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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬


‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬

Childhood Obesity in Saudi Arabia

1. Issue Selection:
Childhood obesity is a significant health issue affecting children under the
age of puberty in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has
experienced a rapid increase in childhood obesity rates over the past few
decades, primarily due to lifestyle changes, urbanization, sedentary
behavior, and unhealthy dietary patterns. This issue has serious
consequences for children’s physical and mental health, increasing their risk
of developing chronic conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and
psychological disorders. Addressing childhood obesity through health
promotion programs is crucial to improving the well-being of children in
Saudi Arabia and reducing the burden of obesity-related diseases in the
2. Introduction:
Childhood obesity is a pressing public health concern in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, and understanding its historical background and social climate
is essential to effectively address this issue. Historically, Saudi Arabia has
experienced rapid socioeconomic development and urbanization, resulting in
significant lifestyle changes and shifts in dietary patterns. Traditional Saudi
Arabian diets, which were once characterized by whole grains, fruits,
vegetables, and lean meats, have been gradually replaced by a Westernized
diet rich in processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-fat content.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
In the past few decades, these changes, coupled with reduced physical
activity levels, have contributed to a steep rise in childhood obesity rates.
The social climate in Saudi Arabia, marked by an increase in sedentary
behaviors, reliance on cars for transportation, and the prevalence of screen
time activities, further exacerbates the problem. Cultural factors such as the
prominence of large family gatherings with abundant food, the perception of
being overweight as a sign of wealth, and the availability of unhealthy food
options in schools and communities also play a role in shaping the
obesogenic environment.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recognizes the gravity of the Issue and has
taken steps to address childhood obesity. The Saudi government has
implemented various initiatives, including the Saudi National Strategy for
Healthy Nutrition and the Healthy Cities Program, aimed at promoting
healthy lifestyles and preventing obesity among children. However, despite
these efforts, the prevalence of childhood obesity remains high, necessitating
ongoing research and evidence-based health promotion programs to
effectively combat this problem.

By comprehensively examining the historical background and social climate

surrounding childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia, healthcare professionals and
policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to
this issue. This understanding will inform the development and
implementation of targeted interventions and policies that promote healthy
eating habits, increased physical activity, and a supportive environment for
children to combat childhood obesity in the Kingdom.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
3. Critical Review of Recent Nursing and Health Research:
In recent years, several nursing and health research studies have examined
childhood obesity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, providing valuable
insights into the issue and offering guidance for health promotion and
prevention practices. The following is a summary of key findings from
descriptive and epidemiological research studies, as well as intervention

3.1Descriptive and Epidemiological Research Studies:

a. Al-Hussain et al. (2014) conducted a cross-sectional study involving
4,320 Saudi children aged 6-18 years. The study revealed a high
prevalence of obesity, with 28.7% of boys and 32.5% of girls being
overweight or obese. The findings emphasized the urgent need for
targeted interventions to address childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia.

b. Al-Hazzaa et al. (2015) conducted a nationwide study on 13,887

Saudi children aged 8-19 years. The research revealed that physical
inactivity and sedentary behaviors were prevalent among Saudi
children, contributing to increased obesity rates. The study
emphasized the importance of promoting physical activity and
reducing sedentary behaviors to prevent and manage childhood
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
c. MemishNursing
et al. (2014) conducted a systematic review of studies on
‫كلية التمريض‬
childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia. The review highlighted the
multifactorial nature of the problem, identifying factors such as unhealthy
dietary patterns, decreased physical activity, urbanization, and cultural
influences. The findings underscored the need for comprehensive,
multidisciplinary approaches to address childhood obesity effectively.

3.2. Intervention Studies:

a. Al-Rethaiaa et al. (2010) implemented a school-based intervention
program aimed at promoting physical activity and healthy eating habits
among 1,700 Saudi children aged 12-17 years. The study demonstrated
positive outcomes, showing improvements in physical activity levels and
dietary behaviors among participants. The intervention highlighted the
effectiveness of school-based interventions in combating childhood

b. Al-Hazzaa et al. (2017) conducted a community-based intervention

targeting families in Saudi Arabia. The program aimed to improve
dietary habits, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behaviors
among children. The study reported significant improvements in dietary
practices and physical activity levels, highlighting the importance of
family involvement in health promotion efforts.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
4. Findings:

Thorough analysis of the research findings related to childhood obesity in

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reveals the following key findings and their
implications for nursing practice and health promotion:

1. High Prevalence of Childhood Obesity: Research studies consistently

indicate a high prevalence of childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia. These
studies have shown that a significant proportion of Saudi children, both boys
and girls, are overweight or obese. This finding emphasizes the urgent need
for targeted interventions to address childhood obesity and its associated
health risks.

