rebel 01/16/24
Pacifist (n) an individual who is opposed to violence (pacis Plactate (v) to soothe, to mollify (placare to please)
peace + facere to make) Sentence: The mother attempted to placate her crying baby
Sentence: Forever a pacifist, Julie organized a rally by handing him his favorite teddy bear
protesting the war in the Middle East. Exculpate (v) to free from blame (ex-out culpa blame)
Atheist (n) one who does not believe that God exists (a Sentence: Although the DNA evidence did not identify the
without + theos god) killer, it did exculpate the police's primary suspect.
Sentence: Although she is an atheist and does not worship Anesthetic (n) something that reduces sensation (on without
the Buddha, Cathy meditates with her Buddhist friends. azsthesis Gk feeling)
Nihilist (n) one who rejects moral distinctions and knowable Sentence: Before closing the cut, the doctor administered
"truths" an anesthetic to numb the area around the wound
Sentence: Because she is a nihilist, Carrie likes to contend (v) to soothe the agitation or anger of (pacis peace)
that the world may be a figment of her imagination Invigorate (v) to energize (in-in + vigor liveliness + -ate to
Word of the Day 01/20//24
Alleviate (v) to relieve (think of "Aleve" to relieve body Astonishment (n) - Great surprise or amazement.
aches) ex. Her performance on stage left the audience in
Emollient (n) a substance that softens imollis soft)
sheer astonishment.
Absolve (v) to pardon (ab- from solvere to loosen)
Exultation (n) - A feeling of triumphant elation or
Placid (adj) peaceful: calm (placare to please)
Mitigate (v) to make less severe; to lessen the force of
ex. The team's exultation was evident after winning
01/18/24 the championship.
Ajar (adj) - Slightly open. Gruffy (adj) - Harsh or gruff in manner or speech.
ex. The door was left ajar, allowing a cool breeze to enter ex. His gruffy response indicated his irritation with
the room. the situation.
Striding (v) - Walking with long steps. Plodded (v) - Walked slowly and heavily.
ex. She was confidently striding towards her destination, ex. We plodded through the muddy path, making
her pace unwavering.
slow progress.
Beancurd (n) - Tofu, a protein-rich food made from
Nibbling (v) - Taking small bites or gentle bites.
ex. She sat on the porch, nibbling on a cookie as she
ex. The chef prepared a delicious stir-fry with beancurd as
the main ingredient. enjoyed the sunset.
Veranda (n) - A roofed platform along the outside of a
house, often enclosed. 01/21/24
ex. They enjoyed their morning tea on the veranda, taking Hauling (v) - Pulling or dragging with effort.
in the scenic view. ex. The workers were hauling heavy equipment to the
Dais (n) - A raised platform for speakers or honored guests. construction site.
ex . The guest of honor stood on the dais to address the Wholly (adverb) - Entirely; completely.
ex. The success of the project was wholly attributed
to the dedicated team.
Gilt (adj) - Covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint.
Lustrous (adj) - Shining with reflected light; glossy.
ex. Her lustrous hair caught the sunlight, creating a radiant ex. The picture frame had a gilt finish, adding a touch
effect. of elegance.
Opium (n) - A narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy. Shine (v) - Give out a bright light; to polish or make
ex. Opium has been used for centuries for its medicinal something bright.
properties and pain-relieving effects. ex. The polished shoes began to shine as he stepped
Obeisance (n) - A gesture of respect, such as a bow or into the sunlight.
curtsy. Heaped (adj) - Piled up in a heap or mound.
ex. The audience paid obeisance to the monarch as a sign of
ex. The laundry was heaped in the corner, waiting
to be folded.
Indignation (n) - Anger or annoyance provoked by unfair
ex. His face flushed with indignation as he heard the
unjust decision.
Coarse (adj) - Rough in texture; lacking refinement.
ex. The old book had coarse pages, and its cover showed
signs of wear.
Word of the Day 01/14/24
Swindle (V) to cheat Narcissist (n) one in love with his/her own image (from
Sentence: The street hustler swindled the unsuspecting Narcissus, who fell in love with himself)
man, tricking him into buying a fake designer watch. Zealot (n) one who engages passionately in a cause
Gullible (adj) easily deceived Synonyms: enthusiast, fanatic, devotee
Sentence: The gullible teenager was easily tricked by her Sybarite (n) an individual who seeks luxury Synonym,
friends into believing that one of them was a secret agent hedonist
Embezzle (v) to steal money from one's employer Pessimist (n) an individual who focuses on the negative side
Machination (n) a crafty scheme (machina device) of a situation (pessimus worst)
Bilk (v) to cheat, to swindle Synonyms: hoodwink, defraud, Optimist (n) one who focuses on the positive side of a
cheat, fleece situation (optimus best) Synonyms: idealist, Pollyanna,
01/12/24 Pangloss, Candide
Larceny (n) theft (larecin Fr theft) Synonym: thiever 01/15/24
Filch (v) to steal Synonyms: pilfer, embezzle Fanatic (n) one who shows extreme enthusiasm for a cause
Fleece (v) to defraud of money, to swindle Synonyms (fanaticus enthusiastic)
swindle, bilk, hoodwink, defraud Vindicate (v) to clear from blame mollis soft
Hedonist (n) a pleasure seeker (hedone pleasure) Sentence: The adroit defense lawyer was able to vindicate
Sentence: The '80s are often considered the age of the her client of all charges, and he was set free
hedonist, a time when everyone felt they had the right to Assuage (v) to soothe anger or pain, to satisfy a hunger
have fun. Synonyms: epicurean, epicure, sybarite, bon (suavis agreeable, sweet)
vivant Sentence: If your dog gets stung by a bec, place a wet
Ascetic (n) one who lives a holy life of self-denial (asketes washcloth on the area to assuage the pain.
monk) Mollify (v) to soothe the anger of (mollis soft) Antonyms:
Sentence: Tim has spent years at a time as an ascetic, each provoke, vex, exacerbate
giving away he owns and living on rice and prayer Sentence: The waiter attempted to mollify the angry
customer by offering him a free dessert, with his dimer
01/13/24 Exonerate (v) to clear from accusation (ex-out + onus
Anarchist (n) one who opposes all political authority (an- burden)
without + archos leader) Sentence When en the principal found the spray paint in
Sentence: Before the coup d'etat, the dictator claimed to Rex's locker. Timmy was exonerated of all graffiti charges
be an anarchist; that all changed once he was given power.
Synonyms insurgent, rebel 01/16/24
Pacifist (n) an individual who is opposed to violence (pacis Plactate (v) to soothe, to mollify (placare to please)
peace + facere to make) Sentence: The mother attempted to placate her crying baby
Sentence: Forever a pacifist, Julie organized a rally by handing him his favorite teddy bear
protesting the war in the Middle East. Exculpate (v) to free from blame (ex-out culpa blame)
Atheist (n) one who does not believe that God exists (a Sentence: Although the DNA evidence did not identify the
without + theos god) killer, it did exculpate the police's primary suspect.
Sentence: Although she is an atheist and does not worship Anesthetic (n) something that reduces sensation (on without
the Buddha, Cathy meditates with her Buddhist friends. azsthesis Gk feeling)
Nihilist (n) one who rejects moral distinctions and knowable Sentence: Before closing the cut, the doctor administered
"truths" an anesthetic to numb the area around the wound
Sentence: Because she is a nihilist, Carrie likes to contend (v) to soothe the agitation or anger of (pacis peace)
that the world may be a figment of her imagination Invigorate (v) to energize (in-in + vigor liveliness + -ate to
Book Report 1
"The Good Earth"
Author: Pearl S. Buck
This one of most heartrending books that is a classic novel of Pre-revolutionary China. "The Good
Earth" is an everlasting classic that takes readers on a reminiscing journey through the life of Wang Lung,
a poor Chinese farmer, as he navigates the challenges of his rural existence. Set against the backdrop of a
transforming China, Buck's novel masterfully captures the complexities of human nature, the enduring
connection between people and the land, and the profound impact of societal change. Through Wang
Lung's heartrending narrative, readers are invited to witness the success and forbearance of a man whose
fate is intertwined with the cycles of nature and the inexorable march of time. Buck's rich storytelling and
vivid prose make "The Good Earth" a poignant exploration of universal themes, leaving an indelible mark on
the literary landscape. These are the words you may encounter while reading the book; Familiarizing the
meanings of these words can enhance the understanding of the main topic of the text.

