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Contraceptive Patch It doesn't require daily attention or An increased risk of blood-clotting

having to remember to take a pill problems, heart attack, stroke, liver
every day. cancer, gallbladder disease and high
blood pressure.

Condoms It is able to protect against STIs and Condoms may decrease sexual
also unwanted pregnancy. sensation.

Sterilization Sterilization is VERY effective. Tubal it does not protect against STIs, so
ligation is permanent and one of the you may need to use condoms. It
most effective kinds of birth control cannot be easily reversed, and
out there — more than 99% reversal operations are rarely
effective at preventing pregnancy. funded by the NHS. It can fail – the
fallopian tubes can rejoin and make
you fertile again, although this is

What is an ideal contraceptives? Why?

The most important this is it should be safe at all cost no side effects. It
should keep sexually transmitted infections at bay. It should be inexpensive and
cost-effective. Also, we must consider that it shouldn't be very expensive method
of long-term contraception. As we all know that every individual especially about
10 percent of women discontinue some contraceptives for this reason. Such
changes have their onset within the first three months of implant insertion and
indicate the future course of bleeding for the individual patient. For this reason,
women who receive the implant should be warned what to expect and advised to
come in for evaluation if abnormal bleeding patterns develop to rule out ectopic
gestation, pregnancy, or disease conditions

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