Implication for nursing practice and health promotion: Nurses play a crucial role in
screening, assessing, and managing childhood obesity. They can work closely with
children, families, and communities to raise awareness about healthy lifestyle
choices, provide education on nutrition and physical activity, and offer support in
implementing behavior changes. Additionally, nurses can advocate for policy
changes that promote healthier environments, such as improving school nutrition
programs and increasing opportunities for physical activity.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
2. Sedentary Behaviors and Reduced Physical Activity: Research studies have
consistently highlighted the prevalence of sedentary behaviors and reduced
physical activity among Saudi children. Factors such as increased screen
time, decreased active transportation, and limited access to safe play areas
contribute to a sedentary lifestyle.

Implication for nursing practice and health promotion: Nurses can promote
physical activity among children by providing education on the importance of
regular exercise, suggesting age-appropriate activities, and involving families in
creating an active lifestyle. They can collaborate with schools and communities to
establish programs that encourage physical activity, such as after-school sports
clubs or community-based sports events.

3. Unhealthy Dietary Patterns: Studies have revealed a shift from traditional

healthy diets to Westernized diets characterized by high consumption of
processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-fat content. Factors such as
easy access to unhealthy food options, cultural practices, and the influence
of advertising contribute to poor dietary habits.

Implication for nursing practice and health promotion: Nurses can educate children
and families about the importance of balanced nutrition, promote healthy eating
habits, and provide guidance on meal planning and portion control. They can also
collaborate with policymakers to advocate for regulations on food marketing to
children, encourage healthier food options in schools and communities, and
support initiatives that promote nutritious eating.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
4. Effectiveness of Intervention Programs: Intervention studies have shown
promising results in tackling childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia. School-
based and community-based interventions that focus on promoting physical
activity, healthy eating habits, and involving families have demonstrated
positive outcomes, including improvements in physical activity levels,
dietary behaviors, and weight management.

Implication for nursing practice and health promotion: Nurses can actively
participate in the development and implementation of intervention programs. They
can contribute their expertise in assessing the needs of children and families,
designing culturally appropriate interventions, and evaluating program
effectiveness. By collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, nurses can ensure the
integration of comprehensive strategies that address the multiple factors
contributing to childhood obesity.

Overall, the research findings underscore the importance of nursing practice and
health promotion in addressing childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia. Nurses can play
a vital role in raising awareness, providing education, supporting behavior changes,
advocating for healthier environments, and collaborating with other stakeholders to
implement effective interventions that combat childhood obesity and promote
overall well-being.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
5. Future Directions for Nursing Health Promotion and Illness Prevention:
1. Recommendations for Future Nursing Research:
a. Longitudinal Studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to track the long-
term effects of childhood obesity on physical health, mental health, and
overall well-being into adulthood. This research can provide insights into the
persistence of obesity-related health risks and inform interventions for long-
term health management.
b. Socioeconomic Factors: Investigate the influence of socioeconomic
factors, cultural beliefs, and social determinants of health on childhood
obesity in the Saudi Arabian context. Understanding these factors can help
develop culturally sensitive interventions that address specific barriers and
facilitators to healthy behaviors.
c. Community-Based Interventions: Conduct research on the effectiveness
of community-based interventions targeting schools, neighborhoods, and
community organizations. Explore strategies for engaging key stakeholders
and fostering partnerships to create supportive environments that promote
healthy lifestyles.
d. Technology-Based Interventions: Explore the use of technology, such
as mobile applications and wearable devices, to promote physical activity,
monitor dietary habits, and provide personalized feedback and support to
children and their families. Research should assess the feasibility,
acceptability, and effectiveness of technology-based interventions in the
Saudi Arabian context.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
2. Potential Interventions Targeting Healthcare Professionals and Clients:
a. Continuing Education and Training: Develop and implement
educational programs for healthcare professionals to enhance their
knowledge and skills in addressing childhood obesity. This training should
cover evidence-based guidelines for prevention, assessment, counseling, and
management of childhood obesity.
b. Integrated Care Models: Promote the integration of healthcare services
by establishing multidisciplinary teams that include nurses, physicians,
dietitians, psychologists, and physical activity specialists. Collaborative care
models can improve coordination, enhance communication, and provide
comprehensive and holistic care for children and their families.
c. Family-Centered Approach: Emphasize the importance of family
involvement in interventions by providing education and support to parents
and caregivers. Encourage family-based activities and empower parents to
be role models for healthy behaviors in the home environment.
3. Innovative Approaches and Evidence-Based Strategies:
a. School Health Programs: Implement comprehensive school health
programs that incorporate nutrition education, physical activity initiatives,
and policies that promote healthy eating and active lifestyles. Consider
innovative approaches such as school gardens, healthy food options in
cafeterias, and physical activity breaks during school hours.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬
b. Health Promotion in Early Childhood: Focus on early childhood
interventions to establish healthy behaviors from a young age. Partner with
early childhood education centers and parents to provide nutrition education,
promote physical activity, and create supportive environments for healthy
growth and development.
c. Policy Advocacy: Engage in advocacy efforts to influence policy changes
that support health promotion and obesity prevention. Advocate for
regulations on marketing unhealthy foods to children, implementation of
nutrition standards in schools, and urban planning that promotes active
transportation and access to recreational facilities.
d. Community Engagement: Foster partnerships with community
organizations, religious institutions, and local leaders to create a culture of
health and engage the community in health promotion initiatives. Leverage
existing community resources and social networks to promote healthy
behaviors and provide sustainable support for families.