1. Brazen (adj) - of the color of polished brass; marked by shameless or disrespectful boldness.
2. Girdle (n)- something that encircles or confines: such as: an article of dress encircling the body usually
at the waist.
3. Thatched (v) - to cover with or as if with thatch.
4. Fumbling (v) - to grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly.
5. Coaxing (v) - to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering.
6. Glazed (adj) - covered or coated with a glaze.
7. Bawled (v) - to cry out loudly and unrestrainedly.
8. Vigorously (advrb) - in a vigorous manner : with force and energy.
9. Wadding (n)- a soft mass or sheet of short loose fibers used for stuffing or padding.
10. Staggered (v) - to move on unsteadily; to reel from side to side.
11. Stooped (v) - to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes simultaneously
bending the knees.
12. Mutinous (adj) - disposed to or being in a state of mutiny : REBELLIOUS.
13. Betrothal (n)- a mutual promise or contract for a future marriage.
14. Crouching (v) - to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs.
15. Grimaced (n)- a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain.
16. Guffaw (n)- a loud or boisterous burst of laughter.
17. Spun (v) - to formed a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid —used especially of a
spider or insect.
18. Fumbled (v) - to grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly.
19. Impudence (n)- the quality or state of being impudent.
20. Veranda (n)- a usually roofed open gallery or portico attached to the exterior of a building.


