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Nama : Pedro Elvin

NPM : 022122007
Kelas : Semester IV - Ekstensi
1. Wati
2. Budi
3. The memo is about recruiting new employees for the Marketing and Finance departments.
4. Informal, because the sentence "They need 2 people immediately" has a casual tone compared
to more formal language such as "Two new staff members are needed immediately."
1. Wati
2. Budi
3. The memo is about borrowing the annual report from the Accounting Department to meet the
requirements for PT Ramayana's bidding
4. Formal, because it uses phrases like "In order to fulfill the requirement" which are more
formal than simply saying "We need."
1. Ryan
2. Raka
3. The memo is about a meeting with the Board of Directors to discuss preparations for an
upcoming auction.
4. Formal, because it avoids contractions ("we will" instead of "we'll") and uses a formal
salutation ("Raka").

1. Merry
2. Michael
3. The email is about brainstorming ideas to increase sales
4. Informal, because:
Greeting "Hi Michael" is a friendly greeting, not a formal salutation like "Dear Mr. Michael."
Hi Michael,

How is your (leave) 1? We have to (discuss) 2 several things. One of them is how to (increase) 3
the sales.

Should we give a discount to certain (products) 4? Or should we put more (advertisement) 5 in

social media? Perhaps the (eases) 6 solution is to make brochures and spread them. What do you

1. Richard
2. Mr. Anjas
3. The email is about introducing a new company and its staff to Mr. Anjas.
4. Semi-formal, because:
Greeting: "Hi, Mr. Anjas" is a balance between a friendly greeting ("Hi") and a formal salutation
("Dear Mr. Anjas").
Hi, Mr. Anjas.

Here’s some (information) 7 that you should need to know.

The (name) 8 of the company is Texas. It is an IT company. I am the CEO, and my three
(colleagues) 9 are the engineers. James is my (personal assistant) 10.

Our (office) 11 is in Thailand, but the customers are mostly from Vietnam.

Merry is the new (sales representative) 12. She is Korean, but her French and English are excellent.
Please send me your (phone number) 13 so we can meet soon.



1. Shirley
2. Mike
3. The email is about a dinner invitation
4. Informal, because:
Greeting: "Hi Mike" is a friendly greeting, not a formal salutation.
To :
From :
Date : 22.01.17 9.40
Subject : Dinner, January 28

Hi Mike,

This is just a (reminder) 14 that I’m looking forward 15 to seeing you for dinner next Thursday,
January (28) 16. I’m happy that you’ve (arrange) 17 for Jackson to join us, too. Can I suggest (6.30
p.m) 17 at Hemingway on Orchard Road? I hear this new restaurant is (fabulous) 18. My (treat) 19
of course.

(please confirm) 20


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