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A recent game required me to produce a radiation effect for

the firing of an alien weapon, that was somewhere between
LEVEL 2 - ACUTE and LEVEL 3 - LETHAL from the PSG.
I decided upon 1d10 dmg to hits, stats and saves each use of
the weapon, but as the damage mounted the characters
were taking wounds from this effect, so I needed a wounds
A few hours of research later into the common effects of
various chemical weapons, nasty biological agents, and
radiation poisoning, I came up with the following table, and
am probably on a new watch list :)



0 Tight chest. [-] on speed checks

1 Vomit. [-] on next action

2 Breathing Difficulties. [-] until you catch your

3 Involuntary bowl movement. Gain 1d5 Stress & [-]
until can get cleaned up
4 Confusion. Gain 1d10 stress and roll a Panic Check

5 Skin lesions. Body save - 2d10

6 Ulcerated flesh. Bleeding +3

7 Major ulcerated flesh. Bleeding +5

8 Coma. Unconscious 1d10 days, make a Body Save

or Death Check each day

9 Organ failure. Death Check

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