Book Report 2
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
Author: Harper Lee
An enduring classic of American literature, "To Kill a Mockingbird" transports readers to the racially-
charged atmosphere of the Deep South during the 1930s. Through the eyes of Scout Finch, a young girl
navigating the complexities of race, class, and morality, Harper Lee weaves a captivating narrative that
resonates with readers of all ages. Set against the backdrop of Maycomb, Alabama, Lee's novel exposes
the ugliness of prejudice and injustice while celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. As Scout and
her brother Jem confront the harsh realities of their community, they are guided by their father, Atticus
Finch, whose unwavering commitment to truth and compassion serves as a beacon of hope in a divided
world. Within the pages of "To Kill a Mockingbird," readers encounter a rich tapestry of characters, from
the enigmatic Boo Radley to the courageous Tom Robinson, each contributing to the novel's profound
exploration of empathy, integrity, and the pursuit of justice.

Below are words encountered in the book, understanding their meanings enhances comprehension of the
central themes:

1. Courthouse (n) - a building in which courts of law are held.

2. Soothed (v) - to calm or relieve.
3. Frivolous (adj) - not having any serious purpose or value.
4. Tyranny (n) - cruel and oppressive government or rule.
5. Assuaged (v) - to make an unpleasant feeling less intense.
6. Malevolent (adj) - having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
7. Asinine (adj) - extremely stupid or foolish.
8. Quelling (v) - to put an end to, typically by the use of force.
9. Aberration (n) - a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
10. Melancholy (n) - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
11. Auspicious (adj) - conducive to success; favorable.
12. Benevolence (n) - the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
13. Subdued (adj) - quiet and rather reflective or depressed.
14. Vexations (n) - the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
15. Piety (n) - the quality of being religious or reverent.
16. Impudent (adj) - not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
17. Prowess (n) - skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.
18. Indigenous (adj) - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
19. Peculiarities (n) - an odd or unusual feature or habit.
20. Arbitrated (v) - to reach an authoritative judgement or settlement.


Overall reflection
Through this journey, I've picked up important
lessons and seen personal growth. Actively
participating in school activities has not only
boosted my academics but also improved my
social skills. We faced challenges due to neglect
and laziness, making me realize the impact of my
present on the future. Although my abilities
aren't great right now, I understand that
changing my behavior is crucial to changing my
fate. As we approach the end of the first
semester, I commit to doing my best to

In EAPP, I'm grateful as it broadens my

knowledge, especially my vocabulary. I've
learned various types of reports like narrative,
survey, laboratory, and position paper, which will
be beneficial for me in the future.



Vincent Losito

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