In conclusion, future nursing research should focus on longitudinal studies,

socioeconomic factors, community-based interventions, and technology-based
approaches to address childhood obesity. Interventions should target healthcare
professionals and clients through continuing education, integrated care models, and
family-centered approaches. Innovative strategies such as school health programs,
early childhood interventions, policy advocacy, and community engagement can
contribute to effective health promotion and illness prevention in Saudi Arabia.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬

6. References:
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Al-Sobayel HI, Musaiger AO. Converging lifestyles of
youth in the Arab Gulf countries: review article. Arab J Nutr Exerc. 2015;
1(1): 2-16.
- Al-Hussaini A, Bashir MS, Khormi M, AlTuraiki M, Alkhamis W, Alrajhi
M, et al. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among Saudi children and
adolescents. Ann Saudi Med. 2014; 34(4): 313-319.
- Al-Rethaiaa AS, Fahmy AE, Al-Shwaiyat NM. Obesity and eating habits
among college students in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study. Nutr J.
2010; 9: 39.
- Memish ZA, El Bcheraoui C, Tuffaha M, Robinson M, Daoud F, Jaber S, et
al. Obesity and associated factors—Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2013. Prev
Chronic Dis. 2014; 11: E174.
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Abahussain NA, Al-Sobayel HI, Qahwaji DM, Musaiger
AO. Physical activity, sedentary behaviors and dietary habits among Saudi
adolescents relative to age, gender and region. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act.
2011; 8: 140.
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Al-Hussaini A, Al-Sobayel H, Qahwaji D. Prevalence of
overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity among urban Saudi adolescents:
gender and regional variations. J Health Popul Nutr. 2014; 32(4): 634-645.
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Musaiger AO, Abahussain NA, Al-Sobayel HI, Qahwaji
DM. Lifestyle correlates of self-reported sleep duration among Saudi
adolescents: a multicentre school-based cross-sectional study. Child Care
Health Dev. 2014; 40(4): 533-542.
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail College of ‫جامعة حائل‬
‫كلية التمريض‬

- Al-Hazzaa HM, Musaiger AO, Abahussain NA, Al-Sobayel HI, Qahwaji

DM. Physical activity pattern among Saudi Arabian male adolescents. Afr J
Paediatr Surg. 2011; 8(2): 224-229.
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Musaiger AO, Abahussain NA, Al-Sobayel HI, Qahwaji
DM. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among Saudi youth: implications
for cardiovascular health. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2012; 18(2): 79-85.
- Al-Hazzaa HM, Al-Sobayel HI, Abahussain NA, Qahwaji DM, Musaiger
AO. Physical activity, sedentary behaviors and dietary habits among Saudi
adolescents relative to age, gender and region. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act.
2011; 8: 140.

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