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Building TA-Instructor Rapport (CTE1239)

Centre for Teaching Excellence

Symbol Legend:

Define Brainstorm Self-assess Reflect Discuss

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

1. Define rapport in the academic setting

2. Identify important attributes of positive relationships between TAs and
3. Discuss strategies for effective communication between TAs and instructors.
4. List specific steps and activities you can undertake to build your teaching
skills while TA-ing.

Define: What is Rapport?

Reflection Activity: TA Checklist

This checklist activity is designed to help TAs understand course expectations, to be able to
build rapport with the instructor. This is a personal checklist for you to use for your own
purposes, and we won’t be asking you to share your responses with anyone.

Fill out this checklist for the course you are currently TA-ing. Select all that apply. If you are
not currently a TA, feel free to fill out this checklist with a past or future course in mind. If a
certain section does not apply to you, leave it blank and move to the next section.


What type of course are you TA-ing?

Fully online

Fully in-person

‘Held-with’ (in-person with some students joining virtually)


What are your TA responsibilities?
Grading assignments/presentations

Grading tests/exams

Proctoring tests/exams

Giving feedback to students


Leading tutorials

Leading labs

Attending lectures

Providing 1:1 or small group student support (e.g., responding to student

emails or discussion forums, holding office hours)

Providing administrative support (e.g., grade entry, tabulation)

Managing objective, low-risk assessments (e.g., attendance, participation)

Reviewing class/lab content

Other: ________________________________________________________


What are the criteria for grading?


Marking scheme


Not sure

Who will be creating the answer keys for assignments/exams?



Answer keys are already created

Not sure

How much time do I have to grade each assignment/quiz/project?

What is the policy for late assignment submission?

How will the grading be divided?

I will be responsible for all the grading

TAs will split the assignments equally

Certain TAs will grade certain assignments

Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure

What is the process for students disputing grades?

TA re-grades assignment

Instructor re-grades assignment

Case-by-case basis

Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure

Will I be given example assignments (i.e., good or poor assignments from previous
years) that could help me with the grading?


Not sure


Will I be given guidance/materials outlining what content should be covered each



Not sure

What level of autonomy do I have when teaching these sessions?

A little

A lot

Not sure

What happens if I must miss a lab/tutorial?

What materials or technology will I need to run these sessions?

Office Hours

How often am I expected to hold office hours?


Every other week

Only around major assignments/course milestones

Only when requested by students

Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure

Where am I expected to hold office hours?


In-person in my own office

In-person in a bookable room

Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure


What is the expected turn-around-time for emails from the instructor? Students?

Am I expected to respond to course communications on evenings/weekends?



Not sure

What is the main way in which I should communicate with the instructor?

Microsoft Teams



Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure

What is the main way in which I should communicate with students?


Microsoft Teams


Learn Discussion Boards

Class Discord Group


Other: ________________________________________________________

Not sure

Will there be any meetings between the instructor and myself/other TAs?
Weekly meetings

Monthly meetings

Meetings around major assignments/course milestones

Meetings as needed

There will be no meetings

Other: ________________________________________________________

Group Activity: Challenges of Building Rapport with the Instructor

Remote/Online Environments

In-person Environments

Blended Environments

As we go through the next portion of the workshop, reflect on your
roles and responsibilities as a TA. Establishing what your role entails
and setting expectations may be influenced by the instructor’s
teaching style.
To get you started, you can think about your roles and responsibilities
in the following contexts:
1. Generally, in your role as a TA
2. Grading
3. Communication

When are you expected to adapt to a situation?

When are you expected to take charge of a situation?

Group Discussion: Navigating Tricky Situations

Scenario 1
You have been tasked with grading a written assignment, but your instructions on
how to do so are unclear; the rubric provided by the instructor is vague and
confusing and you are unsure how to go about assigning grades in a fair and
meaningful way.

Scenario 2
You are beginning to feel overwhelmed by your workload as a TA. Your duties are
demanding more than 10 hours of your time a week, and you are anticipating going
over your allotted hours for the semester well before the final exam for the course.

Scenario 3
A student comes to you explaining that their accessibility needs are not being met
in the course, and their attempts to resolve these issues with the instructor have
been unsuccessful. The student is now turning to you for help.

Who Should I Contact when Issues Arise?

Key Takeaways

Centre for Teaching Excellence. TA Handbook

Graduate Studies Academic Calendar. Resolution of Disputes between TAs and


Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. List of Associate Deans/Faculty

Administrative Assistants, Graduate Studies

Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion Offices

AccessAbility Services (

Occupational Health (accommodations for your work as a TA)

Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. Graduate student wellness

Undergraduates: Campus Wellness. Get mental health support when you need it

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